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Everything posted by Honourary

  1. Vithfrinaak, one of the Great Titan's many steadfast scions, began preparations to set out in search of the Inquisitor Eternal!
  2. Avaeramos smiles the brightest of all smiles, and pockets the missive before setting out for the Bastion of Silver.
  3. IGN: Alfomos RP NAME: 'Smokeh' Ireheart CANDIDATE: Durorn Ireheart
  4. Karin'ayla, friend of Malinor.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Statherian
    3. AnonymousAlexa


      46 minutes ago, Alfomos said:

      none of those.

      Yes, he is Avaeramos Henrique, everyone knows this

    4. The Great Mongol Khan
  5. A compendium on Asioth 5th year of the Second Age _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ To attain the plight of Asioth, one must fully devote themselves to retaining the derivations of knowledge and teachings bestowed unto us by the great Arch-Drakaar, Azdromoth. And moreover to the antecedent statement, broaden their understanding on His theology to succour themselves in achieving the ideal disposition of reverence, and contemporaneously, His recognition. Dedicating one's self wholly to the veneration of the Arch-Drakaar sanctions them as a Seeker of His faith. In order for a Seeker to procure the notion of Asioth, they must be unreservedly adherent to the will of their Draconic liege and to those of his ilk – the Azdrazi. Through reverence of the Arch-Drakaar, may a Seeker understand the perfection of the Great Titan. And furthermore, become more and more shaped in His image – and ultimately, attain a perfect state of Asioth. Reflecting upon the Parable of Malin, the Ancestor of all of the Elven people, shows this divulgence to be true. Malin, who was known to worship all Gods within his reach, pondered the question; “Where is the threshold at which the grove becomes sacred?” – And so the Great Titan, in all his wisdom, spoke unto the Elvenking; “The grove becomes sacred when you enter it.” In synopsis, the Great Titan proclaims that the sanctity of the grove comes from Malin himself, and not the Gods who supposedly inhabit it. After all, Godhood is not a definite state unattainable by mortal man. Malin placed himself before servitude to innumerable Gods and failed to recognize that he himself would be able to reach an even greater state of being through the attainment of Asioth. To my sentiment, I see no reason in worshipping such deities that arbitrarily decide the fates of man when destiny could be right within your reach. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. Avaeramos uttered a silent prayer to the Arch-Drakaar, considerably somber of his friend's passing.
  7. Finally! Something informative.
  8. Hello Lot-See.

    1. Maclunkey


      i really really really hate you

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