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[Lore]The Void Shard


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The Void Shard




(Note: Origin Lore is nowhere near to scale of what we will be seeing if Accepted. Mortal Shards will be infinity less powerful)



~The Story and Legend of Estares, the Eternal Changer and his Creation~


The First Void Shard was formed by a Daemon in the distant past. A Daemon known as Estares, Daemon of the Void, the Eternal Changer. 


Estares wished for the strongest connection to the Void, to truly understand it and know its purpose, and so he devised the Void Shard over thousands of years of hiding his work from all others.

The Shard had many needs in his plan to create it, even death was needed. Secretly he waged war on minor Aenguls and Daemons who few ever cared to notice; taking their lives and imprisoning them to pull together enough energy to create the First Shard. Over time however, one Aengul noticed the younger and weaker Aenguls disappearing, as it was their duty to watch and protect all. This Aengul spoke to the Arch-Daemon and Arch-Aengul and told them of what they knew. Soon enough, the Two were searching for what caused their disappearances. Though while the Two searched mindlessly not knowing what was truly going on and why their disappearances were grave, Estares continued his work, taking note of them searching and taking light precautions at first, which grew more and more over time.


Long after Estares began working on gathering the materials and power needed to form the Shard, the Arch-Aengul and Arch-Daemon found a small clue to what soon lead them towards Estares; they found something only he and a few others used, evidence of the Void and its power.

Estares was near completion as he heard the Two had began to search the users of the Void and those that sought to learn of it. He, in a furry of worry to be found, began the process of creating the First Shard with less materials than was needed, he lacked what was needed to restrict its power.

He continued on however, despite this danger, and soon, the Arch-Aengul and Arch-Daemon had begun to end their searches, and narrow to him. He knew his time was limited, and so he hastily finished his work.


The Arch-Aengul and Arch-Daemon soon found their way to his Realm, as he was the last, they brought forth a dozen other Aenguls and Daemons if something went wrong.

Estares greeted them as they approached, he showed no emotion, but within he was bursting with rage and worry. They told him of what had been occurring and asked him if he knew of anything that might lead them to find the one who did this terrible crime. He denied them of knowing anything about this, and so they asked if they may search his Realm.


He stubbornly agreed, but as they searched, they felt a power growing, fastly and immensely nearby. They then demanded to know what is going on as the power continued to rise beyond themselves. He denied feeling the power they felt, but they claimed his lie and held it to him, they ordered those they brought with them to search the entirety of the Palace of Estares, looking for anything that may lie hidden from them. Soon they found it, by a young aspiring Aengul, favored by many. 


They converged upon an illusion upon the Throne itself, in truth which was not there. They destroyed the illusion and found a staircase leading deep into the dirt and stone of the Realm. Estares demanded they leave, but they warded him off as he attempted to block passage. They were slowed on their descent by a heavily enchanted door, ancient and powerful magics kept them from passing, but together they broke them and continued on into the depths of the stairs.


Soon, they reached the end of the stairs, where Estares could not keep them from, being forced behind them as they descended. He yelled and cursed them for breaking into his home, but they ignored him as they entered a grand chamber. Immense in size and emptiness, only a platform surrounded its edges. Though in the middle, was something else entirely.




They gazed upon the great sphere that continued to grow in size, ever expanding, the source of the power they felt, the one that did not cease to grow. Estares pushed passed them all, holding his hands before him commanding them to leave his home. The Arch Aengul and Arch Daemon stepped forward, ignoring him yet again, "You defile that which the Creator made you to be, you defile the power you have been given and obtained. You defile all that exists with this, this, thing!" The Aengul shouted, the Shard's shape shattering and reforming to its spherical shape.


The Daemon stepped forward, his steps cracking what they now notice to be bones, bones of no other being, but that of an Aengul or Daemons. The Daemon commanded those they brought with them to escort Estares from the chamber, and they shall deal with the monstrosity of the Void.


Though as they walked forward, weapons drawing and ready, Estares spoke but one word, "Never." He cast his hand towards the Shard, his Staff, upon a pedestal blinked to his hand, he held it towards them, his eyes glowing with hatred and anger. He called upon the Shard and its power as they approached him, they stood prepared to defend against whatever he may do, but none saw what may happen next. A shadowy mist poured in strands from the Shard, moving through the air at those before Estares.


The Arch Aengul stepped forward in an attempt to attack Estares, the strike was swift, but failed, Estares blasted the Aengul back into the tunnel of the stairs, causing the Arch Daemon to ready his weapon, and the younger Aengul and Daemons to charge forward. The first was touched by the mist, of which only the sound of a sonic boom and a flash of light was heard as the young Aengul stopped where they stood, and slowly their skin cracked and peeled, revealing a bright and unnatural blue. The Aengul was consumed by pure mana, their life vanished, as with their power and mind, their existence, gone.


