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Everything posted by Deer__

  1. Aurelion stood at the docks end alongside Idril Sylvaeri and Ser Vlad, watching as the late King Georg I sailed off into the distant sea. He watched on for a long time, until the boat he'd built with his own hands drifted off over the horizon.
  2. A certain Templar skimmed over the invitation before penning a reply, his willingness to show should duty allow. Meanwhile, a particular Dark Elf wandered from town to town, settlement to settlement wondering when and where she might see her old friend again.
  3. Tolkien-posting elves love some Tolkien-posting humans.
  4. An elf of particularly ginger hair peered over the High Princess's shoulder at the invitation received. A digit extended to point at the name of their now decimated capital. "Amathine. It is a new name, simple errors occur."
  5. Please, Llir. I'm chronically online and addicted to LotC............ You can't just do this to us. I can only play so many Overwatch games while I wait for map change before I lose it.
  6. That posted twice. Double the Rep. Do it now.

  7. I really missed my chance to jump on the rep grind that is "Temp Map issue #337"

    So sad.

  8. Hey guys welcome back to another minecraft speedrun, today we'll be beating the game on any% but with a twist. We're doing it on LORD OF THE CRAFT!
  9. Ah man, I gotta read another one?
  10. An old soul returned amongst the Prince and his armies, features somber as he processed what the fall of Karosgrad really meant, not only for Haenseni folk, but his own a like. He would return to the district laid out for Elvenesse with his mind laden with thoughts of what was to come.
  11. wubby synths

  12. I'm back only to say Zarsies is pretty cool and so is this.
  13. My homie tox wrote this in the past 3 hours. Calling him out
  14. Aurelion, Exarch under Evar'tir read a copy beside his colleague. He too let out a sigh, one of annoyance. "Me too."
  15. 100 mina per map 3x3 portrait is 9 maps so 900 mina
  16. A ginger haired Almenodrim, one often travelling to and from his home port of Amaethea, read over the missive spread throughout Elvenesse from the comfort of his hilltop home. He let out a thoughtful hum before setting it aside and returning to reading Judicial missives from his colleagues.
  17. @Shmeepicus is dumb and so is @J0S3Y Thank u mr vooper
  18. Seems less needlessly confusing than the old lore. Neato.
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