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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by 1_Language_1

  1. I feel you, but these skins are $USD while anything in the Haense shop is Minae :') for everyone else: FYI Lord Elven is sold now, refresh to see the changes.
  2. We all know she'd look like this!
  3. Language’s Skin Shop (Last refilled on February 15, 2021). I know y’all want to save your minae, so this auction will be in USD, payable through PayPal. All skins are $5 flat rate, not a bidding auction. I'll refill this now and then, but I'll send out a ping when I do. Too Long, Didn’t Read (Rules): - First Come First Serve (If you can't pay then it goes back in the shop.) - Transactions done through PayPal. - All skins can be recolored; two free recolors. - I will smack anyone who reposts or resells these skins. - Contact me at Language#1688 over Discord if you have any questions. (I will not edit skins between steve/alex) (All skins can be recolored, brightened, etc.) BIG Shout out to @froeggy for their a m a z i n g mannequin base. (The base does not come with it.) Buying Format: (plz use smh) Your Discord: Skin(s): /-=@=-\ LADY SKINS \-=@=-/ ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- Sleeve Surpreme ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- GONE (Y'all this one is actually my favourite) /-=@=-\ LORD SKINS \-=@=-/ ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD ----------------------------------------------------------- SOLD
  4. flowercrown babe is so cute aaaA
  5. An old and battered Wilheim Rutledge looks at the missive with approval. "I remember when my father was a doctor, and I had to notate his beloved books. That's how I learned to be just as good as him. I had to stop being a medic when the Orenian Empire decreed that you had to pay a lot to be considered a doctor; you had to have an expensive license.. The license idea was not bad, it's the paying part that forced me to drop medicine. I wish I could be a medic again." He gently folds the missive and tucks it away in his little suitcase of memories. Will pondered selling copies of the books...
  6. Adria's Belvitz in Atlas was my favourite year on LoTC for me! I miss it always. @VonAulus @ChumpChump @Covey @MikoMonster @latteTM @Tidgemo @Archbishop@BenevolentManacles @NordLord @ApplePieKathy @Merisify @Hook @Sorcerio CLICK BELOW FOR BELVITZ MEMORIEEEEEES!
  7. amazing, i wish i knew how to shade hair like that
  8. Wilheim reads this edition of the Koenas Curation. "This is better than Curon's old newspaper, but I would enjoy seeing the old Haense newspaper make a comeback." He'd finger through the missive, setting it by his bed to read it again later. T'was a hassle to try and be a Haenseti.
  9. 1_Language_1

    Skin Auction!

    Skin: Love of My Life ((Jesus Christ, put that bid to firm up others, otherwise you might get none)) Bid: 180 Minae Discord: Language#1688
  10. 1_Language_1

    Skin Auction!

    Skin: Love of My Life ((yOU'RE BIDDING ON FOUR SKINS-- Lemme have oNE LOL)) Bid: 90 Minae Discord: Language#1688
  11. 1_Language_1

    Skin Auction!

    Skin: Love of My Life ((<--- That skin would look amazing on my rp daughter)) Bid: 70 Minae Discord: Language#1688
  12. shelves go brr brr I feel bad for the wonks though because I have seen more around. At least Lore Team isn't shelving things at Flam-speed. That man was shelving **** left and right and not giving any other alternatives other than "chop chop i am the god of lore".
  13. Wilheim has already paid his taxes this week! but... he might need a bigger house.
  14. An 80 year old man proceeds to vibe out to these hearty tunes. "It's catchy."
  15. Auction closed. Congratulations, no one bid on anything. 👁️👄👁️
  16. Auction closes in one hour. 👁️👄👁️
  17. Good luck 🙂 Nice to see another skinner on the server.
  18. Antanios Rutledge Bio: dead :') nice character sheets tho
  19. I fell into my pool, and I screamed "OH MY GOD MY PHONE" once I came to the surface :') 


    My phone is so fried that it started sending SOS messages to my parents.

    1. jolfrey


      f in the chat for the phone 

    2. cruzazul


      Put it in some rice you’ll be good

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