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The King Of The Moon

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Everything posted by The King Of The Moon

  1. Sat far away upon his bad guy throne, a forlorn Lothar spits out a mug of fresh blood in shock! “They didn’t give me nearly enough credit! How am I supposed to conquer the world with such lacklustre publicity!”
  2. Friendly ST reminder not to roleplay a woman without an accepted CA.
  3. Sorry bro you're on the 2nd page of replies now. History really is written by the victor
  4. You mean when @_hexe_ and I wrote the previous affliction lore ourselves and rewrote it again over the course of the past two months because it was no longer up to the modern lore standards and therefore removed by majority ST vote?
  5. "Not ready to die. Nor willing to kneel. Afraid of the dark, blinded by the light. We hungered for more, and hunger led us here." -"Worm-skin", a material alphabet poem. In recent times, the calamity of Ando Alur has caused a rippling effect throughout the realm. Various Afflicted across the land began experiencing negative symptoms as their symbiotes began to die out as a result of voidal pollution. A concerned cabal of alchemists began developing an alternative strain of the symbiote as a result. The goal of this new strain would be more resilience to the negative effects of voidal exposure, as well as refinement of some issues with the original formula. The creation of a symbiote is a closely guarded recipe synthesized by the most recent cabal of alchemists to revive their mutation. Requiring the masterwork of an alchemist to create, not all afflicted are inherently capable of replicating their parasite. The Shared Mind The Nurtured Body Magic Subjection/ Weaknesses Magic Compatibility Aesthetics Attachments Greater Alterations The most potent of the modifications in the afflicted arsenal, a masterful afflicted can choose up to two greater alterations to specialise into at any given time, thereafter subject to the emote counts specific to each greater alteration listed below. Changing between these alterations requires a seven OOC day transition period, which leaves them vulnerable in relation to the qualities they are altering for that duration. -Alterations must be specialised into to use, thereafter adhering to the emotecount for that alteration. An afflicted may only have two Greater Alterations available to cast at any given time. -Preparing and changing between Greater Alterations requires 7 OOC days of preparation, costing four strains on the day preparation commences, during which a transition vulnerability specific to the desired Greater Alteration must be roleplayed. Each alteration is thereafter subject to its own emote counts where applicable. Mutating Mastery - Combat Used exclusively in combination with their attachments, the mutation mastery allows a symbiote to enhance their attachments to become more functional and durable. Hardening - Combat With this greater alteration, an afflicted is capable of drawing their symbiote out to skin level, for the purpose of creating on the fly armor. Regeneration - Combat The ability to commit one’s symbiote to the accelerated healing, regeneration can restore an afflicted from all but immediately fatal wounds. Changeling - Non Combat Once beneath the umbrella of ‘Aesthetics’ in symbiotes of yore, the power of the changeling epitomizes most afflicted individuals’ new state of being: that of a skinwalker. A faceless creature, whose identity has become muddled with the symbiote they host, ever evolving away from the persona they once held. Muscular Hypertrophy - Combat A temporary boost in strength, where a symbiote may manifest abundant muscle tissue to allow feats of strength far exceeding that of the afflicted individual’s racial peak. Sensory Enhancement - Combat An alteration which grants the user the ability to enhance one of their five senses at will (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) beyond their natural capabilities. Lesser Alterations The largest variety of the modifications in the afflicted arsenal, typically serving utility, flair or 'cantrip' purpose, a masterful afflicted can choose up to four lesser alterations to specialise into at any given time, thereafter subject to the emote counts specific to each lesser alteration listed below. Changing between these alterations requires a three OOC day transition period, which leaves them vulnerable in relation to the qualities they are altering for that duration. -Alterations must be pre-prepared to use, thereafter adhering to the emotecount for that alteration. An afflicted may only have four Lesser Alterations available to cast at any given time. -Preparing and changing between Lesser Alterations requires 3 OOC days of preparation and will cost two strains on the day preparation commences, during which a transition vulnerability specific to the desired Greater Alteration must be