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Everything posted by Nooblius

  1. Grand King Norli Starbreaker's beard shivers as he reads a copy of the Highlander king's resignation. "An honorable friend and ally, I knew you long before I was king when you came to dwarven lands to master your crafts. An accute sense o' wisdom, among many other traits, were chief among Halvar's vast capabilities. I lament ta see his reign end, but hopeful ta see wot follows." The King is Resigned, Long Live the King.
  2. Grand King Norli Starbreaker cackles like the mad man he is. "Yes."
  3. The Grand King of Urguan laments the cruel treatment of anyone under five foot.
  4. PACT OF STONE AND SEA Throughout history, the great people of Urguan and Haelun’or have rarely stood on the same side, with their few meetings being conducted on the battlefield behind warring allies. Despite past conflicts, the Grand Kingdom and the Silver State have mended past grudges and have forged a new bond to ensure peace and prosperity in their shared lands. May this vow bring the two signatory parties closer in friendship for years to come. SECTION I: RECOGNITION OF SOVEREIGNTY The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and Silver State of Haelun’or, hereafter referred to as “the signatories”, pledge mutual recognition of sovereignty and agree: THAT the rule, laws, and powers of each signatory shall be fully respected by the other. THAT the signatories recognize the Grand King and Sohaer as the rightful leaders of their respective nations. THAT as sovereigns of the respective nations, only the authorities of the signatories may oversee trials for crimes of their own people. THAT if a signatory’s sovereignty is threatened, their fellow signatory may have the option to come to assistance, economically or militarily, to the other. SECTION II: PEACE NON AGGRESSION The signatories declare that any individuals affiliated with their nation, militaries, or clans/houses shall not engage in hostile or combative action against the other signatory. If such actions do occur, both signatories agree to deal with said problems through diplomacy. THE signatories hereby officially enter into a pact of non-aggression. THE signatories shall avoid conflicts that could potentially put them at odds with one another. THE signatories and their residents shall be protected whilst in one another’s lands. THE signatories agree that any attacks by third-party groups with no affiliation to them shall not be a breach of non-aggression. SECTION III: TRADE & INFRASTRUCTURE The signatories agree that a pact of free-trade shall begin between both parties, with each agreeing: THAT nation-affiliated merchants shall be allowed to trade in the other signatory’s nation without unnecessary tax or harassment. THAT each signatory shall receive one untaxed stall to sell whatever goods they see fit, so long as they do not break said nation’s laws. THAT each signatory shall allow individuals of the other’s nation access to their mines upon request. THAT a ferry between the two nations shall be constructed to better connect the signatories and their people. Shall these oaths sworn to each other be renewed by two decades’ time else expire. At expiration, both signatories vow to a peaceful transition towards mutual neutrality. Othelu Orrar, Sohaer of Haelun’or and Liege of the Protectorate of Blazengard, in accordance with the Silver Council of Haelun’or and will of the High Elven people Grand King of Urguan, Elder of Clan Starbreaker, Father of the Articles, Herald of Khaz’A’Dentrumm Azkel Frostbeard, Lord Chancellor of Urguan, Elder of Clan Frostbeard, Master of the Order of Remembrance
  5. do a barber's post next, i need buns in my hair stat
  6. THE GRAND FEAST OF OMITHIEL Blessed are we to have had such masterful Grand Architects like Derek Irongrinder and Balek Irongut! Never does a day go by where the Dwed do not feel pride in their kin when they gaze upon the splendor of their city! The members of the Grand Council of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan now look once again to their people to select the best possible Grand Architect to take the place of their esteemed predecessors. In but a few stone days, we will ask any competitors interested in participating in such a competition to submit a design proposal to the Grand King. This design proposal needs to be within 30x30 meters detailing a basic traditional dwarven house, mimicking the style of Kal’Darakaan. The Grand King will examine each proposal and make a verdict after seeing them. We shall hold then a feast of the great architect, Paragon Omithiel Strongbrow so that his blessings may fall upon us in the selection of the honored Balek Irongut’s successor. In addition to the competition, a raffle shall be held for all feast goers to participate in. For the price of 10 karzul (50 minas), one can enter for the opportunity to win a small private estate in the mountains of the winning design built for free, and exempt from any and all taxation for four years. [OOC: February 7, 4 PM EST. Please build a Dwarven home that is within 30x30 blocks on a server of your choice and submit a screenshot as your “design proposal”.] Sign Up Sheet Name: Race: Are you entering the Raffle?: Are you entering the Competition?: [OOC:] Username: Discord:
