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  1. (An example of a Woodland kestrel during the cold seasons) The Atheran kestrel Although small, the Atheran Kestrel is a specie of bird located within the many regions of Athera. They are quite intelligent yet tend to remain wary of many races that try to approach them, often flying away whenever one would step into a close radius of them or watching them carefully. The Atheran Kestrel also holds the ability to hover in the air. Physical Description The Atheran Kestrel are very small in size, heighted mostly between 30–39cm from head to tail, with a wingspan of 63–82 cm. Females are noticeably larger, with the adult male. The Atheran Kestrel's appearance depends on their habitat: Woodland, Mountain and desert. Woodland and grassy plains - In woodland, the birds' feathers tend to be sleek and smoother. The main part of the bird is a brown colour with a lighter brown underbelly and on its face and top of eyes. A black stripe runs up from the bird's grey beak and all the way down to the end of its tail. The underside of the wing is a light brown. The Atheran Kestrel's claws tend to be average sized and suitable for catching food, such as mice or fruit, and gripping onto the branches of trees. Lastly, the tail of the Atheran Kestrel is split into three long feathers; the two outer feathers are brown with black tips while the middle is white. Atheran kestrels tend to have brown or black eyes. Mountain and snow plains – Atheran Kestrels that live further in the mountains and within snowy plains have a very similar appearance to their Woodland counterparts. Mountain Atheran Kestrels are a very light shade of grey with the white underbelly and slightly darker grey markings, instead of black. Their eyes are either light grey or sometimes even white. This change in colour is so that the birds can easily camouflage within the snow and rocks from bigger birds and predators. Lastly, Mountain versions of the Atheran Kestrel tend to be more feathery and more ruffled in order for them to adapt to the vicious cold up in the mountains. Also, their tails tend to be longer, almost being around the length from the tip of a twelve year old's fingers to their elbows. Desert – The Atheran kestrels that live within the desert are adaptable to the heat of the scorching sun. They have very thin feathers and they are a sandy colour in order to blend in within the sand. Unlike most kestrels, these kestrels have longer and sharper claws which they use to dig up their prey that are hiding within the sands. Their eyesight are much sharper, allowing them to notice the slightest movements in the sand. Their beaks are longer so that they can extract water from within cacti without much difficulty while hovering close to the cacti, much like a hummingbird. They tend to live within caves located nearby oases or large cacti forests. Their tails are also shorter. Habitat and Behaviour The Atheran Kestrel tend to hunt alone or in pairs, these kestrels tend to live with other kestrels in vast nests built within large trees or caves as a group. These groups of kestrels are known as 'Covens' or rather a family. Each kestrel would have a job in these Covens : gather food, look after the hatchlings and eggs, or watch over the nest in case of intruders or another Coven attacking. The Atheran Kestrel are known to being fearless and very protective over other members of their Covens, willing to come to protect the Covens they are in and prepared to die if their nests are attacked. When an Atheran Kestrel spots another animal (or a race) while out hunting, they tend to become curious yet wary if the animal or race means harm to its Coven. One would feel the bird's eyes focused on them as they walk by the bird's current perch. Sometimes, an Atheran Kestrel would even flutter into a camp and investigate the camp without being afraid, although will fly away when one is too close. Some Atheran Kestrels can be trained, mostly used to send messages from one place to another. As the bird is quite intelligent, it can understand a simple amount of instructions, may know who to trust or may even know where to go to deliver the letter is has. In order to train an Atheran Kestrel, one would have to attempt to 'befriend' the bird through either offering the bird food or by tending its injuries if the bird is hurt. The Atheran Kestrel would then decide if you are not a threat if you show it kindness, it may even consider you as a friend or member of its Coven. However, being considered as a friend is quite rare as those who want the birds capture them in cages or traps, making the Atheran Kestrel slightly wary of anyone who they come by. An Atheran Kestrel may leave its Coven if it's either banished or if the bird decides to stay a traveller who had gained the bird's trust. Depending on what the kestrels eat depends on where they are located. Woodland and plains – Berries, insects, small mammals (such as mice or squirrels), small fish from rivers and nuts. Mountains and snowy plains – small mammals, insects, perhaps the carcasses of dead animals, also gathers berries from further down the mountains and plains. Desert – insects, dead carcasses, cacti, Desert Bush berries. May also eat small fish if there is a river nearby. Also sometimes feeds on the eggs of snakes. Sometimes, the Atheran Kestrel would stock up on food for its Coven and mostly remain within the nest in the cold seasons, although some Atheran Kestrels still venture outside to hunt but not as vast as during the warmer seasons This food stocking is mostly seen in kestrels from the mountains and snowy plains. They are not known for migrating to other areas. First recorded encounter Many of the races were amazed by the birds' bravery and lack of wariness towards them as the birds never seen much of people before and didn't see a reason to be wary, although this wariness began to grow when Atheran Kestrels were hunted for their feathers, being pets or purely for fun. They were also used a messenger birds as well for delivering messages across a long-distance. History Although they weren't hunted for food (as they tend to not contain a lot of meat), the Atheran Kestrel were hunted for their feathers, which were used for quills, ends of arrows and more. Sometimes, an Atheran Kestrel would be captured (both willing and against their will) for the use of being a messenger bird, companion or pet. How they were captured were by luring them into camps with shiny objects before trapping the birds in nets and boxes, very few would attempt to befriend the bird. Some would even go to the Coven's nest and capture the hatchlings or the eggs. Some hunters would hunt Atheran Kestrels for fun. These kestrels had gained wariness for travellers and would keep their distance, unless their curiosity takes over them. Triva Atheran Kestrels were mostly seen as a symbol of family, curiosity, loyalty and bravery, a picture of an Atheran Kestrel would mostly be used on a Coat of arms to represent these traits. Atheran Kestrels that are from the mountains, snowy plains and deserts were less hunted than their woodland and plains counterparts, this was due to the birds being difficult to find within the environment and because very few travellers ventured through the harsh conditions. Although they are small, the Atheran Kestrels are capable of putting up a fight. They tend to scratch and peck furiously if someone they dislike or see as a threat has hold of them. Their cry tends to be loud and shrilly while they are hunting or out in the wild but the Atheran Kestrel emits soft and gentle coos or ‘kees’ when with their Coven or with someone they chosen as their companion. Sometimes the kestrels would befriend those who are friends with their owners, although not being as protective with them as they are with their owners. Rumours go that the kestrels can see into the hearts of people, allowing the birds if they are good or a potential threat to their coven. However, this has not been proven correct. The lifespan of an Atheran Kestrel tends to be between ten to twelve years. However, there have been evidence of kestrels living further than the average lifespan, mostly living up to their twenties and sometimes thirties.
  2. Vourukh Translated to common from an Orcish log book. Anatomy The Vourukh (Voo-rook) would be classified as birds of prey, to those who would call them birds. ((In OOC contemporary terms, they would be described as theropod-esque as well as raptorial)). A normal venturer of Athera would mistake it for a dragon, however. Their thick, leathery skin, which very much resemble scales, are partially the cause of this misidentification. The hide is on average two centimeters thick, a quarter thicker around the underside and the talons, and a half thinner at the spot atop the head, where the skull joins to the spine. This thick skin protects the Vourukh from many perils, including the attacks of other animals. The beak is short and hooked, like many other raptors and the neck of the Vourukh is short and immensely powerful. This is beneficial as it allows the Vourukh to apply tremendous force, used for cracking and shattering bones. The beak of the Vourukh differs from other predatory birds though in that it is serrated. Towards the front end of the hooked beak, sharp and small serrations are spaced between larger, pointed ones, which are pointed back, so as to savagely tear the flesh of prey attempting to escape. These front serrations are used primarily for predation, and are frightfully effective. The serrations towards the base of the beak, however, are smaller and less pointed. Similar to mammalian molars, these back serrations are used for grinding and crushing. In the Vourukh’s case, it is the grinding and crushing of bones. On the beak are four nares, two larger ones closer to the eyes, and two smaller ones further down the beak. It is believed that the larger ones are solely for breathing while the smaller ones are solely for smelling. The eyes of the Vourukh are red, like their feathers, and the irises range from a deep amber to a golden yellow. The bones of the Vourukh are solid, very strong, and reinforced, comparable to that of sturdy mammals. This is not beneficial to the flight of the Vourukh, as it limits them from large migratory patterns. Otherwise, it allows the Vourukh to absorb heavier blows. As well, stronger and more lean muscles (compared to other birds) can develop without risk to the integrity of the bones. The Vourukh’s feet are anisodactyl, adapted to grip prey, but are also similar to basal theropods in structure in that the base of the feet are lifted from the ground, allowing for limited walking and running. The talons are unique in the fast rate that they grow. If left alone, the talons would grow too large and become cumbersome to the Vourukh. Because of this, the Vourukh whittle their talons down on rocks, which sharpens the talons as well. When outstretched, the wingspan of the Vourukh averages around five meters. The wings are very large and muscular, to keep the heavy body of the beasts afloat. To power these wings, the Vourukh have pectoral muscles comparable to that of an Uruk or an Olog. The wings themselves are separated into two parts that can fold in and downwards slightly. This allows the Vourukh to catch currents in the air with more ease and more efficiently ride them. As well, there are two long and curled talons near the first joint of the wings. These talons can bend in, and allow very limited grasping, and aid in walking on land. The Vourukh have nearly all of their body covered by feathers, except for their feet and their wing-talons. The plumage of the top of their wings tends to be dark colored, with white to gray intermediating in streaks, whileas the plumage of their bodies are white. It is exceptionally rare to find a white Vourukh though, as they stain themselves red in the blood of their prey. From below, the wings are near to invisible, while the body stands out. The tail feathers of the Vourukh are long, outspread, and rounded. Differences between make and female are few. The furcula of the female protrudes further and is thicker than the male's, and the female's tail feathers are narrower and more pointed. Behavior Vourukh, surprisingly, are social creatures. They arrange themselves into strict hierarchical groups--similar to a wolf pack--called flocks. The flocks are generally associated with locations, and are very territorial collectively and individually. A flock associated to a location is called the Vouruk’hai of that location. Within each flock, there are ranks, with the top being the Taasav (meaning warrior-father). The Taasav is usually an older Vourukh, and grows to become fairly larger than the rest in the flock. The Taasav is distinguishable by it’s darker-red to maroon feathers, and a thick black comb that grows upon its head. When the Taasav becomes old and frail, or even when it is strong and powerful, the most prominent Vourukh of the rank below, the Tumarz, can challenge it to a battle, which always results in the death of one of the Vourukh. Below the Taasav are the Tumarz, which grow larger than the normal Vourukh, and begin to sprout a black comb smaller than the Taasav’s. The Tumarz’ numbers are dependent on the size of the flock and the area the flock encompasses. Below the Tumarz, rank in the flock is based on the age of the Vourukh, with the fledglings being the lowest. The Vourukh, being predatory animals and scavengers, require large amounts of land. Because of this, they often separate into different camps. The leader of each camp is the Tumarz. These camps often have Vourukh of the same bloodline, and are similar to clans among the descendant races. Variations between different camps of Vourukh are minor, consisting of small variations in wing feather patterns. Despite having camps, the Vourukh have a main nest, which is where the Taasav resides. Vourukh often visit the nest individually to bring bones as tribute, and as a camp when they are called on. Every three years, before the hottest of the hot season occurs, the camps all return to the nest to breed. The eggs are laid and hatched by the peak of the hot season, and by the time the cold season begins to set in, the fledglings are able to fly the distance to their camps. If they fail to make the journey, they are left to die. This is generally detrimental to the population as a whole, since each mate produces no more than two eggs per three-year cycle, but it ensures the population is strong. Conflict does occur between Vourukh, often caused by food or space within a camp. These conflicts normally do not result in death or serious maiming, and when they do, the Tumarz will often punish the offender. Vourukh form mating pairs for life, and mates are often seen together constantly. Therefore, when conflict caused by transgression of a mate-bond occurs, it almost always results in the death of the offender with no intervention by the Tumarz. Conflict also occurs between camps, though rarely. When it does it is because of issues regarding land. If the issue is not resolved by a non-fatal fight between the Tumarz, or it is not mediated by the Taasav of the flock, it may escalate into a war. A camp war has only been recorded once before, and it escalated large enough to envelope the surrounding camps and the nest in a civil war. It ended with the deaths of a substantial portion of the flock, the abandonment of two camps, and the ascension of a new Taasav. Conflict between different flocks is common as well. If the flocks are located near each other, war will more than likely occur. If not near to each other, a camp from one flock may still be called upon by the Taasav to fly onto the other flocks camps, in a sort of raid. Abandoned nests and camps, and substantial differences in wing markings within a flock suggests that as a consequence of flock war, the defeated flock assimilates with the victor. The nest of the defeated flock is dismantled and is used to build upon the victor’s nest. Conflict with other races is yet to be recorded. Most flocks have not been in direct contact with a descendant race. From the understanding of Vourukh territorial behavior, it is assumed that conflict would occur if they felt threatened. On occasion, solitary and nomadic Vourukh are seen flying outside of flock territory. Physiologically they are smaller and none grow a comb. These Vourukh generally have no distinguishable wing markings. They fly in mate-pairs, and occasionally with the young. It is believed that they breed on a two-year cycle, and that the young are given more substantial care. It is common to find a nomadic Vourukh in conflict with a flock, and almost always the flock Vourukh will kill the nomadic one. Occasionally, a nomadic Vourukh may join a flock by proving itself in battle. These foundling Vourukh are easy to spot as they have no wing markings while their adopted flock-kin do. During the hunt, the Vourukh may assault creatures as large and larger than it with little fear of self-harm. On larger prey, they descend quickly upon it and beat it with their massive wings to disorient the creature, then they plunge their talons into it to bleed it before they return to the sky and follow the quarry. When the prey is sufficiently weakened, the Vourukh dives down once more and finishes the creature by biting out its eyes, its jugular, or breaking its neck with its powerful beak. If the corpse is too large to fly back to the camp, then the Vourukh will peel away the flesh and return to the camp with only the ribs, leaving the rest of the body to be brought back over the next few days. If hunting prey slightly smaller than it, the Vourukh will swoop in and grab the creature from the legs, while beating it with its wings to disorient it. It will then lift it in the air to a substantial height then drop it to its death, before flying the corpse back to the nest to salvage. Small prey, such as rats or Kha kittens, are usually left alone unless the Vourukh eats it as a snack while en route to a destination. Combat between two Vourukh is a sight to be seen. If non-fatal, the Vourukh lock on to each other mid-air and beat the other with their wings to fatigue them as they spiral towards the ground. This continues until one can no longer fight, or until one plummets into the ground. Fatal combat between two is much more glorious. They lock onto the other with their wing-talons, and bite and claw with their beak and feet. They often aim for the neck to bleed the opponent, or for the wing to cripple them and drop them to the ground. These skirmishes occur for hours often between flocks, with the Vourukh disengaging and re-engaging in waves. Rarely does one side retreat, unless their Tumarz is killed. The dead are left to decompose, and are only reclaimed when they become skeletons. The diet of the Vourukh is almost entirely bone marrow. The bones are ground up with the flat serrations of the beak or sometimes consumed as shards. The meat is rarely eaten by adult Vourukh, and instead it is reserved for the fledglings that cannot crush the bones yet. The mother Vourukh may crush up the bones and swallow to regurgitate the bone and the vile for the fledglings to consume. This vile possesses the qualities of fire, or a strong acid, in that it burns and melts, and can disfigure. The fledglings and the Vourukh are immune to the vile though. The same vile may be produced and sprayed by a Vourukh upon an assailant, causing grievous bodily harm. The call of the Vourukh is a rare one, as they seem to be silent creatures while prowling the sky. While communicating among themselves, the Vourukh produce many different sounding guttural chirps. Before and during a battle, the Vourukh let loose shrill and terrifying screeches to disorient the enemy. These same screeches may be used to do the same to prey. Many of the Vourukh are capable of voicing a screech so offensive that an Orc would be brought to its knees in pain. While skirting the edge of their territory, one may hear the differing caws of the Vourukh. The reason for these caws are not entirely known. The recorded flocks occur solely in the margins of the natural world, where adversity reigns. Deserts, mountainous areas, the canyon, and open plains tend to be where flocks occur. Forested areas are home only to pairs of nomadic Vourukh. Nests tend to occur at high elevations for both flocks and nomads, and are littered with bone shards and decorated with bones and the feathers of previous Vourukh. A nest can be identified from a distance by the putrid smell of decay. TL;DR/OOC Giant vulture/therapod-like predatory birds. Like bearded vulture. Strict, advanced hierarchical flock systems as well as solitary nomad-pairs. Sharp talons, beak, and wing-talons. Strong wings. Spit very erosive acid. Paint themselves red with blood. Very territorial and combative. Carry corpses as big as themselves, can kill bigger. Rarely found alone. Mate for life. Tough for hatchlings to survive. Breed every 3 years for flock, 2 years for nomad Flock=bigger nomad=smaller Flocks occasionally war, camps within flocks may have civil war. Advanced inter-species communication with chirps. Loud and shrill screech can disorient and cause pain to whatever hears. Live in camps, mate at nest. Many camps per flock, one nest. Names are in Orcish because they were discovered and documented by an orc, other races can have different names :) Cannot be ridden. Enjoy the hunt and combat. Cannot be made subservient, only befriended, by proving oneself worthy of friendship Can be communicated with by Druids. These are NOT a playable race or creature. The only exception to this is ET played for roleplay and events.