roleplayed. Each alteration is thereafter subject to its own emote counts where applicable. Mobility - Combat A highly adaptive creature, the symbiote enables its host to modify minor characteristics of themselves to better traverse their environment. Gills - Combat The Afflicted is capable of sprouting gills and adjusting their lungs to derive oxygen from water. Dwed Army Knife - Non Combat The afflicted gruesomely sculps themselves to mimic the tools of a tradesman. Blades - Combat The afflicted individual transforms their nails and teeth into short weapons of their choice, assuming the density of steel and becoming bladed and pointed to resemble knives and spikes. Grip - Combat The afflicted palms and fingers become optionally sticky and firm, allowing them to latch onto surfaces and to also lock their hands closed around objects like an iron clamp. Iron stomach - Non Combat The iron stomach enhances the symbiotic metabolism of an afflicted individual to extreme extents, permitting them to digest: any metal, stone (but not gemstones), any wood, bone, clay, shells and leather. Bile - Combat One of the more disgusting usages of their symbiote, an afflicted individual can use this mutation to accelerate the production of bile, numbing their throats and mouths to the usual unpleasantness involved in ejecting such. Fur - Non Combat The afflicted can sprout copious amounts of hair from any location where hair follicles are naturally found on the body. Parrot - Non Combat The symbiote grants the host the ability to manipulate their vocal chords to produce unnatural sounds or mimic the voices of others, altering the frequency and pitch of their voice to their heart's desire. Shrink/Grow - Non Combat The symbiote enables its host to make alterations to their height through the process of compressing or lengthening the spine, respectively. Strains and Tier Progression The Afflicted Symbiote is predominantly fuelled by mana, leached from the afflicted individual’s own mana pool each time its active abilities are utilized, whilst steadily leaching on that person’s endurance wherever applicable to physical activities like movement, lifting, fighting and so on. Whilst from injection onward a symbiote may utilize any of the abilities in its roster with an inherent understanding of it - no real ‘knowledge base’ to be drawn from for the physical shifting of one’s own flesh and organs - its capability is still subject to its level of adjustment to a new host. As time progresses, the connection between a symbiote and its host deepens, allowing for further access to that host’s mana pool and in turn allowing the symbiote to push its limits further. These ‘strains’ put on the symbiote serve to distinguish afflicted progression into tiers, as the strain cost of each ability is gradually achieved by the parasite. T1: 3 Strains T2: 6 Strains T3: 9 Strains T4: 12 Strains T5: 15 Strains These strains will recuperate over the course of an OOC day, or can be replenished quicker through the consumption of liquid mana. This restoration occurs at a rate of 3 strains per count of liquid mana. Further, corcitori and blood mage afflicted can also recuperate up to 3 strains per unit of genus stripped and consumed from another. Additionally, afflicted naztherak can forgo 10 maleus in exchange for 2 strains, whereas afflicted mystics can warp 1 liturgy into 3 strains. The most potent resource for any afflicted to imbibe is the blood of Voidal Horrors, which when consumed will restore a whopping 10 strains per count consumed. Whilst subject to the same tier progression timescales as any magic, the symbiotic bond will fail to progress in tier without the proper nurturing atop such. In this regard an afflicted cannot advance in tier without first consuming as follows: T1-T2: Five counts of liquid mana, three units of genus or one count of voidal horror blood. T2-T3: Ten counts of liquid mana, six units of genus or one count of voidal horror blood. T4-T5: Twenty counts of liquid mana, twelve units of genus or one count of voidal horror blood. -Affliction requires an accepted magic application to practice, occupying two of a character's magic slots. -Afflicted characters lose the ability to willingly produce liquid mana themselves. -Liquid Mana must be produced by a mage in accordance with the processes outlined in Alchemy II: Processes and Reagents, and unless instantly consumed must be reflected as an item signed by said mage player. -Corcitori and blood mage afflicted must obtain genus via the means outlined in blood magic lore. -Voidal Horror blood can be solely administered by the ST during events, requiring a loresigned item to represent it until being destroyed on use. Credit Hexe Jaelon Mordu All art in this post was produced by Artem Demura. You can find more of their work here. On 'magic stacking'.
  6. the UN when someone says siliti in roleplay
  7. 'Roleplaying' from the afterlife as a dead character on the forums is pretty lame.

