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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Pogmeister

  1. I honestly haven’t kept up with all of these pedophile posts because most of them are longer than the lore posts on the forums; despite this, I find that this post is a pleasant step forward for not only the admins but the staff as a whole. Many people seem unhappy even with this, but I thank you, Telanir, for speaking out about this situation.
  2. Pretty confident you can make torches with charcoal!
  3. I think it would be a cool EVENT STORY team creature for events, but I feel it to be a bit too overpowered and overall pretty useless for a CA. It just brings a bloodthirsty villain to the table. You don’t have to play a new creature to kill people and be a furry. Just be an aggressive and bloodthirsty Kharajyr or Hou-Zi.
  4. What is your favorite piece of lore? I’m genuinely curious!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AlphaMoist
    3. ZythusRequiem
    4. ryno2


      does ‘lore’ include the server history that was done by players in old maps 

  5. the past tense of virus should be viri, like cacti or octopi.
  6. ((I believe you mean Dwarf Team 6 https://imgur.com/a/T9nNSuH
  7. An amazing poem coming to you soon! ?
  8. Pogmeister


    who shall hold the banner
  9. Serious art done with a tablet.
  10. I’ve got a request for two outfits. It’s for the same character though. Just going to contact you on discord! ?
  11. I finally figured out how to do these!

  12. Looking amazing, girl! Would buy one if I wasn't broke.
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