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Everything posted by Lockages

  1. The Befallen Stag As was once said, all good stories must come to an end. No matter how long, how short… How glorious, or how bittersweet. For all… human, elf, or dwed, it ends one way or another. For most in a land like this, they fall with a fight, an ‘ame known by many soon forced to follow a path behind his namesake. For after all, fate is a curse, and it truly binds all, like a cold, biting embrace. Standing out before the Vale, that ‘ame wore a grimace upon his countenance, eyes piercing and cold, glares shot across towards the creature within his sights. Before him, The Barrowlord of sickening design stood, continuing to approach him. That thing aging further with each tantalizing step. The elf’s thoughts were scrambled - Overwhelming exhaustion plaguing every ounce of his being, the man feeling as if he was to succumb to its call at any moment. “You are not to… step foot upon these grounds.” A hush was all that was able to be produced, the elf’s spear sent down before him, a weak clasp sent upon its form. Soon after, a thrust was attempted once the Lord was in range - Though it was futile, even the most desperate attempts ending in a sluggish failure. He was being made a fool of, this no way for a warrior of his blood to pass, that Lord soon speaking out in its cacophonous tones. “Make this easy on yourself…” Taking advantage of his weakened attack, they pulled the end of the shaft towards them, releasing the weapon from his grip. In a moment of weakness, that ‘ame would tumble to the floor upon his knees, collapsing flat upon the soggy soil. His head turned along the grass and stones, conscious waning with each moment, that groveling elf’s fleeting energy escaping with each breath. “Abelas Caerme’onn… We honor you.” Just above the Chieftain's head, his own spear was lifted into the air, the steel shining within the breaking sunlight, it pointed downwards upon the center of his chest like an arrow drawn before a target… There was no hope, for all had been lost. There was hardly any fight, only a beast satiating its lust for blood, and carnage. Though, even the most reviled of monsters have honor, for after those fated words were spoken, his own blade was sent down upon his flesh. It sundered his skin, and his heart, making its way through his body - The elf meeting hardly any suffering at the end of his fateful journey. A last breath pooled from his agape jaw, the final thing heard being footsteps of a foreign individual… A cry soon exclaimed out afterwards. A savior? No… Hardly. This was it - This WAS the end. And he knew it. If there was anything in this world he was certain on, this was all there was left within his decaying consciousness. There were no visions of his beloved, or any peaceful scenery… For all he felt was fear, and regret in these last cohesive thoughts.. Onyx black was all that was left, nothing soon to follow. This was a man known by many titles… A father, a husband…. A brother, a friend, a son… or even a leader. And now, all that’d be left was pain and suffering. For he was now nothing but a memory. •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
  2. very sweet much appreciate (very much convinced spindle is a better rper than me but they claim otherwise, don't listen)
  3. the fact you made a forum account just to ask this question is commendable, have you tried coating your pc in mayonnaise? usually that fixes it.
  4. ((Loved the Savoy involvement on the event, hope everyone present had fun.))
  5. wow i think i should apply to LT, seems like a great opportunity on this minecraft server we call Lord of the Craft! (sponsored by Tythus co.)
  6. i didn’t take any part in this, but I’m taking credit (jk)
  7. i like dragons, i like the color green, and that's good enough for me man. i havent read it yet nor do i think i will soon because im too ******* tired. good job either way though kale.
  8. here comes the storm... (jk sure he'll do amazing)
  9. Was, and will always be the best grandma.
  10. god imagine being a caerme'onn, what a loser
  11. watching the video and holy **** this is really well done
  12. god finally, elven twins are no more. do we get to shoot the extra child now?
  13. The man of elven descent took a slight interest to her sudden arrival, having just been treading the halls. "Hm?" He hummed out in a dull response, as if he had barely been paying attention, before taking a look at the paper she presented before him. "Just a grasp for attention, most of it's lies anyways... I'd advise to not take it seriously." He uttered, before handing the page back to her. "It's creative, though, even if crude." He admitted, continuing to his destination.
  14. i didn't read any of this yet i just wanted to leave a reply. hello.
  15. stealing my rep i see how it is
  16. end our suffering for the love of god
  17. ark what pokemon am i? i must know
  18. [!] In a looming wall within the ruined palaces of Al'Faiz, therein lies the bounty boards by the Knights of Malchediel. To eradicate the demonic Inferi, bounty posters are being placed for brave adventurers to take. CREATURE NAME OR OBJECTIVE - Eradication of an Infernal Beast, personally dubbed ‘The Handyman’ LAST SPOTTED - The Northern Portion of the Aegrothond Forest THREAT LEVEL - Mediocre, Party of 3-6 Recommended REWARD - Adfectio Ring, 2000 Mina “To the Bold Warrior, In a recent encounter I have had the unfortunate pleasure of coming into contact with a horrific, multi-limbed monstrosity in the surrounding forests of Aegrothond. It gave me one hell of a beating, and it is most definitely still loose somewhere in the thicket of the citadel. If you are willing, able-bodied, and seeking a reward, come search for me in our current encampment placed in Al’faiz’s throne room. There I will sit you down at an organized time, and I can give you what I know of this beast, as well as my personal recommendation as to how to go about fighting it. - Ser Lucanere, Compatriot of The Knights of Malchedial” OOC Notes: ((If you have a group willing to tackle this bounty, please make a post, and make sure to detail your discord info for ease of communication. If you are not in a group and wish to attend anyways, also leave your information and we can try to slot you in as well.)) ((The times for a debriefing on the mission can be anytime on Tuesday 10/27, or Wednesday 10/28. The fight will take place on Wednesday of the same date, at a time that works best with those attending.))
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