  3. Aterruce'tras - Ape Creatures Seiges Snow Apes Sinha Snow Lion Maimou Pink Apes Ektos Jungle Outlaw Phindar Fighting Beast OOC Hello fellow peoples and hunters of LOTC, yes I am aware these creatures are from something else just edited. But hey there’s many things in lore or such that are on the server from different places, so why not give it a shot. Anyway to give a short idea for these creatures and maybe questions. Are the creatures playable ? Yes and no… I’d think it would be better if an ET actor would play the creatures, because there will not be a skin for the monsters. I find that rather hard to make and for others to make, with such limits. If the creatures are accepted I would like them to be built and copy and pasted to the areas with signs to connect whom to play them. No, as players aside from ET members. Whats the point of them being in Athera? Well, unseen creatures in the world can be fun, either for hunting or researching. There are people the love the thrill of the hunt and things to kill for fun or as trophies. How will the creatures be represented? As I said before, they will be built with mc blocks. I do not see the point of using mc skin and players to do it. Are they rideable ? Eh.. I'm on the fence about that.. It's very possible if given the chance you can, but you would be hurt or killed. Since they are hostile and will not like that. Can they be capture and trained? Well.. IF there was a percentage chance of capturing, give it a shot I guess. It would be your choice to do what you want with the creatures but remember they are very heavy, so it would be best to have a few orcs to help you take it. Tameable.? That is another tricky idea.. Due to them being very hostile and predators it is very unlikely to tame them as pets or friends. Leading to my Druids out there . Well these creature would be in the animal category so Druids would be able to talk to them, on the other had since they are hostile and want to eat,kill and fight with you. Druids would have a hard time calming the creatures if lucky they'd calm them . What do you get from killing the creatures? Well the reward from actually hunting and staying alive from the hunt you would be rewarded with such loot. If hunters brought a skinning knife or a sword to skin the creatures for their pelt,hide and what not. Others would take the bones or teeth from them using for weapons or trophies. If hungry heck, use the meat as a meal for yourself and your fellow hunters. Why are they so over powered ? Why can't I fight them one on one?! These creatures and a lot tougher and stronger than even an Orc. Their skin and bodies are a lot thicker and resistant to just a flesh wound. It would take at least a good 5-8 man with armor and Mages to attack one head on. If you was to fight one head on there is a 100% you would not make it for more than an hour, you would be a toy for the creatures. Do they have any weaknesses? How is the best way to take them down? Well, I don't want to ruin the fun or spoil the ways to proper hunt the creatures. As hunters you must look around the surrounding you and the creatures would be around and let that speak more for you. I really don't want to tell the weakness because that would break the point of the RP fighting it and players should be surprised on these encounters. Anyway all ideas and suggestions are looked at and taken. :) Just given this a try. So please keep it clean.
  4. Aterruce'waezit - Scaled Creatures Shia The Lurking Shadow Archontas Lord of the Seas Tromos The Underwater Terror OOC Hello fellow peoples and hunters of LOTC, yes I am aware these creatures are from something else just edited. But hey there’s many things in lore or such that are on the server from different places, so why not give it a shot. Anyway to give a short idea for these creatures and maybe questions. Are the creatures playable ? Yes and no… I’d think it would be better if an ET actor would play the creatures, because there will not be a skin for the monsters. I find that rather hard to make and for others to make, with such limits. If the creatures are accepted I would like them to be built and copy and pasted to the areas with signs to connect whom to play them. No, as players aside from ET members. Whats the point of them being in Athera? Well, unseen creatures in the world can be fun, either for hunting or researching. There are people the love the thrill of the hunt and things to kill for fun or as trophies. How will the creatures be represented? As I said before, they will be built with mc blocks. I do not see the point of using mc skin and players to do it. Are they rideable ? Eh.. I'm on the fence about that.. It's very possible if given the chance you can, but you would be hurt or killed. Since they are hostile and will not like that. Can they be capture and trained? Well.. IF there was a percentage chance of capturing, give it a shot I guess. It would be your choice to do what you want with the creatures but remember they are very heavy, so it would be best to have a few orcs to help you take it. Tameable.? That is another tricky idea.. Due to them being very hostile and predators it is very unlikely to tame them as pets or friends. Leading to my Druids out there . Well these creature would be in the animal category so Druids would be able to talk to them, on the other had since they are hostile and want to eat,kill and fight with you. Druids would have a hard time calming the creatures if lucky they'd calm them . What do you get from killing the creatures? Well the reward from actually hunting and staying alive from the hunt you would be rewarded with such loot. If hunters brought a skinning knife or a sword to skin the creatures for their pelt,hide and what not. Others would take the bones or teeth from them using for weapons or trophies. If hungry heck, use the meat as a meal for yourself and your fellow hunters. Why are they so over powered ? Why can't I fight them one on one?! These creatures and a lot tougher and stronger than even an Orc. Their skin and bodies are a lot thicker and resistant to just a flesh wound. It would take at least a good 5-8 man with armor and Mages to attack one head on. If you was to fight one head on there is a 100% you would not make it for more than an hour, you would be a toy for the creatures. Do they have any weaknesses? How is the best way to take them down? Well, I don't want to ruin the fun or spoil the ways to proper hunt the creatures. As hunters you must look around the surrounding you and the creatures would be around and let that speak more for you. I really don't want to tell the weakness because that would break the point of the RP fighting it and players should be surprised on these encounters. Anyway all ideas and suggestions are looked at and taken. :) Just given this a try. So please keep it clean.
  5. Inlu'thin - Insects Eloch Entomo OOC Hello fellow peoples and hunters of LOTC, yes I am aware these creatures are from something else just edited. But hey there’s many things in lore or such that are on the server from different places, so why not give it a shot. Anyway to give a short idea for these creatures and maybe questions. Are the creatures playable ? Yes and no… I’d think it would be better if an ET actor would play the creatures, because there will not be a skin for the monsters. I find that rather hard to make and for others to make, with such limits. If the creatures are accepted I would like them to be built and copy and pasted to the areas with signs to connect whom to play them. No, as players aside from ET members. Whats the point of them being in Athera? Well, unseen creatures in the world can be fun, either for hunting or researching. There are people the love the thrill of the hunt and things to kill for fun or as trophies. How will the creatures be represented? As I said before, they will be built with mc blocks. I do not see the point of using mc skin and players to do it. Are they rideable ? Eh.. I'm on the fence about that.. It's very possible if given the chance you can, but you would be hurt or killed. Since they are hostile and will not like that. Can they be capture and trained? Well.. IF there was a percentage chance of capturing, give it a shot I guess. It would be your choice to do what you want with the creatures but remember they are very heavy, so it would be best to have a few orcs to help you take it. Tameable.? That is another tricky idea.. Due to them being very hostile and predators it is very unlikely to tame them as pets or friends. Leading to my Druids out there . Well these creature would be in the animal category so Druids would be able to talk to them, on the other had since they are hostile and want to eat,kill and fight with you. Druids would have a hard time calming the creatures if lucky they'd calm them . What do you get from killing the creatures? Well the reward from actually hunting and staying alive from the hunt you would be rewarded with such loot. If hunters brought a skinning knife or a sword to skin the creatures for their pelt,hide and what not. Others would take the bones or teeth from them using for weapons or trophies. If hungry heck, use the meat as a meal for yourself and your fellow hunters. Why are they so over powered ? Why can't I fight them one on one?! These creatures and a lot tougher and stronger than even an Orc. Their skin and bodies are a lot thicker and resistant to just a flesh wound. It would take at least a good 5-8 man with armor and Mages to attack one head on. If you was to fight one head on there is a 100% you would not make it for more than an hour, you would be a toy for the creatures. Do they have any weaknesses? How is the best way to take them down? Well, I don't want to ruin the fun or spoil the ways to proper hunt the creatures. As hunters you must look around the surrounding you and the creatures would be around and let that speak more for you. I really don't want to tell the weakness because that would break the point of the RP fighting it and players should be surprised on these encounters. Anyway all ideas and suggestions are looked at and taken. :) Just given this a try. So please keep it clean.
  6. ~*<>*~ Bhhöürx ~*<>*~ Bhhöürx is quite a strange being, it is not known to the public how he came into existance. He is a pigman, obviously. He is dressed in a raggedy pair of shorts, seemingly made by himself. It is not known if he had any family, or if he is a descendant of anyone. Noone really knows where he came from, or who he is. He cannot speak any language, he uses squeals and body language to express himself. He does not understand any language. The ugly truth behind how he came to be is through magical coincidence involvling lightning and magic of purity. It is unknown who is responsible for the magic, however. ~*<>*~ History ~*<>*~ Bhhöürx is obviously not a fully natural occurence, but it is widely known that there is existance of a creature known as the Zombie Pigman. There is rumor that he has a connection to this creature, but it is not FULLY known yet, as he cannot speak any language, nor understand it. He actually DID start out as a Zombie Pigman, a simple wild pig struck by lightning due to sheer serendipity. A wandering sorcerer came across this powerful being, which was too dumb to understand that it was made for evil. The sorcerer took advantage of this short amount of time before lust of flesh, using polynomancy to transform it into a Pigman with no rotten flesh and restored its pure vegetarian diet. Thanks to this non-selfish sorcerer, Bhhöürx ended up being a confused Pigman of young age. In fact, Bhhöürx was only a PIGLET when he was struck by the magickal lightning. After reaching age 10, he realized that he must cover himself to protect his skin. He gathered leather which he had found at a campsite and tied it together to make some shorts. He occasionally would wash the simple clothing, and over time it grew raggedy. He still wears the same shorts to this day. Of course, the clothing information was irrelevant. Bhhöürx is not skilled in anything useful other than farming. He can catch a fish, but he doesn't eat them, he wishes to keep them as a pet, showing a sign of the sorcerer's spell of purity paying off. He roams the land, occasionally getting a strange look by the inhabitants that have never even thought of a creature such as him. He has no special advantages, only disadvantages. He can be mistaken for a pig, unless he is standing up as usual. He pretty much looks like a pig wearing a loincloth, with the features of the nonrotten half of a Zombie Pigman. He never wields weapons, and the only time he will ever harm anything/anyone is when he is forced to by natural instinct of self defense. Even when doing so, he feels bad and tries to make it up to the person who was harmed. He does not understand the idea of evil, and only thinks that being attacked is an instinct of who-knows-what. When attacked, he will squeal in distress, and feel worried. He cannot perform any magic himself, and when he sees magic, he is amazed. Bhöürx doesn't understand how life works, nor death. He doesn't suspect that death will affect him truly, only that it will end him. When he feels pain, he truly enters a state of pure terror. While in the state of fight-or-flight, he usally leans torwards flight. He'll hop onto all fours, which he isn't used to, and flee. Bhhöürx recently has turned 14, and is just now integrating with society, not needing a home at all. He typically wanders around anywhere with a tree, especially orcish areas due to a happy experience with two orcs earlier in his life. ~*<>*~ Allignment ~*<>*~ Bhöürx is a Neutral-Good type allignment, not really minding what's going on, while not doing bad. Bhhöürx typically will mind his own business, unless someone is in danger caused by nature. Example: A man floating down a stream unable to catch a branch. Bhöürx would step in and help the man out of the stream, even if that man was chasing him only seconds ago, trying to eat him. Bhhöürx is always going to be the nice guy- err... pigguy... Whatever. ~*<>*~ Instinct ~*<>*~ Bhhöürx has carried over instinct from when he was a simple pig. The main instinct is that weapons mean danger. If he sees a weapon, he will fill cornered and in danger. His main instinct in cases like this is to run away. ~*<>*~ Genetic Makeup ~*<>*~ One can assume that Bhhöürx would have fingers, which is true. His fingers are almost useless, however. This is due to the fact that his fingernails are hooflike and thick, and cannot be trimmed as simply as a humans'. Similar to a Kha', he carries traits from his ancestors. Don't misunderstand that, he is not his own race, but a creature. He has a snout, piglike ears, and a short tail. He also has simplistic, derpy eyes almost identical to your average pig's eyes. ~*<>*~ Psychological Makeup ~*<>*~ Yes, he realizes he is different from a pig. But he does not realize he is similar to any other humanoid race. In fact, he doesn't relate himself to them at all, other than his shape. He does have feelings and slight intelligence, but not much. He feels things such as sorrow, happiness, fright, sadness, and even anger. However, feelings such as anger and sorrow are not common in him. The only times he feels them is when: A) The trigger for these emotions normally in the common races is applied multiple times in a short period of time. Or B) An extreme exaggeration of the trigger of these emotions normally in the common races is applied all at once. Bhhöürx often feels only two emotions: Extreme happiness, or extreme sadness. On occasion, he feels extreme fright. ~*<!>*~ OOC Information ~*<!>*~ I made this post as a request for your opinion, I really would appreciate if you gave me feedback on it. I also made this as a suggestion to have my dream character approved. I have always wanted to play a pigman, and I saw someone named Porkour play one. I understand that there are no ways of communicating through spoken or written language, and that there will never really be. I also want you to know that there is no benefit to this creature character, and only a disadvantage or two. Advantages: None for me, interesting roleplay for others. Disadvantages: May be mistaken for a simple pig. Subject to be entered into slavery. Not handsome. Not often getting his side taken in an argument over if he should be eaten/taken into slavery, in fact, ignored in most cases when being kidnapped. Cannot write or talk. The only thing he says is "Bhöürx," which he says rarely. The only time he'll say it is when someone has taken him and doesn't know anything about him. He'll point to himself and say: "Bhöürx..." Can be mistaken for a monster. The only real advantage for me is a fun roleplay experience, which I share with other players. I'll make sure not to break the mechanical standard by going on an elf-eating rampage(whatever that means, someone mentioned it to me earlier...), or performing magic. I also accept any forced changes made by a LM, and also accept if it is disapproved. However, if it is disapproved, I will be persistant and try to alter it much more to be accepted. I don't plan on giving up, but if I am forced to give up, I will cri evry tiem. Thanks for reading, I appreciate it. I leave you with this image: ~*<>*~A picture of Bhhöürx I made using a 3D Skin Viewer and PaintDotNet.~*<>*~
  7. (( Nur-bul )) Appearance Gnerbils come in a large variety of colors such as, a dark purple, blue, sandy brown, deep red, or even a lime green. They are very small creatures, ranging from six, to twelve inches tall. Their feet are small and sharp, which are very similar to the talons of a bird, allowing them to grip onto small branches and such with their feet. Gnerbils have long, spiny tails, ( Long in a Gnerbil's point of view ) ranging in many sizes. Also, their heads usually appear odd, and "misshaped". Even their ears come in very odd, mutilated-like shapes. Temperament These creatures are incredibly stupid, and annoying. They're pests, to say the least. The Gnerbil is a small, quick, and stupid little thing. It is nearly impossible to catch a Gnerbil not hopping around unless they're sleeping. Usually, they feast on farmer's crops or any other thing they can find. Sometimes, they'll even eat wood, and all the organisms that live within it. However, their hunger is satisfied very quickly. Gnerbils tend not to hunt at all, but they can nip at, claw, and scratch humans quite easily if they attempt to grab a Gnerbil. Habitat Gnerbals usually live in small colonies in burrows. They dig their burrows in, or near, a large variety of places, ranging from the most quiet of forests, to the most active food stores, bustling with activity. The amount of Gnerbals in a colony is on average about nine or ten. They dig burrows deep in soil, and then make very small little tunnels and rooms. Usually, Gnerbals will gather food and store food into a small room in the burrow. Diet The Gnerbil's diet consists mainly of vegetables, bugs, and certain kinds of berries. It's very common to see a Gnerbil attempt to burrow into somebody's poor farm and eat the crops within it. Again, these pesky creatures are pests. But they still gather their own food within their burrows, like wild berries and dead bugs. However, as stated above, their hunger is easily satisfied. Domestication Not happening. These pests cannot be domesticated, period. They can be offered food to calm them down, and they can be easily tricked by setting up a small line of food for them. A druid may calm them down, obviously, and they can be caged up. ( Even though that task is quite the feat ) But it is best just to kill, or relocated Gnerbils, instead of trying to domesticate them. OOC Comments This section can be used for a Q/A, also. Please, ask any questions in the comments. Also, add any ideas, or anything bellow! Yes, a lot of this is entirely nonnegotiable, and up to change. So please comment any idea you have!
  8. Tuskarr The Tuskarr are a race that have lived on the coasts of Athera long before all the races arrived from Thales. Unfortunately, with the arrival of the races came diseases they had no resistance to. The already low Tuskarr population was ravaged, killing a large majority of the Tuskarr and putting an end to almost every community. It will take a lot of luck if they are to rebuild what they have lost... Appearence Tuskarr are a very stout people, the largest they can get is 5'5" but they tend to hover around 4'-5'. They are very strong, able to rival the fiercest of the dwarfs. Above their muscle is a thin layer of blubber and thick, flaky skin. Their skin is brown, however the shade varies greatly, they can be nearly black or almost as light as a human. Tuskarrs also host mighty tusks, often engraved with elaborate designs. They are the pride of the owner and grow slowly as they age, it is said the larger a Tuskarr's tusks the more courageous they are. Above the tusks are white whiskers and eyes that range from icy blue to deep greens. Their feet and hands are webbed and unlike on land they are very agile in the water, it would be near impossible for any other race to keep up with a Tuskarr. Aging Tuskarrs are pregnant for a very long time, taking 25-30 months for a pregnancy to complete. Once they are born they grow slowly, reaching their height after 30 years. Tusks grow during their entire lifetime and are sometimes shaved down by elders. They do not live as long as elves, but they live a lot longer than humans, they typically give off their last breath around their 300th year. Culture Sadly, with most of their villages dissolved a lot of their culture has died and not much is known about it because they have for the most part been assimilated into other cultures and religions. However, before the races arrived they practiced a form of shamanism, similar to what the orcs practice. They had no written language and told their history orally, passing it down father to son in a tongue foreign to anyone who is not a Tuskarr. They place a large value on fishing, it is dishonorable and unacceptable for a Tuskarr to not be a good fisherman, arguments were settled on who could catch the biggest fish. To a Tuskarr fishing is not only their source of food, but a way of life. Pros and Cons Pros -Tough -Strong swimmers -Tusks Cons -Rival dwarfs in their short legs -Bad at stealth -Not agile in combat This is just an idea, any suggestions will be heeded and appreciated, if this is one day accepted there will also be few Tuskarrs as disease have wiped out most of them. If it's not accepted I feel this would make a great ET race instead.... After not reading this for a few weeks I look back and think this is not the greatest idea I've had, lore is poorly written and we have enough races.
