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Everything posted by EmiliainWonderland

  1. Agnes LAUGHED her ass off seeing Cosette being sold. "I hope she was cheap, she's not worth a whole lot."
  2. OOC: MC Name: SmackaBirch Discord: EmiliainWonderland#9078 Timezone: CST IC: Name:Maria de Rosius Age: 22 Field of Interest (Class): Surgery, Psychiatry Will you require housing? (Y/N): Maybe
  3. Perhaps it's odd to post this in the farewells chat, but I suppose I don't know what else to do with it. With the big changes that continuously happen throughout my life, I find that sometimes I need to take a step back and focus on reality, harsh as it may be. I take a break every several months to clear my head, but this one was long overdue. I took a small week or so to RP on certain characters, but this is me calling that off too. I will be around to help with all the things I'm needed for, including being the Mayor which I will get online for when I'm needed, and being the Attorney General where I will be doing all of my work behind the scenes until this hiatus is over, unless again absolutely necessary. I've been contemplating this for several months and I think it's time I do it again. So for about a week or so, I will only exist when absolutely needed. If I slip up, I suppose you'll have to scold me and remind me "Hey you're on hiatus" because if I get myself banned for 2 weeks, then I wouldn't be able to get on for necessary events and well, that'd suck for everyone. Know that when I come back my activity is likely to plummet by a landslide anyways because I will officially begin adulting (yikes). I will say that I plan to keep in contact with folks over the period of my hiatus, so if you need anything my discord is usually open. Emiliainwonderland#9078 (not a rip off of Beth's, I've used the username EmiliainWonderland for things for ages, including Twitch which I got before Beth and I ever met, love you though Beth <3} For my own sake, I'll be listing the characters I don't plan to play in the near future and therefore will be shelving for the time, even when I arrive again. Maria Mortimer Juliya Tatiana Ludovar Agnes de Falstaff
  4. Juliya receives the invitation from her father with a grin. "She's finally getting remarried! And to the Count too? I hope he's more interesting than his son, da?" Juliya cracked a grin to her brother, Robert. @erictafoya
  5. Maria is a jock forever 21 customer Amie is a true prep Agnes is a normie nerd mix Juliya is a punk Augustina is a true goth Maria M. Is a tennis player
  6. Maria is unsure at first how to respond to this open letter, but her final thought was how sad and cruel the world was to let a young soul go so soon. Maria donned her mourning clothes, already made rather necessary by the loss of her cousin Anastasia, and shed a tear for the lost young Adeline who she would forever lament not being there for.
  7. Aehmi signs the petition!
  8. Emilia understood the pain George felt when he found out the truth, she said nothing and knew nothing of the man, but as he crossed into the seven skies, she opened her arms for her step son in law.
  9. Elizaveta watched as her old friend passed on, knowing he likely wouldn't join her in the seven skies. "Rest in peace Othelu."
  10. The Deputy Attorney General's heart ached for her fallen Ministry of Justice members as she prayed that she'd see some of them alive, though she knew that some of them wouldn't make it out of the hospital.
  11. To think I could love you so much and you could betray me so much more. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Emilia Morgryn had an average childhood, was never very close to her mother and grew up despising her father as well. The older she got, the more he tried to push her into marriages she wasn't accepting of, until eventually she made a pact with someone to get out of it. Enter, Patrick O'Rourke, a good for nothing playboy in Emilia's eyes. Their agreement was simple, they'd fool her father Desmond into believing they had intentions to get married so that he would call off the engagement between her and Jakob Castington. After all, Jakob was more than a dozen years her senior and they'd never met, yet she was soon to have to spend the rest of her life with him and the stubborn girl just couldn't allow that. She wanted freedom, to be an adult for a few more years before being forced into a loveless marriage, so the game began. They did everything in their power to keep her father under the impression that Patrick loved her and that she loved him, that tearing them apart would be detrimental. Perhaps neither of them felt that way in the beginning, but as time passed and they spent more and more time together, the act they were putting up became more and more real. Emilia had so much she wanted to do with her life, but in Ricky's eyes she saw her future and when he asked her, genuinely, to marry him she couldn't find it in herself to say no. The truth of the matter is, however, that Emilia and Patrick O'Rourkes marriage was never legitimate as detailed in the letter below which was addressed to her sons, but also sent to the High Pontiff himself. "To my dearest children, Liam and Desmond. There is never going to be an easy way to say this, but it has to be said. The reason it was so very easy for your father and I to get a divorce after he cheated on me was because there was never any marriage to begin with, deeming the two of you illegitimate like your very own grandmother. I understand how selfish of me this is to write after the fact, but if anyone were to glance over the church records, registries, etc. They'd see my name was and always has been, Emilia Morgryn. I expected you to never have to face that reality, but it becomes glaringly obvious to anyone who looks at the once happy "marriage" Patrick and I had. I hope you'll find it in your heart not to resent me, but the moment your father took you away from me because he was a selfish manipulative bastard, I found that I no longer cared to keep his secret. I know this will affect your lives strongly, and I hope you can forgive me for it. Love always, your mother. Emilia Morgryn." After the writing of this letter, Emilia found her heart so empty and cold that she couldn't find it in herself to continue life any longer and jumped off the bridge that lead to the steps of Providence. Emilia Morgryn 1782 - 1823
  12. "Finally!" Amie exclaimed after seeing the missive. "I can stomp those diseased fucks without getting in trouble."
