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Status Replies posted by Zacho

  1. Hi I need very basic pixel art requests, feel free to ask away.

  2. Hi I need very basic pixel art requests, feel free to ask away.

  3. My mood ring is missing and I don't know how I feel about it. 



  4. accepted in under 30 minutes pog @Heero

  5. hes right the fms are watching everything you post all day and remove anything that could be slightly controversial in any given sense

  6. how bout I heckin do anyways?????

  7. Damn, I've never seen a GM hand out a perma. Lark is an unironic chad.

  8. Any LT who focuses around magic mind poking me up? :V
     (Inb4 all mages prepare transparent "MUGIC UR RIOT", protesting in front of Cloudtemple)

  9. Aight just dont make mental magic absolutely buttfuck useless and we're good kthxbye


  10. yes remove 3 spooks magics (one of which got screwed by the writer and another that just had a TA made for it) but don't remove basically dead paladin magic?

  11. Daily Reminder that cooking is a great skill to pick up, start with simple things like eggs! Buy onions, carrots, and potatoes to practice your knife skills, and bread is very cheap and easy to make! PM me for recipes!

  12. @Riftblade is my new superior, uh oh.

  13. I cant login for some reason.


  14. #FREEJOKERLOW - Banning someone for bad villainy isn't a valid reason. Bring back VAs if you gonna be that salty.



  15. Teaching German IRP, 1000 mina =1h. PM me. (I'm serious)

  16. I'll be streaming LotC and giving a statement today at 2pm Pacific (about 2 hrs)! Be sure to tune in, it'll be at twitch.tv/marimbamonk ?

  17. I joined LotC 7 years ago today. Yay me.

  18. What are the chances of 7.0 having nexus again? Its time boys

  19. I hope everyone has a good day/night. : )

  20. age restrictions on staff positions when

  21. conspiracy theory: marimbamonk is actually 501. 501 promoted himself to community manager and then marimbamonk will be promoted to admin (from community manager).


  22. Disconnection is a powerful tool of tiny, circlejerk groups to control their magic and take away from those they OOC'ly dislike.

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