  9. Yah’sharau The Deceiver and The Mraka'svijeta Materials: One piece of obsidian, about the size of a mina The Blood of whichever race you plan on changing to A dark room A diamond shape. Knife Ritual instructions Find a small, dark room, with plenty of space to move freely in. You are to begin with the shape of a diamond, about the size of the room itself, drawn onto the floor. Take the obsidian in hand, smear it with the blood of the races. Place it in the center of the room. This will act as a catalyst for all of your forms. Meaning if your gem is destroyed in some way or another, you turn shadow form until your obsidian gem is remade, which has to be made by a mortal, willing to sacrifice themselves to reforge you. Without the gem, you are stuck in your shadow form.(note that you do not have to keep it on you). After placing the gem in the center of the diamond, proceed to kneel before it. There are no words, or incantations for this ritual. You need only cut your own hand off. The shadows will take care of the rest. After these steps have been completed, the shadows will destroy your original form(which is extremely painful, imagine getting thrown underneath a steamroller, and there you go), and remake it from the shadows. This means that all ailments will be cured. Missing limbs, and injuries will all be undone. This is a one time ordeal, and does not give you any permanent healing properties. During the elven day, your form will be remade anew. Your new form will have some slight changes though. Your eye color will change, at random. There will be a sort of tattoo on the lower half of your back. This is muscle deep, so unless you feel like carving your back muscles out, there's no getting rid of it. The shadows will however instantly turn you into the shadow form, and you will be reborn. That's all for the instructions. If the Ritual should fail There is a slight chance that the ritual could fail. If it does, one of two things could happen. Best case scenario is when the shadows don't tear your entire body apart. Think of it like this. The shadows are creating shadow you, then they stop halfway through, you would look like a humanoid version of a "dark one" Your skin would be blackened, horns sprouted from your head, and your eye color would be a dark red. Those who get like this, will feel immense pain most of their life. The other scenario. Your entire body explodes from the shadows that are creating your new body. Say during the ritual, the shadows see something wrong. They are a part of your body now, so this would happen about 3/4th s of the way through the ritual. The shadows would see the problem, then all try and leave your body at once, bringing bits and pieces of you with them. The result is quite gruesome as you might think, so I won't go into detail. This would of course kill you in the process, and the choice to pk or not is yours to make. If you choose not, then you go to the cloud temple like always. Yah’sharau Also called “The Deceiver”, Yah’sharau was once a man, just an elf. He was a natural historian, figuring out the world mysteries. There was one problem...the world had already been so deformed by the races of the world, it was almost a completely different place. He longed to see the world as it really was, before anyone, or anything touched it. This longing after centuries, had turned to hatred of the races. This thought, this idea grew inside his mind, consuming him. He wanted, no...needed to see the world untouched. The thought only grew overtime, festering and boiling his hatred for the various races of the fringe. He began to plot...and plot and plot. He began to create his own type of magic. A dark...and foul magic. The foul magic...changed him. His reasons changed. He had read about true power. The ability to crush his enemies. He now sought power. He knew this power could grant him his wish. Months, and years, and decades had past. The ritual had been completed. The parts necessary had been gathered. The finally walked to the center of the diamond, where he placed his hand on the floor. He took the knife, saying no words. He reached down to his hand, with the knife, and in one swift movement, he separated his hand from his arm, and immediately screamed and cried in pain. The shadows of the room began to swirl about, going towards the center of the diamond. He continued to writhe and scream and shout, the shadows swirling and circling around him. All at once, they gathered and shot through his chest, surrounding him with shadow. They all dropped through the floor, and Yah’sharau was gone, only his hand remained, in a pool of blood, motionless.. The shadows began to rise from the floor, at the center of the diamond. It shaped the form of a man, but the legs never grew, only shadows coming from the ground were in their place. Horns grew from the head shape, and blood red eyes formed. The shadows formed a mouth, where but a whisper came from. “Finished...finally…” The Magic of Dark Metamorphosis The ritual that Yah’sharau designed, gave him some unique abilities. From that point on, he could change. Not just from elf to shadow, or shadow to elf. He had exactly one form of every race. He could change his appearance from race to race. However this had its limits. It was not instantaneous, it really had not combative power to it, as that came from personal skill. He devised a way to use this magic for his own purposes. With a new face, he could be multiple people, from multiple races. He could infiltrate, and he could go to those places where he originally could not. He could be the person that can be blamed. He could be the hero. He could be the villain. He could be...anyone. Changing Forms Changing forms is not all that complicated itself. All it takes it a bit of time. You require the original room that you performed the ritual in, and you require the obsidian gem. All you do is enter the circle and you state the words "Darkness darkness...make me anew...give to me the body of a (Insert race here)" and the shadows will do their work, changing your body after one complete elven day. This is not painful as you've already become one with the shadows, so its as easy as making a new shape with a shadow. Some notes on Forms You cannot change a form's appearance once it has been created. You get the racial buffs of the form that you change into You will not age after the ritual, nor will your forms. They will retain the age of your original body, but will only look like that age, not feel that age. You cannot and will not be able to change gender by changing forms. If you are male, you will stay male. If you are female, you will stay female. OOC Notes With this magic type, i'm hoping to not restrict it. I want this to be a widely available type of magic that could be used in a wide manner of ways. Though it is a dark magic, I want it to be available for people. However if the lore team, or the gm’s want this to be a form of restricted lore I won’t argue. While in shadow form, you are completely unable to interact with the world.No touching, no attacking. you are quite literally a shadow. If accepted, books containing the ritualistic instructions will be scattered across the land. Those who may find them may do as they please with them. Note that those who wish to perform the ritual will need to contact me, so I may oversee it. When in each form, I've decided to make it so that you will get that form's racial buffs, as you turn into them, flesh, bone, brain and all. Turning into a "dark one" will render you completely and utterly infertile. This is not a combative magic, this is sort of a disguise type of magic. It's meant for deep cover, and all things of that manner. Changing will take place by using your personas to change forms. Debuffs Weakness to golden weapons: All forms. The Ritual leaves you weakened, making you quite fragile and weak.: All Forms Extreme Weakness to golden weapons: Shadow form. Ritual physically alters your appearance: Process of Ritual leaves the user with tattoo like markings on their back, which means that someone could find them out. Due to all your feedback, the original three will not be played. In addition the whole idea with the mental link has been removed, as it does create some form of unity between the "Dark ones"
  10. “Deep within the earthen frame, lies guardians none should irk, for should their patrons be conjured from the ground, colossal foes will lurk.” ~Unknown Scribe Dwelling within the mantle of the greater regions where Anthos and the Fringe reside in, lie mounds of rock guarding something ominous. Their stature varies, but even the smallest tower over the tallest Orc. Their purpose is unknown by most, though if they are capable of perishing, one may discover the reason their stoney hides trudge about the grounds they were birthed by. All of them, upon their temper prodded, gain the will of a volcano, and will ceaselessly guard their birthing grounds from any who dare to try their hand at harming them. Their intent is not to harm, for that is no guardians wish. Their awakening bellows a sound hearty enough to travel a continent, as does their monstrous footfall. Should a city be approached by a beast, they will be warned. Their hardened flesh is entirely impenetrable, and only the mar of being born from the elements may be struck to harm them. This disfiguration is unique from being to being, and is known to hum faint hues of light upon its discovery. OOC Information The purpose of writing this was so that I could slay a bit of boredom and add an interesting way that ET could RP giants, along with a reason. Another frequent Lore writer has mentioned writing up Colossus lore, and should they post it I will request this be removed as a source of information permitted to ET. Also, if you’re thinking it sounds extremely vague, that is because that was the intent, with how much room there is to wriggle in your own flavor of RP, you could have Colossi of the sea or something equally rad. If you’d like to use this lore should it be accepted and you are an ET, and cannot think of a way to apply something unique and intriguing to your event, PM me, I’ve got a few ideas. Apologies for the run-on sentences, they drive me nuts during reviews but I cannot think of ways to replace them, ‘spose I should get better at writing.
  11. by Raptor The Order of Blood, the First Blood mages [Original Lore] http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/47582-the-order-of-blood/ http://youtu.be/wAsiU9tH-_8 Blood Magic is a malevolent form of magic, classified as a Dark Art, though much like Shades, bearing a lot of resemblance to Alteration. Modern day Blood Magic, the second generation of the art, is a weaker bastardization of the original magic used by the original Order of Blood. Due to recent research into mana and life force, discoveries have been made that make possible the reinvention of the magic. Blood Magic is, at it’s core, the magical art of drawing power (mana) from the blood of any living being, be it yourself or any other. Use of the magic sacrifices vitality and “life” in exchange for increased power and a temporarily deeper mana pool (explained below). It can be used to cast or enhance spells as well as cast some spells of it’s own at later stages, although it’s used most efficiently in the performance of powerful rituals that would otherwise be far too draining and taxing for even some of the most powerful Arcane mages. During the process of drawing the power from the blood, the natural energy is twisted and morphed, creating an unnatural and crude form of it’s original state. It is a violation of nature and an abominable magic, thus classified as a Dark Arts magic. Blood Magic is not designed for combat, being an almost purely complementary and support magic, however there are a number of ways Blood Magic can be used in combat, both in the heat of the moment as well as prepared Blood Magic. At it’s core, Blood Magic is simply the art of drawing power from the blood in order to enhance spells. In combat, a Blood Mage would be able to create a wound on either themselves (or on another if they were powerful enough) and draw the mana from the bloodstream and fuel their spells. This is rather useful as mages can cast combat spells for much longer than a mage normally would, though at a heavy price. There are different ways a Blood Mage can increase the efficiency of which they draw power in the heat of battle, but these secrets are unknown to the majority of people. Sometimes, in the heat of battle, a Blood Mage may become overwhelmed. In this situation, the mage may see no other way out and may be willing to weaken themselves to near death, in order to escape. Doing this is extremely dangerous and not a viable tactic for standard combat or escaping any situation requiring a mage to be active in their escape. To do this, the mage would draw a hefty amount of power from their blood in order to overcharge a spell (higher tier mages can overcharge spells by combining blood magic with arcane magic, drawing power simultaneously and with less risk, but also less power), in order to cast cataclysmic tier spells, putting their life at risk. Blood Magic is not designed for combat, however useful it may be. Blood Mages can reach the full height of their potential during rituals. To put it simply, rituals are premeditated and focused events, where a Blood Mage (or any other mage for that matter) will use many different means (collaboration with other mages, sacrifices, enchantments, incantations, symbols and other power sources) to gain as much power as possible to achieve some form of magical goal. These goals are as endless as the forms all magic can take. They can be literally anything, however they can usually be classified into one of the three types below. (When anomalies are found, more sections will be added.) However there are a number of things that all these rituals have in common. First and foremost, they all require at least one Blood Mage (the numbers will vary regarding the ritual). The amount of power required would be too much for a normal mage to summon and handle. Second of all, they will more often than not need blood sacrifices. Those blood sacrifices can come from either the casters, volunteers or prisoners, it matters not. But drawing power from oneself, like a Blood Mage might do in the heat of battle will not nearly be enough to cast such monstrous spells. Finally, the Blood Mage rituals rely heavily on the use of ancient symbols and markings, first used by the Order of Blood in Asulon. The nature of these symbols and the mechanics behind them is unknown, however it is known that these marks create some form of loosening in the veil between us and the power we are attempting to draw upon, making the draining process so much more efficient. These symbols may be marked on the ground, on sacrifices or on the casters (only the ritual itself may tell what is required). There are many symbols used, many of them are incorrectly written and discovered from memory of the few that have seen them, thus they have a lesser effect than that of the originals. There are Elemental Rituals which is the most simple of the lot. This ritual will usually be done at the behest of a Blood Mage in collaboration with one or more evocationist (the type of evocationist obviously depends on the ritual itself) in order to summon a mass amount of this element in a certain way. For example a fire storm or blizzard etc. To put it simply, Elemental Rituals are simply huge enhancements to standard evocation. Summoning Rituals involve the summoning of beings, be them ethereal or corporeal, from the other worldly planes. It is possible that summoning rituals do not summon anything at all, however what links them all is the opening of gateways or tears in the planes, be it the void, the ancestral plane amongst many many others. These rituals are quite dangerous as history has proven that more often than not, something will escape and it is not guaranteed that it can be controlled. Summoning Rituals are very much the wild card rituals. They require at least one Blood Mage, as per usual, numerous blood sacrifices as well as the appropriate mages (to sunder the veil between the void and the world, many arcane mages would be needed, to open a gate to the ancestral plane, a shaman would be needed etc), including many symbols marked. Finally there is what is called Creation Rituals, which involve a number of different magics in order to form twisted and crude forms of life. This is by far the most difficult type of ritual to perform and requires a lot of research and knowledge into what it is you are attempting to do. These rituals require a number of different mages (could be conjurationists, shamans, necromancers), alchemy and a huge amount of power, an amount that can't be reached by blood magic alone. The nature of these rituals will vary quite a lot, but they will require the most preparation and will be the most strenuous on the casters. Blood Mages require blood from a living host for their magic to work, however you needn’t always drain from yourself. However what will always remain the same, is the need for an open wound and physical access to the blood in order to drain from it. Draining from others is far less rewarding than draining from yourself and also far more difficult. As you climb the Tiers, it becomes increasingly easier to drain from others, you don’t have to be as close to your victim in order to drain them as the lower tiers, more power can be absorbed and drained, not simply wasted. Though when draining from others, less of the carrier mana can be “caught” and thus more is dissipated and less is absorbed for spell usage. The act of draining power itself is a fairly painful one and can cause stinging and burning feelings within the wounds you are drawing from, akin to pouring lemon juice onto a cut. The more skilled a Blood Mage becomes, the less of this pain they will feel when drawing power from within themselves, their ability to draw power from the blood becoming more and more refined. In the past a lot of people have had their crack at Blood Magic, post Blundermore’s original lore. They’ve RP’d manipulating the blood itself to extremely OP lengths, actually managing to fully control people’s bodies and puppeteer them. This form of Blood Magic, true Blood Magic, does not encompass that whatsoever. There are a few spells that are for the higher tiers (Tier 4 upwards) that do resemble the control of blood, but nothing nearly to that extent. Tier 4 spells will be able to, for example, magically latch on to the carrier mana within their “opponents” blood and in a very crude form of blood control, causing blood clots and, if enough blood clots the arteries, hemorrhages (Tier 5 spells, rather powerful). This is because the bond between the blood and the mana that is attached to it is so strong, it is extremely difficult to rip them apart manually, even through magic. High Tiers can manipulate the mana in blood in similar crude ways, however it is extremely difficult as well as physically draining. This type of spell however, is difficult to cast, requiring a lot of necessary conditions in order to cast. For example, the blood vessels must be skin level and fairly visible (no rupturing of the heart, or internal organs). Should blood vessels burst and the skin become ruptured, the wounds would be rather small. The purpose of this type of spell is create a wound so that the Blood Mage may proceed to drain, not as a kill move. In order to latch on to the carrier mana and the blood in your opponent, you will be draining a large amount of your own mana pool in the process, likely having to drain from your own blood beforehand. The ability to temporarily access more mana than their usual mana pool will allow. Able to overcharge spells to cast them with more power than usual. Able to use the increased mana pool for performing powerful rituals. Useful for passively comboing with other magics and other mages (enchantments, seals, rituals etc). Sacrifice vitality for power at an uneven ratio (more vitality is lost than power is gained). People are practically impossible to manipulate and control via blood magic. Cannot draw power from “dead blood”. (corpses, gathered blood in vials etc) The amount of vitality lost when using blood magic in combat, is too much to be a viable combat method (last ditch effort to cast however is an exception). Increased use of Blood Magic will cause a noticeable corruption of the person, causing both physical and mental changes/instabilities. One of the more important aspects of a magic, there are a wide range of aesthetics that Blood Magic effects, both effects of it’s own as well as it’s effect on other magics. When draining mana with Blood Magic, from both yourself and others, the carrier mana (still attached to some blood) will come out on the form a dimly glowing red mist (picture above). It remains in this form and the glow continues to intensify until the power is used in a spell. When the power is used for other magics, such as fire evocation for example, the colour of the spell’s effects will change to a luminescent green, the overcharged spell now tainted by the unnaturally absorbed mana from the blood. This change applies to all spells with an aesthetic effect (including all rituals), Illusion being the exception. Blood Magic will also affect the mage’s body and mind, with extreme use turning the mage’s skin pale, their face slightly gaunt and milky eyes with dark bags beneath them. Because the magic is so unnatural, extended use will cause madness and a lot of mental instabilities, including irrational thinking, paranoia and insomnia. There are typically three different sources of magic. The first is divine power, gifted to the descendants by the the high beings of our world. The second is mana, that of which flows through all living things. Finally there is life-force, that of which the foul Necromancers manipulate from our very being. But thanks to recent discoveries, we have found that there is a fourth, something between mana, and life-force. What has been dubbed “Genus” by Caladrius’ order of Blood Mages, this energy can be no better described than the very threads of creation. What ties all life and energy together, what causes it to work and function. Genus is an energy that is tied to all other energies in existence. It has no power of it’s own, except the power to give power to all else. It acts as nothing more than a catalyst to all power and energy, it binds lifeforce, mana and everything under creation and the void. Blood Mages harness this power, the Genus bound to Life Force within all living beings and draw on it, pumping their spells full of this raw power. Genus is most easily found and drawn from Life Force, which flows around the bodies of the living in the blood, the reason Blood Mages get their name. Whereas Necromancers draw on the Life Force itself for their accursed taint and plagued powers, Blood Mages are only interested in what can effectively be described as the power source of that Life Force. Drawing on the Genus from the Life Force, the Life Force would dissipate, leaving the victim weakened (the more drained, the more they would be weakened) and the Genus then crudely forced to attach to any energy of the Blood Mage’s chooses, be it mana or any other magical energy. tl;dr genus is catalyst for all power, more of it with life force, life force in blood, therefore blood mages take genus from life force in blood A living source of blood to cast with blood magic. Mana does not travel through vials of blood. An open wound or access to blood from the living host, a closed wound will not work for lower tiers. Knowledge of Blood Magic, taught by me. OOC permission from me to learn or to self teach. Learning will be regulated OOCly by me. I have decided to use the old Tier System as a basic guide on Blood Magic progression. It is an elegant system and easy to understand and outline. Apprentice [Tier 1] - The Blood Mage has begun to learn how to draw power from an open blood wound on themselves only. They can use this power to cast spells (cannot combine with normal mana). The ratio of power gained to life force lost is 3:7. Adept [Tier 2] - The Blood Mage can now cast spells using both the power drawn from blood and the arcane simultaneously, to overcharge spells. They can still only draw this power from themselves. The ratio of power gained to life force lost is 4:6. Blood Mage [Tier 3] - The Blood Mage is now well learned in the art of drawing power from blood, understanding how it works and is now able to draw power from others, provided there is an open wound to draw from. They can only do this to one subject at a time. The ratio of power gained to life force lost is 5:5. Expert [Tier 4] - The Blood Mage has unlocked the secrets of blood magic, now being able to reach out to another and draw on the power and blood within them, rupturing blood vessels and creating wounds. They are also able to draw power from up to three subjects. The ratio of power gained of life force lost is 6:4. Master [Tier 5] - The Blood Mage has near perfected the art, increasing their efficiency in all fields of the magic. They are able to draw power from up to seven subjects with open wounds and is able to cause hemorrhages and minor blood clots in surface blood vessels in order to cause ruptures and wounds. The ratio of power gained to life force lost is 7:3. Can I be super top kek lel super edgy drink blood with this? No. If that’s what you intend to do, do not come near it and taint this magic with your foul ways. Can I puppet master my best friend with this and make him do what I want all the time? No you can't, that’s practically impossible you’d need maybe a hundred T7 Blood Mages to pull that off and even then it would look weird and probably pop like 20 blood vessels. (Yes I exaggerate to emphasise my point, but it still stands, you can't body control/mind control.) So wait if I wound someone and drain them of their blood’s power, shouldn’t I be able to kill all three of their friends? No because the amount of power you would have been able to sap from their blood, let alone hold on to, would be insufficient for that kind of cataclysmic magic. Can I get more powerful by drinking the blood or putting other people’s blood in me? No, ingesting blood does nothing to augment your abilities, you’d just be a social pariah for no reason. Overpowering spells with mech standard is rather difficult to do, Raptor. How do you intend to deal with this? In truth, I don't. Overpowering spells through pure blood magic is not a viable solution for combat, it is merely a very dangerous RP escape tactic. It is possible to mech standard the the very core of Blood Magic, which is essentially another mana pool. This can be done by activating a sustained ability where power can be drawn from health points instead of the mana bar once it has been depleted. More than that would need to be discussed with the tech team. [TBA] [TBA] Blundermore - Cooperation, initial concept and introduction of Blood Mages into the server. Raptor - Writing, magic concept, everything else, pure sex appeal Kalameet - Intellectual discussion, magical theory, support, making me look good Geo - Intellectual discussion, cooperation for lore changes, opinions on ideas. Swgrclan - Assistance with ritual ideas, ritual classifications. Pandan - Text graphics.