The rest of them recoiled as 7 more met the same fate in rapid succession. A young Aengul and Daemon scampered back towards the Arch Daemon as they watched in horror as their brothers and sisters died before them. In the matter of minutes, only the 3 remained standing, backed against the stairway, where the Arch Aengul lied battered and unconscious. Estares turned towards them as the last of the others fell, consumed by the bright flame of pure mana, overfilling their body to the point of corruption and destruction.


Estares held his staff forward, first for the young two Aengul and Daemon. The mist from the Shard began to surround them, the Arch Aengul barring their way up the stairs as they were surrounded. Then slowly the shadows moved forward, it gripped all three of them fully and purely, though nothing happened at first. Estares began to laugh, wildly... madly... "Witness the power of the Void... feel it consume what that of lesser things made you..." At that, the two young ones closed their eyes as the bright flash and boom once more sounded, though they felt nothing as a shadow covered them. The Arch Daemon had shielded them with their own body, the Daemon looked to them, and they to the other Arch Aengul, telling them to go, run and do not return.


The Daemon was weak and wounded, slowly being poisoned and broken by pure mana, their power barely shielding them from the constant attack of the mana. Estares laughed and glared at the Daemon as the young ones began to drag the unconscious Arch Aengul up the stairs, and away from the Palace. The Daemon weakly stood and held his sword out towards Estares, "You know not..." they breathed heavily, "What you are doing..." He coughed, spray of the mana poured from their mouth, the pure mana slowly overtaking them and their body, constantly being fed by the Shard.


Estares planted his staff unto the broken bones of the many Aengul and Daemons he killed to create the Shard, "No, I know exactly what I am doi-" He was cut short as the Daemon lunged forward, his sword clashing into the Staff, it flinging away from Estares, who recoiled and backed away from the Daemon.


Estares laughed lightly, thinking, 'The fool will die on their own, all I must do is avoid th-' The Shard groaned and shattered moments after the Staff cluttered among the broken bones. It heaved and swayed, growing more rapidly than ever, the Staff had been the controller, and the Staff no longer had a wielder. The power began to recoil and pulse, not knowing which way or what to do. In the end, only one thing was certain to Estares, the Shard had lost balance, and without balance, it cannot sustain itself.


The area around them began to crack, raise and descend, water, earth, fire, air, and lightning, all appearing and dispersing just as easily as they came, all manner of the Void was collapsing around them, into and from the Shard, all at once. The Daemon hobbled backwards to the stairs as Estares looked in wonder, love, envy, and worry, as the Shard continued on. The Daemon fell back onto the stairs as powerful winds began to turn towards the Shard itself, its surface constantly breaking, forming and dissolving.


Estares began to move, but not of his own accord, he now realized his mistake in not creating a balance for the Shard, it would now either grow and grow, or destroy all before it, including itself. Estares was moving forward slowly, but picking up pace as the winds grew stronger and stronger still. He quickly sought for the only thing that held power over the Shard, his Staff, scattered away, he began to use all his might, power, and will to reach it. The Daemon, now pulled upwards, held to the side of the doorway, holding themself in place. They watched as Estares reached his Staff, and watched in shock, and fairly delight, as Estares began to be pulled into the air, moving towards the Shard at a quicker pace ever moment.


Estares tried all he could to make the Shard to respond to the Staff, but it did not, it had grown too powerful to contain, and so Estares looked to the Daemon, and smiled lightly, but not of joy, but of attempted Hope. He cast his Staff forwards with all his might, the Daemon took it, though barely, the great winds pulling it back every moment it left Estares's hand. The Daemon looked to it and then to Estares, as he was pulled into the Shard. They felt the slightest happiness, yet sadness for Estares.


As Estares was consumed by the Shard, the Shard itself began to collapse, mana from all living things within the Realm began to pull to it, ripping it from the bodies of all living things. The Daemon felt release and relief as they felt the pure mana within them being pulled away. They looked once more to the Shard as its figure was now the size of boulder, from its original monumentous size. The Daemon began to hurry from the chamber as it began to collapse inward. The Realm was collapsing into the Void. They escaped the Palace to see the young Aengul and Daemon prodigies and the now awakened Arch Aengul staring into a massive abyss, where at its center, the Shard remained, growing smaller and smaller, pulling everything within it.


The Daemon walked over to the others and spoke, "We need to leave, it is ripping this Realm apart." Of which they all agreed and began to depart as quick as possible. The Daemon however remained within sight of the Realm, as they watched its final moments. Then, within an instant...



