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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Gemini

  1. I swear to god if I see one more open letter…. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laeonathan


      better then an invitation to tea! :P

    3. Gemini


      @LaeonathanYou just gave me an idea 

    4. Laeonathan


      hahahahha do it, no balls

  2. I think I might simp for ST.... I love you guys thanks for all the hard work you do 

  3. I think we should all give Freja a kiss 

  4. I was already in withdrawal from not being able to access the forums 

  5. I'm selling AI generated character reference pictures 5e for 5 pieces ;*)) DM me so I can be rich for doing nothing

  6. I’ll give 50 minas to the person who guesses to whom the next open letter is written to 

    1. Luciloo


      To whom* :^)

    2. Gemini


      @LucilooIm just  European okay 😭😭😭

    3. Nooblius


      i'm guessing clan ireheart

  7. I’ve had covid 3 times in the last 10 months honestly fml 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gemini


      @squakhawkat this point I might need to amputate :,> I’m done being sick I’m seeing thing with this fever 

    3. Crevel


      I've only had it once when I went on holiday (I believe, I didn't test myself but someone else in the house got sick and was positive). I had a bad fever for about a week and would drink lots of coconut water. For the first few nights, I am pretty sure I had some form of psychosis because I'd get hallucinations which in turn made it very difficult for me to sleep. Eventually I got better for the most part, but I had a small cough that persisted for like a month. It was an interesting experience, and I also discovered after a while when I was feeling better that I hate the taste of coconut water. I hope you're doing good though and your symptoms are tolerable.

    4. Unwillingly


      I got it once on the literal day I was supposed to fly out of the country around february of last year. was throwing up af and it was probably the most sick I've ever felt. took a ton of vitamins and medicine in an attempt to get it out of my system. even though it went away pretty quickly, before we flew back to the US I ended up testing positive for covid anyways and myself and my immediate family had to quarantine for 5 days while the rest of our vacation party flew back. was not a fun time

  8. If AH is not removed I will marry Tythus and fire all the admins and become lotc overlordess and remove Ah forever and then admins can personally auction themselves to Timbuktu.

    1. Xarkly


      get in line

    2. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      yeah, fr! 🤬 i’ve been trying to work out some sort arranged marriage with @Tythussince like 2015-2016, and i’ll be damned 👏 if all this progress is gonna end with me fruitless 👏 

  9. If I get a 100 follower’s I’ll draw a VIP or an upgrade to someone (;

    1. Zolla_


      gimme me a sec gonna make 86 alts

    2. JuliusAakerlund


      Truly an epic statement.

  10. If someone wants to play an atro hmu

  11. If you wanna play in the hottest (literally burning) family of Haelun’or, shoot me a PM @ Geminisole#3927

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      *throws up Elven gang signs*

  12. It looks like Haelun'or will be filled with DEMOCRATIC debates in the upcoming weeks!! Make sure to tune in ;)

    1. rukio


      gobless Democracy

    2. Gemini
  13. It’s a beautiful day outside, go touch grass and enjoy the weather 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gemini


      @SamlerI only have issues with the fact that you were with children. Children are ominous (sorry children of lotc)

    3. Gemini


      @_Sheylo_Books are for the illiterate. 

    4. Samler


      @GeminiHave you forgotten I work with child care?

  14. It’s so weird to think as I’m writing this, deep down there’s a bunch of people stuck in the middle of the ocean in a submarine by the titanic 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sami03


      Happens when you fire the guy who made safety concerns instead of fixing them

    3. ImCookiie



    4. Traveller



  15. Just a reminder that you’re a bad bit ch 💞

  16. Just finished an exam I did not study at all for :) #graduationhereicome

  17. Lads was I not right???? I told

    You there is a war coming 

    1. Crevel


      You are so right; we should all follow you now.

    2. Gemini


      @Crevelim still mad, you ruining my market but am I not a clairvoyant???!!!!

  18. lip sync for your life

    1. Nug


      oh mama ur boutta get sent boots the house down HOME! *****! i did a death drop into a flip into a split into a jump into a fart, sashay away mama work boot yassss

    2. Gemini


      Shantay you stay 

  19. Live love toaster bath 

  20. Llir can you make the tech team code a little and make the forums support emojis 

  21. lmk if anyone wants to play a haelunorian high elf UwU contact me in discord!!! 

  22. Make me a sandwich

  23. Merry Chrysler to those celebrating today!! And happy holidays to those not celebrating chrismum!! 

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