  12. [[ This is an elaboration on lore which already exists. I wrote this several months back, around the time when Wraiths were first implemented, and thought this was necessary to throw in. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/99462-wraiths-harbingers-of-the-fourth-age-ready-for-review/ ]] Within the archaic ages of Old-Aegis, when peace was known between the early-Four purely because there did not lie petty territorial conflicts or wars waged from greed, there dwelt a benevolent being whose heart shined true, his soul bearing pure intentions for the mortal races that inhabited the Ancestoral Land. The child of the Father of Dragons, Môrdring was like all of his wise, ancient kin -- pure, willing to act as a vanguard of the goodly, and keeper of time in the form of old tomes. His power spun wide, for his blood bore the very essence of magical power -- but it was purity Môrdring dabbled in, the power of light and golden flame; and for this reason, he held many ideals that agreed with that of the Aengul of Purity, Tahariae. But alas, he was a timid creature despite his willingness to entrust the Mortal Four with the blessing of virtue. He was Môrdring the Radiant, for he was of light and righteous flame. But his benevolence and his wisdom did not prevent the clever Dragaar from swelling with assurance upon formulating a plan he thought would lead to the protection of the Mortal Four for all eternity; protection of their mortal coils, and the protection of their souls. He bore a hatred for sin and the naivety that mortality brought, but this did not falter Môrdring’s wish to save them all. On one fateful night, near the dawn of day and during the twilight of the land, the Dragaar of purity stepped from his lair of white stone and libraries to declare to the skies, to the Father of Dragons himself and even to the Creator that he will create an artifact so thoroughly pure and powerful that the sins of mortality will be absolved and cast from the common-man’s soul by it’s very presence, setting them on the track of purity and virtue, and that they would be protected under this shell of light and celestial force for all eternity; to prosper not as the Mortal Four, but as the Enlightened One. And for one-hundred years in count, the Dragaar Môrdring had labored and toiled in the burdens of arcane weaving; with magical knowledge known by no mortal man in those ancient ages, Môrdring cast his power upon a dazzling crystal of radiance, gold and white in structure which bore a warm glow that would dissolve the impurity from one’s soul in but seconds after the sinful touched the object and drank it’s aura. Within it’s shining depths, Môrdring the Radiant locked a mass of arcane knowledge, the key to enlightenment, and the most prominent gift of them all. Locked within the radiant void of the artifact he deemed the “Luminant Shard”, lay the tongue of Môrdring, the dialect of the Seven Skies, as he described -- The Tongue of the Âru. The Luminant Shard was cast from his spire of blessed brick and sturdy mortar, sent to lay in wait within the mainlands of Aegis. But the Mortal Four would not accept Môrdring’s gift as easily as he expected; for it was not self-assurance and pride in his ideals that led to his dark unraveling, but the over-expectancy of the mortal mind. It was first found by the Elves of Mali’nor, who treasured the sanctity of their forests and the purity of their line. Brought to the Branch-Shapers, or otherwise known as “Druids”, the Luminant Shard was studied as thoroughly as the Druian could study it; but, despite all efforts, the artifact of golden light and radiance did not react what-so-ever to the Druidic magics applied to it. Deeming the comforting, albeit eerie hushed words the artifact often ushered into the minds of several of the Druids that crept near it’s tall crystalline structure as an omen, it was cast from the tall forests with much haste by the Elves. It was the human Kingdom of Oren that discovered it next. Unlike the children of Malin, the priests and paladin-crusaders of the Old-Oren Faith were more skeptical on the intentions the Luminant Shard bore. The holy aura it expelt frightened the priests and struck suspicion into the church, and with but days after the Shard was discovered, it was cast from the human lands in a religious fervor; they would have nothing to do with heresy in it’s prime form. Within the heated hills of sand, the Luminant Shard was discovered by the nomadic Orcish people who, with much caution, dragged the artifact from the sand via a long rope, and after studying it close, took it to the shaman that resided within Krugmar’s capital. But as the Druids failed to trace the origins of the bright crystal back to their Aspects, the Shaman could not commune with the crystal with their spirits. The Orcish peoples, with their quick temper, were upset by this failure of progression, and with little thought flung the Shard from their desert-lands in a blood-rage. At last, the holy Shard fell into the hands of the Dwarves weeks later; but their reaction to such a radiant, fascinating gem was much more different than the other three races’. Bearing the assumption it is a diamond that had been so magically blessed that it obtained sentience and acquired the ability to telepathically communicate, the Dwarves’ curse bubbled up and showed itself in it’s raw form -- bearing mastercraft pickaxes of mighty carbarum alloy, they surged upon the Shard and struck at it without hesitance, but to no avail. The Luminant Shard’s arcane wards, in retaliation to it’s harsh treatment, blew the incoming Dwarves back with a mighty push of telekinetic energy. Enraged by the fact their greed could not be sated the Dwarves cast the crystal from their cavern home and into the fray of obscurity. But even obscurity is dwelt, and by darker things. Five men of black crowns discovered the Luminant Shard and, with much haste, hoisted it from the dark corner the crystal was cast to only to bring it into another -- their lair, stinking of rot, death and old dust. It was there the Luminant Shard was situated, and it was there the Five Lords tampered with it with the most unholy of magics: Necromancy. Wielding the taint of unlife as their weapons, they cast the putrid black smog forth and surged it into the Shard’s very being. Knowing they were unable to unlock what the whispers promised in it’s state of light and purity, the Five Lords displayed their greed and their treachery to the crafter of the light-bringing, sin-cleansing gift and corrupted the Luminant Shard to it’s core, corroding the massive amounts of information carefully stored within and wiping out every single trace of light and pure arcane magic that dwelt the Shard’s crystalline structure. But alas, warping the seemingly locked, crystalline vault of power into a shell of what it once was did not provide the Four Lords with the unlimited power the crystal promised them.. Môrdring the Radiant was a clever being. His skill in magic spanned far and wide, but even then he did not recognize a hint of the taint that warped his prized creation, for the concept of mere mortals wielding such a manipulative, malignant force was beyond his comprehension. To expect the mortal ilk would dare scorn his craft was something he was incapable of conceiving at the time, but when the Shard was corrupted, and when he felt the agonizing backlash and the endured sensing the sharp cry of pain the Shard released, as if it actually bore sentience in subconscious form, it was then that Môrdring realized the mistake he made. The riddles he set as the keys were too advanced for the Four Races to figure out; their ignorance betrayed him. Their impatience led to the Shard’s outcasting; their foolishness scorned him. Who was Môrdring to assist the Mortal Four if they were too corrupted already with greed, with sin and rage? He had handed them the key to the universe, and now it had been twisted into a husk, a shell of his own power. It was a shell, but it was not defenseless. The Luminant Shard, it’s warm glow and golden hue replaced with a swirling black void of darkness and aura of fatigue and fear, lashed out at the Five Lords -- it took their power, and it used it itself to punish them, to twist them into beings that are not dead, yet are not alive. It was no malignant deity’s artifact that created the Wraiths of the First Realm, but a mistake; a manipulation of a gift meant to spread good, to cast purity forth. But the Mortal Four were not ready for Môrdring’s gifts, and he was well-aware of this. The mortal races he was tasked with protecting and even vowed to do so, in his eyes as the Wraiths rose, did not deserve his protection. And so he fell. He fell from a state of enlightenment to a state of depression, anger and darkness; and those who know well of the Dragonkin are aware that if these emotions drawn from his failure and his spite took ahold of the once-wise Dragaar of like, he would form into a being of evil, of sinister intention -- he would be that of the Void with a soul as black as night. But Môrdring the Radiant’s will to spread righteous purity would be so diminished by this dark turn of events. When the darkened power of the Luminant Shard drew forth and tethered the Five Lords to warp them into beings of death and decay, Môrdring surged what power he still had into the crystal from his white spire -- it was then he settled a lock, a barrier upon the corrupted Shard that prevented the tainted gift from making more of the abominations that then counted in five and were capable of taking on tenfold their own numbers. Môrdring the Radiant fought a battle in the shadows and prevented the death of the realm by the hands of the Five Lords of Death instead of by the vassals of Iblees. The lock upon the Luminant Shard which now bore the name Black Nexus as deemed by it’s new undead masters kept the Dreaded Five from summoning more embodiments of terror forth, and as the years passed, the depressed and distraught Môrdring attained relief as the Wraiths began to die off, one by one, as the Undead of Iblees assaulted the land enmasse. But fate would not leave the dark artifact behind so easily. There lay more in store for the Black Nexus to endure. As Aegis fell, the Wraiths fell with it. Before their fall they collected their closest minions, and in-turn, sent them upon a voyage across the sea and away from the Verge that endured the wrath of Iblees like the land behind the portal had; the ancestral land that the Dragaar of Radiance vowed to protect. Time passed by quickly and the Black Nexus was kept hidden, kept safe; through the toils of Asulon and through the trek of Kalos and Elysium the minions, despite their weakening grasp on their faith, kept the Nexus secure. But their faith in their past dark lords eventually slipped, and not bearing the will to hear the screams the swirling, blackened crystal expels from any that dwell near it, they, as the Dwarves had, cast it into obscurity upon reaching Anthos where it rested for a time within the deepwoods of the continent. But dark things dwell obscured places. One who deemed himself with the title “The Perfectionist” discovered the Black Nexus and thusly brought about the second coming of the Wraiths and the rise of the Gravelords; from their dark hoods they drew forth the corrupted Tongue of the Âru; deeming it Oblivion-Speech and scorning it’s creator by speaking it. The Four Gravelords declared themselves the Khôr, the Oblivion-Tongue word for both lord, and darkness. And in the shade of the Mortal Four, now counting in five, dwelt Môrdring, the bitterness of dismay having darkened and blackened both his mind and body, but not his soul. His white scales no-longer painted his massive, draconic frame; only ones of darkened hues clasped about his immortal coil - as dark as his spite, with amber eyes burning bright like the churning flames of his anger. But he did not turn, for he was still of light and righteous flame. Môrdring the Shadow remained obscured by all - standing idly by to simply watch, to silently wait. He watched as Aegis fell. He watched as the Mortal Four committed atrocities within Asulon, ranging from genocide to magical advancements that scorn the very fabric of the realm the Mortal Four once inhabited. Môrdring watched as they left Kalos and Elysium in a ruin, he watched as his weakling kin, Setherian the Black Wyrm, threatened the very existence of the five races that inhabit the land of Anthos, and now he watches as the four races squabble and argue within another land which slowly dies by the hand of warfare and colonization. He watches, but he does not dare move from his perch -- he does not dare cast the shade of his wings. Not yet. He is the Shadow, the Father of the Khôr.
  13. An Addition to Soul Puppetry Written and discussed by epic_raccoon, and mthdominator. A beginning note: ALL original lore must still be followed. This is merely an addition! What is the addition to this lore?: With the addition of this lore, the act of create a soul puppet with no longer be as simple as gathering the appropriate materials, and shaping a doll into the image of your victim. The intent of this lore is to provide a more challenging way to go about it, and allow for "official" puppets to be created-- Something to distinguish a soul puppet, from a regular (though disturbing) doll. How does this lore work?: Quite similar to how a puppeteer would conjure his harness from the void, a spell would be cast to conjure a needle of a substance dubbed "Grim". Grim would be used as a substitute for the thread used to sew these dolls together. Grim, quite simply put, is the essence of the puppeteers soul. Just as a puppeteer must harness the soul of his victim through their blood, the puppeteer must sacrifice some of his/her own to create his link to the doll, and utilize his soul to sew these dolls together. Any doll created with use of the puppeteer soul is officially a soul puppet, and may used to cast curses/hexes upon another being. How does Grim work?: Grim works just as yarn would when creating a puppet. It is the soul in a compact state; entirely opaque, and wispy in nature, though solid, and capable of binding the material of the puppet together. When a doll is completed, and the grim has been used to do so, the doll is officially linked to its creator, and its victim. (Note: These puppets must still follow all rules within the original lore. The victims blood must still be used to create the link to their soul, and the materials needed to apply specific curses must be present.) No being is capable of harvesting grim before being tutored by a veteran Puppeteer, already capable of the process. This being said, the magic may not be self taught, as no knowledge of said process is provided to the common man. As the puppeteer’s soul is connected to the victims, any curses performed are now far more grueling for the caster. Whilst they will not suffer the pain the victim might, they will be fatigued, and risk faster corruption of the body. End notes: -It is now possible to officiate a soul puppet. -The magic is contained, and the knowledge must be taught, rather than learned. -The puppeteer suffers further harm from the magic. -Puppets may no longer be made with something as simple as twine. -The process, in its nature, will be far more time consuming.
  14. It started with studying. The mannerisms, the aggression, the diet. Yes. Thats how everything starts isn’t it. Wolves. That had become the fascination of many. To many, wolves were pets or creatures of darkness. To him, it was progress. He had seen how these beasts moved. Their sense of pack, their protectiveness, and their power. How, how could he make this a trait he could give his family? A dark smile fell upon his lips as he found the solution. The Study of the Wolf The studies began with the most basic. He took a few wolf pups from various packs and brought them together. The wolves grew with little contact on his land. Keeping to the trees, he watched them interact and grow. The pecking order was soon discovered. He smiled in glee as he watched the stronger wolves take lead. As they would hunt and kill the creatures in his land, he kept his eyes on the omega of the pack. After several months, he slipped in and took down the omega. The next part of his studies was the biological. Safe in his basement, he pulled the creature apart, studying its biology. To his amazement, it was similar to his own. This made him more sure they would be compatible to him. Taking samples of flesh, blood, and tissue, he put them away in jars and disposed of the long since dead wolf. Now he had the pieces he needed, now he just needed to figure out how to make himself one of these creatures. The Experiments The wolves continued to run free in his land as he began experimenting. The pack grew in size and he would pick off the omega’s to avoid disrupting the pecking order. At first it was just seeing what made them tick. He would torture the poor creatures until they died, learning every little detail he could. Finally he decided he had to get a strong male. Something that matched him. While the pack hunted, he found the perfect fit near the front. An alpha. With a quick fire of his bow, he took it down. Bringing the wolf to his home, he began his tests. First it was sharing blood with the unconscious creature. No, that didn’t work. Next he tried magic. He could never find the right one for what he needed. Nearly giving up, he remembered his friend who did contract magic. After weeks of begging and pleading, he got the information needed. Now came the hard part, perfecting the seal. The magic itself was hard enough to learn. But after years of study, he managed to get enough down to try again. Once more, he went out and captured himself the alpha male. He started with small symbols that only gave him injury or damaged the wolf. After enough time passed, he had to put the wolf out of its misery, unable to use it anymore with its damaged form. Frustrated he went off to study various symbols and experiment. After nearly 60 years since he began, he found it. The Ritual The wolf snapped and snarled at him as he chained it to the altar he made outside. Its grey fur lifting along its spine as it growled and howled. A smile crossed his lips as he carved into the hard ground. Slowly the symbol became apparent as he sat in the middle of his circle. His eyes fell on the wolf as it growled. It was time. As the full moon reached its peak during the warmest summer nights, he killed the wolf. A slice of his special bone blade, made from the sharpened femoral bone, made quick work of the wolf. Making his cuts count, he marked the pelt from jowls to tail base. As the blood filled the grooves, he began to skin the wolf. Removing the pelt and heart, he moved back to the center. He placed the heart in his lap and the pelt over his shoulders. Closing his eyes he concentrated. The blood finished filing the symbols on the ground and began to pulse darkly with the magic. Slowly the wolf body was absorbed into the circle and with a howl of pain, his flesh began to burn with black flames. The Transformation As the flames died off, he laid on the ground panting. His eyes closed in agony as he laid there. Slowly he sat up and let out a howl of pain. His flesh looked boiled and blistered. The moon slowly slid across the sky, and with it, a new sensation. Food. He shakingly got to his feet and looked around. Blinking he caught the fresh scent of food and he followed it. As he crept on his meal, he was dimly aware of what it truly was. With a swift attack with his blade, he dispatched the small creature and consumed it. The blood dripped from his chin and he looked around. As the sunlight glinted off his form, he finally noticed it. His form changed just slightly from his previous form. Curious and excited he decided to go look it over. He hurried back to his house and took a good look at himself. What he saw nearly made him pass out. His eyes had changed to the wolf’s piercing golden color. His brow, much more bushy and stuck in a scowl. His nose turned slightly up and his teeth had lengthened slightly with his canines a slight bit longer. His ears elongated only slightly and pointed. Looking himself over he noticed his arm and leg hair was much thicker and longer. Looking at his hands he noticed his nails had grown a bit as well. A smile plastered across his lips as he stared at the bloodied new form. However, the smile lasted only for a moment as the hunger subsided and his form began to shift. Again the pain of the flames raced across his skin dropping him to his knees. A scream echoed through the property as he falls and darkness falls over the land. The Curse of the VulChirr The diaries of the finder were found in a box by an elven man. Within the leather bound pages are the entries on the process. He read through them finding each one holding a clue how to do the process again. “Day 32, The transformations get less and less painful. I have yet to gain control. It seems to happen when I get extremely hungry. I must see if there is a way to control this. The light is getting harder on my eyes and even the sounds of birds are getting annoying. Must be more sensitive. Will test out my hearing range with my son Edgar.” “Day 52, The thirst for blood and flesh seems to be growing worse. I have been transforming nearly everyday now. I am beginning to fear the safety of my family. Edgar seems to be worried about his family’s safety and has distanced himself. We have stopped talking until I can control this desire.” “Day 72, The blood. There was so much blood. I killed them. I managed to return to normal before I killed her. My granddaughter. She was injured badly, but she survived. I will not let this happen. I have to save her. I hope the ritual can save her.” “Day 74, She survived the ritual and it seems she is healing well. Something in me is pulling me to protect her. This new sense of, pack. This is interesting. I will try this with more people.” “Day 321, My pack has grown. We have learned to control the changes. These notes will serve me well later. We will be leaving Anthos immediately to avoid the hunts.” The notes were later discovered by another in a burnt down village in the wilds.The pack has been dead for a while now. Only the notes speak of the curse of the VulChirr. Main Points The VulChirr are a cursed group created through ritual and sacrifice. There is very little that sets them apart besides the minor transformation of the body. This is a closed ritual and only the alpha’s will have access to the ritual information (books). Pro’s - VulChirr have hearing and smell sense akin to Dogs - They have a strong connection to their pack - Their features change only slightly, giving them a fearful look - Slightly stronger than their normal form - After several months, they can control the transformations, somewhat - Very controlled in terms of who can become one. Cons - They are more sensitive to loud noises and strong smells - They enrage a lost easier than Orcs, making them more volitile - Are very blood thirsty during the first few months - Transform when hungry or highly threatened - Will get sick if they eat vegetation - Will harm any not in their pack without a second thought. - Transformations back cause extreme fatigue during the first two years - Thanhium crystals are poisonous to the VulChirr -Very painful transformation, and a possibility of gaining dislocated limbs after reverting back. -After they have reverted back, theyare stricken with weakness and a need to sleep. -An occasional, but overwhelming sense of anxiety/fear/anger which normally triggers a transformation. -If the user is a magic user, they are wiped of their magic abilities. -If the user has a child, the child has DOES NOT have the ability to become unless doing ritual. OOC Really this is just an idea for a new creature thing giving some change. No MC buffs or anything, PVP just like a normal player. Its just a character with a new skin really. If accept I do not want it to get out of control. So I would like to be the leader of this and such, just a good way to start some interesting RP and change. And becoming one DOES NOT mean they are evil, debating on the character way. If my character became one he'd try his VERY best to control his lust to kill as a VulChirr. But its the LoreMaster choice. :) If there is more to be added I do not mind adding more. This was not easy to do. Made by Zer0, Trintastic, and JadeKadoa
  15. On The 13th Malin's Welcome 1455, Ramza Mantisuku and his daughter Aveaan Mantisuku would be wandering around Anthos around the Dwarven Lands. Ramza wonders what is a better way to bond with his daughter. So what better way than to carve art into a tree. As the two continue to wander in the lands, Aveaan spots a weird looking tree that neither her or Ramza have seen before. Ramza looks around as no one can be seen around the two. Discovery "Latex" is the creation Creation of new Paste Creation of Elastic Testing the Elasitc Experimenting Testing with Fire Testing with water Testing with cold. Testing with Electricity Success of a Family Disovery As Ramza continues his research on what to make with his new resource. He starts to think and make blueprints of his next work with his new invention. As his daughter goes to her room to sleep from experimenting. ((Please don't make any inappropriate comments or jokes.. this is my first time making a lore/ invention... and this took more than 4 hours to type up... so I'm trying to get this looked at and approved...))