The Realm was destroyed, debris of the lost Realm scattering into the the distance of all things. The Daemon then, looked to the Staff, and thought of what it was capable of doing, controling great things, and bringing great destruction. It was then, a note from the Realm drifted by him, and he saw what Estares had ignored, the Stone of Ser'ni, The Stone of Balance. It was the final key to keeping these powerful Shards under control. The Daemon looked to the Staff and thought, 'Great Destruction can be found from these things... But Change as well goes with it...' They sighed as they knew they could not destroy the Staff, but instead, they needed to make it what it was to be, the Balance of the Shards.


It took a great many years, thousands even, the Daemon was no longer the Arch Daemon, for a new one had arose, a once prodigy, though now the Daemon found the Stone of Ser'ni, and placed it atop the Staff in a holding, made just for it, though never used. The Daemon looked upon the Staff before gripping it tightly for a moment, and releasing it, casting it into a young Realm, which new life and recently began, and the Aengul and Daemons were charged to watchover...


​~Excerpt from The Book of the Elders, Legends and Myths~



~Mortal Founding~


As the once Arch Daemon cast the now completed Staff into the newest Realm, a Realm finding new life, they watched it eternally, keeping their eyes forever upon it, never letting harmful things occur to it, as the powers within it may react to anything in near any way. The Daemon watched, and watched for a great many years to the new Mortals whom were Created upon this Realm.

Ever Watching...


A small child, a Descendant of Horen, a Grandson was he to the first of Humanity. He grew up looking to the Stars and looking in awe at mighty mountains and structures, ever wondering, 'How did this come to be?' The small boy's father noticed his questions and thoughts, and as he grew older, he, a quant and fairly pocketed Man, bought his son a library filled with books, tablets, and tomes from all across the Descendants greatest of Ponderers and Philosophers. The boy grew up reading of Magic, Mystic structures of power, Aenguls and Daemons, the Creator, and The Void...


As time passed on, ever moving, the small boy was now a young man. Tahrah was his name, Tahrah, the Man Who Ever Asked a Question. Tahrah continued to read his great amount of Books and Tomes, one Book he found most intriguing, an old Book with the name EverTide, the only thing any could really tell of this Book, as the writing itself was changing ever constantly, and impossible to truly decipher.


He found this Book in an Ancient Elven City of High Elves, in their Great Library. He would often visit this Ancient City of the Elves, ever reading the Book, and always asking those of the City if they could read it, all of whom denied so, but the few who did not, the Eldest of the City, deemed it unwise for him to further read the Book or attempt to understand it. Though one day, he seemed to have discovered a way to decipher a small portion of the Book before it changed yet again. He deciphered as much as he could as it changed before him, he decided to skip to the end in an attempt to use as much as he could. Though like before, in mere minutes it changed before him. He sighed as he then looked over what he had discovered.


He had discovered the tale of Estares, though incomplete in its entirety, he read it many times over, thinking and wondering what it was he had Created, as he had only deciphered the materials needed to create it, and the ending of the Tale and the need of the Staff to ever create this construct. He set to work to find what he knew he could, and over time he gathered all of the materials except for one... The Staff.


The Daemon ever watched and monitored all that ever knew of the Staff. The Daemon soon found it was unsafe to leave in the wilderness as Dark beings arose by the strength of Corruption and Evil. They went down to the Mortal Realm and took up the Staff for safe keeping. They returned to their view of the Realm from above to find a suitable place to keep it safe.


They gazed over the Ancient Elven City and descended into the City and sought the safest place from a city of Knowledge Holders...


Tahrah walked into the Library entrance and told the Keeper he was going to go find a new Book to read, of which they nodded and bid him welcome. He walked further into the Library, into the section meant for the eldest of books, held under lock and key, a key he was gifted for his wonder of knowledge. As he descended a spiral staircase, he heard something moving below. He quietened himself and continued downwards in the shadows of the faint glowing stones.


He reached the door to the corridor, peering around the corner to see a dark and cloaked being holding a long piece of wrapped clothe. The Being waved their hand, a section of the Book pulled from the shelves forward into the air, of which they placed the clothe. The Books were then moved back to where they belonged as they waved their hand.


Tahrah watched as the Being stepped backwards from the shelf before crossing their arms. Tahrah gulped lightly as he realized, there was only one way this Being could leave this room, the stairs behind him. Though as he gulped, the Being turned in an instant, glaring directly at him, their eyes looking directly into his. The Eyes were green, eyes that gave the feeling of Death itself upon Tahrah.


As quick as the Being had looked at Tahrah, they vanished before his eyes, turning into a pillar of smoke before dispersing. He slowly entered the room, looking around before turning to the shelf that the Being had placed the clothe. He slowly took the Books away as he peered the clothe sitting in the shadows behind them.


