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Found 9 results

  1. ᚷᛁᛗᛗᛖ ᚤᛖᚱ ᛒᛖᛚᛏ 2.4.2022 The horns begin sounding in the Halls of the Irehearts as the calling of an ancient tradition passed on by the Paragons begins. A registry has been placed upon the clan board to be filled by every participant for the weeks leading up to the event. It will take place in the Ireheart Clan Hall located inside the capitol of Urguan. (Click the scroll and Sign Up) [Sponsored by the (Dwed Wrestling Entertainment)]
  2. Hey! This has been a little while in the making, but we have finally finished revising and reworking our application and interview system. This was a project we started under the previous administration, something that @JuliusAakerlund and I wanted to change as soon as we became managers. As managers, we’re in a place where we feel like this system is better for evaluating candidates and gives people who have the creativity and experience an advantage. The application format questions have been changed and we have re-added the event prompts to the application. The event prompts aren’t hard, but do require the use of some creativity which is incredibly important for an ST member to have! The application is meant to find out if you’re qualified or at the very least can be trained to become a good actor. One of the biggest changes that we’re looking forward to is the reworking of our interviews. An interview intends to get to know the person and find out if they will be a good fit for the team and that kind of thing is best found out in a voice chat. So, with this system, story interviews for prospective actors will be done in voice. We want to move away from the idea that it is a list of questions and more of a conversation. The third and last big change, while it isn’t a permanent one, with the new application format we will be denying all previous ACTOR applications that were using the old format. Sorry if this is inconvenient, but it is necessary because we’re asking for more specific things on the newer application. It’s unfair to new applicants if we interview old applications that did not answer the prompts. We do this with the hope that everyone who has applied previously will re-apply! With these changes, we’d like to re-open recruitment for the Story Actors and we’re looking forward to going through your applications. We’ll be accepting more applicants as time moves on and looking for the absolute best out of the bunch. For the Lore side of the team, you will still need to apply with the old application under Applying for for Staff. [APPLY HERE]
  3. EVENT REQUEST FORMAT Players/Group Requesting: The Empire of Man and the Order of the Red Dragon What kind of Event are you looking for?: The Empire is looking for an overarching quest-line of sorts, to give Knights some quests to do. The Empire would also prefer it to be related to Human lore in some capacity (I can help with the provision of such). Events can be anything, really, from one-on-one interactions and dungeons to massive group PVE battles. The main goal is just that there's an overarching plot or interactions, if possible, so that we get more bang for our buck. A possible event line that may be interesting to the ET at-least is the Vaeyl Order since apparently they were former servants of Horen, which would naturally make the Imperium Septimus their enemy not because we're poaching their land, but because we would think them to be impostors and not real humans. Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: Can be disccused. If it's multiple events, then a single time may be fruitless to describe. Organizer's Discord: Zhulik#7438
  4. I looked up at the darkened sky, the stars twinkling faintly. Midnight, I thought to myself, Where is she? As I looked around, I spotted a figure on the rocks, wondering if it was my fiance. I started walking towards it, hoping I was right. Then I heard it. Faintly at first, but an eerie song carried through the air, reaching me and sending chills down my spine. I walked forwards, not even noticing that I was moving towards the creature. Its song started drawing me towards it, and as I got closer, I realized my mistake. But by then it was too late. I examined the creature, its elegant features being quite terrifying up close. Once I was close enough, it hit me to the ground with its powerful tail, then dove into the water and swam further out, using its beautiful song to drag me to my demise... *** Sirens are born of watery deaths, and depending on your appearance beforehand, the changes you may go through while becoming one may vary. The features of these creatures are similar to those of elves while they're on land. They're fairly tall with pointed ears. However, a defining characteristic of these creatures is that of their dark hair and dark eyes. To become a siren, one must find a 'bottomless pool' of water. Once there, you drop an item made of aurum into the water as a sacrifice. You then dive into the water without any armor or weapons. Two beautiful sirens will rush towards you and end your mortal life. From there, your character will undergo some changes, they will grow taller and their ears will become more pointed, but while in the water, their legs will change, becoming powerful tails, their fingers almost turning to claws, their eyes will become an inky black, and they won't need to breathe while in the water, allowing them to stay beneath the water for as long as they desire. After they're turned to sirens for the first time, they can go back onto land, although it will take 30 Elven Minutes to go back to their 'human form.' However, when they wish to return to the water, it takes 5 Elven Minutes to become a siren once more.