  7. The Grand King of Urguan receives a very interesting letter. "Those cross god freaks did what?"
  8. A deafening silence interrupted only by the subtle sound of footsteps on stone and clanking of armor hangs on the Deep Roads as the dwarves venture further down. Their commander raises a fist, and hushes. The party stops in their movements, and he raises the lantern over a ledge so that the light may shine on what laid below, an abandoned industrial mining facility. His breath shakes, his hands tremble as he falls to his knees, tears streaming from his eyes. "It's beautiful, we found it!" He clears his throat, and stands back up to address his company, shouting an order, "GET TO IT, THERE'S WORK TO DO IF WE WANT TO GET THIS PLACE RUNNING! I WANT TO SEE SHIPMENTS SENT BACK UP IN TONS BY THE MONTH'S END!" The common laborers raise their tools triumphantly into the air before dispersing throughout the mines, and part by part the machines begin to hum, the cogs begin to turn. The commander lets out a hearty laugh, and raises his voice to address the crowd. "The surface shall tremble in fear at our works, and all shall know soon again that the great dwarven salt mines are operational and pumping!"
  9. Carved into the stone above the cavern of the Obsidian Throne, the Palace Suite of the Grand King was dim, lit only with the dancing flames of Norli's personal forge, with the repeated ringing of a hammer's fall on steel, the monarch forging a set of tools. He halts as he hears a pounding on the door, and wipes off the sweat of his brow, sets the tools down and turns to the door. An Obsidian Guard delivers a large, wide package to the Grand King, and offers to check for safety concerns but is dismissed. Norli sits alone with the parcel on a table, his hands tremble ever so subtlety as he unwraps the paper and solemnly smiles as he gazes upon the painting he had commissioned, named Inspiration. Carefully the Grand King hangs it on the wall, and steps back to let a single tear roll down his cheek as he gazes at the likeness of Jorvin Starbreaker and Dhaen Grandaxe sharing their first drink. "Yer service was immeasurable, and ye shall be remembered. Anbella keep ye Dhaen, my sweet apprentice. We'll need ye en good condition when ye return."
  10. Letter to the Hefrumm Honored Sons and Daughters of Gloin, I pen this letter towards your folk to more clearly and accurately describe the policies regarding the Hefrumm that I hold, and to outline why you can trust me as Grand King. When I was a beardling in the War of the Beards, I ran away, abandoning dwarfdom with great disappointment, believing us to have failed Lord Yemekar’s design in our mass kinslay. For over a century did I roam the wilderness, brooding over the fate of the dwarves. I had completely lost faith in all dwarves, be they from Kaz’Ulrah or Arcadia, and this distrust maintained well past the destruction of both and reformation of Urguan. Nothing would soften my heart, not until I had heard the news of a newly named Paragon, the caring Bjor Cottonwood who had led a life of peace and humility and finally sacrificed it for the dwarven people. I was awestruck, inspired by what I heard, and wrote up a ballad in his honor, determining for it to be the first of my many songs to ever be heard by another soul. And it was that song that was the first words I uttered in Urguan, in praise and adoration of the Paragon Bjor. Since then, I have maintained a vested interest in the Hefrumm, participating in its culture more than a vast majority of other mountain or cave dwarves. I attend meetings, feasts, ceremonies, and rituals, and encourage the unique traditions of the Seers. The Folk of Hefrumm know my name well, it has served them on countless occasions. I know not by inference but by experience what they have been promised but predecessors failed to deliver, what would hurt their community and what would aid them. For that reason, I write this letter to clearly outline my policies regarding the Hefrumm so there shall be no mistake in its peoples’ eyes that I know their needs and am willing to fight for them just as much as my cavern kin. Outlined in the already proposed policies I have put forward in my agenda is the expansion of Hefrumm’s borders to the West and the expansion of their forest. The Forest Folk of Urguan have little forest and live instead on the sides of cliffs with little workable land, yet despite this, they are asked to pay 150 minas tax per stone week as a Hold. The Hold tax was levied on the Hefrumm similarly as we would levy on a guild a tax for access to fields, however, Hefrumm has hardly any fields or means to provide goods and services. For this reason, they are due an expansion