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  1. Caledonia MMA Club Published 6th of The Amber Cold, 178 SA Greetings to all! Please take the time to read below! Caledonia, Vassal State beneath the Serene State of Lurin, is now officially hosting the Lurinite Mixed Martial Arts Club! An idea that has been brewing for a while, a location has finally been determined to host the elven weekly club's activities! Meeting every elven week (Friday 6pm GMT) at Caledonia's underground arena, the club is to be hosted by Prince Domonic Mikhael Snowell-Uialben. Dedicated towards training and developing a variety of mixed martial arts, all are welcome to attend so long as they abide by the following set of rules whilst taking part! The rules are as follows: Obey all Lurinite Laws whilst upon Caledonia's grounds. Respect one another, and keep personal animosity outside of the club. No ranged magic, non-ranged magical abilities are allowed and encouraged. This club is meant to push oneself to the very brink, to expand their limits, so don't expect an easy time! It will be gruelling, and yet the rewards will be worth it! We'll see you there. Narithen Uialben, Baron of Caledonia Karuna Amal, Baroness of Caledonia
  2. [!] Flyers have been left upon most major notice boards in towns across the continent, and on more than a few signposts Opening Of Caledonia Published 5th of Snow’s Maiden, 177 SA Hello everyone! Joyous news is brought to you all! Caledonia, Vassal State beneath the Serene State of Lurin, is now officially considered to be open! After many years of building, everything is complete, and now those responsible have turned from looking inwards to looking out! A place of tolerance and knowledge, dominated by its grand Academy, Caledonia’s Baron and Baroness now send out an open invitation to any and all looking for a home, looking for a place to both spread and gain academic learning, and for those with nowhere else to go. To that end, Caledonia is officially hosting its first event: A fight night! To be hosted in five elven days (29th of April, 8pm GMT), all are invited to come participate, whether or not they wish to fight. Amenities can be found in the form of the local tavern, and those that decide they would like to learn more about possible citizenry or academic teachings will find themselves more than welcome to approach one Narithen Uialben or Karuna Amal. The fight night itself will be held within Caledonia’s own underground arena, with a 100 Mina prize for the winner! There rules are as follows: Magic is allowed. Constructs that cannot think for themselves are disallowed (this extends to any other manner of having a creature or unthinking representative fight for you). Battles go until unconsciousness, surrender, or a ruling is made that one side is too injured to continue. Purposefully killing your opponent will result in being arrested, rather than mina. We hope to see many people, and we hope to hear from any interested in possibly becoming denizens! See you there. Narithen Uialben, Baron of Caledonia Karuna Amal, Baroness of Caledonia
  3. The Barony of Caledonia [!] The four houses of Caledonia Origins Caledonia finds its true origins in the fabled story of the Lurinite Knight: Conor Tsecsar. When this noble soul disappeared, his newly established vassal was passed on to the adoptive son of the Silver Lubba, one Narithen Uialben. From there the young prince set forward to accomplish a dream he and his fiancée had both shared for quite a while: The development of a place for those of all paths to freely share their knowledge, without fear of retaliation or the influence of external prejudices. Thus, the adopted son in turn took in this adoptive Barony, transforming it into what it is today. Found across from Lurin and dominated by its central feature, the eponymous Caledonia Academy, the barony acts as a supporting feature to its overlord state across the path. Here students arrive from all over Aevos to study their chosen topics, with no restrictions or expectations placed upon them that would otherwise be seen in the outside world. In Caledonia, the footfalls there are not that of soldiers preparing for war. Nor are they that of priests kneeling in prayer. They are not the steps of politicians furthering their own agendas. The footsteps heard are those of the steady march of progress, found in the meeting of great minds and propelled through the curiosity of the inhabitants. The Landscape Caledonia has very little landscape to its name without its walls, but what it does have is healthy and vibrant. A lazy, sparkling river of water filled with all sorts of wildlife (frogs, fireflies, and more) winds its