  5. What the absolute **** is up, it’s me Dingo, the NEW ST Event manager and here to make some bounds and leaps onto the server. I’m going to be personally pursuing some changes in how events are done and removing the former stigma that the team was associated with. This will be a short and sweet announcement, I’m here to simply advertise that the ST Event Sect are looking for more members, specifically two or three depending on the quality of the candidates (you can apply here: click me). If you were denied in the most recent run, please do not apply again. Otherwise, I’m really excited to see those who have wanted to make a true impact on the server come over and help with the plans I have in store. A rough gist of what I’m aiming to have roll out over the next few months are - - Bounty Board Reforms - Ambient Event Chains (It’s obscure for a reason) - The beginning of world/narrative events written and driven by @Xarkly himself. With this in mind, feel free to shame me if I don’t deliver on at least one of these promises. I’m really looking forward to doing some hopefully good **** on this server. Once the team is completely operational, we’ll be expanding into other areas to make the world seem more alive. A big objective for my management. Also welcome the first wave of new ST-Actors. Most are veteran ETs and will do great. @Werew0lf @TheGayGuardian2 @Cracker@Temp @SpodoKaiba @Treshure
  6. Votar’s Shaati Mission Statement Votar’s Shati, founded on the 20th of The Grand Harvest, 1699, by Burbur’Lur, Farseer and Huntzgrat of the Iron Uzg, exists as a way to honor the Spirits (primarily Votar), to rid the Uzg and lands surrounding it of threats, and to extend the values of the Lur clan to Uruks of all calibers and creeds. Conduct About brotherhood, looting, taming, spiritual stuff, some other stuff. OOC emphasis on the clauses below Brotherhood: The Hunters of Votar’s Shaati above all, are brothers. During hunts conflict must be put aside, fighting with your fellow hunters during hunts will be punished. The life of your fellow hunters will be put above all, should a fellow hunter die in a hunt, any spoils collected will be sacrificed in his name, to aid him in the Stargush. Brothers should wish their brother to become the best he can be, whether it means reporting his crimes, or teaching him something he could do better. By joining and going on hunts with the Votar Shaati you agree to adhere to the conduct set forth and accept any punishments that may come as a result of breaking this conduct. ((Aka punishment clause, by joining this guild and going on hunts you understand that breaking rules will result in IC punishment, the worst penalty being Whitewashed.)) Spiritual Sacrifice: Honoring the Spirit of The Hunt should come above all, therefore loot from every hunt should be sacrificed in the name of 1. Votar 2. Lur and 3. Other Spirits. The members of Votar’s Shaati should strive to honor these spirits, and not be greedy with the amount they take, as it was Votar who allowed them to partake in such a grand hunt. Taming: This guild is not one made for would be druids. Taming wild animals, while they may be used to hunt in the future, or even be made into companions, will never be the objective of a hunt. Nor will hunters of the guild go out of their way to kill any mother of cubs, or any mother carrying cubs, as it is up to these animals to grow up, and reproduce, so that we may continue to hunt. On the off chance that there is a cub left behind, that has little chance of survival on its own in the wild, or a cub of an extremely rare animal that we have the capability of preserving in captivity, caring for the animal, until its eventual adulthood, will be tolerated. Maiming and Death: Scars to many hunters are trophies, proof of their living to tell the tale of their hunt, above the rank of Piil you will see many decorated with these previous wounds. Dying in a hunt, as rare as it may be, to many members is one of the most honorable deaths they may achieve, akin to a warriors wish for a death in battle. Should a hunter die on a hunt, all loot gathered will be sacrificed in his name, to aid him in Stargush. This is not to say you should let your fellow hunters die, if you are able to save them, then it is not yet their time to go, and are not destined to die on this hunt. Should you leave your brother to die when you were able to help him, you will be hunted by all those of the guild. (Above Kasaak maim perms are enforced, above Piil, death perms are enforced. This will be gone over before every hunt to make sure everyone is aware. It is believed by these members of the guild that if a fellow hunter dies, and mysteriously returns to life, that it is the work of Buurzmojo. Note: PK/Maim clauses are not enforceable OOCly, however, if they are not respected you will be barred from the group & such events.) Looting: Loot distribution will be agreed upon by the party beforehand, the types a party can choose are laid out below. Only one spoil from the creature may be taken, and the rest is sacrificed. Leader’s Pick: The leader of the hunting party decides, this has the potential to be an unfair system if the leader is not fair with the distribution of the loot. When under the leadership of a hunter who is known to be unbiased and trustworthy, this is a good system. Vote: The party will vote to determine he who showed the most prowess in the hunt and they will have the pick of one spoil from the creature. Killing Blow - He/She who strikes the killing blow on the beast gets to decide how loot is distributed. The person must be of Zult or higher, otherwise it defaults to leader’s pick. Distribution must be relatively fair or they will be punished, demoted or simply kicked from the guild. If someone waits to strike, in order to steal the killing blow, they will be punished accordingly, if someone is injured or killed because of this mistake, they will be whitewashed from the Uzg, and known as a Kinslayer. Hierarchy The Huntzgrat A title generally assigned by The Rex of The Uzg, this hunter, most of the time a Lur, is tasked with overseeing all of the hunters within the Uzg. His duties include give the go ahead on bounties, recruiting new members, and attending and leading hunts regularly. To this orc, it is a great honor to die on a good hunt, moving on to live with the hunters in the Stargush. | PK Clause The Skrizg | The right hand man of the Huntzgrat, this hunter serves as a second leader of the guild, able to recruit and promote those of the lowest three ranks, as well as demote. This second leader may also give the go ahead on bounties.