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  1. mods deleting call outs on facist symbolism now huh

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    2. Crevel


      The fasces itself is quite literally the bundle of sticks/rods, while the axe is commonly associated with the fasces, it is not an essential part of the fasces itself. It only takes a little bit of reading to learn that. Fie literally admitted herself that the concept was based off of the Roman fasces. They did not base it on a Native American quote, they did not base it on a bible verse, they did not base it on American usage. They admitted that it was based off of the Roman fasces.


      You can tell people to research my early server history all you want, but you would be able to clearly see that I have purposefully distanced myself from the people who drop racial slurs around like it's nothing, some of whom did hold unconventional and sometimes dangerous beliefs. In my times as a Moderator, I've even helped to get these sorts of people banned. And it's those people that still make an effort to try to stain my reputation. I've even heard that one of them called me "the new Hitler" to people in a VC purely because I asked at one point how much one of their builds costed to be pasted in in OOC chat which inadvertently reminded World Team to get on their ass since they didn't pay for their paste. Though, I'm sure you know who I am talking about already. If you're going to bring up player histories, it could just as easily be said to research into the questionable behaviours of the people associated with Acre leadership (with the same sort of behaviour continuing to this very day). It's repulsive. Besides, it really shows that you are looking at this incident as a conflict when you're attempting to discredit me and not the argument itself by using personal attacks and using words like "allies" when it is really just people having concerns and/or seeing the situation for what it is.

    3. Anore


      17 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

      I don’t blame anyone for going haywire when someone who used to have 1488 as their discord tag talks about bundles of sticks.


      And they acting like this is a coincidence

    4. ronin_champloo


      hey! stop spamming! you'll get a 2 month content restriction!

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