way along the back sides. The land is inundated with greenery, and special attention is paid to ensure this remains the same. Architecture Caledonia is dominated by the large academy that makes up the centre focus of the vassal state. Larger than the rest of the estate, the academy is designed to draw attention through its imposing nature and dominating stance. Yet despite this, the inside is of warm and cosy wood, and signs of greenery are Small in nature when considering sheer accessible landmass, Caledonia has no forest or owned land beyond that which is contained within and near its walls. Yet, as if to spite this lack of greenery outside, the city itself is all but inundated with plant life. All over, plants and vines can be found across the rooftops and within public centres, the smell of flowers fills the air, and the rustle of leaves can be clearly heard throughout this vassal state at the slightest wind. White marble mingles with the typical brick of the Serene State’s construction methods, matching the vassal’s mother state through the use of brick and green rooftops. To the southern side of the vassal are domiciles segmented into the colours of the four school houses, and the northern side houses a small village designed to accommodate living through the use of a cozy bar and market stalls. The entirety of the vassal is designed to accentuate comfort combined with purpose, mingling the beauty of nature and the marble accents of the buildings with the overarching purpose to facilitate the process of learning. [!] Students join together for an Alchemy lesson Society Tolerance is the name of the game within Caledonia. A vassal state designed to bring in outsiders frequently for the purposes of education and trade, many laws within the vassal state that disagreements that cannot be resolved through debate are to be left at the door. Citizenry and guests are expected to treat one another well, and to leave alone any issue that cannot be peacefully resolved. There is little restriction upon race, creed, nor goal: So long as you come to learn and live, and behave yourself well, you are welcome within Caledonia. This is emulated within its centrepiece Academy. Meant to be a haven for knowledge and active academia, many outsiders are invited to run seminars in areas and fields that they are experts in, being paid by the state for their efforts. Granted, some fields are barred- Dark magic outside of pure theory is disallowed, and tolerance only goes so far. Darkspawn are considered enemies, not in the least due to their proclivity to promptly destroy what non-dark magic related knowledge they find. There is no set expectation in any form within Caledonia, owing to its unending wish for outsiders to come and visit. So long as one behaves kindly to themselves and others, lives well and lives full, they will be welcome within it and the Academy’s grounds. Karuna Amal, mother of Amal, Baroness of Caledonia Narithen Uialben, Prince of the Most Serene State of Lurin, Baron of Caledonia
  4. GLORA CERULIA Issued at Year 172 of the Second Age With the recent successes of our most serene march, we have found to have an expansion of territory within Lurin approved by The Silver Lubba. This land will be used wisely for production, housing and defense of our most serene state as a whole. THE PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION With the future of our most serene state in mind, a small list of what has to be constructed for The Most Serene March of Cerulia to act as its namesake and support our most glorious nation. The following will be constructed: Tournament grounds Housing with cheap tax Centurion Quarters Minor Defenses A Tax Office A Small Market A Tavern More Farm space A Smithy An Eshtaelite Chapel A Small Clinic A Small Brewery May the march grow and prosper ETERNAL WE MARCH signed, The Former Silver Lubba, Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion, Serene Marq of The Most Serene March of Cerulia and Minister of Defense of Lurin, Protector of the Lurinite Floodplains, Lord of Lubba’s Keep, Lubba Knight of Lurin, Founder of Lurin