| PK Clause Shaati (Means Spear) | Veteran hunters of the guild, given permission to lead Votars on the most difficult of prey. These hunters often serve as role models for the lower ranks of the guild, and should strive to set good examples. At any time if the Huntzgrat or Skrizg believes them to not be showing said good examples, they may lose this privilege. | PK Clause Zult | The swords of Votar, these hunters have proven themselves on many previous Votars, and at this point are capable of putting together hunting parties to tackle more dangerous beasts. Often invited to hunt with the Shaati, they are at this point given more specific tasks on the hunt, based on what they have accomplished in past hunts. | These hunters would show off previous wounds with pride, every scar obtained from a hunt, a trophy. (Maim clause will be enforced here, if you for example, lose a finger on a hunt, the monks will not magically regrow it, if you wish to fix it, you must find a way to do so in rp, whether it is having a farseer reattach it with Akezo, a witchdoctor regrowing it as a deformed limb, etc… But no, poof, its back.) (No one will be forced to promote past Piil) Votar’s Piils (Arrows) | Once a Kasaak has been recommended for promotion by another hunter of the guild, they become a Piil, or Arrow of Votar, these are the guild’s halfway members, who have begun to work more with the guild, but have not become full on hunters. | No Clauses will be enforced at this rank Kasaak | True to their name, these are the newbies of the guild. Those of higher ranks have been known to ask those of this rank to go on hunts, only to use them as bait in order to lure the beast out of hiding. Snagas and visitors in most cases, will be stuck at this rank. | This rank has no enforced clauses Note: PK/Maim clauses are not enforceable OOCly, however, if they are not respected you will be barred from the group & such events. Hunting & Bounties Hunts, or Votars are the main focus of the guild, but the Votar’s Shaati have been known to take up bounties from those outside of the guild, and sometimes even outside of the Orcish race. The guidelines to hunts and bounties are laid out below. Random Hunts. Random hunts are able to be lead by anyone above the rank of Kasaak, in which they will go out into the wilderness, and see what they can find. It is advised if they find something out of their parties capabilities of hunting, that they return to the guild in order to make a bounty. Specific Hunts. Specific hunts blur the line between random hunts and bounties, where the party seeks out specific prey, these hunts may often times take longer, and may be discouraging as some animals are not so easy to find. Should a party wish to go on a specific hunt, it is advised they seek the approval of the Skrizg or Huntzgrat, for if they do not, and they go missing, there is little that can be done to help. Bounties: These can range from something as simple as a wolf terrorizing a villages livestock, to a Murûk'Thaguzg that has torn down an entire desert villages with his bare (heh) hands. Bounties may be picked up by teams with the permission of the Skrizg or Huntzgrat, or they may have a team assigned to them. If you wish for something more /specific/ to be hunted, it is recommended that you directly contact the Huntzgrat. To submit a bounty to the Votar’s Shaanti, please use this application. Name: Creature being hunted: Danger Level 1-5 stars: Why should we help?: Location: Enrollment Enrollment in the Votar’s Shaati will be limited to, Uruks, Honorary Uruks, and our spirit worshipping Dark Elf allies. Snagas will be permitted to attend hunts should their master wish to bring them along. Visitors will be permitted to attend hunts should they have an invitation extended to them, as well as the person inviting them providing a valid reason, why they cannot instead bring a member along. To join please fill out this application. You will then be contacted and asked to come to the guild base of operations in order to be interviewed. Application: Name: Race: Age: Discord#:
  7. “Time is a tricky yet unstable force of nature. No mortal creature or immortal creature can understand the rules of this force and because of this, the Kha lost their powers to manipulate it and even future attempts to relearn this art are thwarted by the forces beyond mortal understanding. Those who call themselves Skygods, but I have another name for them. The Elder Gods.” When the world of mortals was made back on Aegis, it created what was known as a World Timeline. It was an intangible force of nature that all Chronomancers could access to gain information of the past, present, and future, granting them the knowledge and power to reshape history to their very whims. This did not come without its cost, though as the world of mortals had invoked the powers of the Elder Gods and they began to lose their connection to the Timeline. No one from the mortal world was allowed to change history with the knowledge gained from the future or even to have the power to alter it. That is until a certain object came into being. It was the very thing that the Elder Gods used to alter the Timeline and create a fixed point in Time. No mortal or immortal could understand it or even feel its power, but I could. Those same Elder Gods created me to guard their precious artefact for millennia and while I did, I gained information. Information that could bring this world to its knees. They gave me the knowledge to understand history and guard against it being altered. I know the Laws of Time and all the loopholes they presented, but however, I was not granted the knowledge to see how to break free of this eternal bond. I knew about the Prince and his goal to bring this world to its knees, but I could not change history. I could not tell the Descendants that they were fated to win against such a force or just how dangerous the Prince was. I could not alter the present by telling them that they were to face a threat that if not extinguished, would lead to disaster. I could not even side with them and change the future by erasing the Prince from Time. Like the druids, I was to remain neutral and do nothing. That was the law laid out to me by the Elder Gods. Now, I grow mad by this bond to the World Timeline. My mind slowly ebbs away to the Timeline and I can't escape it. My body, though immortal and never ages, is in torment and endlessly breaking down my physical strength. My very soul is siphoned away into the Timeline, never to be reclaimed. I want to be free. ~(+)=(+)~ OOC: This is a part of a story for an eventline that has dire consequences for all who are involved. It is not endorsed by the LT, ET, Admin, GM, or World Dev Teams whatsoever as this is provides a base for the storyline “Artefacts of the Divine” that I plan to write up. There will be seven artefacts in total.