  16. - ( Disclaimer - While I do not credit myself with the original creation of the Draug, I do call the version present in this lore a variation, and I do stress that. The version I have created has been idealized to comply with existing server lore and mechanics, as well as entreating each occurrence of a Draug on the server with some degree of individuality and fun. ) - The Draug By far, one of the most feared creatures in the known world is known as the the Draug. While circumstances surrounding their few recorded appearances are similar, for the most part, the creatures themselves harbor painfully few similarities to one another. So, the question remains, what is a Draug? A Draug is a creature born from the heat and brutality of warfare that feels no pain, has insatiable bloodlust, offers no mercy and feels no remorse. Their volatile belligerence is not to say they are dim-witted by any means, for they are actually the opposite; a Draug, any measure of size or shape, is utterly brilliant. In their brilliance and strength, they are almost grandiose. A Draug has only ever been recorded to form in a battle, and more so particularly in a bloody one. Their essence appears as a cloud of embers, which often are spotted flying against the wind or in ways uncharacteristic to embers. Upon finding a place of suitable size and opposition, the Draug begins to form. Armor of fallen soldiers (sometimes with their wearer still inside), wooden beams, fortifications, and pieces of breastwork all seem to come alive as they fly towards the center of this amalgamous entity, forming legs first and working their way up, eventually standing anywhere between eight and nearing fifteen feet tall (More powerful Draugs are able to hold more objects in place, and therefore become taller and heavier). In our eyes this process seems random and sloppy, but the Draug carefully assesses each and every item going into and onto its body, and places it just where it wants it. This leaves very few gaps in its armor, and oftentimes it is made of stone or fiery wood, making direct combat with this beast very difficult, if possible at all. After their rather drawn out formation, they waste no time before charging into the fray. They often bear shields or banners from either side of a conflict, which catches many unsuspecting or untested soldiers off guard, thinking the fiery demon is charging towards the enemy, as they get the end of the Draug’s weapon. In open combat, the creature will often sustain damages and need repairs. It does this quickly and easily, filling the gaps with remnants of the carnage it has created almost instantaneously. Let it be said that with the advent of a Draug, the only sure tactic to prolong your own life, is to turn and run; Draugs cannot truly be killed, and their endless slaughtering is only halted when they run out of enemies to kill. It is then that they usually release their essence, and their form crumbles to a heap. Draug Behavior and Origins Rather unpredictable by nature, but enhanced by their vast intellect, it is very hard to guess what a Draug will do. Their formation in a battle should be taken as a bad omen, as it takes them a great deal of strength to form, and a few years to gain the strength to form in the first place. Some older and larger Draugs will fight in a very reserved manner, picking sizable targets from the crowd, while smaller and younger Draugs enter the fray. On the topic of their age, they do, in fact, become wiser and more skilled tacticians after every incursion, but do not age as mortals. The trend typically follows that a younger Draug will be smaller and weaker. While the origins of the Draug are not completely known to us, we do know they are native to Anthos, and in all of our time here, we have only ever observed four Draugs. Their names are as follows: Rudibus, Demoval, Ur and Castillon. Castillon Castillon, the name conjures dark memories for scholars well acquainted with his history. He, the more belligerent of the four known Draugs , is perhaps the most unique as well. The first and only Draug to ever name himself, in common tongue, no less. He stood at sixteen feet, carried a tower shield taken from the hull of a small boat, and a bastard sword almost as long as he was tall. After two sweeps of a battlefield for survivors, he simply turned north and walked off into the woods. He walked for days until he arrived at the ruins of Fort Greywyn, and then further still into the gateway to the north. The scouts that followed him dared not go close enough to hear the conversation, but saw him clearly raise his sword to strike the gate, but for one single moment in all of recorded history, as a Harbinger appeared and spoke to him, he lowered his sword. After many minutes of a one sided conversation, Castillon planted his sword and shield in the snow and allowed his form to fall into a heap of charred wood and iron. As the fires on the timbers he had claimed were snuffed out, the embers floated up from the heap and behind the wall, with the Harbinger following closely behind. Castillon has never been seen since that day.
  17. First off, this (redone) lore is a collaboration between myself and Lanader. Second, about the original (which was purely his work, and I will take no credit there). When he first posted it, there were multiple of us in the community whom took a great interest in the idea. First off, support mages - Wat? Since when did we have those? We want support mages! - and second, it just seemed like an aspect of RP that would be new. Of course, this received a lot of support, eventually being accepted by the old MT. However, the LT was yet to reach a verdict on the lore. When the old lore system was abolished, everything in implemented and accepted lore was moved to official canon lore. This lore, was one of them. Myself, still having not forgotten about this, one day modreq'd to have some locks removed on a building left behind by the previous owner. Lanader was the one to answer, and of course, myself, wondering, if it was official lore, why it hadn't in fact started up, asked him about it. He said that whilst the MT had accepted the lore, the LT had not, with the majority of the vote being undecided with one saying no, because it was apparently too similar to Ascended lore. I then offered to try rewriting it, in hopes of having it truly accepted. The ordinary playerbase will never know Ascended lore, apart from what was known publicly in Aegis. Of course, clerics would be the most obvious source to compare to, as they are, in essence, weakened Ascended (yes yes, technically not. I don't care, in the end, it's the closest thing). Now, I compared the two. Whilst I found similarities, it was clear that I couldn't changed Lanader's original lore without changing everything. So I added on. Lanader may or may not have already sent this in via PM. However, public interest is always important, and can help sway/quicken the decision. This is our remade lore for battle monks. I hope you enjoy, and I hope the changes we've made to the original lore will be of satisfaction to the LT. And without further ado, we present to you... The Battle Monks of the West ~*~ "They will die for what they believe in.." The Creation A long time ago, there were four men. These men went by the name of Rezu, Zera, Saydhi, and Adi'ken. These men were born within great and large tribes that focused on self-discipline and being at peace with themselves. But these men had no great gods, no leaders, no spirits to look up to. They believed in the world, and to the world they were grounded. But as with any culture, any race or group of people, there are those who rose up to bring about change. These men were Rezu, Zera, Saydhi, and Adi'ken. These men believed they were inspired by a greater force, but what it was, none of them could give a name to. But, when they spoke up, they were exiled and banished, in a rare act of anger by the tribes. And thus, they grew to be wanderers. Alone in the realm of Aegis, they walked long and far, shunned by humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs, for various reasons. But the men, staying true even still to the basis of their culture, continued to believe in this greater being, and would eventually be rewarded for it. They had been running, blindly, through a large and old forest, before they came across a great temple. They ventured inwards, and saw various artifacts strewn about. Whilst some men might have plundered the temple, these men did not. Instead, they began the process of repairing it, and picking up the pieces. They did not fiddle, nor experiment, nor fool around with the artifacts, but instead, cleaned, preserved, and honoured them. And there, they continued to live. It was for many long years that they had lain, meditated, and rested there. After some time, they thought they felt a strange, but comforting presence as they walked through the ruins, and this only reinforced their beliefs further. And so they crafted long staves, and placed upon each end, some sort of valuable crystal. These staves, they thought, were merely symbolic, and they often compared their crystals to their philosophy, but they were, otherwise, unimportant except as a symbol of their unity. And further years came to pass. And at last, the men were discovered. Six armoured bandits came, and they rushed into the temple. In moments, artifacts were destroyed or plundered, the temple desecrated, and the men were sent fleeing for their lives, right down to the bottom of the temple. The story of what exactly happened in that deep and dark place is not known by any, for Rezu, Zera, Saydhi, and Adi'ken refused to tell, but it was believed and widely accepted that the presence (which they would later call the "Great Spirit") granted them abilities which would allow them to beat off the invaders, and so the crystals began to glow and spark. After a short battle, the bandits had either fled or died, and the monks reclaimed what they could. The men eventually learnt of their former tribes' troubles. They were beginning to die out, engaged in a civil war with each other. When one tribe came to them to ask them to come back and help them end the war, and thus preserve the tribes, Zera told them no. And, in anger, the man representing the tribes said slander against Zera's "Spirit. " And so, Zera killed him, even before the masses came to slaughter him. And so came the first Monk to give his life for the spirits. ~*~ Monks in Present Day The monks, after receiving the blessing, knew they had found a basis through which they could truly spread their beliefs. They began to treasure and honour, even worship the temple, for it's spirit's saving of them. They believe they owe their lives to the Great Spirit, and so, they decided, they would protect it's holy places and name with their lives. By the end of Aegis, however, the temple was destroyed, taking Adi'ken with it. As Rezu and Saydhi continued on, they found the blessing weakening, and soon after arriving in Asulon, resolved to build further temples and shrines, and keep their religion alive. In time, with the aid of the blessing, they garnered others to worship the Spirit, and others who would even go on to become monks themselves. And so began the Battle Monks of the West, for that was where they had discovered the first temple. And when Rezu and Saydhi had died peacefully in their beds, the former initiates took over, and they continued the order until present day. The current Battle Monks of Anthos believe their duties are to protect the spirit's holy places at almost any cost. They must, however, first and foremost, never let the religion die, so there must always be one person and one holy place. They do not necessarily use their powers for good, albeit most do, however, are considered more to be neutral. Most do not go out of their way to protect others except for fellow monks and, on occasion, their flock. As such, they are considered to be a lawful neutral alignment, and are simply good-natured. They do not often concern themselves with outsiders, and as such, rarely participate in wars, nor actively seek to bring peace to the world. ~*~ Appearance The monks wear robes, cut short, with trousers, to allow for mobility. Unlike many other mages, they are also able to wear small amounts of armour, most often consisting of bracers, large metal "belts," chain skirts, and so forth. They most often wield staves bearing two long, thin, crystals. These crystals may be a variety of colours, but appear to be mostly cosmetic, until a monk begins to draw on his blessing. Once a monk begins to draw on his blessing, it begins to spark, flow, and glow with energy. ~*~ Magic (Lanader and myself thought it'd be interesting to see a support-mage rather than a pew pew mage, etc..) (Yes, we realize we have not SAID what their magic does. Well, here you go!) The Battle Monks, once they activate their blessing by channeling energy through their staves, gain various powers to help them and allies turn the tide in a fight. Firstly, they will be able to provide a support-type of magic to their allies. For example, if Monk A is fighting with Swordsman A against Swordsman B, Monk A can buff Swordsman A with a status effect such as strength, and perhaps turn the tide in a fight. How this would work RPly is this: Much like Clerics and Druii, the Monks draw power (which they call "nature energy") from a deity as well. The energy they draw from this deity can then be directed through the staff to the long crystals at the end. These crystals begin to glow and spark, and begins to collect the energy that the monk is drawing. Once enough of said energy is drawn, they can release this energy into allies or themselves, and the power drawn from the deity will allow for things such as increased force behind blows, greater strength, skin which grows tougher, greater morale and stamina, and various other such buffs. However, these buffs drain the energy from the crystals, from the monk, and from the deity, and once it runs out, all active buffs are no longer effective, and a monk will have to pray/meditate nearby a shrine. There are tiers of a sort for this magic, and it IS necessary to go through each tier before attaining some significant, new level of power. As explained, a Monk cannot cast magic without his staff, as it is the medium through which a monk can draw energy without overloading his body with various buffs, and thus, destroy/severely damage it. This is due to a deity's power being far too great for a mortal body to redirect by itself, particularly when it causes temporary changes to the body. As such, attempting to draw the energy of the Great Spirit without a staff will cause the monk attempting to utilize it to die (and by this, I mean a Perma-Death. Your character is gone. Dead. It cannot come back. So yes, you are welcome to try using it without a staff. Just remember, your character does it, he's gone. Dead). With each tier comes newer, stronger, longer lasting, spells. However, it's unlikely that any buff would persist throughout a long fight until at least the "4th" tier. At the fifth, it's possible a buff may last through two, but only with a lot of practice. It should be noted that a monk's staff is personal and truly unique. It cannot channel any magic except for the blessings (albeit a monk can still learn non-restricted magic barring Clerical), and is indestructible, except for by an Elder Monk's severing magic. It cannot be wielded by any other monk. A monk may have multiple staves, but each can only be used by himself. (When the actual order comes, the names of shown tiers may change. Also, many buffs here are based on MC status effects.) Initiates: When a monk first receives the blessing of the "spirits," they must practice gathering and utilizing nature energy, and then pushing it into their staves' crystals for usage. At mid-point of this stage, they should be able to push small amounts of energy into others or themselves, allowing for a small, weak boost to stamina, and an increase in speed (increase to speed does not mean agility nor dexterity. It is quite simply a character's SPEED). (Speed I) Novices: When a monk has practiced and meditated multiple times at a temple or shrine, they will be given a task to complete. This task is meant for the initiate to see their own values, their own strengths and weaknesses, and then act upon it. Their loyalty to the battle monks and to the spirit are tested as well, and if the initiate in question is found insufficient, punishment may follow, or they may simply have to wait longer. An initiate can ask for his first trial at any time. If he passes, he becomes a Novice of the Order. A Novice begins to grow to understand the Spirit, and his bond becomes closer to it. They begin to see the true nature of the energy they draw upon from the spirits, and begins to grow comfortable with it's usage. Their magic allows for them to direct energy to the eyes without damaging them, allowing the monk to enhance his or an ally's vision to the point they could see relative shapes in pitch black darkness, and see almost regularly on a moonlit night. They can also inspire others, which would increase morale in combat and give hope when one would despair. (Night Vision) Adepts: When a monk believes his bond with the Great Spirit is strong enough, a monk can ask for a second trial. This trial varies per person, but it again tests loyalty, knowledge, and their own personal self. If found insufficient, he may be punished, or he may try again, depending. If he is, however, found sufficient, he begins the journey to join the Order as a true monk. He begins to learn to affect himself and others in greater ways. As such, he is beginning to learn to "toughen" skin, so that it is somewhat harder to cut, like scar tissue without the debilitations that would come with such. At this stage, a monk would truly begin to feel willing to kill or die for the spirits. (Resistance I) Monks: The final trial to become a monk is a show of prowess. A show of prowess of strength, knowledge, loyalty, and of the self. As such, it is often a dangerous expedition, and one must be careful not to fail, as, unless the monk was lucky enough to simply be given a trial by one of the Elder Monks through a duel and other such things, the trial will most likely end in the monk's death (this does not have to be PK). However, if the monk can succeed in completing the tasks set before him, he is honoured as a full-fledged monk. He is sworn to the spirits, and he has complete, unwavering faith in them. He will not betray the spirits or his order for ANYTHING, be it money, or land, or glory. They can push nature energy behind strikes, making them more meaningful and far more powerful. For an extremely short amount of time, the power derived by the nature energy can even protect against lesser burns and fires. After this point, a monk is able to do almost anything that is available to monks, and can even experiment with various abilities not listed here. They can also teach other monks. They are able to construct small shrines to the Spirit as needed, which, to believers, will exude a feeling of peace and comfort. (Strength + Fire Resistance) Great Monks: These monks have done great things for the Battle Monks, or else is extremely deeply attuned to the spirits. For this, "tier," per se, it is possible to self-teach into reaching it by practicing the spells often. At this tier, one would become able to grant an even more resistant skin and immune system, and has essentially mastered all basic (listed) abilities. Also, their previous buffs become stronger and longer. They may continue experimentation with new spells, however, canonification of said spells requires a lore post. (All previous abilities gain an additional level, and Health Boost. Stronger the buff, the sooner it'd fade. Second level buffs would likely only last a few seconds MCly, maybe a quarter to a half of a fight RPly.) Elder Monks: No great differences between Greats and Elders. However, an Elder Monk is chosen by another Elder Monk, and these can take control of greater decisions concerning the Order. As such, they also have the power to sever a monk's power, if needed and only if the spirits are in accordance. (In other words, this cannot be done unless the Monk in question had somehow power-gamed or acted in a way that does not follow lore. Regulates magic and so forth.) ~*~ Requirements/General Information -Monk staves are personal and truly unique. They cannot channel other magic types, cannot be used by other monks other than the one who first used it, or at least until they die, and are otherwise indestructible. -The magic cannot be self taught until the monk has truly become a Monk. After that point, he can choose to learn until he becomes a Great Monk. -To join, one would have to find the monk in RP. This CAN be done through forum RP, but it will not be done through apps. After that point, a monk will show them around, and let them stay so that they can observe existing monks RP. They would also likely accompany the Monks as part of the flock, until they decide to join or not. -A Battle Monk should venture around Anthos and try to spread his beliefs, and should attempt to garner a flock. -A Battle Monk cannot cast magic without his staff, unless the player wants to PK his character. By joining you acknowledge said fact. -A Monk will die and kill for his spirit, and the strongest will take it to the extreme. The slightest slander of their beliefs may end with him ripping out the offender's heart, or otherwise brutally murdering him. -The glowing staff is mainly cosmetic, however, they channel their magic through it. -The Monks use an alternative for mana: They, like druii, clerics, and so forth, draw from an otherworldly entity, called nature energy. Unlike regular mages, they cannot regenerate power on their own, and must meditate or pray at a shrine instead. After some IC time, they will have gained the power to keep going. -Monks are NOT protagonists. That is to say, they aren't necessarily good people, and it can be hard to move them to do something except in self-preservation or preservation of the spirit/religion. They are merely support mages, whom, if NEEDED, will use his magic to aid others and himself. So a criminal runs across the rooftop, at night, and guards can't see him? They come up to a monk and ask, "Can you grant us vision?" The monk is unlikely to do so, except for POSSIBLY as a way to show that his religion is the greater one. -For monks to properly draw nature energy from the spirits, they must go through great amounts of training and meditation to understand the world around them as best as possible. Whilst this may not necessarily be scientific knowledge (it might be metaphysical, it might be metaphorical... He must simply have knowledge of some great sort of the world as a whole). -Battle Monks' magic can alter the monk in question physically and mentally permanently, after great amounts of training and extended usage. This is not to say that they would be able to grow extremely overpowered (use your common-sense when you RP the long term side effects), but they would have longer life-spans, and unlike most mages, no physical retribution to the use of their magic. Their connection to the spirit, rather, makes them more indifferent to outsiders, and they become more observers than activists. They also would kill and die for their Spirit, and at "tier five," we're talking a small slander could lead to them trying to break a neck. ~*~ Significant Items/Artifacts of the Monks Staves of the original Monks: These staves are greatly prized and held within glass cases. They were used by the original monks who were first blessed by the great spirit. No monk has used them to channel his power since, and it would be considered a crime to do so unless it were a last resort to defend a holy place. Head of the "Spirit": One of the most prized items within the order, it was placed upon the shrine in which the original monks defended. It ranges back from Aegis. It appears to be an old skull, and was carried with the last monks to Anthos. All Monk Staves: As each staff is personal and truly unique, each staff is thus an artifact of the Order. These staves can - and many of them HAVE - channelled the Spirit's nature energy. The Chalice of Hope: One of the original artifacts, it is said that Zera drank from it after successfully defending the original temple. There are no other artifacts or any important items at this time. EDIT: Please give feedback and how we could further improve this, playerbase. We want to hear your opinions.
