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Status Updates posted by PraiseTheLord

  1. You foil my plans at every step HB... Curse you...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. PraiseTheLord


      Oh oh oh, I have your next three!

      Urguanian Ore-senses; their keen senses practically lets them SEE all ore around them,

      Uzg Warclaim Timer Soldiers; soldiers that when hearing the famed RALLY FOR WARCLAIM command pop on and disapear afterwards,

      and my favourite 

      Malinorian Parental Plants; plantation that give birth to elves and suddenly die because ORPHANS!

      Coming soon.

    3. Ducklingator


      Ehm... nice copy-paste skills, Rin?

    4. PraiseTheLord


      I thought it would Quote sky :/

  2. 999 Posts ehh?
    Upside down they are 666

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iris1612


      i feel harassed...

    3. PraiseTheLord


      Harrassed? The Power of Christ compells you!"

      *throws Holy water.

    4. iris1612


      Please don't say that word, I'm jewish and it triggers me.

  3. Good to see that Humans are being pushed forwards more by a buff! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Humans already dominate the server why would they need a buff?

    3. PraiseTheLord


      Sarcasm didn't transfer from text it seems.

    4. NotEvilAtAll



      I should've known from the Orc picture as your profile pic

  4. FM Logic = If your post gets backlash, pin it, remove the replies and lock it. @HedgeHug


    At least I know you're not dumb enough to remove this status.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PraiseTheLord


      Literally **** off. That's a bunch of Bullshit you made up just now. The posts were removed because they annoyed you, the post was locked because you didn't want any more posts hurting your ego, and it was pinned so you could get more rep.


      Remove this and give me a warning point, Still a few to go before you get what you want. 

    3. HedgeHug


      Make accusations as you please - you'll only make more of a fool out of yourself by asking for warning points and challenging the Forum Moderation.

    4. PraiseTheLord


      I've already made a fool of myself a long time ago. Not coming back from that now, so I'd rather not stop.

      Btw PM me yourself, without getting your lackeys to do it:

  5. And so I come back, to the flavours of LotC. May I know what had happened in the previous 2 weeks?

    1. TinyBiceps


      literal staff chaos. flood in the streets. fire. death. hate. 

    2. SpodoKaiba


      putrid drama
      aside from that
      i guess it's cool

    3. Papa Liam
  6. You're Sherlock_Holmes.

    1. iris1612
    2. PraiseTheLord


      also found ur secret kha vault by the orcs

      get rieekt, gonna get pixl'z now.

    3. iris1612


      hahahaha theres literally nothing in there trust me dude i stole everything valuable (which all belonged to me) when i quit the kha. There's also 4 underground vaults so idk which one ur talking about (my guess is the one with the wooden door built into the side of the lake)

  7. Good to see FMs are biased as always lmao.

    1. rukio


      I'm really biased towards bicycles over cars, they're the superior transportation unless you live somewhere super cold or hecka hot.

    2. devvy


      :/ being biased is rough!

    3. PraiseTheLord


      wOW! GoOD MemES!!1!!

  8. You're alive? Since when? -Serduk

    1. oblivionsbane


      What is dead may never die.

    2. Narthok


      I've been masquerading under the guise of the salt king.

  9. gf welves

    1. excited


      god bless good fight man

    2. Guest


      + reiters* 


      was fun tho gg

  10. Guess I’ll stop playing on LotC because I don’t want my ip moderated @Telanir

    1. lemontide331


      there’s loads of vpns that bypass the antivpn plugins 

    2. drfate786


      Too many banned players have been bypassing their bans, this is the only way.

  11. Please make Paleknights on that list. They're way too OP. Also how come Muyakelgs are so little?

    1. _Jandy_


      Yeah, on the note about Muyakelgs, since it needs multiple people to create could that be divided among people rather than 2 separate shamans using their slot for a single construct?

  12. @Harold We as a community definitely do not want the removal of rescue raids.

    Edited by HONOR
  13. How can you confirm that we spoke about Air Evocation at my magic Application - Serduk (Xi'dius's application.)

  14. Nice forum thingy update on the left, but a bit dissapointed there are no
    buff orc pictures

  15. Release war rules already. At least do it in NH chat, we've been waiting for too long.

    1. Thornz


      Been like almost 3months into the map 

  16. Free Mattie McKerman.

  17. Ye have 666 Rep.

  18. Prepare for war memes.

  19. KRUG - Ufur-Ilzgûl, Lûp-Ilszgûl


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