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Everything posted by DeusVult

  1. While travelling along the roads, wanderers find about many different oddities. Some are useless bits and baubles, mayhaps tracks of a deer. This, however, is of a different nature. This is a letter, tacked to an unmarked tree in the forests of Almaris, with a bluish-gray dagger. It remains unopened, and will remainso, for many years to come. Rin- How curiously time hath passed, makes me look back on the moments we shared with strange nostalgia. I remember you telling me not to fight for good, or for myself, but for you, and my family. I remember how you taught me right from wrong, and good from evil. I remember you scolding me for speaking to Dragons, and I felt irritated. I now ponder why I felt that back then, perhaps it was my desire for independence, my desire to fight, and uncover adventure. It was why I had left for Karkosa, that dreaded realm. There I missed your passing, and your funeral. Where I had given up my family, my friends, my Father, only to be given the life I had desired; independence. Independence is as it is; lonely. I don't feel any manlier, I don't feel any older for living alone. I feel cold, I feel as a shallow shell of who I once was. I remember once upon a time in our tavern, I was so excited to hear of my people and the stories that were passed down to me. I now feel burdened with that knowledge, as if I am to bound to carry it to the next generation. Each day, I feel, is longer than the last. Each day, I yearn to return to my life before, in the Commonwealth of Petra. Where Aviana and Wings would strut about, and you and I would run the tavern. A time not where I fight to have my culture survive, not a time where I felt my people were dying, but of a time of family, of friendship, and peace. These thoughts, these memories of a time long passed fill my head every night as I lay my back in my bedroll. But Father, it was you who taught me not to dwell on the past. You had taught me that looking back is not the way forward. I realize now I had wasted those years lamenting, brooding over my indecisiveness to stay with my family. I understand now what you had truly meant, when you say those words. Thinking of regret, thinking of the past and what could have been is riddled with wrong thoughts. It will throw you off a cliff into a pit which has no end. I am now left with a choice, to return to Petra, take up your tavern and live a normal life as a barkeep, surrounded by friends, and carry on what you had given me, or to finish what I had started in That dreaded realm, and possibly open a jar which can not be shut close. The first choice seems easy, and, it is what you would want for me, but, I can not deep down in my heart, choose this. My people, our people, lay dead, slaughtered by Celia’nor, all because of that wretched man. To choose to live in blissful ignorance of that fact, is a weight on my heart upon which will prevent my happiness. It is with this final thought, I leave you with. I choose not to rest my head and live a long, prosperous life. I can not, for the horrors I bore witness to, for the calamity that was wrought, has slandered my once clean promise of a life well lived. I will return to that realm, I will seek this evil out, and destroy it. I will not live to regret this choice. For the key to all Adunians lies here. Rest well, Rin.
  2. Thonar Frostbeard arrives home beaten, and bruised from an unnamed fight with an unnamed people. He takes a seat down at his Father's table, where he reads this missive. After reading it, he heaves a heavy sigh and fully relaxes into his seat, thanking the Brathmordakin that Haense and its people support his great nation of Dwed. The Dwed will have their revenge.
  3. You'd only need to emote it twice
  4. Hey there everyone, just going to make a post about recent events that have occured, rules simply don't exist anymore on this server, and its staff playing favorites. Ex. 1: Banditry in Adria I was with my group of Frostbeards, we were banditting roads in Adria. We killed a couple people, then sat out on roads. A group of 8 showed up, halted us, then 5 minutes later Orlanth and Wolfdwg (ferrymen/adrians) showed up on horses. Curious...they very clearly should not be able to join the fight. However, a mod claimed that they were "Close enough, and theres 10 minutes that allows people to join." Sure, rule was linked fine. We lose a 10v5 Ex. 2: Urguani Raid Adrians raided Urguan, and when we halted them this time, we did not initiate pvp and waited for 5 minutes for fluffycop to join. However, Fluffycop was not allowed to join "Combat had started, because you halted them" Curious.... Ex. 3: Urguani Raid 2 Electric Boogaloo Ferryman come to urguan to raid...we ring bell, but not according to rules? People log on, but metarallied...because bell was emoted improperly...? We can't log in our own city's square I guess... People are on, and we wait for crp to be over since we can't join. But for whatever reason, we can't halt them as they leave, and then they get tp'd out... The ferryman are allowed to leave, for...no reason? Because "You can't camp crp" ermm, that has been ruled as allowed since the rule was established. Whats the point of the rules if every gm has a different interpretation? Billions must crp.
  5. Thonar Frostbeard smiles as he cuts the head clean off of a Norlandic soldier with his great axe. "T'IS ES FER MEH PINKEH!"
  6. A letter would be found in the mailbox of the Lantham residence, with the initials A.J. on the outside of it. Upon opening, the reader would find the following- Benedict Lantham- I am Asbjorn Foremothers, born to a simple peasant mother in Norland. Of the date of my birth, I am 33 years old, but, I have not lived all those years truly, as I had spent time in a different realm. I have a singular friend, with the rest of my friends and family passing, or gone missing. I spent time with a group of scholars in Karkosa, and helped them achieve research in that horrid place, using my expertise on the field with my blade. I am an able man, able to read, write, participate in mathematics, but, I wish to learn more of the arcane and obtuse. As for this last question, I am truly lacking words in how to describe this particular occurence. Again, within the realm known as Karkosa, I had encountered with other slayers a large bug-like creature, about no bigger than an Orc, in the midst of flight. However, when the creature came to land, it was clear that it's mandibles were made of some kind of alloy, yet moved as if it were organic. Upon my slaying of this creature, it melted into mush, and disappeared into the air. I thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and hope you consider me as a possible helper. -Asbjorn Foremothers
  7. Name: Thonar Frostbeard Age: 13 Race: Dwed Nation: Urguan
  8. Bit of a lore question I've always been interested in the lore of the server, but my god is it so ******* pick and choose, please centralize lore Also-Malinor didn't have any sons, but he did, because Skanari exist? Like wtf is this?
  9. Thonar Frostbeard grips his axe tightly, renewed with the power of stone, sewn into his very skin.
  10. Thonar Frostbeard laughs out loud, the clan hall of the Frostbeards reverberating with sound yet again.
  11. Upon recieving the body, Bernard prays to GOD, knowing that his superior fought well, and died a good man. He then takes the body, and gives him a Canonist's burial.
  12. Akam is a good person, he has changed a lot, he could add a lot to the server if he's unbanned

