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  2. An elven woman had stumbled across the crowd of people in the Ak'vei in Celia'nor, had heard of and barely glimpsed the scene. Fascination, more than horror, lay in Okerka's mind. After all, she had met the woman at least once, but the location was a surprise. The dedication, the message alongside it. The ability to so quickly, assumedly, set up a gruesome scene. Yes... fascinating, was the word. As quickly as she'd come to see, so too had she flitted away, letters to send in hand.
  3. A Cheerful City in Deadlock 184 of the Second Age A missive written by Nicolas Wittenbach. The Free City of Chambery is in a Deadlock! Or how its citizens now start to cheerfully call it, “The Maybe Free City of Chambery” Yes, our beloved City of Chambery-sur-Petra, one of the heartland's cultural hubs and favorite vacation place, is maybe not a Free City at all! Or at least that was what was claimed at the last Garmont assembly. It was argued during the Garmont Assembly that the Free city of Chambery lost its free City status 7 years ago when the Heartlandic Confederation formed! The main basis in that argument was that any Pact signed by Petra was made null and void. Very much made serious accusations even going as far as asking how we would address not being a free city anymore. Well granted we did not have time to really answer that question, as I, decided to leave garmont promptly at that time to attend other important things, an engagement dinner of two close friends! And after that meeting of the Advisory circle of the Royal Court, yes I have a rather busy schedule, being there for friends, serving the realm... Although I admit I also did not really know what to say, being confronted by these things really out of nowhere, may have left a little angered but also unsure what to do about those claims. it is why it also took me some time to gather my thoughts about it and write them down in this missive. But to answer your previous question, I will continue to endeavor to do everything possible to make sure the people who elected me are safe and happy whether as a Free City or any other type of arrangement, that is what I was elected for, to work for my beloved peoples. And the Happy people we are, are we a Free City still? Well that is for Monarchs to decide as we are a vassal under them and not the Garmont Assembly, what we are for sure is free spirited and will continue to be a place of culture, art, sciences, scholars and so much more! That is our beating heart. But these claims do have to be taken seriously, they are after all claims from a Peer of the realm made during the Garmont assembly. Perhaps though it was not realized how far reaching the consequences of those claims are… not just to how Chambery is now officially named in documents but really down to its fundamental functioning. The Chambery Charter was written to reflect the values of Chambery and is used as a basis on which its municipal administration is based! Doubting the very legality of the existence of the charter very much puts the whole existence of Chambery in question, its values and administration. That very charter gives us the right of political autonomy and to organize ourselves the way we need, it gives us the right to tax within municipal borders and even defines our own taxes to the realm! It very much defines everything and now it is not there anymore? It would mean Chamberian Municipal Administration would be very much in a deadlock! As it would not operate legally anymore, nor would we be allowed to still tax our citizens and with that loss of revenue how are we to pay for our Taxes to the realm! And even more so pay for our expenses, projects, and cultural events. The Conseill Municipal had even in its latest session decided to build a playground for the children, will the children now have to do without it? Now of course not that would be very stupid to do and irresponsible, no matter the accusation one has to think of the proper running of a city and the welfare of its citizens. And we will continue to operate with our Charter until said so otherwise by our monarchs, who we have of course contacted about the matter immidiatly. We will however stop taxing our peoples for the las and upcoming saints week, for one to thank our peoples for being great citizens, on another to show how serious we do take these accusations as well, claiming we amongst others have no right to levy taxes. We will of course still come after our commitment paying our vassal tax, I personally will cover them myself together with any expenses of the city. I can already say our Citizens will be excited to be freed of Taxes for a little while! A lovely gift for sure for great people. So here we are a City in some sort of deadlock, Free city? Maybe, perhaps. Free spirited though? That is unquestionable. No matter what our monarchs decide on the matter, we will continue to be your everlasting City of Chambery, a hub of culture, a home for scholars, a loyal vassal city. Signed The elected leader of the great and free spirited peoples of Chambery Nicolas Wittenbach.
  4. To be frank, Olox. My best amigo here, and someone I would follow to Hell (or Poland) with that said, though, I must admit, LithiumSedai is Dewper's no. 1 fanboy, and he's the Marshall... My fondest memories are with the Principality of Savoy, and I am partially inclined to choose this as my answer. But, since Savoy fell, I found myself in the beautiful lands of Aaun, which have grown close to my heart. Difficult question... There are no notable Bulgarians. because it is overall a better option than some barren wasteland of an isle you're from
  5. Somewhere in the calm halls of Kastell Lesanov, Veren enjoyed her lunch break arm in arm with Francoise, deep in gossip and recounting her experiences with the Autarch as maids do. ".. Towering, mean, but still as articulate as a poet. It's absurd how much of a difference it makes when Orcs try speak like a normal person. His Holiness was generous to accept reason, as I'm convinced there will never come another one like him." @Hostile_Enemy
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  7. Today
  8. I keep the opinion that such a plugin should be either related wholly to RP or to PVP in order to avoid players from seeking RP magics for their OOC PvP benefits.
  9. A rumor is slowly spreading throughout Adunian society by means of oral tradition. It is carried by wanderers and merchants alike. For the time being it does not appear to have much traction, but the various parts that make up a simple yet compelling narrative can be slowly put together by those to whom the message might pertain: A call to the stray rangers and wanderers of Adunian ancestry. A call to the descendants of the bowies, longing for a return to the wilds. Word that one of theirs is calling for those with similar ideals to join him. The Old Faith? No, not quite. A promise to serve a greater purpose, a mandate to do good and uphold values worth living for. A mandate, not from above or below, but from shared beliefs and trust in one another. An effort to view yourself as an agent in relation to the world around you. An oath to serve descendants and build up a community from the grounds up, and see where it takes them. Those who feel the longing also feel the sway oral tradition has. No letters, just expressions of interest. Word will reach its destination eventually and in the back-and-forth of rumor, those willing to answer the call will find their destination.