The Daemon watched from the Shadows as Tahrah took the Staff, wrapped in clothe, from the shelf. They peered into his mind seeing, he will know what it was. Though he found it strange he would, he knew then, the Staff and the Shards would return... And Change... Better... Or for Worse...


~Modern Shard~


The Mortal/Modern Shard is a newer creation of the Original Shard, a powerful piece of the Void ripped from the Nothingness and pulled forward and concealed within 'Shifting Glass,' a very difficult to make glass that can move without really breaking as it repairs itself and is thick enough to not be easily broken.


The Void Shard is the essence of the Void trapped and imprisoned to the will of a 'Controller,' of which there is only one at this time, the Staff of Tahrah, (History will be found in ~Mortal Founding~), This Controller has the ability to use the Void Shard as a conduit of immense amounts of 'Pure Mana,' A substance of Mana so pure, it corrupts and destroys living/was living things and damages that which is not alive/never was (rocks/earth counts as this).


The Pure Mana can have varying effects on what it is used on. For Example: Immortal- Will not be capable of killing, but will poison them until their body finally overcomes it or the Void Shard collapses upon itself, pulling all things it has touched, The Pure Mana, back to it, healing all it has damaged with its power to the point it is no longer being affected.


Other uses of Mortal Void Shards is 'Rebirth' as Estares would have called it. In 'Rebirth,' The Shard is meant to collapse upon itself by the Will of the Controller, this will cause the Shard to, however, permanently disable the Controller in some way, and then cause massive destruction to the area by pulling large pieces into the Void forcefully, pulling anyone and anything else with it. (Souls are fast enough to escape this, you will not be permanently killed if caught in this)

Once the Shard has collapsed, the people that had helped create it, are majorly reduced in their health, it causes varying cases of sickness from minor Mana Poisoning being rebounded and possible short time blindness, hearing impairment, and in some cases loss of bodily functions.


The Shard also has an unlimited supply of Mana, but of the Purest kind, not even an Immortal/Aengul/Daemon can withstand this Mana being used for very long. This Mana causes many different and varying effects upon the User if used for too long or used too much in general.


The Shard when Collapsing by the loss of its Controller and the Controller is not regained quick enough, before it becomes too strong for the Controller, will react greatly in violence and destruction. It will cause the area beneath it to rupture and shift, change States of Matter and sometimes simply disappear all together. It also tends to have the effect of leaking Pure Mana onto the surroundings, which will poison any living thing on contact and erode the area it touches, making its physics go mental, (loss of gravity, loss of color, changing of states of matter). If the Shard is Collapsing by the Will of the Controller, all effects of a Normal Collapse will not be present other than the destruction of the area after it collapses and is pulled into the Void.


Shards can vary in size from the size of a pebble to the size of a boulder. With this, the larger it is, the stronger it is, but also the more unpredictable. The size of the Shard depends on how long the Controller has had the Controlling object and commanded it. When the Controller is not controlling, it will grow at an increasingly rapid speed. When the Controller is controlling it, it shall not change in size or power in any way.


The Shard can be used in many different fashions and forms suiting the need of the Controller. The People who make the Shard can adjust its size to a limited size in the beginning depending on what materials they have that are needed to create the Shard, more materials, larger original Shard and overall more powerful in the long run.


Defensive mechanisms are apart of it aswell, the Shard has an automatic defense that when the Controller is not near, it will tend to vanish if anyone that means it harm/to steal it, but this is a rarity as the Controller must have a very long and powerful connection to the Shard for this to occur. Another mechanism requires the Controller to be within the presence of the Shard and focus on who is with the Controller, and who is against. Once the Controller does this, a mist/shadow will erupt from the ever moving and repairing cracks along the Shifting Glass and will flow to those the Controller targeted. (The range of the mist/shadow is within the presence of the Shard as well.) Once the mist/shadow reaches the Living/Was living and Mana sustainable being, it will pulse Pure Mana into the victim, causing them to become Mana Poisoned which will inevitably kill them if their body does not repulse it, the Shard Collapses, or is removed by a Creator of the Shard.


Mana Poisoning causes the body to repulse and become intoxicated with Mana, (not like alcohol), it can cause illusions, memories to reappear, bodily functions to stop, mental madness, and on occasion permanent disablement. Mana Poisoning once completed will erupt from the body, turning the victim into a solid statue of Pure Mana which to the touch will burn as Lava to that which touched it, any living person to touch this will also get Mana Poisoning to a lesser degree which includes sickness, temporary bodily functions to stop, spasms, and illusions.


The Fear of making a Shard is what it can do if the Creation does not go correctly. If the Shard has a manufacturing error/flaw, it will often backfire immediately and begin to Collapse upon itself in rapid succession.


The worse of all effects can be seen when in the Creation process, there is no Controlling object, or there is not a Stone of Ser'ni. Which will cause the Shard to forever expand and grow in strength unto the point The Physical Plane forces it to Collapse as the Void would be unprotected in the Physical Plane if it continues to grow in size and power.


