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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Vaynth

  1. I just took this one and wanted to share..
  2. Hello. Just a quick clarification that war claims and coups remain paused. Raids are currently permitted under the new rules. I'll have an announcement post up soon where feedback can be left.

    1. PraiseTheLord
    2. Vaynth


      That will be answered in the post which will be up by tomorrow morning at latest. Mainly because I'd rather make announcements during the daytime.

  3. Well Christmas is over. Who's excited for New Years?

    1. Ford


      if it means people cant send us more ******* gifts we dont want then i am 

    2. z3m0s


      BOOO, f*ck a new years. . .

  4. Merry Christmas from me.

  5. Good morning LOTC.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Chorale__


      I have 4 assignments due for my AP lit class and they're supposed to be turned in by tomorrow but I haven't done any of them... when I get home, I promise.


      (not really just more procrastinating and I'll do it before her class tomorrow.)

    3. lawnmowerman


      please remove my blacklist :( ive been a good boy.

    4. Knight of Elken
  6. We hear you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vaynth


      Yes very soon. Basically all of the admins have to be on the same page before we announce things to the community. We're not intentionally ignoring anyone, I assure you.

    3. _Jandy_


      I'm glad to hear that you hear that we hear you hearing us.

  7. Hey guys, apply to the AT if you're interested. We're still looking for active and friendly candidates who wish to play a big part in getting new players integrated onto the server.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Harri


      Actually, could you poke Telanir about it please? He said he needed a few days, but it's been 7 now and I haven't had a reply.

    3. Vaynth


      Sure. I'll let him know.

    4. InfamousGerman
  8. Hey, hope you're all doing well.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fid


      I am rudderless and dejected without my captain Destinator.

    3. Jondead


      Yep, exsept the server is down, fun times!

    4. overlord2305


      I blame the snelves

  9. We have officially transferred the Tailor's Guild group over to Discord. Application updated 11/11/17
  10. Application Team is still recruiting. :) pls apply.

  11. The AT will be taking on two new team members soon. Throw in those apps if you're interested.

    1. Paleo


      Your AT are belong to us!


  12. Halloween might be over, but ghost doggo remains.

  13. Happy spoopy day everyone.

  14. do it. Also anyone who sees this and hasn't been contacted, please send me a forum Pm. One of my managers was supposed to be handling applications but I dont think a few of you have been added.
  15. Finished a pixel request for a friend.
    Wood Elf girl by Vaynth

  16. Practicing pixel art! Made this one of Artimec for Leo today.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vaynth


      Thanks. ^^ After I get more practice and develop a consistent style, I may open up requests or commissions.

    3. UnBaed


      Very nice!

    4. Vaynth


      Awe thank you!

  17. The Application Team is currently recruiting for only a couple new members! Apps that stand out to us will receive an interview, so submit them asap.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Vaynth


      I don't know, should you?

    3. Nekkore


      I don't know, should I?

    4. Vaynth


      Listen to your heart, Nekkore my child.

  18. The AT is looking for a couple new members. Toss in your apps if you're interested!

  19. 7d2285b72b078d39d3537d0748ec3818.gif

    1. Gladuos


      You are a doll. lol Thank you.

    2. Vaynth


      anytime gladbag. I'll make sure to get you a belated present.

  20. I always picture them as sort of old looking gold coins, like the image I pasted below. Here's another question to ponder on.. Exactly how much is a mina worth in comparison to irl money? I like this idea. Will consider writing up an official lore page on mina if someone doesn't get to it before me.
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