  5. Heir’s Ascent As written upon on this 10th of Malin’s Welcome, 157 S.A From The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil and the Lordship of Caladras "Fair shall the end be, though long and hard shall be the road.” To the Denizens of the Lordship of Caladras, Her Grace, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë of the Royal House Arthalionath of the The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil, and the Esteemed Númenedain of the The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil, In the embrace of duty and the passage of time, I, Elerríon Saoren Seregon, humbly pen this missive to convey a rather monumental decision that has weighed heavily upon my heart and conscience. It is with a blend of nostalgia, gratitude, and profound trust that I hereby declare my abdication from the titled holdings of Caladras and as Lord of Caladras, and with it, the mantle of leadership that encompasses House Seregon. The echoes of history reverberate far beyond these stone walls, each telling its own tale through shared endeavors, challenges, and triumphs that have defined my life and this community. Through the turning of seasons and the forging of bonds, we have thrived as a united House under the guiding hand of the Exilic Kingdom. Yet, as the river of time courses unyielding, it demands recognition of its inexorable flow. To this end, I have pondered long upon the legacy of our House and the torch that lights our way into the future. In the realm of inevitability, I have found solace in the knowledge that the essence of Caladras, its spirit and resilience, shall persist in capable hands. It is with unwavering confidence that I pass the mantle of Lordship to my eldest child and the esteemed heir, Lóriniel Arabella Seregon. Lóriniel, my daughter, inheritor of our legacy and the new Lady of Caladras, I place the trust of Caladras into your capable hands. May you lead with wisdom, compassion, and the unwavering commitment that defines the Seregon lineage. To the noble denizens of Caladras, I extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and camaraderie. The bond we share went past titles and shall endure as a cornerstone of strength in our collective spirit. In acknowledgment of the vital role played by the steadfast Castellan, Ellisar Aevaris, I express my profound gratitude. Ellisar has been a wealth of support, a guardian of our traditions, and soon an unofficial regent during this period of transition. His wisdom and dedication have fortified Caladras and ensured the continuity of our noble line. As I step into the twilight of my stewardship, I do so with the knowledge that the flame of Caladras burns brighter than ever. May the coming days be filled with prosperity, unity, and the echoes of a realm that has stood the test of time. In enduring fellowship, Ser Elerríon of House Seregon, Seneschal and Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Huntmaster to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Captain for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm
  6. VASSALISATION OF REDCLYF _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRELUDE After loyal and brave service to the Iron Horde, having fought in the Elven Jungle War of 1944 and then later in the Orcish Civil War of 1948 on the side of Rex Grubnakh, the people of Redclyf have proven themselves worthy allies and comrades to the Horde, being above the lies people spread of their people. As a testament to the friendship between Redclyfians and the Urukim, the people of Redclyf shall be granted lands within the Horde which they shall call their own. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ARTICLE I - VASSALAGE The Peoples of Redclyf shall enter into a vassalage agreement with the Iron Horde, with the intent of forming the Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania. ARTICLE II - TITLES The Iron Horde recognizes Hannes Steelguard as the rightful duke of Redclyf-Rozania and shall allow his house to maintain their rightful titles, such as Duke of Redclyf-Rozania etc. ARTICLE III - LAND The Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania shall be granted the lands stretching along the coasts of the Iron Horde (desert_4) where they will erect a coastal town to serve as the capital to their Duchy. They shall also have the right to form their own vassals within these lands. ARTICLE IV - TAXES The Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania shall pay the Rex of the Iron Horde 350 minas which shall cover not only the upkeep of the territories yet also to strengthen the coffers of the Iron Horde. ARTICLE V - LAWS The Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania shall have the right and privilege of Autonomy, allowing them to form their own laws and conduct their own forms of punishment regarding crimes for as long as it does not contradict the laws of the Horde. ARTICLE VI - MILITARY The Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania has the right to have their own standing force, acting as the Duchy’s shield and spear. This force goes by the name of the Friedrichian Band which also has the right to fight in foreign wars as a mercenary band. When war breaks out, the Friedrichian Band shall fall