~How To Create~

-To Be Updated Further-


To create a Void Shard one needs many materials to do so. 

There are a variety of materials one may obtain to create them, the stronger they are however, the stronger the Shard shall be in its originality.


-2(+ must be equal amount) Strong+ Air Elements

-2(+ must be equal amount) Strong +Earth Elements

-2(+ must be equal amount) Strong+ Water Elements

-2(+ must be equal amount) Strong+ Fire Elements

-8(+) Masters of the Magical Arts (1 Per Element)

-Controlling Object

-1 Sephyrim Crystal (Shifting Glass)


Once all the materials are obtained, the process to create the Shard can begin.


1.) Destroy Sephyrim Crystal to obtain the form of Shifting Glass.

2.) Mold the glass into a sphere.

3.) Breach the top of the sphere with a chip from its surface.

4.) Place Elements into the sphere.

5.) Choose who shall be the Controller

6.) Place Object of Control atop the sphere over the chip on the surface.

7.) Focus, all Masters of the Magical Arts, energies into the Shard and do not release.

8.) Focus all mana and wisdom of the Void into the Shard.

9.) Be prepared for the Shifting Glass to react to the Energies. (Usually violently forming)

10.) Take control of the Shard before it grows too large and the Controlling Object can no longer control it.

11.) Never let the Controlling Object from the Controller.


Once you have done this, the Shard will be in its infantile state and very unpredictable. During this time it is highly suggested that only the Creators of the Shard go anywhere near it, as it will recognize them as its strength and avoid harming them to extremes.


During the infantile state, it will often spring forth Voidic energies across its surroundings that may or may not remain for long. As well as note that the increase of Mana standing poisoning will be greatly increased as it draws forth the Void. (The Shard replaces normal Mana in its surroundings to Pure Mana at a much greater pace in this state.)


Once the infantile state has completed, and all signs of it reacting randomly have passed, it shall now be a full Shard and it shall return to normal rates of Mana replacement and energy exerted upon the surroundings.




~How to Destroy~

-To Be Updated Further-


In the time Void Shard's have been known to exist, very few ways have been found to destroy them. 


The most dangerous of the ways for it to be destroyed, is to allow it to grow until the Physical Plane forces it to return to the Void, which will either incinerate a vast area around the Shard, or pull forth vast amounts of the Voidic energies and unleash them upon the area, turning the area unstable to any sort of magical tension.


The next way is for the Controller of the Shard, whoever holds the Object with control over the Shard, to will the Shard from existence, forcing it to break all ties to the Physical Plane and to collapse into the Void. This way is generally the most docile of the ways to remove them, but it can however harm the Controller permanently as a byproduct.


The final known way to destroy a Shard is for the creators of the Shard to come together and use their power to undo their creation, however, this will use their lifeforce in the attempt to break the Shard. It is unknown why it uses the Lifeforce of its creators to be destroyed, but it does. Those that use this method to destroy a Shard will not return by any means. Their Soul will refuse its return if attempted to be brought back. Only one case of this not working is within the tale of Tahrah, however this shall be hidden lore for possible events in the future over the Shards.


There are hidden ways to destroy a Shard none have ever attempted, these will be in hidden bits of lore, as they have upsides to destroying the Shards, rather than downsides. This is to, hopefully, make people attempt to test things with Shards and find out new things and create roleplay.


There are other hidden ways to destroy Shards, these will be possible to be found in Events, or experimenting on the Shards.


~Items of Interest~


Stone of Ser'ni  

A Stone of Ser'ni is an impeccably rare substance. These are small stones that are remnants of pure strength and power. They are created at the sites of Aenguls/Daemons, manifesting, either willingly or forced. The Stones however will carry on the type of strength of the Aengul/Daemon that they were formed from. This causes the Shard to react to its surroundings in different ways, if the Aengul/Daemon was harmless then the Shard will not be very violent in outbursts of energy. However, if the Aengul/Daemon was very violent, then likewise the Shard shall be very violent.

The most notable Stone of Ser'ni was the very Stone Estares used to create his own Shard, a presumed Aengul who was the first to manifest by accident and then warn the others to not try. Her name on record was Ser'ni, whom accidentally entered the Mortal world long before the Mortals existed, some would say she may still live. (Possible lore expansion incase something is looked to be added)


Sephyrim Crystal

A Sephyrim Crystal is another very rare substance, one Beings such as Aenguls and Daemons get nervous around for their properties which shall be explained momentarily. Sephyrim Crystals are possibly the most rare substance in existence. They are formed at the Death of an Immortal Being of great strength, such as an Aengul or Daemon. It will slowly turn their forms into the Crystal upon their death, the reason unknown. The most profound property of the Crystals is their ability to withhold Souls, consciousness, Spirits, and other things incapable of being seen. The Crystal has gained its fear from Aengul and Daemons because of this property, it has the ability to pull their Spirit/Soul/Consciousness, within it and entrap them. However, this can only be done by direct contact, as only direct contact shall allow it to pull the Spirit/Etc. within it. (Most Aenguls/Daemons will know what the Crystal is and where it is if they are close to it, making it near impossible to actually capture them.) 


