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The Adrallan Crane. Ready For The Reviews?


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The Cranes of Adrallan are a peculiar species of Athera. They often keep entirely to themselves and live in secluded sections of the forests of Adrallan. Rivers and reeds are their home; there they hide and dart with the speed of horses. It is because of their extreme speed that these cranes are at times coveted as mounts.


When these massive beasts are not sprinting to keep up with the schools of fish they scoop up as their diet, they can often be found napping underneath the serene fall of leaves. Their impressive stature sets the largest of male cranes at eight and a half feet tall, and the matriarch of a flock of these cranes may stand at a staggering nine feet tall at the tip of their head. 


The crimson flare of the feathers of the cranes is created from the mass amount of both salmon and berries in their diet. While the cranes are born white, the huge intake of salmon and berries to make up for the colossal caloric intake of their speed eventually tinges their feathers with a shimmering crimson hue. 


Peace and wisdom is what these cranes embody. They are highly intelligent for animals, capable of learning through visual observation and eventually developing the ability to mimic the sounds of other animals, including the common tongue of Athera. The cranes are docile to a fault. They choose always to run instead of fight, and their only defense mechanisms are to batter with massive wings and to scratch and bite; long claws sit at the base of their powerful legs should they become completely cornered. 


These bold animals travel in packs of eight to twelve, and are often lead by a massive matriarch. The matriarch is the oldest of the cranes, and as such, the reddest. Few legends circulate of a purely red crane who has lived on Athera since even before the Descendants arrived to its shores. Despite these myths, the cranes normally live to be twenty or twenty five years of age, with a few making it to thirty. 

The taste of these cranes is something that along with their gorgeous feathers, has forced their numbers to dwindle, dwindle, die. Few of these cranes exist anymore, and speculation suggests less than twenty exist in Athera anymore. 


For those lucky enough to successfully tame one of these majestic creatures as a pet, one would find they are highly loyal; however, combat is not within the nature of these beasts. 



Alright Disco, you wrote some stupid lore again. What's it for this time?



Well, I don't think Athera has enough cool Fauna. I really don't. Also, cranes are pretty bad ass, don't lie. Also, I really hate Undead horse mounts, and I want to RP mine as a kick ass docile crane. So, yeah. 


Disco, does it have red li-


If I see you running around with these cranes making them kick people in the face, I'll reach through your computer and eat all of your peanut butter. 

They don't fight. 

They can't have a conversation with you, they can memorize short phrases. 

They don't fight.

Ramming a crane into someone isn't going to happen, the crane will stop.

They don't fight.

They eat fish, not cupcakes. If it isn't fed fish or berries, it's going to get sick. 

Don't role-play as the crane unless you have GM or ET permission, duh.

They don't

Other than that, they're just really, really big cranes.


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Yis, more birds, very good.


They choose always to run instead of fight, and their only defense mechanism is to scratch and bite; long claws sit at the base of their powerful legs should they become completely cornered.

Running away instead of fighting makes sense, but you might want to add that they'd be able to use their giant wings to beat at an enemy if they're cornered. A bird's wings are very powerful, I would think especially with something of their size. I'm not sure if five and a half feet would be large enough to be used as mounts, though. You don't usually hear of birds carrying things on their backs. For reference, the Gy'waka is 11 feet tall and flightless.

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Yis, more birds, very good.


Running away instead of fighting makes sense, but you might want to add that they'd be able to use their giant wings to beat at an enemy if they're cornered. A bird's wings are very powerful, I would think especially with something of their size. I'm not sure if five and a half feet would be large enough to be used as mounts, though. You don't usually hear of birds carrying things on their backs. For reference, the Gy'waka is 11 feet tall and flightless.

I'll add the snippet about their wings! I've also read some stuff about Emu's and the lore for the Gy'waka and I've adjusted the height accordingly. My idea was to keep the bird from being too menacing, but that didn't account for the 40% neck height. 

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