under the authority of the Rex to fight in the horde's wars. ARTICLE VII - DIPLOMACY The Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania is allowed leniency regarding their own diplomacy. While ultimately being under the Iron Horde as a vassal, they shall have the privilege of forming non militaristic treaties with nations and states. The Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania is also required to take part in the Iron Horde’s wars and conflicts on the side of the Iron Horde. ARTICLE VIII - FAITH The Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania shall have the right to practice their own faith within the walls of their capital and homes, founded on the principle of live and let live. The Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania shall not be allowed to attempt to convert any Urukim or honorary to their faith. ARTICLE IX - OATH The Duchy of Redclyf-Rozania shall swear oaths of loyalty to the Iron Horde and the Rex of the Iron Horde, which shall be renewed upon the succession of a new Rex. The breaking of such Oaths may result in the revocation to this land. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed, REX Grubnakh the Wizard DUKE OF REDCLYF-ROZANIA, GRANDMASTER OF THE FRIEDRICHIAN BAND, “THE ONE MARKED FOR DEATH”
  7. An Open Invitation - Life Awaits As written upon on this 12th of Malin’s Welcome, 152 S.A. From The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil and the Lordship of Caladras "Fair shall the end be, though long and hard shall be the road.” To all of those in Aevos who champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil, In the heart of the Exilic Kingdom of Númendil, next to the ancient Kingswood, where the shadows dance with the sunlight filtering through the leaves, lies Caladras – a stronghold carved from the stone of the realm itself. We, Ser Elerríon of House Seregon, Lord of Caladras, and Ser Ellisar of House Aevaris, Castellan of Caladras and Taras Ilsa, extend a solemn invitation to those in search of refuge, purpose, and belonging. Why Choose Caladras? A Refuge of Solitude: Caladras stands as a bastion of Númenedain security amid a world in turmoil. There exists a somewhat rural attitude whilst being a short distance from the Kingdom’s capital city of Númenost. Here, rolling fields meet the towering and dense woodlands. The gentle rustle of leaves and the song of birds offer a refuge from the chaos and Darkness that rolls through the realm. Shared Endeavors: In the quietude of our mark on this realm, those of Caladras and the Númenedain work together, cultivating the land and fostering a community where the Virtue of labor mingles with the earth. A shared sense of purpose binds us, transcending the mundane and that of racial bonds. Faith Amidst Mixed Company: In reverence to the Creator that sculpts these lands and all that is, many of those in Caladras practice the Canonist faith, deeply rooted in the Holy Scrolls. A temple stands as testament to the kinship of all, where Virtue and the Good and Just of His flock reside. The Lordship extends its welcome to the Virtuous, even if faith and the Canon is not in your beliefs. Guardians of the Northern Reaches: With a vigilant levy and steadfast guards, Caladras shields the northern parts of Númendil from the unknown. The security of the Númenedain is ensured by the watchful eyes of the Royal Guard, the Confessors, and the Rangers. Through our mortal hands, and the light of the Creator, we embrace comradery through shared defense. Kinship Beyond Blood: Within our hearths, bonds of kinship are forged. We celebrate the diversity of our community, where shared laughter, solemn prayers, and quiet moments of understanding weave the tapestry of our collective identity. Opportunities Await! No matter your walk of life, be it a skilled artisan, aspiring squire, diligent farmer, studious scholar, or a protector of hearth and home, Caladras shall welcome you. Here, amidst the Heartlands and the Númenedain, you may find not just a place to dwell, but a purpose to uphold. If any of this pulls at your heart to seek, or if you simply seek to learn more, the invite is open for the reasonable, Virtuous, or otherwise good-natured to visit these lands. Send writ to Ser Ellisar or Lord Elerríon. Come, join us in the heart of the Númendil. Let Caladras become the sanctuary you have long sought. Lord Elerríon of House Seregon, Lord of Caladras, Seneschal and Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Huntmaster to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Huntmaster and Ranger Captain for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm Lady Cálienë of House Seregon, Lady of Caladras, Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Physician to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Serjeant for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm Ser Ellisar Angrenor of House Aevaris, Castellan of Caladras, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm
  8. The Agreement of The Fist and The Heart Clan Redfist and Clan Grandheart This is an alliance document between Clan Redfist and Clan Grandheart. The document was put in place in the first place to ensure peace between both groups and to aid each other into achieving great things for them both with the view of trying to prosper in their own beliefs. It is a document that will stay in place for undetermined time or until any of the involved parties wish to break this pact for any reason, in which discussion will be had first. ARTICLE I Both clans respect each other's existence and integrity without questioning it or claiming otherwise. Neither will attempt to subvert the other. ARTICLE II Both clans will not commit any crimes or act in any way possible that might kill, injure or damage the other clan’s members in any way possible. In case one of those activities should occur, the member who committed the action will be punished accordingly and acceptable for both clans after discussion. ARTICLE III Both clans declare to aid and support each other in any military or political conflict as long as it does not interfere with the clans’ beliefs, alliances or allegiances. ARTICLE IV Members of both clans just keep the same responsibilities as before the pact was put into place. They do not have to follow commands of the other clan’s leader or follow the other clan’s way of handling stuff, unless mentioned otherwise. ARTICLE V Alliances outside of this pact are completely separate thus not shared by the clans involved in the pact. ARTICLE VI Both clans promise to keep a steady flow of information going both ways between them both and to give each other updates on any big or drastic plans that are in the making. ARTICLE VII If any of the involved clans are organizing an event or hunt, the members of the other clan are invited to attend those events unless it is about private and internal matters. ARTICLE VIII With this document, Kane Redfist grants a section of land in Huaven, located in the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, to the Grandhearts. Free of tax, in exchange for support to Huaven and Clan Redfist. Signed, Kane Redfist Clan father of Clan Redfist, Protector of Ruivians, Lord of Huaven, Lord of the Wildlands, Lord of the Redfist keep, former Duke of Rozania, former War Marshall of Rozania, Military advisor, Reclaimer of the Oasis, Former Commander of the Southern forces & Protector of free people and innocents Maximiliano Grandheart Clan father of Clan Grandheart Nadia Kazimir Buckfort Blackthorn Grandheart Former Duchess of Rozania, Former Master of Whisperers, Former Master of Paper, Clan Member of Grandheart, The Grand Jackalope, Heir Apparent to The House of Buckfort
  9. Announcement from Lubba’s Keep 3rd of Sun’s Smile, Year 55 of the second age. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqFFjoRnltg During these times of war, progress cannot be stopped, therefore Lubba’s Keep has decided to officially make an announcement that we are here and offering jobs, places to stay and growth to those who come visit our Keep. Filled with mercenaries, guilds, merchants, tavern folk and any descendant’s race it is found to be a hotspot on the coast of Urguan, ready to house and entertain more people around the realm, Even Though its location is out of the general public’s sight, it always a joy to see new people around this corner of the realm. We hope to see you soon! Guilds of Lubba’s Keep The backbone of every city are its people, but if those people are not at work then that is a waste. Here at Lubba’s Keep we have a variety of jobs offered by our guilds that are housed within the keep or its grounds. With our guilds hard at work, we ensure that our keep’s prosperity thrives with trade and craftsmanship to feed our families as Lubba’s Keep does not tax these guilds out of goodwill for their services to be provided to our people and those in need of it. Brevis Bibliotheca Brewery The Local supplier of most drinks, supplied from the fields nearby they are found to have good business with all the other guilds around the keep. stationed on the docks, plumes of smoke from the brewing process can be seen coming out of the rather large chimneys, hosting multiple brewers to practice their craft under the lead of Scribe. The brewery has been prone to test out new flavors and drinks throughout its