of their borders and an exemption of the tax until their new land is properly terraformed and workable. Furthermore, their boat should be offered to them either at a decreased rate of taxation or none at all, as they already pay the Hold Tax which ought to include the boat as it is a means of their production as a Hold. Regarding the greater autonomy of the Hefrumm, as Grand King I would not create new limits on the High Chief’s ability to lead their people, only create new opportunities and freedom available so that Hefrumm can operate within its borders as it wishes. It is of my opinion that the market stalls of Hefrumm should be made untaxed by the greater Grand Kingdom and kept under direct and absolute management of the Hefrumm and her institutions, just as it was in the lands prior. Hefrumm shall under my watch see no moves to diminish its authorities to develop its own lands so long as it pays the Hold Tax and housing taxes. As far as its representation, it shall as always be left up to the Forest Clans of Hefrumm if they choose to be represented individually or as a Union, but as a Union of Clans, I shall continue to support them as I have in the past to be represented by a greater voting power as appropriate with their multitude of Clan Cultures. The culture of Hefrumm is what marks its identity, it must be recognized and allowed to prosper by the Grand Kingdom. As Grand King, I would encourage the entirety of the Khazadmar to do as I have and visit and pay respects at the feasts of the Hefrumm just as they do the feasts of Kal’Darakaan, and even host feasts in direct cooperation of one another, promoting a stronger unity between the communities of dwarves. Folk of the Hefrumm, when you vote ask yourself who is it that knows your culture and who is it that learns it only now at the urgent time of the election, and who is more likely to consider the ramifications of their policies on Hefrumm. Signed, Norli Starbreaker
  11. AGENDA OF NORLI STARBREAKER ᚷᚨᛚᚨᛏ-ᛖᚱᛟᚾ-ᛞᚨ-ᛏᚺᚱᚢᛗᛗᚨᛉ’ᚢᚱ’ᚴᛁᚱᚴᛃᚨ INTRODUCTION The mighty halls of Kal’Darakaan were prosperous and echoed with the sounds of industry and merrymaking in the early years of these new lands. However come the dwedsmas cold and the deadly winter that shadowed it, sickness and melancholy descended upon our joyous halls. But these were the sons of the same dwarves who vanquished the Terror of the North. If the honored Sons and Daughters of Urguan may defeat the corrupt Ondnarch, then persevere again they shall. By the warmth of Lady Anbella’s Hearth, the Grand Kingdom carries through and now stirs again, but there must be measures to reinforce unity and prosperity so that unlike our early days of Nyrheim we may truly seize the blessings of this coming era and make it a Golden One unseen since the Stone Age of Paragon Urguan Silverbeard. By this purpose, I have penned this Agenda so that the goals requisite to make our kingdom truly grand are clear and outlined, and so that we may organize efforts to fulfill each aspect of our culture. DA KIRKJA DVERGA The purpose of the clergy is to ensure the culture of the dwarves, the core of this culture being the traditions of the Hallowed Halls of Khaz’A’Dentrumm. To fulfill this purpose, I have written out a list of short term goals to bring da Kirkja Dverga to honor the Brathmordakin greater. It will be required of all members of the clergy to take part in a goal or mission, else give a reason for their inability to. THE PARAGONS AND HEROES FEASTS AND CELEBRATION RITES AND BLESSINGS THE GUILDS The backbone of dwarven industry but often dismissed, the guilds of Urguan, both private and royal, are essential to the dwarven identity. They are the very means by which a dwarf may give meaning to their lives and honor the Brathmordakin; the source of work. One of the greatest problems we’ve faced in Nyrheim was the lack of order and cooperation between Royal Guilds and the Grand King. The Grand King ought to respect the guildmasters and hold them highly in his cabinet, rather than ignore them in favor of solely the Grand Merchant and Grand Marshall as many previous monarchs have wrongfully done. In order to properly bring the Grand Kingdom to its greatest potential prosperity, many reforms should be made centered around the guilds of Urguan. RISE OF INDUSTRY MERCHANTRY AND TRADE SCHOLARLY PURSUITS EXPLORATION THE GRAND KINGDOM Lastly, there are certain broad reform plans that apply to the government structure and regulations of government property which require reforms to the purpose of creating a more fair and efficient governing process. LAND REFORM INFRASTRUCTURE DIPLOMACY CURRENCY AND EXCHANGE GOVERNMENT REFORM CLOSING REMARKS This Agenda had been planned