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Everything posted by π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–

  1. Basic Statistics Past History Physical Characteristics Family Spiritual Characteristics
  2. Name: ??????? "????"' ????? Clan: Freyson Experience: Fresh Blood Equipment: A red brother tunic that is held up with chain mail and iron plating. A long sword is often seen carried upon his side or alternatively, on his back. Are ye 'o faith?: Aye
  3. Could I perhaps get a commission of my Orc, Falum along with his Lur Wolf beside him? Hit me up on Discord im ready to purchase those hot sketches Humanistic#9501
  4. Probably one of the most philosophic LOTCers actively playing the serverΒ  -->

  5. Feel free to give a read and provide rep ?


    1. Zhulik


      Then help me get a perfect rep ratio qt ;). I'm 21 rep from having 700 - 3000... rep for rep son..


      Edited by Zhulik
  6. The magic in it's current state is exactly that, a gray zone. These are apparently teaching's that stemmed from Iblees but if strayed away from the Daemon, then why is the power source not cut off as well if not receiving magic from the God of the Undead? If it is from unknown sources then it will be nothing but bent with no actual platform. Funny stereotypes but all i'm saying is that the ability that is granted to revive people from the dead who ultimately hunt the living is not a simple school teaching and it has to come somewhere. You can have just as good role-play even if you do murder people, believe it or not. It was still considered a Dark Magic when Iblees passed the teaching onto necromancers.
  7. Then how do they get their power? It's only passed to followers by a higher being.
  8. Necromancy and Undead are stagnant without Iblees. Every magic comes from a higher power but Iblees has not been heard of for many maps, undeath has been lacking. Shamanism in itself is quite a chaotic belief/magic but Undeath as a magic should ultimately be the most extreme case of Daemon magic. Shamanism - Daemon Apohet Druidism - Aengulic Aspects Ascended - Arch-Aengul Aerial Undead - Arch-Daemon Iblees?
  9. Mortal's and spooks combating a god is a very misleading ambition to pursue. It may not be the point but it does affect the common ideals that creates the society of the Lak Clan. If you kill a god like Laklul, the society of the Laks has no more reason of being but that would also mean that the Swamps would likely be destroyed or retaken by another Spirit of the Swamp. I dislike this cross-realm war and battling because it's just battling from behind the scenes trying to make Mortals on par with Gods. If you have disdain for the Spirits then quit trying to alter the order of the Spirit Realm and fight those that decide to praise the Spirits. You don't like Laklul, then fight the people who create a society with ideals of the Swamps and of Laklul. You don't like the Spirits? Then fight the people who praise the Spirits and make them stronger. Early Dark Shamans were better developed as they only abused the power of the Elementals, but now it's like a whole dark shaman conquest of each and every Realm if possible. (Also i'd like to mention that Freygoth is only the Spirit of the Wild which would mean Laklul would not be a lesser under Freygoth. The Aspects hold dominion over nature, not Freygoth) Refer to the Clan Wars and Dom Clan for a perspective of successful campaigns of Dark Shamans
  10. Lak Clan/Civilization would be affected as their society has the common ideals of the Swamp. If you want to try to be impressive Dark Shamans then stop going around the Spirit Realm and attempting to battle Gods in their weakened states, and actually set up a war to attack the Lak Civilization instead of attempting to destroy the Spirit of the Swamps. Dark Shamans of the Clan Wars didn't go around trying to kill Spirit after Spirit, but actually led war-claims and sieges against other civilizations.
  11. If anybody is looking to play an Orcish Cub, shoot me a PM!

    1. Runabarn


      I'd be down for play- Oh wait that doesn't spell Ostrich

  12. MCName: Shamanistic Type of Bust: Digital Color Position: Character name: Falum'Lur Hair: Long braided black hair Eyes: Red aged eyes Reference: Lets see what ya can do :J
  13. So do the ET plan on moving every single one of these ships for the event? lol

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I almost want to be an ET just so I can burn all those ships down in whatever event occurs as we leave...

    2. Skylez


      Pretty sure it'll be the GM team moving the boats @Humanistic, most ET don't have access to World Edit.

  14. This is what Vanilla PVP looked like on LOTC >


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Freischarler


      a part of the server since inception and a reason it has outlasted many other 'roleplay only' servers

    3. Raomir


      ah yes my 3 hour ooc ***** fest is the most immersive and thought provoking part of this rp serverΒ 

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      that "WHAT THE HELL" in the end wasΒ funny lol

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