  8. Birth of the Orison Ritual Site of the first Guardian Grotto, a harrowing, yet beautiful reminder of the death of a druid. “And she appeared before them, those troubled minds, and the air was alive with sound of nature. She gave them a reassuring smile, reaching a hand out, as if to offer help. All was well.” It is a well known truth among druii and those that study the aspects or their faith, that devout druids who die ascend to the realm of the fae, to serve out their days as Soulbound Servants and Guardian Spirits. In the realm of fae, these spirits of passed druids are revered by all as wise men and oracles. Creatures of the fae flock from every corner of the realm to hear their words of wisdom. In the realm of fae, they are considered demigods, chosen of the aspects themselves. (The Fae Realm) In death, these sages reflect the souls of what they were in life. For those that sought the taste of battle in defense of the balance, they may find themselves as a spirit of fury, blessing those of the Twilight Bound. A gentler druid, a healer perhaps, may find themselves as a mending spirit of the Dayward Way. All these such spirits are revered amongst the fae creatures of the world. For those most dedicated servants of the aspects, there exists a special opportunity in life, during the most unlikeliest of times. That is, to become a Guardian Spirit capable of traversing betwixt the eternal forest and the mortal realm. These most devout servants may find themselves visited by one of these spirits to be taught the highly secretive ritual. With this knowledge, they are given the secret that they need to become one of them, to be given the ability in the afterlife to make the journey and return as a Guardian Spirit of the Descendents. However, this ritual may only be done on the brink of death. In their last moments, a druid may send out a final plea, one last wish to stay on Æos, on this place that they’ve so desperately tried to protect through their whole lives. And then, they must perform the ritual. The Discovery She saw blood everywhere. It stained the grasses around her with a deep crimson hue, glinting in the sunlight. And she looked to the side, seeing a bloodied bone knife cast aside, lying among the leaves a few feet away. And then it shot through her, an agonizing pain in her abdomen and she cried out. She looked down, and in her arms was her heart; a crying babe, wrapped in a green shawl. And her eyes slowly shut, fluttering desperately to try and stay awake as she faded into the cold embrace of death. Awaiti sat up in her bed, drenched with sweat. She rested a hand against her stomach, flat as it always was. The woman turned, pushing up out of the bed to stand, staggering over to a mirror in the room. She gripped the sides of the table, looking into her reflection with a silent, but bewildered expression. Her amber eyes stared right back at her, betraying only fear. But that was all. There was no blood, no screaming, no crying babe to hold. It left her unsettled, and compelled her to grab her cloak. And with that, she swiftly exited the room. The flames in the brazier of the shrine always shone the brightest at night, casting light in every which direction, onto the grass, onto the statues of the aspects, and now onto Awaiti, who was kneeling before it, bowed deeply in prayer. “Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your blessing unto me… preserve me…” “Father, father please. Have mercy on your faithful servant…” She pleaded like this for hours and hours, until the first rays of daybreak split the air, casting shadows of the leaves on the shrine. And on and on she pleaded, tears staining her weary face. “I don’t want to go! Not yet!” And her eyes were filled with light as she keeled over, blacking out against the cold morning ground. What followed barely made sense to her, flashes of white and green light, the crying of a babe. Visions of light took shape as fae energies and her dream came back to her. She was suddenly on the ground again, covered in blood. She was screaming, crying out in agony. And once more, her eyes began to flutter off to the cold and gentle dark. “Breathe, child,” She heard a gentle voice call to her. “Let go,” said a strong voice. And she shut her eyes for but a moment. And then opened them with white light coursing through. In an instant, the place around her was filled with a brilliant flash of fae light, all erupting from Awaiti. Flowers sprung up, creating brilliant displays of red and blue and purple. Trees sprouted almost instantly, tearing up the earth. But all was silent for Awaiti. She could hear no voices, feel no life. Life itself had all but left her battered form. Instead, it was in the world around her. And she drifted off. Her eyes shut once again, and Awaiti, just as she had in her dream, passed on from this world. But then, she was truly alive. There was warmth, and it was good. Awaiti looked down at her own mortal form, and smiled, knowing that all would be well for her child. They would live, and go on. Her eyes flung open, and she was back on the cold, hard ground. Awaiti stirred, knowing now what she had to do. And so she stood, going home to her bed to await that fateful day. The Orison Ritual Druids look on as a hierophant passes on, the air lighting up with fae mists as the energies ripple through, causing flowers and other life to spring up! circa 1650, colorized “Mother, mother please… father, look down on me… I want to be brave... I don’t want to die!” The ritual itself was used a great many years ago, in ages long forgotten, as a secret technique used amongst some of the most powerful and wise druids, in order to continue passing on their knowledge and guiding their people even after their own death. Since, it has fallen from minds, into myth, and then into legend, and then forgotten entirely. It has only resurfaced recently, discovered by Sister Awaiti Aureon, who saw glimpses of the ritual during a vision of her own death. Flashes of light, blasts of pure fae energy that rippled through nature, allowing life to flourish in its wake. These visions stayed with her throughout her whole life. What Awaiti saw was her own body expelling all of its druidic energies in one single moment. This act kills the druid immediately, but the blast of fae energy allows anyone in the vicinity to feel the effects of a fae ring for the day. The very wave of energy that is expelled from the druid has a similar effect to a fae ring, allowing those around them to hear the countless voices of nature for the rest of the day. It would emblazon druidic runes onto the stones around them, growing large trees and bushes almost