out and largely written before the announcement of Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker’s removal, and in its purposes I shall fight for regardless of the result of the election. Despite this, I know it shall be a great deal easier to enact these reforms and those I have planned for the future with the position of Grand King, after countless decades of monarchs before now ignoring what must be done quickly when advised to. Key words used throughout this election have been Initiative and Reform, boasted by my opponents to hold in great amounts. To that I do not deny, all nominations in this election are honorable folk who I view as capable leaders, but I ask a simple question in turn: Have I been lacking? After over a half century of service to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, its folk know me well. I have directly served every clan, every guild in one aspect or another, and furthermore have assisted the entirety of the nation through my wide ranging government reforms and service in da Kirkja Dverga. A deep wealth of knowledge and experience shall guide my every decision, not just in action and policy making but in connecting and relating to the people of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. It was in da Kirkja Dverga that I had begun my long lasting career in Urguan, and since then I have continued to lead it in prosperity while expanding my service beyond its boundaries. As High Prophet, I have established writings of the Nozagar’Kron, the first collection of writings to go in great detail the teachings of each god of the Brathmordakin, as well as the first expansive Creation Mythos of the dwarves, diverting from the hogwash utilized by my predecessors that failed to even mention the Brathmordakin by name. Under my reign and with the assistance of Dugmir Irongut, the worship of Lord Grimdugan was redeemed and brought popular to the public, becoming the patron of the Workers’ Guild mining division. For my service in the guilds, I have always offered my respect and frequent assistance to the Workers’ Guild of Kal’Mugdor, Dorimnur Goldhand remarking I was the only leader who dedicated time to check the proceedings of the guild. For the Royal Clinic, I had been a major advocate for its establishment as a Royal Guild, even offering to operate it within da Kirkja Dverga and personally fund it if rejected by the king, who only accepted it at my suggestion. When its leadership suffered a crisis, it was to me that the clinic sought support and assistance. When the proposal of a Merchants’ Guild was rejected by the Under King Utak Ireheart and his Grand Merchant Falk Irongut given no resources to sell, it was my personal stores that were offered to him to sell across the lands and hire merchants, creating jobs and income for Urguan. When the Legion of Urguan faced troubles, to Dimlin Irongut I was a frequent aide and advisor, and Alaric Grimgold before him consulted me on the structure of its rankings. At the arrival to Nyrheim, when the Grand Kingdom needed cattle quickly I took initiative and out of my own pocket and worked alongside Kori Stormbreaker and Snorri Grandaxe the Royal Stables were made before approval, to which Snorri took over and established a profit immediately. No other dwarf has shown as much consistent and widespread support for the many guilds as I, and as Grand King I would elevate their importance in the operations of governance. I would expand my inner cabinet beyond the Grand Merchant and Grand Marshal as countless previous monarchs have done, and instead invite as well the guildmasters whose leadership is the backbone of Urguan. Further down the line, I believe a more ideal form of governance would establish the guilds themselves as executive offices in their own rights on their respective topics, expanding their influence and authority to self manage without a Grand King rubber stamping every move. Every Clan Lord knows my name as friend, and I have done great service to each and every one. The Starbreakers I have obviously led as an elder in my spare moments, and have taught many beardlings the Tale of Paragon Gotrek, and found their spot in the Tome of Kazraden. The Irehearts, even in moments of disagreement on their actions, I have penned many of their letters and declarations, their negotiations and agreements. The Grandaxes, I have married to the beautiful Bryldryn Grandaxe and been among the clan’s closest friends for several Clan Lords, and have always treated them as I would my own kin. To the Goldhands, I had helped rid of their previous, corrupt kinslaying leaders and fully supported the new dynasty in their traditions. For the Frostbeards I have always supported