    1. Mannamannaa


      Who? Not sarcastic, I actually don't know who you are referring to.


    2. Mark2282



    3. Borin


      Okay yeah nah lol

  13. Endyn Jindle prepares his blade, for a bloody conflict.
  14. Can you respond to roleplay? Why did you make this post in the midst of roleplay? (What motivated you to become admin?)
  15. Young Brenard, Squire of House Mogg, rejoices whence this joyful news reaches his ears. He rushes off to ask his Knight permission to fight in the next battle.


    1. ggooose1


      get a grip man 

  17. I just want to play with my friends :(

  18. Chillin in Limbo rn

  19. Homie is literally out here with no shame. I dig it
  20. I think it's unfair to harass and witchhunt somebody who, sure, might be into some odd things- but they haven't thrown it in your face, or were flagrantly showing off how weird they are. Mob rule isnt good rule
  21. Listen, I hate freaks as much as the next guy, and the rabbit lore defo is uh...interesting. But like, if u gotta go outta ur way to witchhunt someone publicly, its kinda cringe too. 

    1. sami03


      t. Got banned for being a creep

    2. Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Eldritch Lagomoprha

      Who has aparrently been banned @sami03

  22. As someone who also recently lost an online friend, I can tell you that it doesn't get easier, you can learn to accept they're gone, but its never really something you can understand. I don't know you all that well, but if you ever need to talk about it with someone who won't judge you, or has been there, my dms are open.
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