instantly in the now hallowed land. A circle of flowers would sprung up all around in a spiral, creating a Guardian Fae Ring around the druid’s lifeless corpse. The wave of fae energy carries part of the druid’s very soul with it, tethering it to the land of the living. This created an anchor to Æos, allowing the traversal between these two interlinked planes. Such is the path that all those druii who wish to return to the mortal plane must follow. They must seek out a guardian spirit and learn the secrets of this most sacred ritual Guides and Redlines Requires a TA in Control and Communism to teach the Ritual, as well as being the aforementioned Guardian Spirit. In order to teach the Orison Ritual, an existing Guardian Spirit must show their student the ritual through Greensight. Attempting the ritual in any capacity is a PK. Requires a MA to perform the ritual. Attempting the ritual is a PK, no matter the outcome. Once you die, you’re dead, spirit or not. Guardian Fae Rings Fae rings have always been notoriously awe inspiring and potentially dangerous, for they create links between our realm and the Eternal Forests of the Fae. Normally though, these Fae Rings only allow lesser creatures of the realm to traverse the planes under the light of the full moon. They have the additional effect of imbuing descendants, whether they be human, dwed, or elf, the sudden ability to hear thoughts, instincts, and raw emotions of the flora and fauna around the ring, giving an experience of attunement to the unattuned. This can be very disorienting for those that are unfamiliar with the raw orchestra of nature. These fae rings have only ever been created through the magic of the aspects themselves, being naturally occuring phenomena in the world. But, with the Orison Ritual, we find the first instances of a druid themselves creating these rings through their own powerful druidic energies. During the Orison Ritual, a massive explosion of fae energy is released directly into the land around a druid’s body. Many things are birthed from this influx of energy, including the powerful Guardian Fae Rings. These large spirals of flowers cover the entire area that the blast touched, hallowing the ground that they lay upon. Over this entire area, the effect of a normal fae ring is given, nature filling the ears of those who stand within the living spire. These rings act as normal fae rings, with a few exceptions. Normally, a Fae ring allows only lesser beasts of the Eternal forest to pass through it on a full moon. However, given the druid’s final sacrifice, it allows Guardian Spirits to pass through the realm of the fae into that of the living. Guardian Fae Rings have the unique ability to be created by the living as well as the dead. However, this process is extremely dangerous, and must be preserved for times of great need. By transcending to the eternal forest, a group of three druids can seek out any such guardian spirit and re-tether their soul to the earth. By doing this, the guardian spirit channels their own energies through the bodies of the three druids, transforming the fae ring into a guardian fae ring. This allows for the creation of new guardian fae rings from normal fae rings. It is important to note that Spirits are not tied to any one ring. Instead, over time, these rings begin to create an interconnected network of points that the spirit may visit. Usually these rings are placed around groves, or other places of pilgrimage for those that follow the ways of the aspects. These points serve as the anchors for spirits in the realm, creating holy sites around the world. As stated, guardians are tethered to these Guardian Fae Rings, tying them to that one particular site until they are able to move to a different ring. Guardian Spirits are only able to go so far outside of the ring before they dissipate, the bonds holding them to the world too weak and too far to hold them in any significant way. If such occurs, they find themselves drawn back to the Eternal Forests, unable to plant themselves on the world. They must stay there for a time as their spirit regenerates and recollects in order to return to the world of the living. Guides and Redlines Powerful druids can perform the ritual successfully and be taught it. In order to be able to become a Guardian Spirit on the mortal plane, you must conduct the Orison Ritual. The Druid must first pray, opening a connection with the aspects themselves. Basically grabbing the aspects attention. After such, a druid must expel all of their fae energies in a sometimes violent blast, depending on the age of the druid and their power. This can potentially hurt those around them if the druid is very old and very powerful. The blast caused by the druid causes a surge of life in every direction, causing plants and life to spring up where possible. It can grow trees in an instant, moss to grow on rocks in runic shapes. These runic shapes reflect parts of the druid. Only the Guardian Spirit that created them knows their meaning. The blast also creates a Guardian Fae Ring, a variation of a normal fae ring, a large spiral of flowers, leading to a circle in the middle. This is the exact spot where the druid died. A Guardian Fae ring is what allows a Guardian Spirit to travel between the realm of fae and the mortal plane. Guardian Spirits are tethered to these rings, unable to walk very far away from them without being called back to the Eternal Forest. This radius usually encompasses the size of a grove, or small settlement. Guardian Spirits may only make the journey through Guardian Fae Rings during a full moon (Once every elven day). However, it should be clarified that they may remain the realm of the living after the full moon has passed. In order to perform the ritual, a currently existing Guardian Spirit must teach you it, or have someone who already knows the ritual pass the knowledge to you. This follows suit for druids to create guardian fae rings. In order to create another Guardian Fae Ring, you require a living druid that knows the ritual. Being different from normal fae rings, it is possible to have both a Guardian fae ring and a normal fae ring at the same time. To transform a fae ring into a guardian fae ring, you require three druids who know the transcendence feat. By doing this, it allows the druids to find the spirit in the fae realm and allow them to push their energy through their own bodies into the ring. This creation acts in the same way as the normal creation would, with all of the effects. Must be a druid, and currently be Tier five in both Communion and Control at the time of death. Druids cannot be pulled back from the Eternal Forest