  18. Mimics Seeing all this monster lore and stuff coming around I thought that we should add an age old monster from DnD to the adventure of LOTC, to be a thorn in your side whenever you're off treasure hunting :P. What is a Mimic? ((by ~MichaelJaecks)) A Mimic, or sometimes known as the bane of adventurers, is a creature that can adapt itself to any surrounding, able to change on a whim and blend in. The reason why they are named the bane of adventurers is due to the fact of "what" exactly they try to blend in as. They take the form of chests, doors, walls, floors, objects of interest, cupboards, and sometimes... even stairs... The Mimic is a predatory doppelganger, disguising itself in order to lure would be fortune seekers to their doom. Residing usually in ancient ruins, burial chambers, tombs and other deep dark places in the world. How Does it Mimic objects? Usually, a mimic when migrating to a new hunting ground will seek out the most interesting objects in their new home. Chests are usually a predominant choice of mimics, due to the compelling nature of treasure usually found within such objects. When a Mimic has found what it would like to become, it will remove the original object, usually by consuming it. As to remove suspicion from itself once adventurers enter its home. Because of this , it is not uncommon to find treasures within slain Mimics. How Does it React to Adventurers? When adventurers enter the chamber of a mimic, the creature will start to slowly secrete a sticky adhesive that will cause any who touch the mimic to become stuck to it. Once the realization comes to those caught in the trap, and start to try and pull away, the Mimic will strike. The shape of the object will slowly start to almost "melt" in some cases. Becoming globule in form, warped from the original state. Tendrils will start to come out of the object, forming into fists, keeping the victim stuck in place, it will try to beat and pull the adventurer with these tendrils, usually to either knock out or kill the adventurer, so that it may pull them into the awaiting maw which usually forms where the opening of the object would be in order to consume the victim. What Does a Mimic Look Like When not Mimicking an Object? It is not truly known, what the true shape or form of a mimic is... all that is known is that they usually take the form of a globule slime or gloop with a horrifying maw. Tendrils and fake limbs flailing all over the place. This is the weakest state a mimic can be in, which is why Mimics will try to not move if they can help it, as moving will result in the deterioration of their mimicked object and make them easier to kill. Where Did they come from? Some believe that the mimic is a close relative of the "Slime", at some point off shooting from Slimes to create a new creature, forming a mouth and the ability to change shape and colour. Over time becoming the predator that it is today. Are there different kinds of Mimics? Indeed there are, mimics grow in size over time, older mimics will be much larger and capable of swallowing prey whole, whilst others could only be capable of biting people. These are the different kinds of mimics: Handheld mimics: These mimics can take the form of small objects, such as swords, small caskets, trinket boxes etc. They're baby mimics, and are of little worry. Chest/Door/Cupboard mimics: These are the usual and most common mimics found in our world, they are capable of swallowing a whole man if given the chance and are more than a match for a couple of adventurers. Great mimics: The most feared of all mimics, great mimics are ancient creatures, capable of taking the form of objects of tremendous size, such as houses, stairwells, ancient tunnels and more. They are so large that people can actually walk inside them and feel completely at home. Most great mimics sleep for hundreds of years at a time, only awakening when they need to feed once more. It is theorized that some who mysteriously go missing inside their own homes and down mines could be due to an untimely end inside a great mimic. Do They Only Eat Things? Not always, some mimics may choose to toy with their food, some are mischievous in nature, and will sometimes cause havoc not out of a need to feed, but simply because they can. Scaring people by becoming chairs in their own homes etc. Weaknesses? The weaknesses of mimics is that sometimes the objects they mimic can sometimes have... differences that could be considered strange. Sometimes, a more eager mimic will move closer to adventurers when they're not looking, though more experienced mimics may wait and bide their time... Groups of adventurers are the weakness of mimics, due to the fact that once one has fallen for the trap, all other party members will quickly realize the truth, and will have a better time at attacking it, due to the fact that they will not be restrained by the monster via the adhesives secreted. Cannot stand sunlight or bright lights and will actively retreat from it or else stop the source of it. But will release any it has trapped via the sticky adhesive. Has an extreme distaste for water, as it breaks up the creature's body and turns it back into a globule gloop of mess. Aurum. Strengths? Can perfectly mimic wood and stone, however metals and gemstones etc are more difficult to mimic. Mimics are immune to golden weapons, any attempt to use one against it will result in the weapon doing no damage, or otherwise break the weapon. It is immune to fire, magical or otherwise. Who would Play These Mimics? Where Can I Find Them? Mimics would most likely be event creatures found in dungeons etc. Played by ET or GM members. Player played Mimics I would presume would require permission. Cans and Can'ts Cannot take the form of living objects, trees, people animals etc. Only inanimate objects. It can take the form of any form of inanimate object, though the size of the mimic matters when choosing what object to become. A mimic sword would be a smaller mimic overall compared to a mimic door or chest.
  19. Spider's Silk OOC Introduction: A spider's silk in the real world is a rather tough material that, by weight, is stronger than steel. One reason you have never seen spiders silk cloth in the real world is due to the fact you can't get enough silk to make anything. In the world of Anthos though five or six foot wide spiders are common, allowing for more web production. This is how and why spiders silk is able to exist. All in all it could be described as flimsy expensive chain mail with some quirks. Usage: Spiders silk is most useful when woven into a cloth. When this is done it may be used to make fine clothing, effective bandages, and other common fabric products. It also may be used anywhere as a sort of ductile or strong string that can handle intense conditions if needed such as bow strings or inside mechanical devices. Appearance: Behavior: Gathering And Processing: Preparation And First steps Gathering the silk is complicated in a way. Generally speaking there are many ways to get the silk. Sometimes you can find small insignificant strands if you happen to kill a large spider, or you can also harvest parts of its web. However, the common and most effective way is a bit more tricky. First you must trap or buy an animal of proportionate size that the spider would prey on, for instance a dog. You put the dog near the spiders nest and wait for it to attack and take the dog away. Most spiders don't kill their prey immediately so don't worry about the dog. The spider will wrap the animal in a thick casing of webbing so that it can't get away and it can eat it later, this is where things get tricky. You can either go into the nest and kill the spider, or try and sneak in and retrieve the dog still wrapped in the casing. Retrieval And Harvesting Free the dog by using shears to cut the webbing holding it up. This may take some effort as the silk, as I said earlier on, is rather hard to cut. In any case, once you have the wrapped up dog you would take it to a place where there was warm water, possibly a hot spring or something similar and submerge it. The string would tighten, but the stickiness that held it all together will go away. You then unravel the dog and place the string somewhere it can dry off. Once it is dry, place it into a jar or somewhere else clean and dry. (Note. The animal used may live through it. If you don't want it to die you must be careful not to let it drown while it is still stunned and you are gathering the silk. There is also the possibility it will be killed by the venom, and if not, it may struggle when it wakes up and ruin the silk. These are things to keep in mind.) Production Then once you have enough, take it to a skilled tailor used to working with fine materials and ask him to make it into cloth for you. This may be pricey as the material can be hard to cut and work with, but it really depends on the tailor. Once he is finished you will have spiders silk cloth and can ask the same tailor to make whatever it is you are looking to have made. It can be hard to dye sometimes for some reason, being a lighter color than intended or having small spots that appear faded where it did not dye as dark as the rest. Due to the difficulty that there is in working with it, the tailor can ask for a decent overall sum for the fabric and clothing, several hundred minas not being uncommon. Options You can also request that the tailor add padding, armor plates, or other modifications to it. Most tailors can pad the inside of two pieces of spiders silk cloth with linen or other relatively thick fabrics. This results in material that is bulky, warm, and absorbs blunt force well. The drawback is it really is quite bulky and awkward to move in. So it is best to leave it where no movement really occurs, but you still need the extra protection, such as your head. Once the process is complete you will have a luxuriously fine set of clothes that can protect you and that have many other useful functions. For Tailors Pros: -Stops arrows from going all the way through the body -Virtually slash proof -Waterproof to small amounts of water such as rain -Contracts when swimming making it similar to a wet suit -Is luxurious outwardly and when worn -Very light in weight -Can quickly help clot wounds if applied to them -Can be padded with other materials such as linen to lessen blunt blows Cons: -Blunt damage is amplified and more common -Stabs go straight through it -Arrows cause severe tissue damage and possibly greater damage depending on where it lands -Is incredibly complicated and dangerous to gather -Is expensive and tricky to make due to the need of a skilled and experienced tailor -Many things can happen during the process that will ruin the material -If it gets too wet it can tighten around you and possibly inhibit movement -If padded with other materials it becomes bulky and cumbersome, especially if it is in a moving part of the clothing such as the sleeve -Is highly flammable
  20. The Arscimali Written by Gwonam_Blaze and Jtheo2016 Skin and Avatar done by Randomness710 This creature lore was written long ago, back in January. It was only now posted as it was forgotten and abandoned for quite some time and both writers were very busy. I, Jtheo2016, in no way wish to claim credit for this project by posting this as Gwonam wrote much of the lore. The event introducing the Arscimali is already in the lore (should the event be acceptable). The playerbase will fight alongside the Stranger and the Seeker against a horde of Arscimali. I’d also like to point out while there /WAS/ in fact a pre existing culture involved in the Lore, it was abolished upon the death of Yellow Eyes and the actual creation of the current Arscimali culture will be done in RP (writing the commandments, etc.). Avatar: Please put this in your signature if you wish to support the Arscimali. http://imgur.com/icMV2 Conditions for Implementation: 1. Event introducing them (as stated in the lore outline to be sent to LM) 2. Player cap of 10 Arscimali at any one time 3. Help from the staff to go through with the event introducing the Arscimali (event team to play Arscimali, media team to film, GM’s to help, etc.) Gwonam_Blaze and Jtheo2016 will coordinate/moderate the event if at all possible. 4. Players /CANNOT/ turn themselves into Arscimali (see requirements below). Only Arscimali may create other Arscimali. Basic Principles: - Collectivist creatures (only speak in plural, no use of “I or me.” - Very curious; lack basic emotions and humor - Able to learn emotions and humor through exposure to sentient beings - /NOT GOLEMS/ - The Arscimali have souls contained within their bodies; conjured into a physical form through the magic of the Arscimali/Brintor. - Upon ((MC)) death, their bodies’ crumple to the ground and are later replicated by the Monks to satisfy the Arscimali’s needs. Should damages be too savage, actual death will result in body crumpling, but black aura seeping out. - The Arscimali pick their own names upon construction - Population cap of 10 Arscimali at any time Current Arscimali: Should the lore be considered and RP testing be approved by LM, MAT, and GM, these are the only two people permitted to RP as Arscimali. Jtheo2016 - Stranger (Leader of One Side of Arscimali) Eye Color: Green Eyes Facial Model: Deep Thought Gwonam_Blaze - Seeker (Leader of the Other Side of Arscimali) Eye Color: Purple Facial Model: (Undecided) Lore: Conjuration is usually a simple magic to master; simply bringing forth tiny animals and other creatures to fend off those who dwell in darkness. However, what happens when one of these conjurations gains consciousness? What happens once they can feel, and they can desire? What happens when they can live? The first type of conjurations to ever reach this level are the Arscimali, the men of cloth with limitless capabilities and endless visions of knowledge. This whole conquest of information was made possible by a single, power-hungry mage; Brintor the Creator. Brintor began his great journey as a simple conjurer, specializing in summoning cheap tricks as a sideshow act. Eventually, he began experimenting with larger spells and conjurations. He soon sped through training and excelled in the area. Eventually, he began going outside the known and began with the unknown; he created a small lab to work in with help from some Dwarves. Brintor was unhappy in his life as an entertainer, and so hungrily desired to advance his skills in magic. Being an Elf, he was unable to do much digging himself. As the Dwarves continued digging, they finally broke into a large, dark cavern. They thought nothing of it, and Brintor only saw it as a larger area to work with. He soon installed bookcases, testing vials, different clothing materials (mainly leather and cloth) so he would not have to leave to get new clothes, and even a small farm for sustenance. It was during this time that he created a conjuration by accident. He was thinking of creating a companion with false emotions, only a mimicry of sentience, and instead made a creature of thought. Dark, black energy pulsed through the air around the entity, and yellow eyes flickered in the middle of its head. Amazed at his own work, Brintor stumbled back, and without hesitation, began constructing a body to serve as a containment unit. As he was rushed for time, believing that the aura would fade into the void, he quickly began assembling the makeshift container for the conjuration; a body. His instincts relayed to him it was the only logical shape, and he had no time to further ponder this. He pieced it together as quickly as possible, placing the sections together around the being, trapping it inside. Using leftover iron from some tools, he formed a circular shaped ring and cut a hole in the forehead of the body. He placed the ring inside the hole, framing a circle of glass. It lit up a brilliant shade of yellow. The new being flexed it’s arms contentedly, staring at it’s new form. Its sewn mouth formed into a wicked smile. He was made mostly of scraps of cloth and leather as his creation was rushed, but it served it’s purpose. The Yellow Eyes faked compassion towards Brintor, asking to learn his ways in conjuration. Resistant, but overall impressed with his work, he taught Yellow Eyes the basics of conjuration. It was during this time that Yellow Eyes was able to replicate his own creation, forming a “brother”. At this discovery, Brintor was killed. Yellow Eyes shared a similar trait with Brintor; an unquenchable thirst for power. Soon, Yellow Eyes was creating many creations a day; but not without a cost. Because he was not limiting himself, he slowly began sinking into madness, his consciousness fading to be replaced with twisted, sadistic thoughts. He eventually stopped and left it to his first two creations to decide how to progress. An argument pursued; half of the creations on one side, half on the other. They were soon fighting amongst each other, and from there began full out war as the argument grew more and more. Soon they were summoning new conjurations left and right as they dropped like flies. As the population rose and fell, the reasoning behind the fight was completely forgotten, the fight had turned into a war, and any truth that had once been were all but legends now. They had developed a religion and a way of life during this short allotment time. They all believed in Brintor the creator, but he was remembered as cruel and unjust. Yellow Eyes was viewed as a hero. All of the creations revered him and wished to be like him. Seeing himself worshipped as an idol, Yellow Eyes laughed from afar at the fighting conjurations. He knew the truth of everything; The conjurations had not been fighting an ancient war, it had only been going on for a month. He could’ve stopped it, but he enjoyed the violence far too much and the position of power they had placed him in only served to further his ecstasy. He watched with glee as they killed one another, black energy seeping from their wounds until their bodies simply crumpled to the ground in a lifeless heap. The cloth was recycled to create new constructs to fight the waging war. As each one’s eye flickered off permanently, Yellow Eyes’s pleasure only grew more and more. At the same time, the Arscimali began to find bits Brintor’s personal library scattered throughout the tunnels, teaching themselves basic language and translating the texts. They learned the common tongue quickly, which in turn quickened the growth of their culture even further, adding to the belief of Brintor the Creator that he was all knowing and extremely powerful. This was before the surface dwellers made their first appearance, ushering in a new age of the Arscimali The first sign of the surface dwellers was upon the end of the first and last month of the Great War. A few cracks began to show in the ceilings of the tunnels that had been dug by the inhabitants, alerting them to a new presence. Much of the farm was crushed as the ceilings caved in, leaving the Arscimali without enough sustenance. They grew excited despite the lack of food. They believe this collapse signified the end of their world, so they began fighting their enemy with newfound energy, hoping to find a solution. Nothing came of it, until the meeting of the Stranger and the Seeker. The two were both exploring tunnels when they found each other; both mortal enemies. One was the leader of one side of the war effort, one of the other. They began to fight relentlessly, their faces remaining blank but focused. By sheer coincidence, the tunnels around them collapsed, leaving the two in a single cavern. The ceiling began to crack further. The ceiling finally tumbled to the ground around and on top of them, covering them in a thick layer of dust and rock. The two creatures had found sunlight. They were shocked and awed at the world around them. The two yelled in happiness, forgetting their mortal strife for a moment to gaze upon this new land. A bright yellow sun shined down upon them as waves of a nearby ocean splashed against the shore. Birds whistled in the trees as the wind blew through their leaves, evoking new ideas and thoughts from the Stranger. He began to wonder if they were the only knowledge seeking beings out there. He turned to the Seeker and they made a silent agreement. Fighting would halt until thorough investigation of the new land was accomplished. Upon noticing the disappearance of the leaders, Yellow Eyes decided to make his move. The presence of the upper world had not escaped him, and so he their disappearance as a chance to raise an army. He climbed down from his pedestal of power and went down to the other creatures below, speaking to them and telling them to forget the war effort. The two sides were shocked, but because Yellow Eyes was seen as a legend and hero, they obliged loyally. Yellow Eyes