    That character's story is over. Either play a ghost in-game or let go. 
    The narrative you helped spin by both living and dying as that character deserves more respect than becoming a vehicle for OOC forum commentary.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. UnusualBrit


      *rolls in grave.*

    3. Islamadon


      Leopold of Marna smirks smugly from the pits of the nether as vampire kvetches about forum replies, "Yes, yes, he will do well for our schemes..." Voron Rovin shakes his head while sipping a mug of ale at the Table of the 5th Sky and wonders why post writer does not push for the ban of all "R" posts instead. Richard de Reden chuckles a jolly, nihilistic chuckle from the immaterum as none of this matters because the forums are a wasteland filled with terrible Forum RP regardless of death.

    4. Adelemphii


      Dancing GIF

      "Humans are dumb lol" - random dead character who I pk'd like 7 years ago.

  8. "Phew, thank goodness I don't know that magic!" proclaims the blood mage vampire in the mage's guild's ranks.
  9. Not werew0lf trying to get as many arena carries as he can before March 10th
  10. God forbid lore be referential to actual roleplay history I guess?
  11. Lady Bean's Legumes The exact origin of this recipe is unknown, though some theorise it to have initially served as an aid to soldiers of the Kingdom of the Westerlands during their night watches in the unhallowed wastes surrounding Mordring's frozen Abyss Gate. Folklore however accredits the noble Margaret Horen-Marna, the Lady of Beanville, as the first known user of this creation. A Westerlandic refugee forced to reside in the early Renatian states of post-Johannian Axios, who held quiet discontent with the rising number of claimants to the shattered Horen bloodline and the subsequent excess of 'false princesses' polluting this empire-in-abeyance. Lady Margaret is said to have planted these legumes in the mattresses of her courtly enemies; driving many a sleep deprived princess to madness as a single pea sewn into a mattress would permeate past endless layers of sheets, blankets and pillows, denying these unconfirmed royals the respite of sleep and dooming them to raise their children wickedly. Brief Description: An unnaturally green and rotten looking little vegetable. Recipe: 1x Pea or Legume (Base). Any form of bean, lentil or peanut will technically suffice. 3x Vigour 3x Rage 2x Poison Creation Process: -Coat base in both layers of poison. -Add one layer of vigour and one layer of rage. -Heat over an open flame until singed black. -Add second layers of vigour and rage. -Heat over an open flame until browned. -Add final layer of vigour and rage. -Leave to sit for one narrative day (three OOC hours). -Peel away the 'shell' of burnt and dried powder that has formed from the treated 'pea or legume' until only the original vegetation remains, now appearing unnaturally green and showing signs of rot. Effects: Odourless, tasteless and non-toxic, Lady Beans' Legumes have no immediate effects apparent to them. When kept within a three meter radius of a sleep deprived individual, a traceless gas exuded from the tampered vegetable will trigger a minor nervous response in those about to fall asleep: the feeling of a single, harsh prod between the ribs emanating from the direction of this alchemic creation that will jolt any descendant awake, no matter how heavy the sleeper. It should be noted that this does not energise willing or unwilling users, who will still suffer the consequences of sleep deprivation. It simply disturbs natural sleep inevitably when kept within range, its miasmas only disrupted by a layer of metal or stone between it and the user. Further, this only applies to natural sleep, and cannot overpower any sleep inducing magics or poisons. This additionally has no bearing on unconsciousness wrought from physical trauma. The only exceptions to these caveats may be found in events, where ST discretion is advised. Redlines: -Lady Bean's Legumes have no bearing on an individual's energy levels and cannot function as a substitute for sleep, but rather an intensifier of sleep deprivation over time. -The effects of Lady Bean's Legumes do not stack, meaning multiple in the same area of effect will yield no noteworthy results. -Lady Bean's Legumes have no bearing being knocked unconscious by physical, alchemic or magical means. -Tier 3, Common
  12. Lothar, the Prince of Comoară, hums the old highlander tune to himself whilst cleaning yet another brush in his favourite shiny cup. To this day that paint-stained goblet’s historic significance remains lost on him.
  13. You write this implying that anyone is forced to become a vampire in the first place. People are required to give OOC consent to becoming a corcitoră, and in turn sign themselves up to the consequences of such. This is written quite clearly in corcitoră lore and it is an explicit redline that a corcitoră cannot be cursed until the player has been given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the lore. They are even equipped with an RP explanation of what will happen if they refuse OOC consent, meaning a narrative needn't be disrupted by this character choice not to take to the curse. Being cursed to thirst for mortal blood shouldn't be something your character can just 'try out until they get bored', and the very notion of them having any form of cure to begin with is already inherently hugboxy and consequence-free. Let alone three which at worst stop them from practising one magic or feat of their choice. A cured corcitoră is left with up to 16 different feats (15.75 if you were purged by alchemy; I refuse to accept the notion that the ability to inject yourself is anything close to '70%' of alchemy), 20 different magics (19 if they were purged by paladinism or shamanism) - not even counting magic subtypes - and 16 different CAs to choose from as an alternative avenue of lore for their character to pursue. Assuming that they aren't - like most players on the server - simply content with playing a mundane, non-magical character in the first place. @Slorbintime and again I have seen you complain that it's too hard to get magic/ca/feat on this server due to 'cliques and circlejerks'... Now after I've written a feat making a much desired character archetype accessible to the majority of players, from which I can yield absolutely zero benefit bar seeing the community enjoy something I myself don't play, you're trying to invent 'noob bait' as a concept? Is it perhaps possible that at this point it's not really about what's best for the community, and you just like complaining?