after an Elven Month, as the Eternal Forest’s call is far too strong to ignore. Such is the nature of the Fae Realm. In order to be brought back from the Eternal Forest, you must have PK’ed entirely first. It is only allowed for fully PKed druids. A Druid must be able to pray before they die, and build up the energy to release it all. Any sort of instantaneous death would prevent them from doing such, and keep them from tethering their soul. This ritual can only be done while on the brink of death. Druids who commit suicide cannot do the ritual. Any druid blocked by Strength of the Abyss or other Fi magic would not be able to complete this ritual. The blast from the ritual is not enough to kill in any case. Only potentially knock back people. If the druid’s focus is thrown off during the ritual, it ends the ritual and they are unable to continue, missing their window. In order for druids to create a guardian fae ring, they need to gather more than 3 druids to pool their energy together to create this explosion. Without more than three, the combined strain would kill the druids involved. Even with more than two, the process is extremely taxing on the body. The Orison ritual requires the unaltered soul of a druid to be in their body in order to perform this ritual. Druids with altered souls, or those who have placed their souls in other vessels cannot perform the final ritual to become Guardian Spirits. This does not apply to the creation of Guardian Fae Rings. As the natural energies release, the spirit of the animal would release as well. It remains with the guardian as part of it or depart to the aspects realm. This allows shapeshifters to complete the ritual. Guardian Spirits cannot walk outside a certain distance from their Guardian rings. In doing so, they would be demanifested, and sent back to the eternal forest until they can return. (300 blocks) Iconoclast magic would demanifest a Guardian Spirit The Spirits A Guardian Spirit watches over the forest with a careful eye, taking after their original elven form. “Go, my faithful dedicant, into the mountain! There you will find a spiral of flowers… sit in it. Call out to her, to that devout spirit. She will guide you on this task. Now go!” With their spirit tethered to both the eternal forest and the mortal plane, the Druid would wake in the Forest, awaiting that next full moon, for that bridge to open between the realms. When the full moon flies, they may find themselves on a trek across a great birch bridge that stretches far into the cosmos, into the mortal realms, allowing them to awaken inside of the center of the Guardian Fae Ring in a brilliant display of light, standing in the grove created by their own death. This is the journey that all Guardian Spirits will take, should they partake in the Ritual of Orison. Upon their awakening, spirits are met by themselves, by their new spiritual figures. At first, they appear as themselves, given a transparent glow that reflects their own druidic energies. As time goes on, these spirits realize that they can shift their appearance to some degree, to make them look as they did at any point in their life. Through this, they can remove scars, and blemishes upon that figure, or tattoos that covered their skin, appearing truly as a servant of nature, without other worldly attachment. In their journey to the spirit realm, spirits find they may change into a host of different animals, accompanied by that similar transparency and glow that other Guardian Spirits give off. However, with an additional affect. Due to the spirit’s time in the fae realm, the essence of the eternal forest has rubbed off onto their animals’ giving them fae-like attributes. The spirit is just that. A spirit. They cannot touch or interact with the world. They will never again feel the embrace of a loved one, nor the wind on their cheek. They are dead, lost to the world. Incorporeal beings that merely exist as a passer of knowledge, a wielder of the torch of druidic power. Even at their strongest, standing within the fae ring, they are unable to lay a finger on the world of the living. It is the primary mission of all Guardian Spirits to pass down their own knowledge of the balance, and to guide the druids of the world towards a heightened understanding of what their duty is, and how they might attain it. They serve as powerful guides to all that follow the path of the aspects. To dedicants, they serve to inform and teach. To Druii, they seek to offer their different perspective on the world and how it may function. And above all, to Archdruii, they serve as powerful advisors in the face of great adversity. But they are just that. Guides, advisers, wise-men. Vessels of knowledge that lasted longer than they should have. They are unable to use the powers that they had throughout their lives as druii, save but shapeshifting, but they still retain their ancient knowledge of the arts. In times of great need, these spirits are able to pass on their understanding and power into the druii of the world in several ways, detailed a bit later. In addition to this, Spirits are also given a few smaller tools that they would use in pursuit of guiding dedicants, druids, and archdruii alike, without impacting the world on a physical level. Spirits are far more corruptible than our mortal forms. Aurum weapons that affect the spectral beings of the world would affect them just as a normal blade would, cutting away at their energies. Blight that would normally sap away at the strength of a descendent would eat doubly so at the Spirit Guardian, gnawing away at the very being of the guardian, until it is so weak that they are corrupted wholly. And perhaps the most dangerous among them all, are those that carry with them the strength of the abyss. To be touched by this ability is to be scattered, cut off from the world. Upon touch, the spirit is sent back to the realm of the fae, to recuperate once more. Such is a very effective weapon against them, capable of sending them away in an instant. Blight may even corrupt a Guardian Spirit more than it normally would. The spirit is more fragile than the body, and to those who are exposed to it for a long time, it may have devastating effects to their soul. Through time, they’re physically corrupted, and the soul is damaged, leaving their spirit broken. The blight addles their mind, casting a shadow of the ancient spirit. They become destructive, a draoi spirit. Their gifts turn dark, allowing them to grant darkened boons on their followers, on those dark druids that would destroy. As they continue down this path, these spirits are corrupted physically. They may be split open, or tainted