appointed himself as leader, and turned them to a new cause. The surface would belong to Yellow Eyes one way or another, and if not him, then no one could lay claim to it. As of that day, his single purpose was to claim the surface for himself and unite the creatures under a single banner. Not to mention, through the conquest of the new lands, they would be able to sustain themselves once more. They began to dig and drill into the earth, seeking to find a clear path into the open. Rumors of the Seeker’s and the Stranger’s disappearence spread as the cave in was discovered. They broke through the rubble. The Arscimali discovered the entrance to the above ground areas, but not before the Stranger and the Seeker could reach other life. The Stranger and the Seeker began to meet with the different races, awe and amazement leaving a trail behind them. They pleaded for help to end the brutal war, both seeking to eliminate the other’s side; both of them were unaware of Yellow Eye’s control. They had no idea of Yellow Eye’s intentions either. As the two different creatures sought help from different races around the world to take out the other, they met at the sight of the tunnel. The two enemy sides, with equal amounts of men on each, saw the opening of the tunnel into the unknown. They stopped. A rumbling could be heard from deep beneath the ground. All the Arscimali beneath charged out at the forces around them, many of them screeching and howling like savages. Suddenly, enemies had become allies and they were forced to work together to destroy the onslaught of Arscimali creatures. Despite the creatures being their brethren, the Seeker and the Stranger sensed something was different, that something was wrong, and fought with their newly acquired allies. They wondered why the Arscimali would abandon their homes for an uncertain land. The two charged into the hole once more, this time as comrades. Here they found Yellow Eyes. Yellow Eyes turned, his army defeated and massacred, his own hopes fallen. By his side was Brintor’s body, hardly decayed but smelling deeply of rotten flesh and death. Yellow Eyes grabbed one of the flies circling Brintor’s body, holding it between his town fingers gracefully. “Here is something you two shall never have.” He cackled as he squashed the bug, “You shall never have life.” At that, the duo killed Yellow Eyes, both out of fear of his powers and hatred for what he did to their armies/people. The Stranger threw on Brintor’s clothes exuberantly, believing them a symbol of their freedom, life, and success. He exclaimed to the Seeker “We will not listen to Yellow Eyes. We can live, we shall live.” At this, the Arscimali were officially established under the Stranger and the Seeker. Two fundamentals were established; “An Arscimali shall strive to live life to the fullest and to master the emotions of the living,” and, “The surface dwellers are kind, but curious; We shall be courteous in response.” Repopulation went successfully for a time, until the first murder and the first Yellow Eyes. An Arscimali killed another due to some unimportant argument over a makeshift hut. This established the commandment of “We shall not kill a brother.” Soon after, one of the new Arscimali possesed yellow eyes. Out of fear and bitterness, the Stranger and the Seeker executed him. The establishment of two new commandments came of this; to justify the killing they created “Any with Yellow Eyes are not one of us. They must be exterminated immediately,” and following in quick pursuit, “Harboring a Yellow Eyes will result in death.” Many other smaller commandments followed, but the first six are considered to be the most important. The sixth commandment is “We shall not speak in individuality; collectivism is truth.” They created this commandment to avoid a replica of the Yellow Eyes incident, and to instill camaraderie amongst the Arscimali. Physical Make Up: The Arscimali are made up of a collection of materials: cloth, leather, string, spider silk, etc. They have one-to-two metal rings protruding from their heads, framing a pane of glass displaying the color of the conjuration within. While the most common color of cloth is brown, some may appear white or black, but are always kept within those three colors to prevent needlessly flashy appearance. Not to mention, during their time in underground, it became common to give Arscimali earthy colors. Upon joining those who lived above ground, they simply kept tradition and continued the selection of the same colors. They did become somewhat quirky when designing their brethren despite the strict following of tradition. Each Arscimali’s face may constructed in a way that it will resemble a sort of emotion. This emotion may be one of many either of its creators finds most appealing or, at the time, appropriate. In most cases, the designated emotion will have no effect on the Arscimali’s personality; it is purely cosmetic. However, if the Arscimali grows curious as to what its face is supposed to represent, it might take firm interest in that particular emotion. Arscimali also vary in size; some can reach the height of Elves, some as short as halflings, and others the width of an Orc. Their size will have no effect on how strong they are, or their abilities. It’s just a feature of design. Internal Composition & Personality: Each Arscimali must develop their own personality. Each one is born with an empty slate of a mind, and they can selectively choose what they wish to retain. (See “Behavior”) They are not like living organisms in the sense that they have brains and organs.They only have cloth skin and energy within. Each Arscimali must also receive sustenance in a very similar way to how most living things absorb food. They simply place the food into their mouth. However, the internal processes behind this are a bit less complicated. Once the food hits the conjuration within, it immediately begins to disintegrate into little flecks and pieces of black mana, fueling the conjuration. They may only do this with dead flesh and plant matter. No Arscimali can become a cannibal. Behaviour The Arscimali refer to themselves and one-another collectively, using terms such as ‘we’ and ‘us’ in place of ‘I’ and ‘me’. The reasons for this aren’t very clear, though, it seems almost a necessity for them, as they are never heard doing otherwise. It became part of the commandments after the incident with “Yellow Eyes”; it is simply protocol for them to do, though no sentient being outside of the Arscimali knows this. In reality, they believe the main cause of the war was the ego of Yellow Eyes; the first and most powerful of his kind, he seized power and lay waste to his people. The Arscimali, once they have learned to feel and develop ‘affection’ similar to that of other sentient races, are capable of finding a significant other of their own. This is something that, after observing other races, they believe to be both ‘normal’ and fulfilling. Though it is difficult for them to show true emotions like this, they can simulate it as accurately as they can. If they discover the act of mating, they may also try to simulate this. However, due to their lack of genders, thus lack of male and female exclusive parts, they instead procreate by constructing an entirely new Arscimali by hand. The features and such of this new Arscimali don’t necessarily have resemble those of their ‘parents’, but it is not uncommon for one to bare similarities between its creators, as the ‘parents’ will normally use themselves as references. Once the young Arscimali is constructed, it will be quite ‘plain’ and featureless ( May be reffered to as ‘Vanilla Arscimali’ ). An Arscimali is subject to changing its appearance how it sees fit at any time, though, there is usually a point where it will feel ‘comfortable’ and see no reason to alter its appearance any further. -Self repair: It is not uncommon for an Arscimali to emerge from conflict wounded or severed. Though loss of limbs and other appendages would normally be a severe or even fatal wound to any mortal being, it is simply a hinderance to Arscimali. Their composition of cloth and other simple fabric allows them or their comrades to perform simple repairs or replacements at the cost of resources. Although this process is more than possible, it can be expensive and time consuming, depending on the scale of the damage. A damaged eye-lens can take little more than a few minutes to completely repair, however, an entire lost arm could take several hours or possibly days to fix due to the amount of care and resources that are spent to heal such an affliction. -Feeding / diet: Despite their slightly mechanical composure, the Arscimali must feed in a similar manner to that of ordinary organisms. (Refer to “Internal Composition”) Variation Arscimali, under normal circumstances, hardly bare any unique identities; They each act fairly similar to their siblings and share almost identical qualities to one another. However, some may ‘mutate’ in a manner that will cause them to behave rather differently from their bredren. Though these ‘mutations’ can be quite unpredictable, there is currently only one known to occur. It is referred to by Arscimali as a “Case of the Mimics”: -Mimics: The afflicted Arscimali will gain the uncontrollable desire to ‘mimic’ certain things it sees or interacts with. What the Arscimali will be compelled to mimic can vary; in some cases, it can be a person or animal it has developed a bond with, and in others, the Arscimali will attempt to mimic an object it grows curious or fond of. Much like a common cold or a parasite, “Mimics” is contagious to other Arscimali. Usually, the afflicted will be placed in solitude for an undetermined amount of time. The Arscimali refer to it, with one another, as a “Case of the Mimics.” An example of this used in context could be; “We heard that Boomer caught a case of the mimics recently.” Weaknesses and Strengths: Weaknesses: The Arscimali have a weakness for; - Burning - An Arscimali’s body can easily burn, causing the conjuration within to seep out into the world. This essentially kills it. This does NOT include minor burns, as minor burns can be handled easily. Major burns, however, may result in death. - Water - Water tends to seep into the cloth, which absorbs it so easily. This can cause the cloth skin of the Arscimali to weigh it down, forcing it to the ground. They may not stand up until they have dried fully. - Broken Eye - Should the eye lense/lenses be broken, dark aura may seep through, leaving the Arscimali weakened and unable to fight at full capability. - Learning Magic - The Arscimali are afraid of magic (with the exception of creation of another of their kind), due to the corruption found in Yellow Eyes. They strive to avoid magic at all costs, other than their own extinction. In addition, magic can lead an Arscimali to madness and weakness. - Combat - The Arscimali have no muscle or bones; there is no force behind their attacks. Arscimali cannot fight well, and must instead rely upon running. Strengths: The Arscimali are strong in the areas of; - Self Repair.” They do not scream, but they will get weakened from missing parts/wounds. (See “Behavior”/”Hand to Hand Combat”) - Knowledge - Arscimali can learn quickly and pick up ideas/concepts quickly as they begin with a completely clean slate. They are not known to forget something easily. Color Energy Definitions: - Green Eyes: Those with green eyes are often dreamers and good leaders. The Stranger, leader of the Arscimali, is known for his green eyes, the first to posses them. Those with Green Eyes are also known to be stubborn. - Blue Eyes: Those with blue eyes are known to be noble at heart and wish to help others as best they can. However, blue eyes can also show naïvety in the mind of the Arscimali. - Red Eyes: Those with red eyes are known to be fierce and strong fighters. They have good instincts in combat. However, they can be needlessly belligerent. - Yellow Eyes: Those with yellow eyes are known to be manipulative and clever. Any Arscimali discovered with Yellow Eyes is immediately executed for fear of the original “Yellow Eyes.” - Purple Eyes: Those with purple eyes are known to be valiant and courageous. However, they do not consider their own self enough and can end up hurt or in trouble because of their actions. Those with Purple eyes are also (typically) associated with Seeker. - Orange Eyes: Those with orange eyes are known to loyal and very independent. However, they may accidentally isolate themselves from others because of this. (The Following applies only should the Arscimali be accepted by the LM's and MAT's) Application: (Note that our personal OOC opinions of you will be taken into account. We want/need good RPers) 1. MC Name: 2. RP Name (for Arscimali): 3. Biography of Creation: 4. Color Eyes: 5. Link to Skin: 6. Role to play in Arscimali Society (Occupation): 7. Emotion or No Emotion at Birth?: 8. Name one of the commandments and explain its role in your character: 9. Does your character believe Brintor evil or kind? What of Yellow Eyes?: 10. Screenshot of RP: The Commandments/Ideals of the Arscimali: “An Arscimali shall strive to live life to the fullest and to master the emotions of the living,” “The surface dwellers are kind, but curious; We shall be courteous in response.” “We shall not kill a brother.” “Any with Yellow Eyes are not one of us. They must be exterminated immediately.” “Harboring a Yellow Eyes will result in death.” “We shall not speak in individuality; collectivism is truth.” Requirements to be Arscimali: - Accepted Magical Creature app for “Arscimali.” The link to this application/thread lies below: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/88846-magical-creatures-application/ - Accepted App to be an Arscimali.(sent via forum PM’s to Jtheo2016 or Gwonam_Blaze) (Edit: The VA for 5 is not needed.) Lore Outline: 1. Creation of the Arscimali 2. Destroy the creator - Introduction of the “yellow eyes”- insane 3. Yellow Eyes creates more and more Arscimali; he lies to them and sends them into a never ending war 4. The war only goes for a month or so, but because everyone dies so quickly they believe it has been going on for centuries 5. Own culture develops during this time; because many of the Arscimali grew so used to referring to their side as “we” and “our,” the idea of the individual came to fade, and in it’s place remained only collectivism. They shun the words “I” and “Me,” as they were the words of the Yellow Eyes; their most hated adversary. 6(1). Actual RP event introducing the Arscimali 6(2). (Continued from 6.1) Bringing the destruction of Yellow Eyes and the end of the war 7. Yellow Eyes, as last act of treachery, kills most of the Arscimali population by manipulating them to charge into battle. Yellow Eyes dies at the hands of the Stranger and the Seeker with aid from the surface dwellers, leading the Arscimali to welcome them as friends. 8. The Arscimali are established and the commandments are written. 9. The Arscimali begin to repopulate through conjuration spells.
  21. Creation The Forest Dwarves weren't really created, as many have thought. The Forest Dwarves came to be over many centuries in the time of Aegis. Evolution and natural selection can awarded, as they are truly responsible for how Forest Dwarves came to be. Long ago, the seventh son of Urguan, Gloin as his father had named him, decided it was time to take on a proper a name for him and his clan. Unlike his Dwarven brethren, this son was particularly interested in nature - fascinated with the outside world and life of other beings and animals. Gloin had thought of how his brethren had named their clans, for example the Ironguts for being excellent drinkers, or the Grandaxes for being a phenomenal axe wielders. It was then when one named popped into his head - Treebeard. Over the years, Gloin's brothers noticed his general lack of interest in life in the mountain. They were worried when he spent more time outside then in, when he chose to study an animal that was new to him rather than feast and drink with his family. His brothers mistook this for him being disinterested in the betterment of their race as a whole. Deeply angered, his brothers decided that exile was the only fitting punishment for his disloyalty. The Treebeards were distraught with their punishment. They had nothing, and nowhere to go. Under their determined leader, they took to the forests. They learned that bows were the proper tools for hunting game. They learned that with a little effort, a wooden hut could easily be built with a few trees-worth of lumber. They learned that plants and berries are editable too, and that meat wasn't necessary for each and every meal. They learned they could survive on fresh spring water, and ale wasn't a necessary thing in their lives... Gloin then decided on one more thing - the Treebeards were no longer Mountain or Cave Dwarves. They were to be proud of what they became - of what they are. They proved that not all Dwarves need a mountain to live in. They are the Forest Dwarves. Then & Now - Traits & Appearance The Forest Dwarves, in the beginning at least, resembled regular Cave and Mountain Dwarves. It wasn't until later on that they noticed their skin tanned from the sun. Over the centuries, their skin's pigments changed greatly. Their skin tone generally looked much darker, in the elders of the clan and children. They also noticed that slowly, the males' beard growth seemed stunted, due to the lack of protein in their new diets that consisted of more fish and berries than meat. Their hair, however, continued to grow long and thick. Lastly, they noticed that since they didn't consume nearly as much fat from the meats they used to eat and with extra exercise of living in the forest, they slimmed down a bit. One example: Thudrin, my Forest Dwarf character Clans Throughout the years, many Forest Dwarf families have popped up, but only two Forest Dwarf families seem to actually be regarded as Forest Dwarven 'clans', these being the pure Treebeards who are direct descendants from the first Forest Dwarves, and the Dawnsworn, rumored to be created by the mingling of one Forest Dwarf and a Dwarf of clan Irongut. Beliefs & Ideals Although no official religion has been set for the Forest Dwarves, the most common beliefs seem to be those of the Druids - worshiping the Aspects, two god-like beings responsible for keeping a natural balance in the world, and those of the Dwarves - worshiping Yemekar who created their forefather Urguan and the entire Dwarven race. When the first Forest Dwarves were exiled, they made a set of rules to live by that helped them prosper and survive. Over the years, these rules still seem to be known in most Forest Dwarf societies, them being: Honor The Forest Dwarves believe that if you help them in a time of need, they will be forever grateful to you, but at the same time if somebody didn't help them when they could have, that individual might be hated for the rest of the Dwarf's life, or until forgiven. Communal Greed Like all Dwarves, the Forest Dwarves never really outgrew their curse of greed, however they tend to deal with it better than most, often striving to make each individual's community or society better or richer than the next, also sometimes causing competition between communities. Respect The Forest Dwarves believe in treating each individual fairly unless given a reason not to. This helped them when natural selection was taking its toll on those with abnormally dark skin during their period of changes, some would get picked on or made fun of. Gloin made it clear that this would not be tolerated. Cultural Arts After taking to the forests, Forest Dwarves developed some key skills to help them survive. Farming & Brewing After living in the forests for so long, Forest Dwarves learnt how to sow crops into the earth, most commonly potatoes and wheat. They also have been regarded as some of the best brewers because of how fresh and crisp their ales taste from using only the finest grown ingredients. Lumberjacking & Woodworking After spending so much time felling, climbing and falling out of trees, the Forest Dwarves learnt how to be true lumberjacks and craftsmen. Some wooden furniture carved by Forest Dwarves has been regarded as the best in the land. Drumming While walking through the forests, the Forest Dwarves took to the soft sound of beating drums. They found even the softest rhythm could become an inspiration, the reason why many Forest Dwarves are excellent bards. Writers & Contributors Saviordude Tethras/Dave Doom6153 Zezimus Cmack1028 Well, this is our second attempt at writing some good lore for the Forest Dwarves! If you find that there are any issues with this lore please say so below or in a PM. Thanks for reading! Comments? Questions? Ideas? Spelling or formatting? Let me know!
