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Everything posted by bumblefina

  1. and now for an exciting and original thought: grr oren grr i cant believe they'd so something i dont like!!!!!!!

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      when the orenian is sus!

    2. Asuno


      Oren lego ahahag

  2. IGN: ShannonLeigh Category: Skinning Artwork: Roses and Cream Gown Minecraft Skin (planetminecraft.com)
  3. Juniper Wick receives the news, giving a little clap of her hands. "An excellent start to the young King's reign. Let us hope this is a continuing theme."
  4. "Does this mean we don't get to go crusading?" asked Juniper Wick with a pout.
  5. "The Wicks lived rent free in that man's mind. I genuinely hope we can now begin to repair relations with the Haenseni." remarked Juniper Wick over a mug of Carrion Black.
  6. "Oh nice, I love a good crusade." comments Juniper Wick.
  7. housemagery has replaced fire evo as the new welfare magic

    1. Valannor


      I mean, hey man. At least it can't burn down an orphanage.


      It just makes your soup taste good!

    2. Bardmancer


      Who wouldn't want to have all the cool nifty spells that comes with Housemagery? :D

  8. "Nice," says Juniper Wick, a racist.
  9. (Quote the previous bidder) IGN: ShannonLeigh SKIN/S: Scandinavian Elfess (Head Only) DISCORD: bumblefina#0199 BID: 30 I am assuming Alexa is only bidding on the clothing since she listed her bid as 50 mina
  10. https://prnt.sc/xqju9e Oop @Archangelic AUCTION CLOSED. Winners will be contacted over Discord.
  11. @Archangelic Tagging you for k3 as they aren't at their computer
  12. I know I've stated this opinion to you in private but I want to reiterate it here. I see no benefit to making herbs a rare resource. Forcing the players to fight over a mechanic does nothing to add to roleplay, and I for one loathe the idea of being forced to participate in Vortex to buy them from the people who camp them. And I know for a fact that there are non-alchemists camping nodes in order to sell them. I am here to roleplay, not to spend hours running around the map in the hope that I might get an herb, nor am I keen on spending hours farming resources to sell in order to buy said herbs from campers. The point should be to encourage more roleplay, not to limit it by making herbs a scarce resource. Making them a scarcity is a solution to a made up problem.
  13. Hello and welcome! I am going to be auctioning off some skins today. All prices are in USD only and payment can be accepted via PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo. All skins start at $5 and I ask that the bids be raised in a minimum increment of $1. Buyout for each skin is $20. The bidding format should be as follows: Username: Discord: Skin Name: Bid Amount: Previous Bidder: (if applicable) Bidding closes on January 27th at 10PM CST. I apologize that I only have one "male" skin but most of these were things I did in my spare time for fun. If you're interested in a custom commission feel free to PM me on discord at bumblefina#0199 Robin's Egg Vampy Cherry Wine Roman Frilly Frock Regally Red Traveller
  14. Juniper Wick finds a crumpled copy of the missive in a gutter. She reads it and says "What the ****." ((I really like the propaganda edited to look like high elves. nice touch))
  15. Blanche Thérèse stood to the side of her apartments in the Augustine as a parade of servants carted in numerous dress boxes as Theodora's collection arrived. Each one was handled with care and filed neatly into the Dowager-Duchesses extensive closet. With Margaux at her side, she spoke in a somber tone. "Theodora was one of my dearest friends. Her memory will live on through all of us, and through her sense of grace and style."
  16. Please make the cooldowns more reasonable or make the nodes personal instead of global. I don't want to vortex grind for roleplay. Thanks for finally getting everything implemented.
  17. pull the plug tythus

  18. skin 10: stripes 10 mina bumblefina#0199
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