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Status Updates posted by MeteorDragon

  1. Waiting for the Cursed Child with Voidal Mutations

  2. I feel bad for Freja. Their post rep ratio is so bad.....

    1. argonian


      the only real metric is post:notoriety ratio


      the true LOTC chads are the random guys with 300 forum posts who we all still remember

  3. 4 keepers and none of them are ST??????

  4. I love it when staff make a decision for you. Less than a day's warning is really cool guys!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TreeSmoothie


      wut happened

    3. MeteorDragon


      Ravenswood wasn't told there was an assigned date for the "warclaim" and apparently the other side was just told we surrendered when we never said that and were only informed just now that our tile would just be handed over at midnight. The lack of any communication with us was astounding.

    4. Netphreak


      Staff and lack of communication issues??? PFFFFF pleasseee, that /totally/ doesn't happen.

  5. Anyone wanna play an atronach?

    1. alexmagus


      Not if you made it.

    2. ECS1999


      Not if you made it.

    3. SlitheryC1


      only if i get to larp as robocop down to the last inch

  6. Bandit "rp" is the worst rp on lotc.

    I love it when people just start lame ass combat 1 block away from you and then say "d20" afterwards, not giving you any sort of actual roleplay.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MaltaMoss


      damn, wheel rp is the worst rp on the server

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      @saint swagWith that takedown turnaround



    4. Asutto


      Just show them your wheel art. I'm sure they'll run away at the sight of it...



      Or pugsy you for being weird idk

  7. I LOVE Zacho snacho!!!

    1. Zarsies


      we stan a king

  8. Ladies and gentlemen, we won

  9. This is a good day

  10. It's been a while since people have said anything, but Im looking for people who want to play a Ghoul

  11. I also miss you, you glorious bastard

  12. Im looking for a player who would want to play a Homunculus

  13. I wish there was a way to opt out of having to rp with child characters.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Turbo_Dog


      Scare them with malflame. Simple enough

    3. Acostrob
    4. MisterBlitzkrieg


      You just scream at them in the face and then engage in crp easy dub

  14. Im looking for people who want to play sorvians

  15. If I see one more post regarding the temp map, I'm gunna McLoseIt

  16. Who is Freed Rock and why is there a # for him

  17. Thank you ET for the fun event

  18. Best part about there being peace is that there's no longer a mineman war on my birthday, a early present indeed

    1. Mannamannaa


      I am glad as well!

  19. Sah dude why you lookin at @rukio's profile my g

  20. I've done what I said I would never. This has to be the biggest mistake of my career




  22. Thinking about writing a new magic, but I'm spooked it will be something that already exists or is called something that previously existed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. femurlord


      just ask yourself what niche does it fill, and if it is needed. Alongside noting how it fits into the narrative of LoTC (albeit terribly disjointed)

    3. TreeSmoothie


      I wanna help please god give me something to write I'm so bored

    4. alexmagus
  23. Imagine being caught for putting the wrong username LMAO

  24. NEW RECORD!! Locked in ~18min

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