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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Vaynth

  1. You guys enjoying your premium minecraft rp today?

    1. BasicDoctor


      Yes I am! Thank you! ?

  2. Hope you guys had a nice weekend.

  3. Sorry in advance to anyone that gets notified by my archiving.

  4. what sky said

  5. @Llir hi i love you

    1. Chorale__


      she's drunk don't fall for her shenanigans 

  6. Hi, hope you're all doing well.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chorale__


      We miss you more. ❤️

    3. ThatGuy_777


      You were cool... ;-;

      Hope things are going well though!


      Edited by ThatGuy_777
    4. Vaynth


      Awe. Life has ups and downs but I'm pretty okay! Hope the same for you.

  7. Congrats to my bud @Chorale_ for getting Forum Team Director! So proud

  8. Nice I like it. Could we get rid of the slideshow though?

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      The slideshow is integral into making sure people see the announcements!!

    2. Vaynth


      Didn't people see the announcements before it was created? I know I did.

      Was just in a less ugly format.

  9. Again, great work guys this is really one of the best LOTC guides I've seen.
  10. This lore is very well written. +1 proud of you gladdy.
  11. whoever is using my username as their character name, pls cease

    1. Algoda


      Have you filed a copyright claim?

    2. Vaynth


      nah I just think it's odd

  12. Hope life is going well for you bunch.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ThatGuy_777


      Congratulations on getting the job!

    3. Harri


      life is terrible in every regard

      glad u got a job and stuff though i hope ur enjoying it

    4. Vaynth


      Awe miss you too rukio. <3 Come play mabi, I've been on there a lot lately.

      ty harrison, I hope things get better for you. message me anytime over discord if you wanna chat.

  13. Hi hope you're all doing well today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      i always agree with @Harrison so


      you too vaynth

    3. Sporadic


      hahhaha yeah anyway how are you doing today

    4. Archipelego
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