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The Best Kind Of Villain


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All I can do is agree with you.


Except, In my opinion, the best kind of villain is the kind that doesn't suddenly lose their abilities because modrequests took too much time.

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The best kind of villain is the one, you trust the most and betrays you so badly afterwards



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Character isn't the issue. It's the roleplayer. Knox was a typical and obvious psychopath that struggled to fit in wherever he went, nothing wrong with that. It's how you roleplay it that counts. I tried roleplaying the subtle type of villain before and didn't enjoy it, simple as. LoTC is going through another one of its phases where a load of people jump on the rolling bandwagon, believing there to only be 'the ideal villain' and then 'the others' based simply on the character and their history. So what if you play a psycho that runs around slashing necks after killing their own parents? If you roleplay it well, go for it. Stop telling people that their characters are stupid OOCly. Characters can't be stupid OOCly. It's not the character, but the person behind the character.


Thank God I quit because this particular hate-train against anybody that isn't subtle and silent would just drive me away from RPing my own red-eyed slashing pumpkin psychopath even more. Some people do it well and some people don't. Help them out, don't just straight out tell them they're doing villainy wrong.

You gained a following of us halflings, making all our holidays about you. lel. 

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Hey guys I have a reason for those red eyes. Don't judge.

The red eyes aren't the issue here I believe (my char personally has orange / red eyes and they're just a genetic defect).

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