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Everything posted by Callum

  1. i agree with the theme of this post but for different reasons. I don’t like everyone having access to this as it just leads to a bunch of people meta gaming and everything being common knowledge. It takes the fun of being a seer away
  2. Can’t even spell my name right u trash pvper. Sorry who even r u trying to talk down to me... but nah u cool I guess, never saw eye to eye but u cool
  3. What if i didnt do it? And its blatantly clear I didnt do it. But i cant prove it cause the evidence wont be given to me...
  4. @Telanir Step down. @Tythus Kick him.
  5. Callum

    Ask Brax

    Why the hell is the max horse jump 2.5 blocks. Its always been 3 put it back.
  6. *swoons in minecraft however he is too tall and cries himself to sleep
  7. Varan thinks for a few moments. “They tend to have a habit of attacking Nation council members... Me, Leila and that other man. So much for the ‘Pacifistic State’ they call themselves”
  8. RP Name:: Varan MC Username: Gored Discord: Callum#9575 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Fenn Why Do You Wish To Come?: IRP: Lots of Druids are going and as a seeker he is going to help defend them from any potential harm. OOC: Getting bored of LoTC and am wishing this could help me get back into the rp and have a little fun on the server. Also because I really want to go to Athera What Skills Can You Bring?: Skilled in melee combat (rp and pvp..... not just a goon)
  9. *bows to rat queen as he thinks about the return of the small rat king and the child ….. im going to post the picture
  10. I always get confused on the amount of emotes needed and for it to be defined is actually very nice. I never want to feel like im powergaming so having a detailed guide such as this is really cool so long as its accepted
  11. Finally... staff displaying at least a couple braincells
  12. Trump 2020, FreeHongKong....... can’t wait to be content modded again ?
  13. Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ronin_champloo
    2. Ioannis


      Finally I can ERP with Callum on the main server again

      Edited by Ioannis
    3. Harold
  14. It’s been a good run GAMER. Come join me in the red prison...

  15. Please. All except for the completely cutting off magic... some other balances here and there need to be made but overall i love the idea of this
  16. This is posted on behalf of premiumroleplay (Harold) who is unable to do so... __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRhlRNkEttw Not good at this, but i’m gone. I’ve done everything I can. I started talking to the Administration privately, discussion took place surrounding the issues I could foresee, but then they ignored me. I offered help, I did everything I could. I even tried to join the GM Team to train the new GMs up to an acceptable standard. I was told I wasn’t going to be allowed to join the team because the GM Team wasn’t comfortable with me being on the team, due to my attitude. I went public. This was the only way I could get the message across. A few days ago, I was content moderated, and then restricted from posting entirely on the forums, because I have been telling the truth. A content mod is where your posts have to be approved by a Moderator. A restriction from posting means you don’t even have the possibility of posting. I wasn’t even given a message as to why and what rules I broke for my content mod, and when speaking to Telanir himself later, he cited community guidelines violation and that I was creating a disheartening environment for staff. The community guidelines are an Administrations last bolt hole for a quick removal in an emergency. They are not there to protect the community, they are there to protect the Administration from issue. I’ve lost all hope in this administration, but most importantly Telanir. This is a targeted attack on those who disagree with staff. Instead of fixing their problems, or listening to the community before making sweeping changes to the very core of LoTC - they are censoring the players who disagree, those who have a voice in this community. I served as an Admin twice, most of that time spent managing the staff, in an operations director role, all Team Directors reported to me. Not once did I content moderate somebody on the forums, and not once did I ignore a player who had a genuine issue - or even an ex-staff member who wanted to discuss an issue. To be treated with such disdain, brings me to a conclusion that this server really isn’t worth the time or effort - even if I love it more than most. Goodbye until things change. #FreeNarthok #FreeMed #FreeAeldrin #FreeGGT #FreeHarold I will be posting my thoughts about this here. Harold has been part of the community for far longer then anyone I know. He is one you should trust if he says there is a problem with the moderation team and he isn’t the only one who thinks this. But he has been forced away from voicing his opinion and telling them how it is. He was pushed away when he tried to help. How is this a community where people want to be when players that have given SO much time to the server and helped it progress so far and even seen it through the best times of the server, but the Admin team just push him away and completely silence him because he spoke his opinion. Yes the opinion he gave was against the moderation team but that opinion is shared by hundreds of players that just won’t voice it. Harold is a great guy and his leaving actually sucks, and this is all because of the poor staff teams that have become so annoying. Things need to change before we lose even more big people of the community.... #FreeHarold
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