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Everything posted by bumblefina

  1. ok the moss making u a jobnny chiter you been whisper to dirt for long time now maybe u r done idk. guy u r blocked. babom.

    1. UnBaed


      Do not from me.  People

  2. did you guys know that in real life we (read: adults who still play minecraft) pay taxes to the Man to maintain our countries and keep them from falling into disrepair? wild concepts, i know. sometimes it works.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. UnBaed


      what the **** are you kidding me?  get your CAPITALISM off of my server you CLOWN!  NOOB FRICKER!  i bet your next question is if we need king or not.... WRONG!  go save a different gala.xe and babom

    3. johnnywar


      im omg reading this post im reading and its making me scream how are u saying some things like this that im not likuing it @Kuila ucan pay but not in money here moss needs it some sacrifice u gotta make or somebody im not roleplaying here 

    4. EmbryoGod


      Taxation is theft.

  3. Juniper Wick happily pays some dwarven merchant an exuberant amount of coin and smuggles a copy of this foreign good into Providence so she can hang the masterpiece on her bedroom wall. She gives it a chef's kiss, admiring it for quite a long while.
  4. Please tell me what my drag name is .
  5. im revved up and ready to throw hands

  6. I feel the beauty of Almaris has been overshadowed by the Vortex release, so I just wanna shoutout the world builders/painters. Ya'll did an AMAZING job.

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      map too big sadly. Parts of it are totally great but most folks will just pass right by it because it's no different from any other portion of their ten minute walk to the nation capital

    2. Zarsies
    3. ImCookiie
  7. The biggest lie of Vortex was calling it a professions plugin. There's nothing about this that makes you a professional. No levels, exp, or skill. Just obtain the highest level tools and you're now a master of your craft. 😕

    1. rukio


      I won't lie, the only excitement I felt for this system was to have a leaderboard for level and craft fame. Without that there isn't much point to me having any interest in it. If it's just linear there's no fun, I would personally rather have vanilla. However, I think we should give it a chance, a week or a month, and then start discussing what we like and dislike about it. First day impressions are always the roughest with something new. 

  8. First of all, welcome! I hope you are enjoying yourself so far. This is a bit of an odd time to join LotC as we're going through a map transition but I hope you'll stick around for a bit and give it a shot. As SquakHawk said, you may be interested in a technique called Kani. It's really good for those who prefer to use hand to hand combat, and it will give you enough of an edge that you can compete with and even defeat people who would otherwise out armor and out gear you. You can even walk on water with it! Here is a link to the lore, and here is a link to the guide. I suggest giving it a read!
  9. i got a bad feeling about this
  10. Can we talk about the negative interest on bank accounts real quick? Why force your players to participate in this complex crafting and professions system and then punish them for earning minas? I... I don't even know where to begin.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. z3m0s


      Yeah of course @NotEvilAtAll but be advised I'm mostly speaking from the perspective of economy, I can't talk much on the dev side of things outside of what I've seen. SO, currently the economy team plans to control and manipulate the flow of mina via one large pool that bleeds out into various different outputs. So the main one on launch will be voting like I said, so we can see how much mina has been given out, what's in the players hands and whether or not we should give more minas out to stimulate things or if we need to reduce amounts if the pool gets low. But stuff like the bank tax and things like the CT shops will bring mina back into that pool to ensure there is mina in it for voting and that stuff to continue without us just infinitely spawning mina and trying to counteract it via mina sinks, this way the mina sinks circulate into usable mina again without us spawning more. We can of course increase and manage the amounts of both voting and the overall pool as time goes on, but it's just that we're trying to keep a much closer eye on the economy so we don't continue to get to the end of every map and mina is useless and everyone has tens of thousands of it at least with no use for it. We want mina to be valuable and useful along with having valued resources that you want to spend your mina on (Vortex).

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Alright. Just remember to avoid deflation in regards to purchasing power as the supply of resources goes up and up and there's not enough demand to buy it all, as has been seen on every map, crafting system or no crafting system.


      I think it'd be best to slowly increase the pool of minas as needed, otherwise the ratio of minas to resources is constantly falling lower and lower.

    4. Muddy_Buddy


      @ShannonLeigh Looks like I was wrong and they are keeping a 5% maintenance fee according to Hiebe on the LoTC discord. Wonder how often that fee is applied. 

  11. @Luciloo Yeah, I realize now the flaws in this point. This particular addition was a suggestion by someone else, and it was a failure on my part to not do my research into Druidic lore and to take that persons suggestion word for word as lore friendly. I will be removing references to Druidic magic entirely
  12. How to completely break a microecomony in 3 easy steps:
    1. Extremely overcomplicate the crafting system to the point where you can't figure out the most basic steps without a guide
    2. Invent numerous ways to drain money out of the economy (see: gold sinks)
    3. Leave little to no way to insert new money into the economy

    Tadah! You've broken your microeconomy.

    1. argonian
    2. argonian
    3. Nug


      from what ive done in it it just feels like a barebones nexus that doesnt even bring the intuitive parts/UI 😞
      lotc always be ignoring new player experience 

  13. I really don't like that you cant use Vortex tools to gather vanilla items. I also really don't like that you can't use Vortex coal to smelt vanilla stuff, like sand into glass. IMHO there should be waaaay more back and forth between Vortex and Vanilla. Having one entirely separate from the other just makes things extremely tedious and confusing, plus we'll end up with waaaay too many items and tools.
  14. I have been counting down the days until 8.0 for the last 200 years. Put me on Almaris NOW. References for my character, Blanche: https://imgur.com/a/guZnMdo
  15. While running full sprint across the midland plains towards some location unknown, Juniper Wick, newly made fugitive wanted for speaking her mind, breaks into hysterical laughter. The woman seemed utterly insane as she trekked off into the distance, cackling echoing across the fields.
  16. It's a very different time these days. Elves have rights now. Women show shoulders. Things have.... changed.....
  17. Bye, see you again in 2 months or whatever
  18. aenguls bad zionism good

    1. Arteh


      Zionism.... 😞

  19. Except that this is a rule enforced on pretty much EVERY other roleplay community I’ve been apart of. The problem boils down to the fact that death has almost no weight or meaning on LotC. People are allowed to do ridiculous, insane things because if they die.. well, they just respawn. And staff over the years have firmly taken the stance to not enforce PKs. I understand it, but I don’t agree with it. The hundreds of other roleplay communities that do have these rules still thrive and people are still able to have fun. This isn’t something that would suddenly kill the server. If anything I believe it would improve roleplay significantly, because people would be forced to take their personal safety more seriously.
  20. This is a great topic, thank you for bringing it up for discussion. LotC has traditionally lacked in the department of fear and NVL rules and enforcements. Fear RP is almost always not enforced, as there are no rules specifically relating to it. The amount of times I’ve seen people quite literally laugh in the face of death physically pains me. The administration could really benefit from looking into NVL (Not Valuing Life) rules, because they encompass more than just suicide. In addition to covering something like your examples, they would cover people running into extreme danger without proper protections, performing extremely risky tasks or stunts, or just outright stupidity. I understand why the server doesn’t enforce PK on every death, but that doesn’t mean I agree with it or that it’s a good thing. Death has little meaning on LotC when you can just choose not to die, creating unrealistic and ultimately bad roleplay
  21. would it be so bad if it stayed down?

  22. when the heck are we moving to almaris. i wanna go NOW

    1. snoopie12


      "Fall 2020" 😉

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Some of the plugin stuff intended to launch at the start of 8.0 ain’t finished yet.


      I doubt we’ll have an October release unless development goes really smoothly.

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