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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by ibraheemc2000

  1. Epic art as always chief!
  2. The Rashidun Jihadists hears of these people, shrug and drink their qahwa and far superior foods ignore these new farfolks, possibly considering trade and helping grow their small culture.
  3. @YankeeJack Is the best guy to go to, GSC is good merchant organization
  4. I had the same issue with CD to the point it is legitimately pointless to go mine it cuz of the camping. Please fix
  5. Utayr hears news and shakes his head "a fake oasis. To the northerners anything by sand and water is such... oh well, back to tending to a real oasis." He said not really minding the information given
  6. Richard Naric kicks his feet up as he hears the news "Welp, they had it coming. Glad I brought the cauldroniers out of that rainy piss mess of a city." He then took a long chug of his mango juice he recently been addicted to
  7. [!] news spread to the Fakhr Tribe residing within the oasis, a man walked forward from the desert toward the tents bringing the news. Which a man rose from his reclining cushions and stroked his beard "It seems the trade route is threatened, including the tribe, Inform Azaam and Hakim, I will rally the tribesmen." Utayr spoke as he went to his Khayma, in which he saw his wife and childern, reaching to take his Seyf and Saqr Al-Nahash with a few bolts. "Ziyad, Stay with your mother and sister, I am just scouting, I will get you if we need men." @APurrfectNobody @ImDrippedJr @AquaticWolf @Diaolos @Chrisoulis777 @GammaRose
  8. [!] Contract was fully paid in full and canceled early by the contracter
  9. A Cauldronier’s Funeral [!] Letters are sent to friends of the Cauldroniers and the residents of Vortice “Dear reader, With a heavy heart as Captain of the Cauldron Company I invite you to a funeral of one of our fallen comrades Wulfgar Altaii, A Father, A betrayed Husband, Proud Cauldronier, Warrior, And a Hell of a Drinker. His funeral will be carried out as his will is deemed of the tradition of the cauldroniers. To be set upon a rowboat Galley and set ablaze into the sea with his gifts with him. He has requested that Alcohol, and women be attending his funeral, as well as his proud son Harald Altaii to send off his father. We do ask you to come with a Bottle of Alcohol to send the deceased off with a spill of thanks to his service.” [Time and date: Friday at 4PM EST at the Dominion of Vortice.]
  10. Richard Naric would read it over before nodding a few moments "ill bring some stew from the cauldron, we cauldroniers are going to see some nice folk lads!"
  11. The Stew Stir of Vortice After some discussion between the Domain of Vortice and Captain of the Cauldron Company, Both Parties Agree to have a honest and fair business with one another with the following agreements: 10th of the Amber Cold, Year 27 of the Second Age ARTICLE I - The Domain of Vortice hires the Cauldron company for a period of Five Saint weeks, in which the Cauldron company shall act as a temporary guard force, and act as V.I.P Protection for government officials of Vortice in it’s various needs. ARTICLE II - The Domain of Vortice shall pay each Saint week in supplies to the cauldron company in the total of [Ten mina per cauldroneer, keys to the gates and citizen doors, two stacks of coal, and once every saint week free alcohol at the tavern, Free of tax base for the Cauldron company to reside in during the contract period] ARTICLE III - This contract can be renewed once the contract is over on discretion of the Master chief and the Domain of Vortice. ARTICLE IV- The Domain of Vortice recognises that the Cauldron company is a separate entity and may take other contracts for itself and make its own allies. Signed by Captain Richard Naric of the Cauldron Company. Signed Viviam Maelstorm, Monarch of the Unified Domain of Vortice, Keeper of the Depths, Domain of Vortice.
  12. Richard Naric, sends the same letter to the ferrymen to Carlisle "Greetings, I am captain Richard Naric of the Cauldron company, I am the one whom called himself ****. We will gladly aid you in any combat needed for sparing me and some other's lives. You gained our respect in combat, I would like to rewrite our past, and make it now with friendship and comradery. Call upon the Cauldron company if you need us, With respect and a Life debt, Richard Naric."
  13. A letter to the Ferrymen [!] A falcon flies to the Ferrymen and ONLY to the ferrymen “Greetings, I had the unfortunate event of fighting against you, yet you spared my life, In which, I owe you a life debt. I proclaimed myself as ****, but my Name is Captain Richard Naric, Captain of the Cauldron Company. If the ferrymen are in need of aid in combat, send a bird toward us, and we shall come to aid you. You fought not only for an honorable cause against us, but also bravely. Me and my men, among our culture, only give respect to those whom are fighters and you are not only proven to be fighters, but skilled warriors. Think of us a most trusted Ally, our swords are ready to fight alongside you. With respect and a life debt, Captain Richard Naric of the Cauldron Company.”
  14. [!] A figure tall and bulky stands upon a hill in the soft moonlight that gently glimmers upon his armor, the cloth seemed to be stained in green of moss from swaps as a cape flowed in the wind behind him, it shined magnificently as the thick wonk skin flown past a man with a normal farmers hat which extend toward the helmeted beast or man. Another figure dawned in black fur which gave the stench of rotten wonk guts, which stained the black fur. Wonk slayer sniffs the air with excitement as he slams his helmet into farmer Fred's hand, consuming the lush wonk caviar, poping noises could be heard as he crushed them. The thrill of the hunt of wonks burn in his heart as he gently strokes Sheila The wonk Bonker. Looking toward the wonktress with a nod. @APurrfectNobody@Boomboxdoom23@Boomboxdoom23
  15. @MC_BreadStick What have you done....You have started somthing no mortal can halt now...the prophecy has begun...God have mercy on us...
  16. Utayr Bin Amr Al-Hamad after hearing the tale of the ferryman widens his eyes. "I haven't met these men, but I swear by Allah they fight like lions!" He blinked a few times, he himself not a bandit but he COULD NOT HELP BUT BECOME A ADMIRER OF THE FERRYMEN! He would then make a prayer to Allah that he meets these men on good terms, just to shake their hands. Though he had no hatred for the elves or thought of the current war... in his heart..the man has to respect them for their many exploits (No offense elvenness but I gada admit I'm really becoming a fan of these guys. Also to ferry men, can you sign my sword) (Ps. Respect the fact that you gave a honorable mention in your posy)
  17. A farfolk man states "twenty mina on the khas.."
  18. Utayr Bin Amr Al-Hamad shakes his head "so long as they don't **** with us and our territory, im fine." ------- Another homeless man sits with the homeless man @adamc2000 screeches as he eats the leather sliper he's been saving for such a occasion. Leaning forward with excitement to see the fighting!
  19. Do you want to play my farfolk son? I have a opening and your a good at rp
  20. Whats your view on the farfolk culture growth? Also, am I your friend yet or am I still not cool enough?
  21. Utayr ponders if he should send some of his own childern!
  22. Orcs are so chad, that even Chad's say bruh Did I do it right?
  23. I would make fun about people spending money on a minecraft roleplaying server, but then I remember that I am one of those people😔
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