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Everything posted by Evonpire

  1. I second this completely, ban him. Everyone else, especially Marimba is making a good point in that like, this Server ain't a right, some people don't deserve to be unbanned. Why is the Administrations hesitating with this?
  2. The Aforementioned Business Associate chuckled as he read through the missive- Perhaps the chuckle was inappropriate given the core subject, but the man found his identity amusing nonetheless.
  3. John Lothar d'Arkent would be utterly amazed and shocked by the sheer quality of the work produced
  4. Name: John Lothar d'Arkent Surname: d'Arkent Date of Birth: SA 101 Address of Residence: Snapdragon Estate ((OOC INFORMATION)) MC Name: Evonpire Discord: Evonpire#0044
  5. Within the Bell-Tower of Caras Anor, Aer'dir, sat within, the Elf lacked his typically plate-armor. Instead, he had donned his robes, comfort, he seeked comfort. His face planted firmly within in hands. And, so the Paladin simply shook in place and weeped as the news was broken to him, his son was dead, he knew this was coming- Twas the curse of Humanity. But, this gave the Elf no comfort, why would it? His Liege had gained just another soldier, he had lost his son, what fairness was there in this...? Sounds of Thunderclaps could be heard from the tower that day, as a Starbreaker exited his tower. Eventually, calming his temper as he looked for his other son.
  6. can the blessing of Thulezia fix my parents failing marriage?
  7. Evonpire The E in Evonpire stands for Evonpire invitations @Jaxothyof @Jaxothy @TreeSmoothieof @TreeSmoothie @annanicole__ of @annanicole__
  8. John Lothar d'Arkent looks over the missive, utterly proud of his family's work!
  9. Add Under Red Lines (Refined) Due to the unique properties of Anorum, being akin to both metal and crystals, Warforging may be used on Anorum Crystals. Due to the unique properties of it, Anorum may be used in cojunction with Almari Effervescent Spring Water to make metal cloth out of Anorum, being largely translucent with an iridescent finish. Due to the process of Metal cloth making, it would render the Anorum impractical for armor and weapons. Expanding further, it could not be used to replace armor, as the metal cloth would struggle to be shaped into the complex shapes. Anorum metal-cloth's iridescent finish would be obvious and easily seen. No invisible cloaks, one can easily notice them. Anorum metal-cloth cannot be enchanted. And exists only for an aesthetic. Proposed Reason: Personally, my hot take is that Gemforging should be merged into Warforging w/o the need to learn another alchemy recipe, it just bloats alchemy more, but that's not what we're here to debate! Likewise, I am unsure how much it is spread, given that its original writer had quit LOTC. In my original draft/brainstorm for Anorum I had intended it to work with Warforging. And Anorum shares much of the same properties of a metal, so it wouldn't be a massive leap to say warforging works on it. As for the second redline, this was a common question asked to me a few times, and then requested to add. That's all, I hope whoever is reading this is having a nice day Relevant Lore Pieces
  10. John Lothar d'Arkent too circled himself on the missive, a touch confused at how he ended up in the treatise, but appreciative nonetheless.
  11. This may be controversial, but I think orcs are cool. 

  12. A Meeting. (Midjourney) The Uruk stood, amongst his peers as he ventured into the Spirit Realm chantings of Old-Blah resonated through the goi, a call to the Great Elemental of Storms, Neizdark, in search of a pact. The Kukaal ahm-Ram knew he would not find the Greater, nor would he ever have a chance with such a being. Thus, he abandoned the thought, and instead, he sought a lesser of the being, still significant in their power, to make a deal. And so through Kybal’s cries of faith, he and his brethren fell into an all-engulfing darkness as the fell through to the Spirit Realm. The Farseer attempted to remain calm, of course, all of this had been routine for him, this being far from his first breach into the Spirit-Realm. Yet, an intense sense of unremovable unease sat on the Gray Uruk’s head like a curse, doubting himself. But, he must progress, for the blood demands action and abhors stagnancy. The Group fell, finding themselves on an isolated island within the realm of Neizdark, sea-spouts, powerful hurricanes, and storms, all surrounded this isle. The Farseer himself struggled to stand, leading his Urukim to traverse the island to find the lesser that the Farseer had sought. While they crawled and made feeble attempts to stand, the ever-changing nature of the spirit realm was brought to the forefront of all minds. As the terrain shifted, the group found themselves face-to-face with Zgur'thurk-al, lesser of Neizdark, the Spirit of Lightning Bolt, the Fury of the Skies. “Gaz Uruk-hai, la brusug u izubu bûsh, amat?” Croaked the Ilzgul, appearing as a disfigured Uruk, of ebon-bluish skin, their very veins crackling with lightning. Where its legs should be was an ever-turning hurricane of the same hue as their skin. “U nargzb-hon praush ob narish-sakrum.” Kybal, mustering the strength to stand in front of the Spirit. Zgur'thurk-al replied, laughing, as a bolt of Lightning struck the Kukaal- But, yet, he still stood, another bolt struck. “Kul-izg durbûrz a-frûm, Ilzgul, Zgurgoth. Tugl-uk nargzab-lat” Continued the Kukaal, making the offer to the Ilzgul again, briefly. It’d be blatant that this is no ordinary lightning but merely a test of the Shaman’s will. “Za lat brus-baduzg-ug. Lat brus-ug ghaampronk narmok-ug. Draagh-izubu hiil-ug” They surrendered, citing their terms. And with that, the Shaman nodded, and the pact was sealed.
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