visually, their souls torn asunder by the use of these dark boons. These now Draoi spirits haunt the realm, causing chaos and sowing discord throughout the land by empowering the dark druids, until they’re put out of their own misery, and banished from the land by the very druids they were sworn to guide. Banishment is a difficult process, though not impossible. It is a technique used by druids to sever a Guardian Spirit’s connection to the mortal realm, and works similarly to the unattunement ritual. A group of three druids must corner the Spirit, connecting with them via powersharing. After this, there are multiple ways that the druids could deal with the spirit. Potentially, the spirit has been feeding dedicants or other druii misinformation, misguiding them from the path of the Druidism. Or perhaps these spirits have views too extreme for the order, and must be cast out. Both of these are valid reasons to banish a druid from the mortal plane. Or perhaps a spirit has become fully corrupted by blight, making them violent Draoi Spirits. This is another reason to banish a spirit. Or even by request of the Spirit themselves that believe their mission to be done. Banishment is the act of releasing the spirit’s tether to the realm of the mortals, recalling them back to the eternal forest to live out their days there. This action can be reversed, in the same way that a guardian fae ring can be remade. The ritual is one in the same. Guides and Redlines Newly made Guardian Spirits always begin in the realm of the fae. In order to start roleplaying, players must wait until a full moon, or one out of character day in roleplay to re-enter the mortal plane. In order to enter and leave the mortal plane, a Guardian Spirit must do so through a Guardian Fae Ring during a full moon. All Guardian Spirits take on a glow reflecting the color of their fae energy in life. Guardian Spirits take the shape of themselves when they return, appearing unaltered by injury or bodily art. In addition, Spirits may change how they look in order to reflect themselves at different points in their life, to reflect and show how they themselves have changed. Removing injury or changing which point in life they appear as is entirely optional. Due to their time in the fae realm, spirits are capable of morphing into a different host of animals, with the addition effect of fae attributes. The addition of Fae attributes applies also to normal Spirits Guardian Spirits are completely incorporeal, and cannot touch or physically interact with anything in the mortal realm. They are ghosts, in that sense. They will never be able to feel the world of the living, at least physically. Guardian Spirits retain none of their ability to perform druidic arts that they had learned in life, save shapeshifting. However, they retain all of their knowledge in the arts, and still fondly recall the feelings of using their abilities. They instead gain a few other abilities to assist in their primary mission of guiding the descendents, and granting boons of the aspects. Guardian Spirits with a TA in any given druidic magic still keep the TA, but cannot perform the magic themselves, truly being a guide more than anything. Guardian Spirits can no longer perform control, communion, thulean druidism, blight healing, or herblore. Guardian Spirits can no longer teach unattunement, attunement, or shapeshifting. Golden Weaponry affects the spirits as a normal weapon would to a person. Blight corrupts the very soul of the spirit, being far more vulnerable to the effects of the blight. This causes Guardian Spirits to become Spirit Draoi, lashing out violently with all they have to corrupt and damage the world. This, however, can only be done through their existing gifts and receive none for becoming a spirit draoi. Upon their next ‘death’, spirit draoi are permanently killed. Players accept this on making a Spirit Guardian. Upon touch, Strength of the Abyss immediately sends guardian spirits back to the realm of the fae in order to remanifest. This action is extremely disorienting for the spirit, and takes a long time for them to return and gather themselves together. This takes one year in game (One week out of character) Guardian Spirits are able to be banished by the druids of the realm through the banishment ritual. However, they can be brought back through the creation of a guardian fae ring for them. The Mission Guardian Spirits under the full moon, 1650 “I am one with the Balance.” In life, it is the path of druids to protect the balance, to safeguard nature. To protect the wilds and those that live amongst them. When these druii die, they ascend to the eternal forest, to serve as soulbound spirits, wardens and wisemen of the fae realm. These spirits are revered as wise demi-gods next to the aspects, spirits holding immense knowledge. Creatures of the Fae come from near and far in the realm, from the Twilight Bound to the Dayward way. For those Soulbound Servants that return to the realm of the living, their duties must continue. Guardian Spirits are to act as guides, figures of wisdom amongst the druids of Atlas, and all other places to come. They walk amongst the order as highly revered teachers, and advisors, opening their wisdom to all that would seek it. This is their eternal duty, to serve and guide, no more, no less. Very rarely do these druids directly intervene in anything, choosing instead to give their assistance when asked, or to offer a boon from the aspects for dire situations. In some cases, they can even take up teaching positions within the order. Blessings of the Aspects A druid completes a task with the oversight of the Guardian Spirit, 1650 Guardian Spirits tend not to intervene in worldly affairs. Without the ability to hold a sword, or travel far beyond their guardian fae rings, they take up a more guiding role. Their time spent in the realm of the fae shows now though, and Guardian Spirits find that they have a few lesser abilities that they didn’t have before. These can be very straining for the spirit to perform, and only one may be used per day, that they might serve the spirit in guiding others. Greensight Guardian Spirits have the ability to reach out to the attuned minds, able to incur visions of the past, things that the Guardian themselves have seen, or even things that the subject has seen. This ability only works on a willing subject, when they allow the guardian into their thoughts. These visions can be as vivid or as vague as the guardian wills it. This can be used to suggest certain courses of action, or to show lessons that they themselves have learned. This only affects attuned druids and those affected by fae