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Status Replies posted by Zacho

  1. im starting to get involved in highschool drama and im trying to stay out of it and  like “plz just leave me alone,  ,,,,,”


  2. From the loneliest soul to the most popular person around, whichever you are, I hope you had a good day today. 

  3. a75a32868a2dd9ac81578c8b920ff030.png

    current wip. 


    and I still cant change my ******* forum name. god dammit. 

  4. I saw the title of your post about the changes related to breaking windows and i thought "Oh, they finally fixed it" but how foolish i was, you actually made it 2 times worse.

  5. How long ago was mid-axios?

  6. I wonder how many dark gods exist....

  7. Starting a new job tomorrow. PRAY FOR ME

  8. Mamma mia amma greena bastardo!

  9. Only an elf to be that pretentious

  10. Bring back grinding, it fits very well with LOTC. Since your goal is to end up fighting someone somewhere and being better then they are, or becoming rich which is way better on LOTC since theres actual people.

  11. Spooktober themed events or riot

  12. This submission is getting harder and harder to write, but I hope my hard work will make it good.


    I think after I finish up this revision completely, I'll wait a day or so to submit it to the LT (Like the day of the lift on new submissions). Be aware this took me a hell lot of time to work on, Lore Team! Lot of feedback and time (not to mention little sleep) went into this submission just for you and the server to enjoy. Please love me.....

    *noms on a sugar cookie*

  13. If you've ever wanted to be a GM, now's the time. We're looking to buff up our application count before accepting a new round of people, so toss up an application if you're interested!

  14. Gotta love how staff can delete your content for calling them out on their Bs.

  15. Interested in joining in staff? Apply for AT today, a great way to get introduced to staff!

  16. Guess the day 7.0 gets announced and win something.

  17. How many halflings does it take to change a lightbulb?

  18. @FMs Is there a way to make number listings Roman Numerals? It's a bit ghetto that we can only use numbers.

  19. @FMs Is there a way to make number listings Roman Numerals? It's a bit ghetto that we can only use numbers.

  20. LOL actually retarded gm/lt team. How can any1 in their right mind think that this is accurate.

    I'd love for another operation kaboom so we can see the staff bias yet again. Fireheart is the biggest ***** i've seen so far, a gm director that can't take arguments without crying like the ***** he is.

  21. Daily Reminder I'm apparently an RP Hub now according to karimir

  22. 97 rep, weak.

  23. I do wonder how long it takes for my ET Acter App to get reviewed, it has been up for about a full month unlooked at xD, I suppose next month! 

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