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Everything posted by EmiliainWonderland

  1. Amie Halcourt-Ruthern smiled at hearing her niece had returned home at long last, having not seen her since the girls wedding, she thought it'd be good to see her again sometime.
  2. I love all of my characters for different reasons, maybe Elizabeth Halcourt-Winter. She spawned generations of new people and can be found as a common link between the houses Halcourt, Winter, Othaman, Devereux, and Kovachev. Unwillingness to accept change and move on from my childhood grandeur. Never. She is immortal.
  3. Maria de Rosius or Tara of Judzcya. Maria because she was actually such a dynamic character or Tara because nuns are incredibly based. Never. NEXT! Kidding, I don't know.
  4. I've been stuck here for forever. Save me, but also ask me fun lil questions.
  5. Eris doesn't understand why people are selling pictures of themselves that are of such... bad quality. Very pixelated for portraits!
  6. A woman reads the missive. "What about women? God worshipping women?"
  7. "Seems like he needs to use this an excuse to get a wife. To think he could've just done a favor and asked for nothing in return, but such is the way of man." Maria sighed but laughed regardless.
  8. Maria Romstun de Rosius shuddered. The thought of vampires alone scared her, knowing she's likely crossed this Ludovici on the streets a dozen times seemed to scare her even more. "Maybe I'll stay home for a bit and let them deal with it."
  9. "Oh, I thought this would actually be important. It just seems like... common sense to me." Maria said simply, putting away the informational paper.
  10. The Attorney General sat in her office, constantly being hounded about her work, but what no one really knew was the reason she lingered. Their long history was enough to make her hesitate. How could she prosecute Anton d'Amato-Orlov in good conscience. Letters she never sent sat on her desk at home, which she hardly came back to these days. Somehow everyone she knew kept dying, first her ex husband (no great loss), then her cousins had been missing for God knows how long, no mention of their whereabouts. Then came the loss of her good friend and her boss, George O'Rourke who she knew deserved more than what happened to him. His death brought her closer to the top, but was it ever worth losing him for? She couldn't really say. Then the lovely Elizavetta de Rosius who had always felt like a sister to her, and then her friend and Deputy Attorney General, Joseph Warrick, and now, Anton gone and seemingly never coming back. Somehow, she didn't know how she still continued to keep going. Her newest DAG had just resigned and she felt hallow, and still for the rest of her days she'd wonder what happened to Anton d'Amato-Orlov. The enemy who became an unlikely friend. --------------------- Maria Othaman sat in her apartment with her daughter Charlotte, still haunted by the last encounter with Anton. Unwritten letters and the secrets only he (and a few others) knew about her. She recalled it all like it was only a saints day ago. "Anton, what if we ran away together? We don't need to worry about anyone else." The woman suggested. "Elijah said the same thing, I just can't run from these things." The man replied. Anton would never know the things Maria wanted to say, how much she truly cherished her dear friend. The insight he gave her into the man she never got to know, though only a little, inspired her and she found a deep trust with Anton d'Amato-Orlov. Brought together by an unlikely person who had died several years before their meeting. She remembered screaming at him, pleading desperately, hands bloodied from her time trying to keep a 6 year old alive. Anton was being bullheaded he wouldn't listen. She knew she had to try. When the doors finally opened, she burst in, Diana d'Azor having taken over Maria's care of the child. "Anton, please." She looked at him. "They'll kill you." She cried. Her words fell on deaf ears, his eyes looking to hers for a split second. It was all it took for her heart to shatter. "All the people around us die. You can't go too." She said, but it seemed he was no longer listening. So she sat at her desk, the place where she wrote. The letters which had been addressed to Geoff but she could never send because she didn't know how she could tell him their friend, the one person who could keep them civil... had become a fugitive. And one letter in particular sat unfinished, this one addressed to Anton himself. "I don't have time for courtesies and you know this, Anton. I want to see you, I know it's dangerous but you and I, we're all we've got now. I haven't spoken to Geoff in years and Elodie still resents me for the book. You told Alice you understood, you knew what it was like. You're the only one who understands me, whether I'm Alice or I'm Maria you're the only one. So please, before it's too late, see me. You were there for all of those deaths, there to comfort me in the strangest ways, and I never got to say thank you so- Please Anton, don't forget me. Signed, Maria de Rosius and by proxy, Alice Thorne." And Maria hated herself for never sending that letter, how could she? She wasn't worried about colluding with a fugitive, she was worried, deep in her heart that it was just simply too late. Why did she hesitate? She did love Anton, not in the way you love a husband or a lover, in the way you love family. Anton was her family, her rock. As strange as it was. She looked up from her desk at the unfinished letter to the book across from her. Her memoir. "I hope you remember the words we exchanged, Anton. For you, for everyone, I'll reveal the truth.... I will find justice."
