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Status Updates posted by Jentos

  1. Good fight Norland. #NotMyAdmin #IMattyz4Admin 
  2. :O !!! Trial mod! 

    Der aint a fairer lad den Spod!

  3. 'Ey, in need of a skin! Willing to pay whatever price you're asking!

  4. "Better Oren to shoot hoops rather than shoot with guns." - anonymous 

  5. “Doubt begets understanding, and understanding begets compassion. Verily, it is conviction that kills.” 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      If it is only after that we understand what has come before, then we understand nothing.  Thus we shall define the soul as follows: that which precedes everything.

    3. Balthasar


      shut up losers

    4. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      shut up read some r scott bakker

  6. **** discord real men use ms teams 

    1. rep2k


      better than zoom anyways

  7. **** memes, get you're **** memes here

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Merkaken


      Thanks fam.

    3. Lunar


      I don't recall ever having norland come save us :/

    4. Jentos


      No, just the fact that they joined u, like the French helped the Americans 

  8. /sreq hey can I get a hunting event : *

  9. #free kincaid

  10. @KinslayerAm I a good father? 


    1. Kvasir


      Of course you are my son

  11. Sitting in a nearby inn, sipping his sweet wine, he think's. William is disowned, am' about' t'be' in h'council an' magic runs in my vein's, time's be' good

  12. janny hides thread. lol 

  13. Leave your discords and embrace meeting IRP 

  14. haters will tell you not to drink the blasting potion

    1. satinkira


      do NOT drink the blasting potion it is a LOREBREAK you are FORCED TO PK because it is technically a SUICIDE

    2. Pinks


      No im not a hater, drink the blast potion, its good for your bones

  15. god, grant me the serenity to gaslight the things i cannot change; the courage to girlboss the things i can; and the wisdom to gatekeep the difference :heart:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ronin_champloo


      god, grant me the serenity to gaslight the things i cannot change; the courage to girlboss the things i can; and the wisdom to gatekeep the difference :heart:

    3. puffables


      god, grant me the serenity to gaslight the things i cannot change; the courage to girlboss the things i can; and the wisdom to gatekeep the difference 💖

    4. Zarsies


      Truly the poet of our time, Jentletoes

  16. living almaris like bad dream . very bad aengul ,. everyone child-lover ,. no asioth culture , just many white dark elf vampire paladin idolater . this terrible fortune , lack inner fire unlike glorious tor-azdroth azdrazi . nightmare realm . 𐎮𐎵

  17. BORN TO ASIOTH WORLD IS A **** 神様 Kill ‘em all 1989 I am Azdrazi woman 410,757,864,530 DEAD PALADINS

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Sug


      BORN TO ASIOTH WORLD IS A **** 神様 Kill ‘em all 1989 I am Azdrazi woman 410,757,864,530 DEAD PALADINS

    3. Traveller


      BORN TO ASIOTH WORLD IS A **** 神様 Kill ‘em all 1989 I am Azdrazi woman 410,757,864,530 DEAD PALADINS

    4. Yagi_Kamisama


      BORN TO ASIOTH WORLD IS A **** 神様 Kill ‘em all 1989 I am Azdrazi woman410,757,864,530 DEAD PALADINS

  18. The jester’s game has begun

  19. Steward/Master of the hunt

  20. Any lore on the pumkin lord?

  21. azdrazi pregnancy rp 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TeawithFrisket
    3. Jentos


      @Wandme and @Ryanark >.< made the an-gho boypregnant

    4. Ryanark


      This is what Xan is trying to stop

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