  10. Not a big fan of having rp cooked items affect pvp with buffs, should probably just be food/saturation (and be /editable). I feel a plugin like this should be used to facilitate roleplay, not so much mechanical boosts, but I like the idea of one. Speaking of roleplay, how would a cooking plugin take into account Culimancy?
  11. Drinking and eating should have much for relevance in the server than it actually does. Famine should be a thing and the rich should have a lot more to eat than the poor. you get me? Dirty water, clean water and stuff like that
  12. As much as I'd like to see interesting plugins be made for the server, I doubt they ever will.
  13. Sealed away in thick walls and a burning inferno, the decapitated skull of an Uruk screams eternally in its endless torment, without a body, unable to escape its prison. The skull shouts and curses, yet none responds to it. "NUB NUB! LET ME GO! ME IS A WARRIOR NUB A PRISONER! COWARDS! Lat were meant to fight with me! We could have defeated him... ME SWEAR, OH ME SWEAR... ME WILL SLAY LAT ALL! SLAY LAT! KILL LAT... DEVOUR..." The Remnants of The Iron Boar slowly start losing the little sanity they had left in their seemingly endless imprisonment. Surely whatever comes out, should it ever be released, will be something of nightmares and horror.
  14. MC Name: tadabug2000 Discord: tadabug2000 Image: Description of Image: Shop wares (Couch pillow) Dimensions: 1
  15. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  16. Malna/Annika walked into the guild, having a list of things in mind. "Naith are you-" ..... what has she done. Only a shriek could be heard
  17. LC Post recommendations from a terrain builder: (The current project) The predominant issue that I have to work with on lc is the log situation - This is the concerning: Logs, wood (four sided logs), and stripped log. - Having free leaves is really helpful but dating back to January - I spent over 4k worth of mina to get a small square of trees pasted in around Veletz. I now fear that I will suffer the same fate when I build this terrain that've spent 4 months on, you are also able to get these from CT - But why must you cancel your lc to get over 12 double chests worth of logs just to have an nice ambient filling tile. The second idea is Moss block (and hopefully Mossy Cobblestone) - A new era of minecraft has come from 1.18 onwards really in terms of block palette and colour paths - Moss is a heavily used block not only due to the fact its a much lighter green grass variation but also its very handy for overgrowth on paths, cliff face decoration, vegetation overgrowth on builds as the moss doesn't spread unless you have bonemeal. ((For the Mossy cobblestone request - That is just another variation of cobblestone that is often used for builds to show the gradual embelishment from nature, and also helps when you are making ruins in tiles that often are lacking any roleplay functionablity due to the emptiness that came with the world painter. ))
  18. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) A look of confusion comes across Telrond's face, but after a moment, it dissipates as he takes a slouched, comfortable position on the cushion. "I'm a Ranger. Mother died giving birth to me. Father raised me in the woods just outside the marsh. A small but quaint cabin, not to different to this one." Telrond pulls out some cured jerky and begins to nibble on it in between sentences. "He taught me everything I know about hunting. I think he wanted me to be a hunter, but, that always seemed too mundane for me. I want to see the beauties of nature outside of the forest, even though its out of my comfort zone." He cracks a quick smile after sharing his dream with the crone, but it soon disappears. "One day, after I came back from hunting some boar for my father, a group of armored men approached my father, I stayed hidden in the brush behind them. They mentioned something to him about fulfilling his oath. He retorted back, but to no avail. They said if he didn't come back willingly, they would take him by force. My father began to tense up placing his hand upon the hilt of his blade, I stirred a bit in nervousness, but right before anything could occur, it seemed my movement stirred the attention of my father, who looked me dead in the eye, before surrendering himself to the men." Telrond looks into the crackling embers wafting through the air near the fire. "I intend on finding him, and asking him for answers. He wouldn't just leave me like that, not over a few armed men. It wasn't often, but I'd see a different side of him when we found ourselves face-to-face with dangerous foes, like large bears. He seemed to find great joy in fights like that, though it occurred less and less as his hair grayed and face began to crack. That look..." Telrond chuckles to himself "Its the look he had before I shifted in the brush." A long moment of silence hangs in the air. "Will that do for you, lady?" he suddenly perks up, with a look of determination, like this visit had hardened his resolve for his goals.
  19. “Revisionism.” muttered Cesar II, the grandson of Cesar I de Pelear, with a sigh as he watched from the seven skies with a shake of his head. “Ay dios mios…It is obvious they do not know who Maria de Rivera is, nor Carlos Mendez…the first knight of Hyspia. Nor do they know who Cesar de Rivera is, the progenitor of our culture. I fear the ignorance of Blessed Francisco is next….Honoring the past is honoring the martyrs of old. The de Riveras deserved just as much recognition within our traditions as the de Pelears. I am saddened that two names in there were removed. This Calendar I created was supposed to honor ancient figures from old millenia, not modern family members…such vanity and egoism disguised as change.” He muttered with a sigh.
  20. I would like to see food expire (perhaps turn to bonemeal or dirt?) with time. Vanilla Minecraft food is borderline infinite and that's not very much fun. I can harvest 100 years worth of potatoes in an afternoon; plus all the free food from voting, etc. Food is too easy. Make LOTC hungry!
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