  11. A sister in law didn't see much of a difference in Viktor's presence than before, so for the time being, she had no idea Viktor was dead.
  12. Agnes heard the news in passing and frowned heavily. "Oh my poor sweet Caroline." The woman said, moving to her desk to write a letter. "Dearest Caroline, I heard of the loss of your husband recently and I wish you all the best. Perhaps Aveline, Eloise and I can come visit when you feel a bit better. You've done well for yourself and I couldn't be prouder of the woman you've become. I miss you and I hope you get well soon. Love always, Agnes de Falstaff. " @HeftyDonut
  13. Maria had heard the news of her aunt's passing not long after she had died. The already heartbroken young woman did nothing except she knew she had to. She knew she had to find solace so she pushed past her tears and went to find the one person who'd comforted her the most, whether he wanted to see her or not.
  14. Agnes LAUGHED her ass off seeing Cosette being sold. "I hope she was cheap, she's not worth a whole lot."
  15. OOC: MC Name: SmackaBirch Discord: EmiliainWonderland#9078 Timezone: CST IC: Name:Maria de Rosius Age: 22 Field of Interest (Class): Surgery, Psychiatry Will you require housing? (Y/N): Maybe
  16. Perhaps it's odd to post this in the farewells chat, but I suppose I don't know what else to do with it. With the big changes that continuously happen throughout my life, I find that sometimes I need to take a step back and focus on reality, harsh as it may be. I take a break every several months to clear my head, but this one was long overdue. I took a small week or so to RP on certain characters, but this is me calling that off too. I will be around to help with all the things I'm needed for, including being the Mayor which I will get online for when I'm needed, and being the Attorney General where I will be doing all of my work behind the scenes until this hiatus is over, unless again absolutely necessary. I've been contemplating this for several months and I think it's time I do it again. So for about a week or so, I will only exist when absolutely needed. If I slip up, I suppose you'll have to scold me and remind me "Hey you're on hiatus" because if I get myself banned for 2 weeks, then I wouldn't be able to get on for necessary events and well, that'd suck for everyone. Know that when I come back my activity is likely to plummet by a landslide anyways because I will officially begin adulting (yikes). I will say that I plan to keep in contact with folks over the period of my hiatus, so if you need anything my discord is usually open. Emiliainwonderland#9078 (not a rip off of Beth's, I've used the username EmiliainWonderland for things for ages, including Twitch which I got before Beth and I ever met, love you though Beth <3} For my own sake, I'll be listing the characters I don't plan to play in the near future and therefore will be shelving for the time, even when I arrive again. Maria Mortimer Juliya Tatiana Ludovar Agnes de Falstaff
  17. Juliya receives the invitation from her father with a grin. "She's finally getting remarried! And to the Count too? I hope he's more interesting than his son, da?" Juliya cracked a grin to her brother, Robert. @erictafoya
  18. Maria is a jock forever 21 customer Amie is a true prep Agnes is a normie nerd mix Juliya is a punk Augustina is a true goth Maria M. Is a tennis player
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