career, maybe one could find the next big drink? Lare Daram https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/208075-the-opening-of-the-lare-daram-smithy/ Led by Ulfar Starbreaker alongside Grimdal Irongut, this forge produces high quality weaponry, armour and tools for those willing to pay the right price. Accepting custom requests for any caliber smith, Lare Daram is a right place to search for your next life long extension of yourself. The Silver Lubba Band https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/202530-the-silver-lubba-band/ The Silver Lubba Band as main force of Lubba’s Keep led by The Silver Lubba himself keeps order within the keep grounds of Lubba’s Keep. Mercenaries equipped and trained with their favorite weapons rally in times of conflict to try to obtain the best deal, however, in times of war Urguan is allowed to call upon them as a levy force as is by vassalisation contract. Always hiring and ready to head out into conflict, being equipped by the Keeper of Lubba’s Keep himself. Room Filled With Cacti A strange guild within the keep, often found working day and night producing powders with medicinal purposes to keep the men and women of Lubba’s Keep standing and ready to work at all times. Often found in the back alleys of major cities or simply auctioned off at events. The Lubba Medics The Medics of Lubba’s Keep are often found to be great for medics, though these medics many times aren’t doctors doing major surgery sticking to their base purpose of being very effective medics able to defend themselves in the heat of battle just in case. Residing within Lubba’s Keep, there is a clinic behind the tavern to accommodate most needs of medical attention and offers prosthetic limbs to those who pay right. Le Savoyarde Salope The Tavern of Lubba’s Keep, stocked to the brim with a variety of drinks supplied by Brevis Bibliotheca Brewery and Room Filled With Cacti along with some of the more local unnamed breweries. Plenty of seats to house the entire keep inside and outside, it is found that the people of the keep congregate around this tavern. If one were to want to have a good time at the keep, then you will most likely find it here. Lubba’s Library The Library of Lubba’s Keep was recently added and stocked, though the books within are from older times and collecting them through the centuries. With the classroom on the first floor of the library section of the keep, we educate our people on any topic we can find from general safety to theory crafting and experimenting with new concepts recently found and learnt. The Scholars of Lubba’s Keep are often found wandering around the realm to find books and valuable knowledge to share here within the Library. Vassals of Lubba’s Keep Lubba’s Keep, while only being a recent find, already has found itself with a couple of vassals who aid in the prosperity of the keep and develop its lands to house their own people. Lords and ladies were granted titles created upon keep grounds or moved over from claims their house had on. Dunborough Settled by Adunian hexers, the village was meant to be a home for those that returned from their Path, restocking, healing and resting themselves before heading out into the world seeking contracts of slaying beasts. Dunborough serves as a place of harmony too as it is positioned in an old stone circle of Druids of a bygone era. Only few would recognize it as the old Northern Faith. Trabezon Trabzeon is a small village inside of the Lubba’s Keep, not a lot of people live there but ones who do enjoy tax free housing. At the back of the village is a keep in which houses the Baron and his family, one might notice a small yet tidy and clean place for medics who support the keep grounds. Within this village, a small chapel can be found for canonists and priests or perhaps a visit to the local blacksmith. underneath in the cellars below wine is being produced from the local vineyards to fuel the local taverns and prosperity. Vaokses A settlement made up primarily from dark elves, seemingly fascinated by nature and its ways. The roadside tavern is often found populated with people of all races for this small town on the border of Lubba’s Keep, always having a good time and a drink ready for those who visit. Though there is often more to be seen for those who visit frequently as the small town does have a unique culture to explore. Houses of Lubba’s Keep The houses of Lubba’s Keep are just as important as its guilds, providing people and company to the denizens of Lubba’s Keep they are essential for our prosperity. Taking up jobs and responsibilities around the keep these houses are the life of the keep, ensuring everything