Shifting Glass

(Crystal Remnants)

Shifting Glass is the outcome of a Sephyrim Crystal being destroyed by any means. This is the inner part of the Crystal, a glass that seems jello like to the touch as it moves. The Glass has a smooth surface for the most part until it is touched and the effect of being touched takes place. When the glass is touched, it will seemingly break apart by cracking and shifting, however it never really breaks as it never separates and looks to repair itself afterwards. The glass is the key structure of the Shard and the Shard cannot be formed without it, otherwise the Physical Plane will push the Shard back into the Void as it has no Physical form at all.


Formation of the Shard from the glass goes something like this: The energy of the Void is forced into the glass, going deep within it where at one point the Spirits/Etc. would have been kept before it was broken. There the Void will begin to manifest into the Physical Plane undeterred as within the Crystals, nothing has a Physical Form, but the Plane does not expunge it from existence. Thus, allowing the Void to manifest from the combined strength of many masters, within the Crystal and form a Void Shard.


Staff of Tahrah

The Staff of Tahrah is possibly the most ancient and powerful of all Voidic Relics. Created by Estares to perform his experiments with the Void, it is one of the first artifacts used to tamper with the Void. Estares, during his experiments, gave a great many Voidic properties to the Staff as well as many things only it can do, using the combined strength of the Void and Physical Plane. No known Artifact/Relic is deemed more dangerous as this in the Mortal World to historians/scholars and the Aenguls/Daemons, even though few understand it.


Now, Estares was no fool in his creation of the Staff. He made it's powers in such as way that only an Immortal to the wisdom of an Aengul/Daemon could understand it and use the powers locked within it, (However, many are too afraid to even go near it). Tahrah however, was given a great length of time to study the Staff, along with his long and vigorous training/void tampering, he learned even only a few of the great many things the Staff can do. All things that he discovered must either be learned on their own, for the understanding of the Staff is not mere knowledge, but also a connection to the Staff which takes long to form.


The Staff as well has properties of its own that all who know them find them strange.

~The immediate area around the Staff has a powerful Voidic Connection, all Void magic is greatly increased in strength (3-5 feet distance).

~However it strengthens those around it, it refuses the connection to the Void of the one holding it, making it impossible for the holder to cast Voidic Magic.

~Very, very dangerous to hold. At an insanely fast pace, the Staff will change the Mana within the Body of the holder to Pure Mana, very quickly killing them. (It can only be held for about 1-2 minutes ICly or any Mortal will die)(As well as a precaution against AenguDaemons)

~Fatigue is a common finding when being near the Staff. Anyone near the Staff will feel slower and weaker as it feeds off their very strength. (Another Safe precaution Estares had against Mortals)

~Strangely, an adverse effect of the tampering Estares did, the Staff highly dislikes the warmth, often seen smoking and rattling when in the Light as well as near Fire or in a simply warm area.

~Tahrah once noted in a journal, "It feels as if it tampers with my very thoughts... making me think like I never have before..." Essentially, the Staff will occasionally cause the holder to lose their mind and become bad if they were good, or worse than bad if they were bad in the beginning.


Pure Mana/Normal Mana

Normal Mana is the average connection to the Void that the Physical Plane has adapted to in order to hold the two 'Great Planes' together. Acting as roots from a tree it spreads into both the Planes to hold them. Tieing to everything there is, it allows the connection between the Void and the Physical Plane, and so, the Mortals, allowing the creation of the Voidic Magics through it.


Pure Mana is the ties between the Void and Physical Plane, where there is essentially nothingness. It is the trunk of the tree so to speak, much stronger than the roots that grow from it. Pure Mana, not meant for the Void or the Physical Plane, corrupts and destroys that which it touches, however the Planes can force it out, but slowly, making Pure Mana survivable but very painful. What the Pure Mana is attempting to do is return to the 'nothingness' by pulling itself back and whatever it is latched onto if it must. The effects of this type of Mana is very varied, it can range on a multitude of things.


