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Everything posted by Zacho

  1. yeah okay. theoretically if one was a lich and had their phylactery could they still learn this?
  2. Well written piece of lore, the formatting looks great color-wise and it seems to well adhere to the strict ass lore submissions we are required to fill. Good job all around everyone!
  3. what a chad you are, get better fast and stay safe man.
  4. Another good fuckin man gone, what a shame. Was a pleasure working with you Silver and a better time knowing you, thanks for being awesome.
  5. Put me back on blue

    1. Sykogenic


      There’s quite a few needless resignations and removals that need to be rectified. 

  6. Hello everyone. For the last post as my tenure as a manager I am putting out a leaving post. Not only am I leaving staff but for the most part leaving LOTC and going off back to the real world. I don't have a whole lot to say except that I’ve had an amazing 5 years on this server and 2 years of staff. Starting from a newbie little fella in Athera till now has made me legitimately grow as a person. Without LOTC in my past my grammar would’ve been terrible, I would’ve had a lot less opportunity to learn so much. Strange to think that a lot of where I am today has sprouted from LOTC but I am glad that I had the chance. There is undoubtedly a lot of discontent and toxicity on the server as there has always been, and always will be, but looking past that I see LOTC as first and foremost a community of people with a common goal in mind ; To have fun role playing and expressing yourselves. Keep yourselves in good health. Anyone wanting to add me on discord and stay friends it is Zach#3854. Ciao. For now I am off, -Zacho : )
  7. Unless your character has learned of llahir irp and can show proof of it, imma assume this aint it chief. Contact me on discord at Zach#3854.
  8. Underline the repeatedly part and find that in my argument. I said for the very first time for the first like 8 tiers of infraction.
  9. Essentially its to keep it so players can go and say ‘Im going to break this rule 100% on purpose and get away with it freely because ban protocol says so’
  10. This is done, just not shown publicly
  11. I appreciate the techs & coders and the builders & designers. They do some very good work and dont get enough good rep.

    1. Kaelan
    2. Harold


      They get tons of rep.

  12. I actually like this feedback a lot, and that is something that I plan to change. There isn’t a lot of actual cultural substance to the lore but following its implementation (Should it be such) I want to vamp up a whole culture with it and what not. Affecting the current of lotc narrative is something that i dont feel any group should strive to be as that is just another ascended redo, but effecting groups of players without it being the entire server is a key ideal in my eyes. A lot of it isn’t written here, but the cultural aspect i plan to make very planned out and spread.
  13. The reason mental magic was shut down is because of metamancy. ours is single target vs sensory illusion which is like 15 people max or something.
  14. I’d like to see clubs exist again but somehow make them a viable function of the forums. Just as a status update what feedback do you folk have?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      i should put more garbage into the halfling club now that I'm a mod there

    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      return the “most upvoted posts” feature

  15. A tall and fairly strong looking albino dark elf stood at the tip of a peak, in deep meditation. He kept there for some time till The Wind gave him word of death. It was to his displeasure to hear such and with that he removed the scroll Xin had given Forv all that time ago and sighed before moving to the bottom and writing the name at its base alongside a few other names. “May his spirit live on.”
  16. @Lark He was number 1

  17. The Moderation team is always in need of new members. Feel free to apply if you think you’ve got what it takes!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nordicg_d


      yeah i wonder why

    3. TrendE
    4. argonian


      more than a quarter of gms rn are managers LOL

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