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Everything posted by Publius

  1. I tried to retire, but if the old gal needs fixing up....

    1. lawnmowerman



      morning vibes dude

    2. Publius


      thank you m'dude now I'm vibing!

  2. if you need a writer or home grown memes hmu

  3. any skinners out and about doing skinner things?

    1. oblivionsbane


      I'm trying to skin an orc


    2. Publius


      I hope you get proper fucked for that effort m8 **** you they're an endangered species

    3. oblivionsbane


      That's what makes their skin so valuable

  4. what are the hip orders nowadays? looking for people to rp with

  5. did scene die or something, no one's talking about him

    1. Telanir


      because he's doing work behind the scene and the fuss was about nothing lmao

    2. Lunar


      this server is RUINED because of him RUINED

    3. justDEWit


      omg Telanir, what a pun

  6. If anyone has any grunt work for a generic lad hmu

  7. [OOC] MCName: olde_pub Skype(You can PM): JamesPHFraser Timezone: EST [RP] Name: Henry Fane Age: 23 Nationality: Orenian Past Group Affiliations: None
  8. Out of Oren and into Khalestine

  9. I wasn't gonna make a death post out of fear of sounding anti Orenian but you can expect it coming in HOT [!]

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. SodaiKamikaze


      Publius you're losing it.

    3. Publius


      you'll see


      you'll ALL see

    4. idiot


      le sigh

  10. ngl probably one of the biggest oxymoron's in the world is saying you're charismatic, don't let me catch you fools slipping

  11. Since Publius died, would anyone be able to help me out with a skin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vanir
    3. Publius


      Taylor don't make me cry bud :(

    4. Kardel


      I'll make you a new skin. What of? Drop references in Pms

  12. that funeral was lit fam

    1. big narstie

      big narstie

      we did a gd job

    2. Publius


      lad Publius got executed for that *****

    3. big narstie

      big narstie

      I didn't hehehehehe

  13. Scene got 130 people on during Monday, can't really argue w/ results

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Salvo


      there was a warclaim, of course there are gonna be people lmao

    3. _pr0fit


      yeah, there was a warclaim on monday


    4. Publius


      I was talking at like 10 pm EST but alright, I'll post a trigger warning for you savage and jo

  14. seems like there's some people who wanna duke it out


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Publius


      delayed trigger warning

    3. tilly


      you are bad but i still love u pub

    4. Ketchen


      Pub for President 2k16!

  15. they removed apps from recent posts - rejoice!

    1. hRV


      i deserve some minas


  16. Could we please remove apps from recent topics? AT can just follow the application sub forum if they need that reminder

    1. hRV




    2. Publius


      powerful Harvey, you outpaced the issue

    3. hRV


      i am powerful

  17. quacky tobaccy part 2: the staff figure out what to do!

    1. idiot


      This is worse than the dunamemes

    2. Publius


      as a memeber of the duchy of duck skype group for nearly 3 months now I am highly offended you'd even compare the meme value

    3. idiot
  18. Tsu's address is incoming, save any meming or shitposting until then m'friends!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mitto


      community admin is telanir



    3. Publius


      Tel is getting in a better community duh shut up Mitto get some patriotism in you

    4. TeaLulu


      tl;dr:: this is NOT tsu's mess to clean up.


      Get your BUTTS out of the shadows tel, tythus, stop cowering and fess up that you done GOOFED you EGGS.

  19. Officially heckin left Felsen, lots of people should expect letters soon [!]

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cruzazul


      ur a rogue publius gotta hold back m8

    3. Ark


      stop hecking being mean cruz

    4. Publius


      soren converted me I gotta keep it kosher

  20. Are there any RP groups open to Publius? I'm not to proud to work as a toilet scrubber at this point tbh

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Publius


      I will send some official RP letters to y'all about it [!]

    3. Church of the Canon

      Church of the Canon

      Could always be a priest ;)

    4. Publius


      not while I'm married m'friend

  21. hmu if you got work because I got time [!]

  22. officially moving to the sultanate


    this is not a meme, hmu if you want to rp

  23. There better be room for another administrator or someone's gonna have to make way for this goy
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