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Magic Roleplay Q/a


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Follow the flow as in if you have a Non-Canon magic that hasn't been like implemented or accepted by the Lore Team, could someone demand to see documentation that it exists and if there is none could they just simply say "no, your magic hasn't been accepted by the lore team therefore I'm not going to rp your effects"

The best thing to do is to go with it. Only if their roleplay begins to stink of the making-it-up-on-the-spots or if it seems to break lore in some way or is liable to powergaming should you get them to stop what they are doing and have someone look over it.


Ignoring magic RP is not an option. Just because you don't know about something doesn't mean it does not exist. That being said, if a player seems to have suddenly developed magic without having put in the time and effort to learn it properly, I am all for you claiming that their 'magic' is all in their head and that it has no power.

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Because I recently posted an idea for magic that is now in the Unofficial Lore forum, and when I asked the help group if I would be able to use it they said no I would have to wait before a Lore Master put it into the Canon Player Made Lore section, would that be accurate or could I start practicing it right away?

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If it isn't denied then you should be fine. Also, I was only skimming, but I think you might want to use a different word than 'aura', like 'ambient disease' or something. Mind you I didn't really read through properly and perhaps aura is precisely what you mean.



FYI Aura is the byproduct of the existence of mana. It is like steam on a pot of boiling water. All organic life contains mana and therefore emits an amount of aura. Aura takes on certain qualities of your alignment, personality and something to do with your soul. That aura can be tainted, or may change slowly overtime but remains invisible to almost everyone except in certain magic types like Arcane Shielding. Your diseased aura could in fact be a tainting of the aura (not unlike shade magic) in which the aura itself becomes the weapon.


I probably should have read it in more detail before providing such feedback, but I am in a rush.


TL:DR If you have submitted your magic into Unofficial Lore and given it a couple of days to be looked at, assume that not being denied means you can roleplay it.

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Oh no I mean aura as in literally like a feeling and sort of visible distortion around the air, or like air/space around you in that context. Not the magical byproduct xD

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Oh no I mean aura as in literally like a feeling and sort of visible distortion around the air, or like air/space around you in that context. Not the magical byproduct xD

That's what I thought. In which case, the term already exists in this universe and doesn't exactly mean what you want it to. So either pursue the aura path so that this becomes a magic about manipulating your own diseased aura, or try to find another term that means what you want it to.



DISCLAIMER: I am no longer an authority on such matters. Any disputes that arise from any suggestion I make is purely coincidental.

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Would you please explain how I would emote connecting to the void.

Also would you give me more detail on the tiers of magic, I have a general understanding yet I would like to know more.

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Would you please explain how I would emote connecting to the void.

Also would you give me more detail on the tiers of magic, I have a general understanding yet I would like to know more.

Now first of all I ask that you do not meta game this information. Before your character starts doing it, please find out in rp. That said, the way you do it is actually rather simple. When first starting out, have your character meditate in a quiet area and attempt to clear their mind. Once, it took irl months of meditation before one could connect to the void however that is no longer the case. How long you choose to meditate trying to connect to the void before you actually succeed is up to you, however as a general rule you shouldn't get it on the first go. Anywho, eventually you make your character succeed connecting to the void through meditation. How people choose to emote connecting to the void for the first time differs from person to person and theres no real set guide line other then your character will feel it. Some have nose bleeds, some gasp and open their eyes, some pass out, be creative! Oh and a role play tip. Only emote what people see. A lot of beginner mages will emote *closes eyes and trys to clear mind Or something along those lines of their mind reaching out. Emoting should be what people say, so instead do something like this (also break it up so people have time to respond)

*closes eyes, his brow furrowing in concentration

*breathing slows down to deep and controlled breaths

*stays completely still for some time, his breathing calm


And then work from there. This breaks the concentration/connecting process up so people have a chance to stop you (a less experienced mage can loose concentration from so much as a loud and sudden noise and even an experienced mage will loose concentration if they're hit with something) and also only emotes what people see.


As for your concern about tiers. Technically speaking, the actual tier system itself with what you can and can't do is gone, as mages are equal to warriors now. BUT tend to loosely go on a tier system of beginner, noivce, adept, expert and master, or something along those line just to give an idea of where they are at with magic. A more advanced mage will cast more powerful spells, cast quicker, and get less tired.


Hope I helped and post any more questions you may have :) If any existing and more qualified mage then I objects to any of this by all means say so

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Well, when Var made his void connection, his mentor helped a bit with the narration. Sadly, there was a name change slip up. Now every time he connects to the void he craves chicken.

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I read something quite far back regarding progression now, and I'd like to point out something many mages know about, but most new ones don't.

All Arcane mages have Mana pools. These are what determines how long we can cast, and how much energy we can put into a spell. Now whilst learning Arcane magic, there are two factors you need to remember, firtsly: the size of your current Mana pool, and secondly: how effectivly you can utilize your Mana pool.

Let's say I've been a Fire Evocationist for years in IC, my Mana pool has gotten to a nice size, and I wanna dabble in a new magic; logically I would never get tired whilst I use this new magic, right? After all, my Mana pool is huge, right? Wrong. You see, not all Arcane magic works the same, yeah  you could have a lot of mana, but you don't know how to utilize your mana effectivly with this new magic.

I think I covered what I was trying to explain. Rushed this cause I have to get to work, but I hope it made sense, and I hope it helps!

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Is a mage still restricted to three subtypes within the new system?

No, but the 2 archtypes thing still applies (mostly because of lore), and having too many magics would mean that most likely, your character wouldn't be very good with most of them.
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Q: Can I have both clerical magic and Arcane magic?

A: Yes, there is a “special” branch of clerical magic. Ones that use the “Creator” (AKA, an unknown aengudaemon) as their source of power. They are not bound by the ‘no-arcane’ rules of clerical, but still require faith and prayer.

Jistuma, that's still Tehariel.

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Oh no I mean aura as in literally like a feeling and sort of visible distortion around the air, or like air/space around you in that context. Not the magical byproduct xD


What your experiencing is one of the layers of Aura that manifests as a semi-physical byproduct of mana overproduction. As Elindor has pointed out the existence of Aura is used in several different forms of magic already. This doesn't mean you can not use the term to describe your magic, so long as it follows the general rules of the others as to not create a paradox. There are a few IC experts on aura if you have the patience to find them it might help you describe your own abilities.

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Is the rule of how many magic types you can learn still established (up to 3) or has it been ignored and may I ever de-learn a magic just by ignoring my knowledge of it (I would start back at Tier 1 if I learned it and used it again) or have an accident happen that could cause memory loss?  

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