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Status Replies posted by Zacho

  1. Disconnection is a powerful tool of tiny, circlejerk groups to control their magic and take away from those they OOC'ly dislike.

  2. goodm orning how is everyone

  3. was gonna make a big post and do an official leaving thing but everyone's done it and I don't want to look like an attention ***** because everything I want to say has already been pointed out.


    you guys just need to get better at RP genuinely and take a step back from the hatred that lies within RP conflict. Also, all this **** aint 501's fault. He's trying, even if its failing and continues to fail. He is having a good go and its better than most of other people on lotc.


    Just one thing before I go, this predatory protection **** has lasted on LotC for the past 5 years, it needs to ******* stop. A lot more predators need to be put on blast and people who are affected by them shouldn't be dismissed as 'egirls and trolls'. ****'s fucked.


    Thanks people, hope those who did ever take part in my events enjoyed themselves and I apologise for being an *******. The server just constantly made me frustrated seeing its squashed potential constantly and with me not being able to do anything about it. Made me feel useless among a server I genuinely wanted to help.


    goodbye, discord and ****'s on my profile if you ever wanna keep in touch. I'll occasionally lurk on the forums because its ******* hilarious sometimes.

  4. So, how is the rest of the forum doing? I have pretty much withdrawn into the FRP section, not doing much on LotC otherwise anymore.

  5. rep this status and get a free cookie          Image result for cookie .png

  6. Is it a meme that the server is dying or are the constant 140+ people that come online just not real?

  7.  e6054e8c13fe4499444a962e470c71ce.png

    some art practice,,,

  8. God when I see @FlamboyantRage's reply talking about how he's gonna "fix" the magic system I have vietnam war flashbacks to the Warclaim and War system being "fixed"

  9. God when I see @FlamboyantRage's reply talking about how he's gonna "fix" the magic system I have vietnam war flashbacks to the Warclaim and War system being "fixed"

  10. step 1 to being a good roleplayer

    if you're an elf dont emote your ears twitching PLEASE

  11. Reminder to have a good day!

  12. aaah i woke up today so excited to log on and make a "im so excited" status update

  13. Am the big sads :c 

  14. Ever want to be on the AT but not want to do anything? Pay the server 200$ and you can have a pink name with no responsibilities!




    impersonating staff teams is like against the rules though so like idk why this new feature was added

  15. its like staff standards arent even a thing anymore, who woulda thunk!

  16. My son has returned from the war

  17. Can we have like a new map please.

  18. Hello lovey people ? The east coast has treated me well but I cannot wait to be home on the west coast. Many happy thoughts from the tepid boy adorned in many sun-toasted freckles. ☺️ See you soon. 

  19. Server is back up, sorry for the inconvenience!

  20. Daily that another one of Pond's blue orcs that are related to Putnaak'Lak that didn't even exist until he got pked will soon fall

  21. do NOT unban this guy, he did rape rp on me when i first joined the server and i didn't even know it was against the rules, i actually think that this guy gets off to mineman pp play

  22. do NOT unban this guy, he did rape rp on me when i first joined the server and i didn't even know it was against the rules, i actually think that this guy gets off to mineman pp play

  23. do NOT unban this guy, he did rape rp on me when i first joined the server and i didn't even know it was against the rules, i actually think that this guy gets off to mineman pp play

  24. GMs are rad, so if you wanna be rad too, apply today!

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