rings. Oversight Guardian Spirits bind themselves to a druid for a time, seeing what they see, hearing what they hear, allowing them into their thoughts. This must be entirely willed on the part of the druid and the guardian. During this time, the druid is marked with a green fae symbol upon the forehead, showing that they are a vessel of the spirit. This lasts until the subject no longer wills it, or the spirit leaves the body of another. Guardian Powersharing As was their ability in life, Guardian Spirits retain their ability to control and manipulate the natural energies of the fae, in order to pass them onto another druid. This greatly enhances the natural ability of the druid far beyond their own potential, exactly like how a normal powersharing is done from a living druid.. However, due to the fact that the Guardian Spirits consist of their own Fae Energies, powersharing dissipates them over time. After they've finished, they return to the Eternal Forest to replenish their being. Guides and Redlines All Blessings of the Aspects can only be performed once per day, while their energies replenish. Any attempt to perform a second blessing in one day will result in a failed attempt. During Greensight, both the druid and the guardian enter a catatonic state while experiencing the visions, they are completely vulnerable to attack until the guardian ends the vision or it ends. Greensight uses previously existing memories from either the Druid or the Guardian Spirit. This applies even to memories that have been lost. Can be used to revive memories. Guardians can manipulate memories to look as vague or vivid as they wish. They may also alter the vision to a limited degree, in order to show alternative choices, or make symbolistic changes. Druids and guardians can experience pain from the vision that may actually linger after the vision ends. This is all psychosomatic. The Ritual of Orison is taught through Greensight memory of the Guardian’s own death. Oversight is the ability for a spirit to bind themselves to a druid’s body, connecting the two. The Guardian Spirit and the druid’s senses are linked, and they can experience the sights, sounds, smells, feelings, tastes, and thoughts. This works vice versa as well, the druid being able to experience those of the guardian as well. In addition, this links their emotions, to a degree. Should the druid grow angry, the guardian may feel a surge of anger or so on. Druids experiencing oversight are marked with a fae symbol over the forehead, glowing with the color of the spirit’s energy. Guardian Powersharing works exactly like normal Powersharing, but after they are done, they dissipate to the Eternal Forest for an Elven Day. Feel free also to roleplay discomfort when powersharing, as you're sacrificing your own lifeforce to fuel another druid. A druid does these at will, they cannot be forced into it, nor can they force them upon others. A Guardian Spirit can only use one blessing per day Greensight must be completely willed on both ends. A Guardian cannot be let into the mind of another without it being opened for them. Guardians cannot cause physical injury through Greensight Visions. This does not apply to psychosomatic illness. As soon as a Druid does not want to be shown a vision, it ends. Closing off the path renders the ability ended. Guardian Spirits cannot be demanifested during oversight. Guardian Spirits cannot use other druidic blessings during oversight Guardian Spirits cannot interact with others outside of the druid they are bound to. Once clerical magic is used on the body of one being affected by oversight, the spirit is pushed out, ending the ability. If a druid does not want to be bound to a guardian spirit any longer, they are disconnected. This applies vice-versa. Guardian Powersharing shares the same redlines as regular powersharing. ((As all things, feedback is appreciated so that I can really make this lore enjoyable for everyone! Shoutout to Leowarrior14, Delmodan, ThatGuy_777, and Gladuous for giving me ideas and letting me talk to them about this!))
  9. As night befalls the lands of Axios, you'd notice a glimmer of red light flickering aggressively in the distance. As you get closer to the source the glimmer forms into a radiant light, nearly blinding you. After closing your eyes in response to the initial shock, you'd see a statue composed of red matter infront of you. A red hooded man would approach you as you gazed upon it and would proceed to lift his fingers, which were smothered in red blood, and press them against your head to make the shape of a bestial head with two, curved horns on each side of it. "You may now enter the Crimson Lord's sanctum." He said in a monotone voice. As you walked past the hooded man and into the cave you'd see various red paintings on the stone walls, bones littered across the ground, and the infernal smell of death. You'd also see various other red hooded individuals, some bowing before effigies similar to the statue you saw when you entered, and others standing inside pentagrams and yelling dark incantations. Eventually you'd arrive upon a bearded man that sat upon a gilded throne and donned a red vest and red pants, with a leather belt strapped around his torso. He rose from his throne and his piercing, red gaze connected with yours. "Welcome, disciple-initiate. Complete this and I will assess if you are worthy of being one of our lord's faithful." He said as he handed you a piece of red paper and a quil. He directed you to a small wooden desk to the side that had a vat of red ink sitting there. The contents of the paper were as follows: Name: Race: Objective (reason for joining the cult and what you wish to accomplish): Skills: Short biography (4-5 sentences): OOC: Do you affirm that you are joining this cult to further the quality and experience of Roleplay on LordofTheCraft, and not your own personal benefit? Any actions to the contrary of "yes" will result in a kick. Do you agree to participate in as many events as you can, and to inform the event leader(s) of when you cannot do so? Do you agree that you will follow the rules of LOTC and this group during your tenure in the guild? How did you ICly find out about this group? Were you told by another cultist/initiate/prospective, or did you meet me? Maintain a sense of maturity in your roleplay and avoid cliches, this is an organization that will cause all kinds of terror and horror, but mostly the unpredictable kinds. Your ban record and reasoning behind bans (if needed) Do you accept that a violation of any of the aforementioned provisions will result in your removal?
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