respect for those who rejected the Blackfist traditions and defended them against those who’d call them traitors. For the Ironguts I have been an ally to their elders and cooperated with them on many projects for the betterment of Urguan. For the Grimgolds, I supported their recognition in the Grand Council and worked along them in many dedications to the Brathmordakin, and to their Clan Father housed him upon arrival to the Grand KIngdom for free, and counseled him on the resolution of his past wrongdoings. For the Hammerforged and Metalfists, I advocated for their additions to the Grand Council when many others voted for their denial. For the Doomforged, I served in their early revival and made friendship with their members, encouraging and supporting Draakopf in his ambitions. And for the Hefrumm, there are few outside of their ranks who have dedicated as much time towards engaging in their cultural activities and celebrating their history, and it was my hand that penned the Ballad of Bjor. I shall continue to, as I have done for decades, support every last one of them, in times of both disagreement and unity. I shall ensure that the value of clans in the eyes of the Articles shall not focus solely on populace but cultural values, and protect smaller clans from eviction while rewarding larger clans with representation on the Grand Council. To return to my initial question, what Initiative and Reform do I lack? What do my opponents display that I fail to? Ask yourself, who have you known to be a leader of Urguan for decades? Who has been synonymous with dwarven culture? Who in this Grand Kingdom have I not served, have I not proven my capability? And allow me to bring a third word to the discussion this election: Experience. Who has led the nation already through countless reforms to its benefit? Who has pioneered our culture throughout their career? Who has said they are a worthy candidate for Grand King, that they shall lead you, and who has proven they are a worthy candidate for Grand King, and has led you? Vote Norli Starbreaker for a Grand King you Know will serve you. POLICY REPORT ROYAL GUILD OF EXPLORERS: [Link] LAND LEASE ACT 2.0: [Link] INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT ACT: [Link] THE CURRENCY AND EXCHANGE ACT: [Link] ARTICLES OF URGUAN 3.3: [Link]
  12. What has been your favorite community to RP in and more specifically what location? Also howdy Sander, I remember you from Belvitz, your character (I want to say Arthur?) ran the general store there, right? I played Marguan Goldhand, I had a plan to assassinate your character to try and take over the potential general store market niche but left LOTC before executing it hehe.
  13. AN EVEN SHORTER MISSIVE OF THE HIGH PROPHET You called yourself a member of the Order of the Seers in your first letter. Please, it's an atrocity before Lord Grimdugan to be this bad at deception, and an embarrassment to whatever Clan you claim allegiance to now, be it Ironside, Metalfist or Frostbeard. Narvak oz Brathmordakin ᚾᚨᚱᚡᚨᚴ ᛟᛉ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚴᛁᚾ DA KIRKJA DVERGA ~ ᛞᚨ ᚴᛁᚱᚴᛃᚨ ᛞᚡᛖᚱᚷᚨ ~
  14. A SHORTER MISSIVE OF THE HIGH PROPHET Then you're not a seer. Narvak oz Brathmordakin ᚾᚨᚱᚡᚨᚴ ᛟᛉ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚴᛁᚾ DA KIRKJA DVERGA ~ ᛞᚨ ᚴᛁᚱᚴᛃᚨ ᛞᚡᛖᚱᚷᚨ ~
  15. High Prophet Norli Starbreaker, deciding a more official response is necessary, goes to his desk and writes out a missive. MISSIVE OF THE HIGH PROPHET An outing in Athera does not wash clean the past wrongs and oaths of any khazad. It is not "sore feelings" that concerns da Kirkja Dverga, but a history of manipulation, arrogance and dishonors before Khaz'A'Dentrumm, especially when they have been immediately proven to linger still. Do not speak to me of the rush of battle as clouding, one should only know the blessings of Lord Dungrimm as they're close to death, they should know clarity. ULRO VELERAK ERON DA RHADAV’KARAAD, Baldin is to be prohibited from any role that allows him any religious authority, and his only capability to teach shall be that of repeating what is said in official writings of da Nozagar'Kron. Any violation of this order shall be charged as an Atrocity before the Brathmordkain in religious court with da Rhadav'Karaad as its leading judiciary body. Narvak oz Brathmordakin ᚾᚨᚱᚡᚨᚴ ᛟᛉ ᛒᚱᚨᛏᚺᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚴᛁᚾ DA KIRKJA DVERGA ~ ᛞᚨ ᚴᛁᚱᚴᛃᚨ ᛞᚡᛖᚱᚷᚨ ~
