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Status Updates posted by Jentos

  1. So are we banning people for 3 months now without br’s for calling someone fat? It’s not an insult; its a fact. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jentos


      Boruto lmao, they got him for “doxxing” after he called a certain important staff member’s egirl a bad name... 

    3. Statherian
    4. MongolKhan


      Suck a mods **** and this is what you get g. Always the greasy fatties, they need to go for a run, sucking **** doesn’t burn as many calories, gives protein, but not a calorie loss

  2. lmfao new furries thanks flam

  3. give me attention i have low self esteem 

    1. Nyuriz


      You are loved. You are important. You are an awesome person. We all love you. Only if you are a suffonian jk ?

      Edited by Ayoou
    2. Poor_Fellow


      no! don’t do it! noooooooooooooooooooooooo

  4. man im just vibing rn waiting for these loregames

  5. hey uhhhmm, why wasn't i advised of the gay parade in sutica???? can't believe i missed it!!!

  6. wELl boYswE did it, vilLAiny is nO mORe.

  7. Happy Canada day fellow degenerates!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ixli


      why the hell would you celebrate canada

    3. Callistus


      they dawned upon us the age of legal weed, it is the least of a tribute with which we could show our gratitude.. .

    4. Kaelan


      happy canada day 

  8. wow those discounts sure are E P I C

  9. Please help, some divine intervention stop me from logging on https://gyazo.com/fa997842948ea6aa67ded6674467abf6

    1. Fekr


      Same: https://gyazo.com/3938e5bd120c36e420b84bfab9b3e4b1


      Edit: nevermind I got on

      Edited by benji
  10. nice one removing ddos posts 

  11. hey, I know we asked for it, but how does saying "otistic" in /looc while joking with friends warrant a ban, just warnus prior please

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jentos


      Going through a bit of depression, other than that, alright I guess

    3. rukio


      idk, I guess some people could find the words autistic and retarded offensive . . .y'know, parents can read chat logs and stuff so if people are saying someone is autistic or a retard or something like that it could really hurt the server's image with parents of young kids who shouldn't even be able to play a server with so much gory detail and death on it.

    4. Chorale__


      I'm always here bro, you have my Discord.

  12. Hey Mr forum mods I appear to be unable to rep posts. It just gives 0 and makes the square thing green. It's been like this for about a month now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caranthir_


      Huh, same here actually. I've had the problem for a few weeks now.

    3. Birdnerdy
    4. JEEGK


      that's also correct, report it to the devs as a bug and it'll be fixed asap


    not server

  14. How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? None, feminists can'tchange anything.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      damn dude you got me i didn't even think of that wow....

  15. Good fight Norland. #NotMyAdmin #IMattyz4Admin 
  16. @KinslayerAm I a good father? 


    1. Kvasir


      Of course you are my son

  17. #free kincaid

  18. if ya want to play a half elf child, you know who to ask ;)

  19. 'Ey, in need of a skin! Willing to pay whatever price you're asking!

  20. this changes nothing

  21. Hey, I'm unsure, but do i pay you before or after the skin commission is done?

    1. Glocky18


      after, usually to avoid any kind of scam

    2. Ducklingator


      Hi unsure, I'm dad.

    3. Areln


      What glocky said, p much

  22. Can morghuuls be turned into liches? I thought I saw that somewhere, but I'm not sure. 

    1. Swgrclan
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Yes, they can, you just have to make your dreams come true

      nothing is impossible!



      DO IT!

  23. Server down? Ugh.

    Krug krug memes

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