  22. The Braduk Rhino ((The following lore was originally written by Makka_Pakka_99 and the1bow, eventually edited by Catarrh, ilikefooddude and yimmya Previous lore is Here)) Discovery In Aegis, when the Braduk Clan was just starting off, a village war had broken out between the Braduk village, Kenuk, and a rivalling village led by Braduk’s half-brother, Gorjol. Dishonourable raids were leaving Kenuk in ruins, and the Braduks needed an edge. Braduk discovered rhinos roaming the mountain pass. The problem was that they only stood around the height of the average human, so they couldn’t support the weight of most Orcs. Braduk, however, still saw potential in the beasts’ sharp, sturdy horns and incredibly thick hides. After a short raid on Kenuk, Braduk decided to inspect the rhinos more closely. One was captured and brought to the village, and Braduk watched it stomp around in a pen for a while, pondering how the beasts could be used to their advantage. Breeding Braduk ordered for a few more to be captured, and started a breeding program in hopes of bigger, mountable rhinos to use in the Village Wars. He only bred the largest rhinos, which, at the time, weren’t much bigger than the average ones. Each generation was slightly larger than its parents, and as such the progress was painstakingly slow. It wouldn’t be until long after Braduk’s death that the rhinos would be big enough to ride. Two Chieftains after Braduk’s reign, Goregutz was finally pleased with the size and tried to mount the first Braduk Rhino. Taming At this point, the rhinos hadn’t been properly tamed yet. The larger ones were dangerous, and were kept locked up in caves situated not too far from the clan fort. Smaller ones were usually killed for meat and leather, though the clan was still eagerly awaiting the fruits of labour to be harvested from the massive Rhinos. Goregutz, as a show of strength and bravery, decided to try his luck with the only ten-foot rhino they had. He entered the pen with several other Orcs, and immediately the animal went berserk. It began to smash around, killing many that stood in its path, impaling and crushing the slowest of the Orcs with no more than a turn of its head. Goregutz, being one of the biggest, jumped at the rhino and mounted it. He grabbed it by its two long horns, holding on for his life as the Rhino tried it’s best to throw the Orc off its back. It bucked around like this for several minutes until it threw Goregutz off. The beast was tenacious, but so was Goregutz. He jumped back on the rhino, holding on even tighter, but even then he was bucked off multiple times. It took hours for it to tire out, and Goregutz barely outlasted it. Finally, the rhino grew tired and stopped. Exhausted just as much as the Rhino, Goregutz relaxed a bit, sitting on it calmly. “Mi kall lat Gurtog,” said Goregutz. The rhino grunted, and looked up at him with what resembled a look of respect. Characteristics and relation with Orcs Braduk Rhinos have a diet consisting of grains, grasses and small plants. Usually the untamed rhinos are kept in a pen and fed their daily meals, but once paired with an Orc they are let free to roam and eat as they please. Stunted Rhinos, a somewhat common occurrence in Braduk forts due to the lack of grasses, are usually killed and processed. Their hide is used in armour, their horns sometimes sharpened into daggers, and their meat is cooked up in stews and casseroles, being too tough for any other meal. The rhino’s most common colour is grey though rare sand coloured rhinos can be born. The very first rhinos were black, but as time went on their skin lightened through reproduction. It is unknown if a black rhino remains, the last being Ghazkull’s, and there has only been one recording of a white rhino. During infancy, the Braduk rhino will have just a bump where the horns will develop. As they mature, they grow two horns; one directly in front of the other. The front horn is longer than the back horn, and usually reaches an average length of 47 inches (120 cm), while the second horn usually reaches 35 inches (90 cm). If a horn is cut off, it will take decades to re develop, and during the first couple days, the hole will remain. It is a lethal spot, and if stabbed will result in a fatality. It’s common practice for a Braduk to customize his rhino’s horns by sharpening them, overlaying them with iron, or sometimes carving his name or important symbols into them. Their thick hides cover most of their body and legs. It’s too thick to be penetrated by arrows, but hard swung weapons are capable of breaking the bones of the beasts. On some occasions, an Orc will use rhino hide as a moderate substitute for leather armour, and the clan mothers have been known to replace an Orc’s flesh with a rhino’s in serious injuries to prevent infection. The rhino’s underbelly is loose fat, and is the weakest spot on their body, save for the soft flesh behind their large ears and underneath the horns. The average Braduk rhino stands from 9-10 ft tall, and can weigh between 8,000-8,500 lbs. As a result of their incredible size, their speed is depressingly slow. Bursts of speed are not uncommon, however; a charging rhino is capable of reaching a maximum speed of 40 kmh (approx. 25 mph), with enough force to break through solid brick walls. Additionally, what Braduk Rhinos lack in speed they definitely make up in stamina, being capable of maintaining a constant speed for as much as a day without rest. The Braduk Rhinos grow at about the same rate as a normal Orc does. When an Orc cub is born into the Braduks, a rhino will already be chosen for him by one of the Elders of the clan, usually one born at around the same time. At the age of ten an Orc is shown to the Rhino, and this is where they will be bonded for life. They must first gain each other’s honour by engaging in a klomp. The Orc must do as Goregutz did, and mount the rhino until it ceases retaliation. The Orc will name the rhino, and in turn, the rhino will name the Orc. The Braduk Rhinos have their own respected contingents and have their own names; communicating to each other using a series of grunts, snarls, grumbles and roars. The bond between a rhino and an Orc is strong, and one can rarely live without the other. After the two have been paired, the rhino will scar the Orc with its horn, and in turn the Orc will scar the rhino with his favoured weapon. The Braduk rhino is extremely difficult to train and control due to their ferocity and their horrible eyesight. They’re known to charge upon the slightest provocation, and it’s rare that a particular rhino can be approached by anyone other than its familiar rider. As a result, an Orc must spend tremendous amounts of time familiarizing himself with the rhino he wishes to ride. Due to their foul tempers, the rhino will commonly go into a bloodthirsty fit during battle, requiring truly masterful skill for a rider to maintain control, and such fits can cause just as much damage to the rider’s enemies as to his friends. Because of their poor eyesight, the rhino must also rely heavily on its strong sense of smell, though this of course presents further difficulty in training and control; a stray scent sometimes causing a Braduk Rhino to plough through a nearby wall without warning.
  23. Snow Wolves Story The Biology of the Snow Wolf The Snow Wolf is a fearsome beast to be both respected and feared. Their reputation for being smart, cunning, resourceful, strong, and fast has long preceded them throughout the realm of Anthos. Their fearsome and respectable behavior has earned them places in stories, legends, and bard songs everywhere, such as the campfire tale above. Anatomy The Snow Wolf is known for its massive physique. Its well built musculature allows for impressive strength and speed. Although the average Snow Wolf weighs about 180 lbs, they are still quick on their feet and are very stealthy. Another important characteristic of Snow Wolves is their impressive size. These beasts are usually 6 feet long, and 3 feet at the shoulder. This, coupled with their bulk, allows for their incredible perseverance, and they can take many blows before going down. This impressive stature is an evolutionary adaptation to their harsh and unforgiving climate. With a bite force of almost 2000 lbs, they can snap bones in combat. Due to their mass, however, they cannot run as fast as their leaner cousins, but can still sprint an impressive 30 mph. Although known for their pure white coats, some Snow Wolves occasionally have streaks of gray, brown, or black in their pelts. Behavior One of the most profound behaviors of the Snow Wolf is its cunning intelligence and ability to work as a team with its pack mates. To overcome their proportionally slow speed, the Snow Wolf plans its attacks, and works in coordination with its team. Usually, they will stage an ambush, when the prey is in an isolated and vulnerable spot. Although mighty, the Snow Wolves know their limits. A pack of about four snow wolves would never attack an entire herd of Elk head on. Likewise, they would not attack a hunting party of over five. In addition, the Snow Wolf does not usually engage humans unless provoked, but when provoked, will fight until they deem it a waste. The alpha male is the patriarch of the group, and he is distinguishable through his special streak of gray, located on the ridge of his back. He is also noticeably larger than the others. He is the one to coordinate the attacks through a complex system of growls, yips, yelps, and howls. A pack usually consists of about four to five wolves. At around the age of two, the male pups leave the pack to start a new one, or join another one. This ensures genetic diversity. Mating season of the snow wolves occurs in late winter, so the pups are born in early summer. The pups are at a hunt able age at one and a half, but won't leave until 3 years of age. Range & Habitat The Snow Wolves range in the Southern Mountains and the Boreal Southern Forests. Many packs live in the Cold North. These two groups of Snow Wolves are genetically isolated, but retain most of the same characteristics in tandem. Theoretically, they could interbreed, but such a feat would be difficult, as they are so isolated. The Snow Wolves are a hardy species, and can survive in icy mountains. Their prime habitat is boreal forest, but they thrive in the rugged mountains as well. They can survive in any climate, but unless domesticated or forced out of their home, they will never have a reason to leave the snowy lands from which they came. Diet The Snow Wolves prefer to consume wild Elk, Moose, or Mule/White Tail Deer. In tough time, when this preferable game is unavailable, the Snow Wolves would resort to eating vermin such as mice, rats, squirrels, and beavers. If these are also scarce, they would resort to live-stock. This is rarely done. Eating people is even rarer, as Snow Wolves do not prefer the taste. Domestication If done from birth, a Snow Wolf can become a domestic beast. It would take a large amount of skill and a fair bit of luck, but it has historically been done. If tamed successfully, these animals can be incredibly useful, versatile, and good companions. But if not properly trained, the animal can become a danger to yourself and all around. Have any suggestions? Think it's unfinished? Anything to add? Reply below!!! Thank you for reading, ThePrroman
  24. ​ The Dark Ones The Dark Ones Also known as Minions of Darkness, Enderfellows, The Tall Ones, Dark Walkers Appearance The Dark Ones were originally believed to have been given moniker from their dark skin tone. The Dark Ones are bi-pedal and walk on upright. These creatures stand on average 9 to 11 feet tall. There have been reports of Dark Ones towering up to 15 feet tall. Their lanky appearance is only exacerbated by their long slender arms and legs. One of their most distinctive features is the unworldly purple glow that radiates from their eyes. Author's Note: DO NOT LOOK AT THEM IN THE EYES Origin Not much is known about the Origins of the Dark Ones of where they came. Early reports of Dark One sightings have been found as early as the middle ages of Aegis. Many attempts have been made to study them but very few have provided any useful information. Theories suggest they are being from another world just here “visiting”. Many incidents have been reported in the past years of encounters with Dark Ones while only a few times they have been encountered in groups. Abilities One of the first recorded descriptions of Dark Ones from middle ages of Aegis was described by a tracker named Crowley Falos, “I witnessed a drunken farmer and his brother attempt to subdue one of these dark creatures north of Winterfell. The farmer hurled a hatchet at the tall silhouette. I watched in horror as the dark creature vanished into thin air as the hatchet hit a tree. The creature re-appeared behind the drunken farmer and his brother. I have never seen a creature take life so easily. The two men were dead before they could even turn around.” The Dark One’s mastery of teleportation could hold answers to why there are here as well. So far no being has been captured alive for study. Although relics found on Dark One corpses have been known to hold magical properties. Behavior The Dark Ones show signs of intelligence and communication. Researchers dedicated to studying the behavior of the Dark Ones noted many interesting observations. The Dark Ones seem to be here more on some sort of academic quest. In a research paper by Balthazar Windheart, it was noted that “many of the Dark Ones have been sampling mineral specimens from our world.” The Dark Ones are not overtly hostile to beings of our world. However, Dark Ones have been known to react ultra-violently when a person looks directly at them. Recent revelations through the magic world have come up with theories of the Dark One's hostility. The Dark One's sight does not only just see visible light. They see light and void energy in the world. Dark Ones can walk toward void rifts that teleport them out of harms way, these rifts are theorized to be sporadic and open and close rapidly. A less pleasant side effect of them seeing void energy is the horrific way they see people. The energies of the departed cling to those who took their lives. Many Dark Ones see a amalgamation of all the things the person has killed. This results in the Dark Ones seeing most people as humanoid chopped up pieces of flesh and bone. One major instance of Dark One aggressive behavior was known as the “Invasion Incident” by locals of Hanseti. (more noted Below) The Invasion Incident On a sunny winter morning in Hanseti the sounds of machinery were heard rumbling through the mountain below VonSchlichtenCo Research Facility. The workers uncovered a strange yellow rock. The team carefully excavated the foreign material and moved it to a lab. Within an hour, a strange rift was reported at the location of the stone. Soon hundreds of Dark Ones were pouring out of it, attacking the staff of the workshop. Survivors attempted to flee to the surface but were trapped by the Dark Ones. The Teutonic Order lead by Hochmeister Mirtok responded to a distress signal on the mountain and dispatched a sizable force. His men were able to battle the invaders and clear a way for the surviving staff of the workshop. The Invader’s pushed back even harder, soon encircling the survivors and Teutons in the facility’s library The Master Wizard Ambros, seeking to collect a debt from Saul VonSchlichten, happened to also arrive on the scene. The combined strength of the engineers, the Teuton army and the wizard were still not enough to drive back the invaders. The motley crew blasted a way out of the facility and escaped. They would rally and army later only to find the rift had collapsed and the facility abandoned. *Notes from the Invasion* Culture Only one instance of a gathering of Dark Ones has been witnessed in the modern era. From that, researchers inferred cultural observations. Dark Ones use light vocalizations to try to communicate. It is believed they use telepathy as their primary from as communication. Leadership It was initially theorized that the Dark Ones all acted independently . This was the generally accepted theory for centuries. The Invasion Incident in Hanseti changed those perceptions. Survivors of the initial rift claim they saw a Dark One dressed in flowing violet robes emerge from the rift. The other Dark Ones seemed to react to his movements and vocalizations as commands. When the Teuton’s returned to the facility shortly after, he along with his followers, were missing An Artist's rendition of the Robed Dark One It is unknown if the Dark Ones all follow a central leader or are fractured into sects much like the beings of Anthos Rumors have circulated among soldiers and adventurers of Anthos of a creature matching the description of the one commanding the Dark Ones in Hanseti. None of these could be confirmed. New Information infers the robed dark one is a leader referred to as "The Darkness" What is little information we do have about “The Darkness” comes from people who have encountered his disciples and those who claim to have spoken to him. The only information recorded lies in the tome of wisdom or from tales spun by adventurers claiming to have encountered him. [From the Tome of Wisdom: The Darkness] A Luskan Sage's Sketch of the Darkness The forces of Hochmeister Mirtok engaged the Dark Ones, battling room to room in the facility. They eventually located the trapped Engineers and attempted to fight off the invasion. However, the combinedmight of the Sariants and Engineers was not enough. Losses were mounting high while more Dark Ones entered the battle. What the Darkness did not expect was to have Master Wizard Ambros appear, and for such petty reason. The Head Engineer had owed the wizard a large sum of minas from a Salvus potion store. This lapse in The Engineer’s judgment would be the end of the Darkness’s campaign. When the wizard was inadvertently pulled into the battle against the Dark ones, the battle seemed already lost. The mighty wizard, with all his might, attempted to send back the beasts from where they came. A flash of arcane light filled the library where the survivors were fighting. The work of the master wizard seemed ineffective. The Hochmeister ordered a full retreat to return with tenfold the force. What was not known to the brave survivors were the events unfolding at the Planar rift many levels below them. The Darkness was addressing his trusted Lieutenants in the lowest level of the Engineer’s Facility, keeping a watchful eye on the rift to his homeworld. Then a bright arcane flash permeated the lowest reaches of the facility. Instantly, the planar rift started to react violently and close. The Darkness rushed up to the closing rift, seeing his dreams, his home, his destiny, all shrink and disappear before him. In a final attempt, the Darkness channeled all his arcane energies to stabilize the portal. His efforts only slowed down the decay of the rift, the door to his home grew smaller and smaller. His lieutenants watched on in horror. In a final act of desperation, the Darkness walked into the unstable rift. The portal began to grow once more… but in a cruel twist of fate the rift collapsed around The Darkness, destroying him mid-cast. This massive change in arcane energy caused an enormous explosion in the lower level that killed all his waiting lieutenants. With the portal collapsed, and leaderless, the remaining Dark Ones soon splintered. Many, knowing they could not return home, fell into deep despair and began to wander all across Anthos. All that was left of the Darkness was a large white stone left where he once stood.... (( Another Writeup http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/90085-the-storming-of-vonhill )) Servants of Darkness Servants of Darkness are a vile amalgamation of the Darkness’s power and the twisted minds of those who follow him. The Darkness is thought to have between 6 and 12 servants under his command at any time. No common connection has been found between known Servants, both dead and alive. It is not known how the darkness communicates to and influence his followers. From experience, hunters of the Darkness have theorized he uses the Servants of Darkness as surrogates to accomplish his tasks. Known Servants of Darkness Malindrian Aldarrin - A young elven apprentice necromancer who served as the Darkness’s most junior and least trusted agent. Killed by a regiment of Sariants underneath the old VonSchlichtenCo Estate. Abbot Heinrick – [rhcrow] Once a good man and a pinnacle of light. His soul was twisted after years of plague and the destruction of the society he grew up with. He now serves the Darkness as the caretaker of his ancient Monastic Order where he clings to his former life among his monks. Reinhardt VonSchlichten - [bhamlaxy420] Captain Sleighter - [APtrotta] Undiscovered Servants ??? - ??? ??? - ??? ??? - ???
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