  16. High Prophet Norli Starbreaker responds to this public letter with one of his own: I do not find it at all appropriate that one who was sighted at the final assault against the Inferi to believe the corrupt spirit Gazardiel to be the honored Lady Belka should have any trust left from any self-respecting dwarven institution of scholars to lead an investigation on the nature of the stars in the sky, especially when within two sentences they already are claiming new religious doctrine, naming the North Star and calling it a realm of Belka, all the while making no small amount of effort to consult or reference da Kirkja Dverga and its writings which already have teachings regarding the natures of the stars in the dark night sky. And this is not even to consider why a star that guides one home would be related to anyone other than the Lady Anbella, Hearth Mother. I believe Baldin, although well intentioned, to be dangerous to have any amount of religious authority as he knows no doubt nor humility and rushes to conclusions that fit in more with what he wants to see in reality than what is actually the divine shaping of Lord Yemekar. It is for that reason that I had asked him in the Khaz'ur'Kirakmar eron Kal'Evraal to make oath not to claim any religious authority until fully redeemed in the eyes of da Kirkja Dverga, and I shall uphold him against this oath if he attempts now to try and make new religious doctrine against the teachings of da Kirkja Dverga. It is entirely unfit that he remains a Seer, and I request that he is removed from your Seer council and made an apprentice until he has been declared redeemed for his previous errs by da Kirkja Dverga.
  17. High Prophet Norli Starbreaker defers to the history of the people who actually created the foundation of Modern Urguan, and writes his own response. It is in my opinion an absolute disgrace that any khazad who supposedly honors and respects the Grand King would attribute his success to the Frostbeards of Kaz'Ulrah who openly feuded with him and threatened him, and likewise any who would claim him the successor of Arcadia clearly knows not the wrongs Irongrinders have done upon Starbreakers in the past. Let your damned grudges die with the past, they are done. Modern Urguan is not the successor to your failed states but their bane. The beardlings of yesteryear built this nation brick and mortar with their own sweat and blood while the feuding of Kaz'Ulrah and Arcadia against each other are the thing that shattered us in the first place. To bring them back up at every opportunity ought to be seen as damned Treason, and that goes for all of you. NARVAK OZ URGUAN, NARVOK OZ BRATHMORDAKIN
  18. You mean speech impediment, and you practically have brain rot.
  19. “Dwarves are rude” and elves are nude.
  20. Your application is time stamped as well on your forum activity, but regardless - Welcome to Lord of the Craft! Make sure to keep an eye on the RP-Events channel in the main Lord of the Craft Server Discord, as you can easily find out where many cultural events and such are and that's usually a great way of finding roleplay in my experience. And this next part will be biased, but you should totally come visit Kal'Darakaan, capital of Urguan. It's an awesome build, one of the coolest dwarven builds I have ever seen, and I feel we have a really fun culture to experience, even as an outsider, and dare I say especially as an outsider. If you need any help with the vortex stuff, there's some guides on the forums or you can likely ask someone politely in your character's travels and get some higher tiered tools just to get started. Urguan's Workers' Guild is quite good for that, and outsiders are allowed to join as well. Anyhow, have a great experience on the server! Go make some fun roleplay 😄
  21. I highly suggest the dwarves as I do to most people, we have quite a unique culture IMO and have been quite popping recently. Noobli#4534 if you'd like to ask more about our culture and stuff. However I can give a more personal advice if I know what sorta RP you like. Mostly family and slice of life? Magic? Political?
  22. I think on a global scale it's gotta be Godfrey or Thorin Grandaxe, both are some of most infamous characters. And I am biased, but I personally feel that "the Craft" is more of a dwarven aesthetic, thus it goes to Thorin :^) For dwarves specifically though, I'd actually say that Thorik Grandaxe deserves more credit than he gets. Dude basically made the main dwarven culture, as well as the Grand Kingdom in first place (although the modern politics are more based off of Bastion Ireheart's philosophy). Out of character, I believe he was one of the main writers of the Brathmordakin as well, and IRP it was during his reign the faith began (although Paragons predated him, I believe paragons were credited to Arbrek but are mostly just a kinda general idea that most dwarven cultures have).
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