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  3. [Art by: Jason Felix - Shadowed Caravel] [!] In the Heartlander Confederacy, Hohkmat and Balian, a missive would be hanged up on notice boards. [!] Seeking Seafaring adventures! A merchant ship has been lost at sea and thus the Paradisian Adventurer's Guild has been comissioned to recover or confirm the ship has been sunked. A schooner without crew has been offered by the guild to fulfill this task, as such adventurers with sailing experience is prefered. At least 10 adventurers or sailors are required. Those familiar with the Paradisian ranking, this is a Ferrum level task, as the trading route the lost ship is known for it's often stormy conditions. Copper ranked adventurer's are most welcome provided they are experienced with the sea and operations of a ship. The leader of this expedition is an elf which started sailing eight centuries ago likewise has experience leading expeditions, troops and fighting both aquatic monsters and pirates, follow orders and we are all bound to return home alive with what remains of the missing ship. We will be meeting at The White Rose Tavern within Whitespire, SA. 185 [Saturday] The Grand Harvest [3pm EST]'th. If you wish to reserve a spot, please pen a letter to Seth [RealSamler] with your name, race, experience, proficiency and rank within the guild, in addition to anything else you might find useful for this expedition. I am unsure how many can fit on the ship Likewise if you have any questions you can pen a letter as well, remember to sign it. -Seth of the Paradisian Guild
  4. King Patches of Babblebrook sat upon his moss cushioned throne, head rested upon his palm as he read the note. Moving to stroke his fuzzy chin he let out a soft sigh. ”Aye, well I do believe it’s time to form some guards, rangers and the like just in case.” The regal Musin looked out of the window to the skies outside, frowning as he did so. ”In this World of Darkness we currently live in, one cannae be too careful…”
  5. Outside in the shire shores just down the hill from Babblebrook Spuds would be toiling away with his flesh friends and metal servants on a large metal leg. He looked up at the grand musin castle and waved at a window with a smile, if someone was there or not he didn’t know.
  6. I do remember reading that when I went through that post actually; but it is basically a blurb. Hopefully my post and it can be updated/blended, but that's of course not my decision. If it has to be omited, so be it.
  7. Unfortunately the font generator I used did spit it out black for the titles. But I can change that for readability. I'll shop around for a font I like. Edit: Changed the font of the creature's names to something more stylized and whitened. The regular text should be white/bone but I know the forum can be weird sometimes.
  8. *notes are placed on notice boards throughout Dunfarthing* "Hear ye hear ye, citizens of Dunfarthing and all its vassals, it has come to my attention that danger looms over us. Thus, I Breasal Nimblefoot, Sheriff of Dunwen declare a state of emergency and raise the Patrol for the safety of all Weefolk and the good people that reside within our realm. As our allies are at war with the Rexdom of Lurak, it is our right and duty to defend our borders. To the citizens who cannot defend themselves, I urge you to stay in your homes and avoid travelling anywhere in the South. To those who wish to defend their homes, family and loved ones, report to your local authorities or me for further inquiries about joining the Patrol. Lastly, to our allies, we shall aid your endeavor in non-violent ways. Keep fighting for what you hold dearest in your heart. May Lord Knox watch over and protect us." -signed Froggekemp of Frogtoppia, Sheriff, Elder and official Diplomat of Dunwen, Lovable Rogue, Spidahkiller, Musguard, Khazadnak, Veteran Adventurer, Knight of Knox, Shaman, Patrol Chief P.S. Don't start your wagons or they'll have to glue you back together
  9. Perhaps it's not the journey, but the specialz we make along the way
  10. theyre just trying to be me
  11. Echosing


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) I freeze for a second. A moment of silence lingers. "Oh, hello," I respond with a polite greeting after a brief moment of shock, "My name is Echo and I'm a wondering dark elf - potion and medicine seller. I apologize if I came across as rude." After a short pause I continued - "I do not know why you were waiting for me or for what reason you wish to know my story but none the less I shall tell you. It would be quite impolite to turn down a cozy seat and a warm drink, wouldn't it?" A calm and polite smile crosses my face as I slowly sit down on the cushion. "I'm a dark elf and I grew up in a cave with my aunt, just the two of us. We hid from the outside world which was plagued by war. She was a hard-working person - always took good care of me and taught me her skills in medicine making and potion brewing. She was the one who gave the name Echo simply because I liked humming in the depths of the cave. She said that the echo of my voice used to comfort her and made her happy. What I remember most vividly about my aunt is her bedtime stories. Every night she used to tell me about the outside world beyond our land, about other elves, dwarves, orcs and humans. She told me that one day I'll grow up and be able to see them for myself when peace comes once again." I stop for a bit, having remembered such a distant past I get lost in thoughts for a moment. "Not long ago," I continue, "My aunt died due to complications and wounds received from her long battles. I grieved my loss but at the same time I was relieved that my kind-hearted guardian had found her eternal peace." "I left the cave all alone. Once I found myself in the old dark elf village, I received the news that war had ended and the land was slowly rebuilding itself back up. My parents died in war not long after my birth and I didn't know any other relatives of mine besides my aunt. I had no reason to stay so I left... for the distant lands. I have been wondering for a few months now while selling my potions and medicine when I stumbled upon this place. I do not know where I'll be heading next or what waits me. I do not have a goal or a purpose, I just hope to maintain peace and explore the unknown, to witness those stories myself."
  12. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ PEAK ALERT PEAK ALERT ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
  14. where ardromiath .........
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