  13. "Stop talking so harshly about them and trying pit them against each other, Doja Catherine. It's immoral!" The young Ludovar seemed upset now, having gotten to know them more these past events. She looked to the aforementioned 'Better Blonde.'. "Don't listen to them, Tatiana. Don't let this wound your ego! Marjorie isn't like that." She assured her.
  14. The aforementioned Ludovar frowned at the missive. Her first real taste of freedom from her sickness, and her absence and nervousness was attributed to some falsehood made up by a stupid columnist.
  15. I nominate myself as Simp of the Craft, no need to debate it.
  16. Augustina scoffed. "Faith is ******* stupid anyways. Where's the fun in being a soldier without a few war crimes?" Augustina was not a soldier, but she was most definitely not in her right mind.
  17. Agnes thought she had escaped this madness, yet it seemed to follow her wherever she went.
  18. ((Thank you for reminding me, I knew I missed a few people!))
  19. [!] A letter is sent out to the citizens of Haense and a select few from Oren. You are cordially invited to the wedding of Miss Agnes de Frand and Mister Emil-Dardot Ashford de Falstaff. Join us for a celebration of love and matrimony in Haense! Specific invitations are as follows, with letters attached to each of them. Albrecht Mondblume - "It is with great joy I invite you to attend our wedding, dear sir. You were a kind and hospitable soul when we first encountered you in Haense and have been kind enough to keep the secret of our impending wedding to yourself and those we allowed you to share it with. Today I am here to tell you may spread the news as far and as wide as you please for at last comes to the day we are to be wed." To the Lord and Lady Woldzmir - "I haven't much to say to you Aimee. I know your life has become increasingly busy and you may not find it in your heart to make time for me, but I hope you do. You can be as mad at me as you want, just remember you told me I was allowed to marry whoever I wanted to. Ostromir, I know you are terribly indifferent towards me, but I'd also like to see the two of you attend." To the lovely de Rosius family - "Valent, you are a good friend and I hope you can find a place in your schedule to attend. My dearest Claude, I know you knew this was coming, yet it still may come as a bit of a shock. I hope you will come and celebrate with us as you have celebrated many of the milestones of my lifetime. Otis, I hope you will join the both of them in coming to my wedding though we are not necessarily very close." To Arlo Cooper - "I know the two of us never seem to get along, but I do want you to attend my wedding since we've become closer over the last year or so. I know you may not approve of my choice of spouse, but I hope you'll attend anyways." To Ida Castille - "My dearest Ida, I am excited to finally announce the wedding and I pray that you attend. I know this letter may seem a bit impersonal, but I hope we can talk more in person since we live much closer now." To Gwynevere Amelia - "Hello Gwyn! I hope you receive this letter with haste. I understand the last letter I sent to you was a bit alarming, but I hope you find joy out of this one instead. Please attend the wedding, you know I'd be delighted to have you even though you are certainly not a fan of Emil." To the Dowager-Baroness of Carrington, Anna Henrietta - "I hope this letter finds you well, Anna. You and I have certainly never seen eye-to-eye but I wanted to extend an invitation personally. Maybe it's because you never though this would happen, or maybe it's because I know this will piss you off beyond belief to know that you're wrong AND that I'm marrying someone who is a so-called "traitor." To Adriana d'Arkent - "I know we haven't spoken in years, but I want you to attend. You were a very big supporter of mine throughout everything despite your sister's ill intent in the past and honestly, I miss you at the very least, contact me when you can." To Emerentia Kovachev - "I know this letter may catch you by surprise, since we've hardly spoken since the loss of your husband. Now to find out I'm marrying his cousin must be a bit alarming. I think we all knew that this would be happening, but it's one thing to see it on paper than to discuss it in passing when we were younger. Regardless, I hope you'll attend." To Caroline de Selm - "I understand you and I may not be very close, but I hope to see you attend nevertheless, Caroline. I don't have much to say since these letters are all very last minute, but I hope you'll at least write me back." To Maisie d'Arkent - "At first we certainly didn't get along and I'm not sure we do even now, but I'd like to have you attend with your sister and Caroline since you and I endured the social season together." ((To those of you who can't attend because it's last minute, that's alright I understand completely, but I hope you'll still write to me anyways. There is no date listed on the post because it's happening sometime today, probably. Just wanted to get the post out while I still could. Could be the next hour or two, no telling with the groom's schedule.))
  20. Augustina was sad to hear the woman she idolized as a child had passed, Agnes changed her mind, this was a big deal. How come suddenly the woman she working for died and then Aimee married Ostromir? This was fishy, very fishy.
  21. Augustina sighed upon receiving the news. At first, maybe a passerby could assume Augustina was sad, but all those close to her would likely know she was upset she wasn't the one to take him out. She cleaned the Ivy Dust from some unknown counter, leaning her head back, slumped against a wall. "Good ******* riddance." She then burst into laughter. After all these years, he was finally dead, and she felt somewhat of a weight lift off of her. Perhaps now she could reunite her brother and sister, the only two people on the face of Almaris she could ever tolerate. Not even her own daughter was good enough for her, and Gino would die never knowing what happened to her. That was good enough Augustina, as she knew his legacy would never live on. The words spoken on the day she told her father the news of that unfortunate pregnancy spilled from her lips once more, a wry smirk on her features. "Die *****."
  22. Minecraft Username: TeawithEmi In-game name: Augustina Falcone Reason for joining the Resistance against the Oren: Because Oren has turned a blind eye on me.
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