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Status Updates posted by _mkkk_

  1. hey @mitto thx for the like 120 notifications bc the freaking FM job now. stop it brenda.

    1. mitto


      i'll do 240 next time just for you

    2. manicfairy
    3. justDEWit



  2. Hi to anyone who sees this!!!! I’ve missed this server for the last 3 years, despite the good and bad, and currently I am applying to med school!!!!

    My previous main character, Ciri, has always been an outlet for me to express my sexuality, insecurities, and pain from reality so this server really was an outlet for me. I just got excited looking at the updates to Fjarriagua lore that I have not played since leaving and it was ultimately my biggest passion here on the server. 

    If anyone wishes to reconnect, just respond or message me on here!:)

    1. Princeton


      Hope all is well! 🙂 

    2. Samler


      Hey, good luck on the med school!

  3. Hydra, why so many?!

  4. I am sorry for being critical. . . but it is way too bright; we don

  5. I just got done with life for today and you update now, brenda? u suck, brenda.

  6. I kinda want to make a MAT app

  7. I request for whatever gross person who has dandruff to please stop dangling above this webpage bc it's distasteful

  8. I want to edit my title... make more things to post on people! #needcontent

    1. mitto


      you need a lesson in shitposting 101

    2. tilly


      rejoin the AT and your content count will skyrocket 

  9. I've been stuck inside the box called my phone for the past two weeks of Lotc... CALL 4 HELP 

  10. I've not played on this server for about 5-6 years... 

    Be honest, is it realistic I could ever rejoin the server without being SEVERELY behind?

    I like the gameplay but med school applications and jobs and relationships limit me from immersing myself in the lore of this server as heavily as I did before HA. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UnBaed


      Hey, I remember seeing you around in Vailor!  Hope you've been well

    3. Abyssus


      i rp'd with you extensively in the old days, nice to see you around again, who cares if you cant make any progress you should see the server for yourself and see if its something your still interested in, its had quite a few changes mostly to lore but most of the old things dont really matter anymore i wouldn't worry about it

    4. garentoft


      Take a look at the server and see if you enjoy it in its current state. If you do, I'm sure that there are people who will gladly help you get back into it.

  11. It won't let me see the map someone tell me if Trump or Hillary won

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zaezae


      Yup, I would bet money on it at this point. Just remember that people said the world was going to end with Obama, let's just hope we are over reacting. 

    3. MunaZaldrizoti


      Nope. She is losing in all of the other states, minus 1 or 2. Sadly, Trump will be our President. We just have to persevere and hope for the best...

    4. garentoft


      it appears trump is the winner ding ding

  12. Lotc Bucketlist: Start a stream of updates related to my original one... CHECKKK

  13. My skype has broken again. . . sorry if anyone cares. Need more time to be on here.

    1. Space


      ok i don't have you on skype or anything but nobody else said ok so i felt like i should

  14. someone tell me if he won did he win


  16. Stawp asking for GM's to free people from the depths of bans... you narps

  17. This fad of making posts with complete trash titles needs to stop; it isn't cute 

    1. garentoft


      it'll stop one day, don't you fret

    2. Space
  18. This has been the greatest kick to the imaginary nuts all day Lotc

  19. try /leave forums

  20. Welp. . . this explains his faulty behavior: https://gyazo.com/08a08859682d66f216320205615d0414

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wendigo


      How dare you take our conversations public.

    3. ShameJax


      He looks a bit broken.

    4. Wendigo
  21. When I said the snow was dandruff & distasteful I was joking... I still enjoy Christmas; I'm not Scrooge :^<

    1. Space



    2. Harri


      gosh where's your christmas spirit -_-

    3. Vege


      nobody likes memers on this server big boy 

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