(Essentially, Normal Mana is granted from the base connection that all beings that are in the Physical Plane have to the Void through the 'roots of the universe.' Pure Mana on the other hand, is a great step up from that. The Void Shard pulls a direct form of the Void into the Physical Plane, causing the 'trunk and roots of the universe' to forcibly grow around it to maintain the balance. This is where Pure Mana, the 'trunk' takes effect. The Shard uses the connection of the 'trunk' and high concentration of 'roots' around it as a defensive and offensive force. So as the design of Estares wanted and obviously worked.)



-To Be Updated Further-


~A very Roleplay friendly device.

~Will create Roleplay of many varying types through interaction with the Shards.

~Events will be capable of housing Ancient Shards long lost.

~Can be made into Jewelry.

~Can generate Cults/Orders to find and control, or find and destroy the Shards.

~Can be used by Evil.

~Can be used by Good.

~Very Lore Open, by this I mean much Lore can be added to them in the future.

~Inspires Players to experiment on methods of creating and destroying Shards.

~Inspires Players to experiment to find weaknesses of the Shards, and what makes them stronger.

~Greatly relies on Players interacting with them, making it necessary to Roleplay with the Shard.

~Possibility to create more interaction between Aenguls/Daemons and the Players. (I.E. Events of Aenguls/Daemons attempting to destroy Shards/hide them/tell Characters to do it for them.)

~Highly Roleplay needed device. If one does not continuously Roleplay what is needed, I WILL remove it from you in an event.

~Will be Monitored by Me to make sure they are kept well, not abused, and not neglected.

~Possible new Powers being found in Events.

~Meant to be a Roleplay needed item, to learn and use it more, characters must Roleplay to figure out what it is and what it does.

~Excuse to remove landscars (This being, an ET will control a specific character who dislikes the ruining of the world and will go out and use unknown powers of the Shard to devastate uninhabited villages etc, this being will NOT be aggressive towards the Descendants nor shall they teach them what they know except in VERY special events. Will require ET to build ruins of the city in the area, however the overall land will be rejuvenated.)



-To Be Updated Further-


~Pure Mana acts as a progressive poison, will eventually kill any who are near it too long.

~Very hard to find the materials required to create one.

~Fairly difficult to destroy.

~Vulnerable to certain substances/magics. (Experiment in Roleplay to find these weaknesses)

~Sephyrim Crystals are possibly the rarest material in the Realm.

~Aengul/Daemons grow uneasy when their power is near a Shard.

~Very destructive to the Creator's and Controllers of it.

~Destructive/Hazardous to the area it is within.

~Events may have random negative effects Shards shall have. (This will not be for normal Shards, as I do not want random Shards having very powerful strengths that no one can control.)

~Must be willing to have all their work to create the Shard, the area it is within, and people connected to it, greatly damaged.

~If the Shard collapses into the Void by having no Controller, it will rip the connections of the Makers and whoever Controlled it last apart. Removing all connections to the Void, which must then be reforged. (This is because, as the Shard collapses into the Void, it also pulls anything attached to it related to the Void with it.)

~Sought by creatures of the Void as a 'passage' to return home. Will cause Voidic creatures to attempt to force its destruction and return them to the Void.

~Will be a target to attack when whomever the Makers and Controller are under threat.

~Is known to sometimes corrupt the mind of those who Control it, turning them on those around them.


~A Great Many Things To Come from Events~

~Read the entire post, and look carefully, for a majority of backfires and effects~

~Side products that are negative will be added here over time~



(I will be working on this over abit of time, as right now I am a tad busy, I'll add another section tomorrow or later today if I have time to.)

P.S: Give feedback, would love some ideas for where this could go and how to structure this abit.

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I think this is something new and fun to add to the game. 




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Looks interesting, but I'll decide my opinion when I understand what it does. 

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I'm confused.... What and Why?

Perhaps you could have explained the purpose of your lore before posting it

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I'm confused.... What and Why?

Going to begin working on 'What' exactly in a few minutes. Check in later to see 'What' it exactly is.



~Updated 'Modern Shards'~

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Making up a daemon isn't generally going to get Lore accepted. The Void is an anomaly, I don't believe rationalizing the Void to be daemon made is either interesting nor a good idea. I like how the Void already manifests itself via hollows, and Void Nodes.

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Making up a daemon isn't generally going to get Lore accepted. The Void is an anomaly, I don't believe rationalizing the Void to be daemon made is either interesting nor a good idea. I like how the Void already manifests itself via hollows, and Void Nodes.

Daemons don't make the things they claim to, they just claim to it. Estares simply claimed to the Void as it is the Eternal Changing thing, he wanted to be the Void Daemon because Daemons are all about change. This is also an unnatural process and holds different functions than Hollows and Void Nodes.

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~Updated Mortal Founding~

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Estares would find taking claim to the whole of the Void would be rather difficult, considering the fact that eldritch abominations that embody the endless elements of the world(s) linger it's vastness.

Is there a pre-determined use for these shards you have in mind that you may share, before it is printed onto the main post?