  14. I think it's a bit of an overstatement to claim that the main draw of Striga was their ability to die. Let alone that the idea of vampires being the sole beings able to kill one another (like, you know, Witcher... Vampire the Masquerade...) being something exclusive to them as a CA. (Voidal) Archons were the only ones who could kill other Archons. Wraiths were the only ones who could kill other Wraiths. Keepers were the only ones who could kill other Keepers. The main difference here is that rather than gatekeeping violence behind a ritual or spell only one or two people at the top of a group can monopolise (which is the coffin system in current siliti lore), this amendment gives all siliti the ability to defend themselves from inept or corrupt leadership using valid RP as opposed to being subject to the whims of an OOC overlord, and in turn holding more siliti accountable for their actions adding consequence to a currently consequence free CA.
  15. You can find them way easier here under the 'Story' section: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/staff/
  16. As I responded to you in discord: Coffins serve as a monopoly on violence which in my opinion will inevitably come to fill the same niche as clotting did in necromancy. All it takes is for those with the ability to make coffins to threaten players logging in and stuffing them in a box to exert OOC control, whilst themselves retaining immunity from harm. The addition of cannibalism adds a lot more risk and accountability to court leadership that we’ve really been lacking thus far. I also feel like in a world lore sense the idea of vampires being so completely and totally unkillable is kind of fucky, and evokes a lot of unanswerable questions in the current lore. Whilst in actual roleplay terms coffins currently can and will serve as a crutch in favour of actual punishment and narrative conclusions for siliti who realistically should die. All a PK clause like this means is your roleplay actions will have consequences. If you piss someone off you get ate. If someone eats you they get cursed forever to stink of cannibalism, and will themselves likely get shunned or themselves ate. Covens are encouraged to stick together to stay safe from crazy rogue cannibal vampires and if needed overwhelm them, whilst coven leaders are encouraged to lead well for fear of being overthrown. These are all roleplay dynamics that can and will be fuelled by IC conflict. As for claims of 'OOC scheming' in previous renditions, whilst I disagreed with the Australian Animal at the time that the strigapocalypse was happening, and I do believe his own personal desires for Strigae to become an event race were closely aligned with his character's shame arch, the instance you're referring to was carried out entirely through well expressed character motivations and clashes, working entirely on IC manipulation. Further, I still attest it was hands down some of the best (if most stressful) dark arts roleplay I have ever experienced on this server. This is speaking from experience as someone directly on the receiving end of this sort of manhunt, and I don't doubt most of the others who were actually involved in that RP would say the same. Furthermore, the trope of 'only a vampire can kill a vampire' is far from unique to the now defunct Strigae lore.
  17. NOTE TO REVIEWERS: Whilst many of the individual segments of this thread may overlap and reference one another, it is crucial to understand that they have been written to address a myriad of unrelated issues and lacking areas in the original siliti piece. This is for all intents and purposes a player submitted compilation of changes intended to go through the proper review and voting channels rather than the lore surgery project. That is to say - with the exception of wording in clarifications/ amendments/ additions that references other areas - each spoiler in this piece ought to be seen as an individual lore submission, compiled onto a single master thread for the sake of simplicity rather than polluting the lore sub with nine or ten individual one to five paragraph pieces. In that regard please be mindful of reviewing this as a single 'piece' when voting for or against a single section of this lore, as the overwhelming majority of these segments can be omitted without changing the necessity (and likely re-submission) of others. For example an 'N' vote or 'Y' based solely on qualms with the Minor Metamorphosis portion of this lore need not also warrant denial of Death Mechanics, Passive Sensing, Shuffling, Rite of Revival and so on. The purpose of this PSA is to prevent future revisions and unnecessary clutter on later mags, pertaining to overlooked clarifications, amendments and additions from this piece. Death Mechanics (Clarification): Passive Sensing (Addition): Shuffling (Addition): Rite of Revival (Clarification): Minor Metamorphosis (Amendment): Cannibalism (Addition): Rite of Rest (Rewrite): Feeding (Amendment): Hexalogue (Rewrite): EDIT: Due to a significant amount of backlash from select members of the silit community, a compromise has been made on the nature of the Cannibalism ability. The resurrection process for siliti who have suffered this 'PK clause' can now be found under the 'Rite of Revival (Clarification).
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