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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Carson

  1. Pedophilia and racial supremacy need to be rooted out, and complicity is just further ruining the server. Get a backbone and some integrity and do something, unless you really want LoTC to fail.

    Edited by hamberder
    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Archipelego


      I play Pokémon go everyday

      I play Pokémon go

      I play Pokémon go everyday

      When I wake up

      I’m grabbing my phone

      I wanna catch them all

      I want to play Pokémon

      All day long, all day long

      I play Pokémon go everyday

      I play Pokémon go

      I play Pokémon go everyday

      I play Pokémon go

      (dank quitar solo)

      I play Pokémon go everyday

      I play Pokémon go

    3. AlphaMoist


      @hamberder except you’re not just calling out nonces and racists. You're not calling anyone out. You’re saying “haha racist bad” while also simultaneously saying that anyone who doesn’t do the same is a coward and needs integrity. You’re saying we’re complacent with it, and that we’re ruining the server because of it. 


      And despite what you say, you’re inherently placing racial supremacy in the same level as pedophilia, and that’s kind of fucked up and just retarded, especially when you’re just getting pissed off at humor you don’t like. 


      And if someone posts Mein Kampf, I literally don’t see how that could be taken as anything other than a joke. I don’t see anyone posting such a thing on lotc for anything other than shits and giggles. 

    4. excited


      Narthok is not a racist. Is it bad to joke about racism? Yes. But the context of a situation is important. For instance, rape as an act is beyond deplorable, and it exists within every facet of society. In films we often see rape “acted out” and represented in the story for one reason or another. Does that make the actor a rapist?


      Yes, there are White Supremacists on LoTC. Yes, there are fragile-egoed sissy boys as well who allow deplorable things to happen. But we must remember that this is the Internet, and what we see on here is for the most part just that: an act. Legitimate sex offenders end up banned from the platform, as do legitimate White Supremacists most of the time. 


      From my personal confirmation as a mildly gay Jewish-American man from Commiefornia, I want to say that Narthok is not a racist. Do I agree with his politics oocly? No, but he ran with the “Varg” thing as a joke. This status update was viewed as an attack on him and I don’t know if that’s what you were trying to do or not, but either way it is inappropriate for the LoTC forums and I’m surprised it hasn’t been removed yet. 


      In the future I think you should be a bit more mindful. It is easy to stir controversy on the forums, but it is everyday behavior and interactions that decide how we will get along with one another. Nothing is perfect. But it is sure better than it was a month ago, and six months before that, and years before that.


  2. .

    Edited by hamberder
  3. hi fellow new yorker

  4. FREE MY MAN @kevinblabla

  5. unpopular opinion, i presume, but i've always despised anime style art.


    why do all the men look like girls??/ i cannot tell the difference between the genders most of the time

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Carson


      i think the ideal appearances in asian societies nowadays are very anime inspired. it doesn't look natural, and if you look at k-pop stars, the men there look so effeminate. kind of like anime men.


      Then I see actual asian people in real life (read: my family), and none of them look like that. Whenever I visit Asia (mostly China and Taiwan), I see normal looking people with NATURAL FEATURES. but the moviestar/celebrities of china, not the average regular person, appears so different. not authentic. not real.

      In this image, the left side shows a natural, authentically beautiful Asian girl. REAL asians, whereas the right side has the trendy idealized image of a woman, who clearly went under the knife (bc nobody actually looks like that).


      FAKE ASIAN FACE versus NATURAL asian face

    3. Its_Just_Leap


      Some shows look better than others.

    4. Carson


      what deeply disturbs me is the objectification of females in so many animes, but it doesn't surprise me -- Japanese culture has always been deeply misogynistic. i'd never want to be a woman living there, eugh.

  6. are you thai

    1. Guest


      keep ur claws away from chaw

    2. Chaw


      no i am not i just live in thailand


  7. Memri_03f093_6273097.jpg

    roses are red

    violets are blue

    by allah, behave yourself, i'll give you a taste of my shoe!

    1. ibraheemc2000
    2. TJBMinecraft


      I have diabetes and it's type 2

  8. YO, does anyone want to play a Distorian character, loosely based off medieval China? @Deminisher and I want to get a group of pre existing characters together, since some people are playing such without knowing of the culture page written up.

  9. I do not sound like Mabel pines @SandergamerNL @Deminisher

    1. Sander


      You do, buddy xD

  10. rudolph the red nosed reindeer

    1. Rudi



    2. Carson


      Had a very shiny nose

      and if u ever saw him u would even say it glowed

  11. i want to acquire a wizard rank what do i do

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carson


      what kind of contest

    3. Kvasir


      a creative contest that somebody holds i forget who

    4. Carson


      i cant do art bbut i do music

  12. i too love foster the people

    1. neopsychedelia


      oh sick, fav album?
      torches is still the best imo

    2. Carson
    3. neopsychedelia
  13. I HAVE BEEN HICCUPING FOR THE PAST 20 MINUTES and i dont know how to stop

    1. rukio


      At least your nose wasn't bleeding for 40 minutes like mine did earlier.

  14. Carson


    1. ___



    2. Carson


      its you !!!!!!!!!!!

  15. discord concerts with the gang @max. @cinnamonplease

  16. Might be taking another break from LOTC. I'll sleep on it. I'll (probably) come back eventually if I decide to leave.

  17. I have the urge to make an elf character! I only have ever played Farfolk and that's the only human subrace I have any interest in whatsoever (preferring eastern cultures rather than western european), so it'd be a new experience.


    any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShameJax


      im pro gun tho pro every tech wtf

    3. devvy


      ^^ dont listen to him, he's a snow elf which is basically high elf but a bit more special snowflake-y.

      just be a wood elf

    4. devvy


      that username is old news. dont u have a dead princedom to rule

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