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I agree with Moot.


The concept of trapping the Void into a small something is interesting (I remember someone was walking around carrying a "node" but that just proved that they didn't understand the lore of Void Nodes if they thought it physically existed) and can wield an interesting result. The uses listed here don't seem to be approaching the potential, and yet any potential it has strikes me as being about nothing more than OP magic. What does this bring that is a unique and new experience? (All I saw was the same as your regular necromancer/shade) And in what way is it not just a special snowflake device?



You have a number of grammatical errors throughout too. As well as some peculiarities in your origin story that it would make much more sense to just remove the Daemon aspect altogether and go for a wizard or something.

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Estares would find taking claim to the whole of the Void would be rather difficult, considering the fact that eldritch abominations that embody the endless elements of the world(s) linger it's vastness.

Is there a pre-determined use for these shards you have in mind that you may share, before it is printed onto the main post?


*Estares has simply claimed it as his 'specialty' to the sorts, he knows more about the Void than any other Immortal, he has studied, used, and tested it in thousands of experiments and tests.


*The sorta thing I've been going for with the Shards is a Device that can have many possibilities in the future of it's lore as well as its IC usage. It's lore, because of what it is, will over time ICly grow increasingly as people discover new things to do with them as the first of the Shard's had very little understood use.


I agree with Moot.


The concept of trapping the Void into a small something is interesting (I remember someone was walking around carrying a "node" but that just proved that they didn't understand the lore of Void Nodes if they thought it physically existed) and can wield an interesting result. The uses listed here don't seem to be approaching the potential, and yet any potential it has strikes me as being about nothing more than OP magic. What does this bring that is a unique and new experience? (All I saw was the same as your regular necromancer/shade) And in what way is it not just a special snowflake device?



You have a number of grammatical errors throughout too. As well as some peculiarities in your origin story that it would make much more sense to just remove the Daemon aspect altogether and go for a wizard or something.


*I'm trying to make the Shard's be powerful yet counterproductive at the same time. Everything you do with one, WILL have a counter that may or may not be worth the outcome to keep things balanced and leveled. In most cases you will find with these, is that their outcomes will generally do more harm to the User than good for them to keep things balanced and evenly played by players.


*The thing about the Shards is that they do not belong to Light nor Darkness, they are something between all things, they can be used by both things of Light for some purposes it has, or by Darkness for other purposes. It may also be used, if someone manages to acquire what is needed to make one, or steals the controlling object, they can find they can use it for just about anything in the sense of the deeds they desire. It will have a wide range of things it can do, such as minor magical aid. (This is something that shall be added to ~Uses~ later on). If someone uses magic within the chambers of the Void Shard, their power will be strong and their mana seemingly limitless as it gives them strength. HOWEVER, there is a major drawback to this, the stronger magic you use and the more mana you use, its not simply replacing normal mana, it is however poisoning you with Pure Mana, which in rapid succession, will kill you very fast, and very painfully.


*As for the part on The Origin lore, no mortal would figure out how to create one of these in the time of even an Elven lifetime. Figuring out what materials and power would be needed took Estares thousands of years of research and testing to figure out even small pieces of information to use in its creation. Though, I have not yet fully completed the Story of Tahrah, as the rest will mostly be hidden lore on that bit as no one will know what happened there until a small event of the Shards returning. Once that event is over, the lore will be added to what truly happened after Tahrah found the Staff.

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I could not agree that any immortal, perhaps besides that of the silent Creator, would be capable of truly understanding the Void. I'm no Lore Master, and I hate to scold your work (which is quite expansive) but one must understand what the Void truly is, and what inhaits it, in order to establish this kinds of facts. I suggest consulting the LT.

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Well, from what someone said about how Lago explained the Creator, he technically does and doesn't exist, so it cant really be the Creator from my understanding of what the Creator 'is.' The Creator is a touchy part of lore that you cant do too much with. Also, Estares does not fully understand the Void, he just knows how to make it do something he wants it to do, he mostly doesn't know exactly how it works, he just knows, it works to do this to get this result sorta thing.

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~Updated How to Create~

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I don't like the controller stuff. That just sounds like "I have this special thing but no one else can have it because I am the special one." It would actually be more sensible if the Void shard was controlled by some other type of balance thing. When they are kept in tandem the shard sits dormant, but by adjusting the balance whatever it is, the void can come out. So it is more about controlling the release of the cap, than controlling the void itself.

Keeps the mysticism about the Void as being void. And means that you need to have both parts of the thing. That way someone else can get your stuff and roleplay with it if they like (though maybe the balance thingy is a necklace or ring in which case it is far harder to just steal) And there's some interesting possibilities of what happens when the Void Shard is no longer sustained in a flux by the balance thing.

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