runs smoothly and nobody ever grows bored. The major houses of Lubba’s Keep are often lords or council members of Lubba’s Keep and are often held within a high regard. House Uialben https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/205078-uialbens-the-children-of-terrhi/ House Uialben is a primarily elven house, built up from decommissioned military officers, merchants, old lords and ladies and are the main drive for maintaining Lubba’s Keep’s existence through their leadership over it. Often found deep within their studies, leading what they are supposed to lead or simply living life and wandering around the realms to find something entertaining to do. House Snowell A majority elven house, made up from mages and warriors alike, many working as craftspeople, merchants, and researchers in their free time. Members of the family can be found on all corners of the globe, almost never within the limelight but always just at its edge, helping just out of view from the public eyes. Within the keep they can be seen laughing throughout the halls or training within the square or even deep in concentration during a convoluted enchantment process. House Komnenos-Gendik the family of Komnenos-gendik spreads far and wide but are humans mostly made up of warriors and medics, before the war Mika, who is lord of Lubba's keep and also a good friend of the families patriarch, Arthur, and gave the family a small plot of land where a village named Trabezon stands today. House Elmoran Coming from a large line of guardsmen, protectors of realms they reside in and general peacekeepers. Generations long the Elmorans have stood guard for the realms they were in and fighting for what is right as soldiers upon the field. Though fighting is not where it ends, they were often seen as excellent diplomats to maintain the peace in any way possible. House Dolorem A house shared with Elysium, most composed of mages, experienced medical personnel and overall those who wish to help out the community. Often found wandering between Lubba’s Keep and Elysium or travelling elsewhere with a greater purpose. Though a new family within the keep, they have already played a major part in the life of the keep and its inhabitants. Eshtael Keeps Balance and Eternal We Stand. signed, The Silver Lubba
  10. 13th of the Amber Cold, SA 46 (October 18th, 2021) ᚾᚨᚱᚺ-ᛞᚨ-ᚾᚨᚴᚺᚢᛗ'ᚢᚱ-ᛞᚨ-ᛟᚱᚡᚢᛚ-ᚾᚨᚴᚺᛁᛗᛁᚱᚨᛉ A MANDATE OF REFORM ᚡᛖᛚᛖᚱᚨᚴ-ᛟᛉ-ᛞᚨ-ᛟᚾᛟᚱ'ᚴᚨᛞᚱᛖᛚ'ᚾᚨᚱᚺᛖ To My Fellow Dwedmar and Fine Folk of Urguan: In the ancient realms of centuries past, the dwarven lords met in council to discuss the future of their kingdom under the lead of Under-King Thorik Grandaxe. They saw a future for Urguan beyond its centralized capital hold, where yrrommar and friends of the Brathmordakin, beardless as they may be, should share in the wide lands of the kingdom. It was in this council that a dream was born, and the future of all dwarfdom determined; the Grand Kingdom. From that point on- with few short eras of exception- the Grand Kingdom would endure as the primary dwarven faction. With the Grand Kingdom’s presence, the world would be ensured its traditions of order, creation and honor, and most certainly those residing within were chief among its protection and allies in its fight for civilization. In the realm of Arcas there were few beyond the dwedmar alone in such a grand fight, but it is with great pride that I gaze upon the mountains and their shadows cast over a prosperous realm of numerous peoples, united through a common investment in the lands. But there is no denying the fact that there are few who feel respected beyond the order of tenant and landlord, few who feel pride in the sacred standard of the orange and gray. It has come to my attention of the desire for a reform of our vassalage system at its most basic roots, a desire which I share vision in. Whilst I cannot yet divulge much of what has been worked on so far, I shall say that it is my hope that I can reveal a new system which shall include all those that call Urguan their home in some fashion. A system which rewards those that work hard, and gives proper assistance to those who may need it. With this said, l see fit to call for a Grand Assembly, the likes of which I expect will show how dedicated we are to the Grand Kingdom as a whole, dwedmar and yrrommar, all citizens of the empire. Here all shall be welcome to share the vision for a new system of the Grand Kingdom, to determine the future cooperation and management of its realm. Narvak oz Urguan Narvak oz Brathmordakin Grand King of Urguan, Lord of Clan Frostbeard, Thane of Rhewenholm, Great-Grandson of Rhewen OOC:
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