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[Creature Lore] Aterruce'tras


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Aterruce'tras - Ape Creatures





Snow Apes





An Aterruce'tras covered entirely in white fur. Known to move in packs and led by a Seiges’. The Sinha exerts tight control over the group, and any call to gather will be met immediately by the rank and file Seiges.




They have a red face with large manes above them.



They can burrow underneath the snow in wait for prey or stalk the rock and ice above. Seiges frequently hunt in packs. Although weak when fighting alone, Seiges will fight ferociously when led by a Sinha.


Habitat Range


Seiges live exclusively in the snowy parts of Athera. Their thick coat keeps them warm and serves as the perfect camouflage. Presumably, Seiges could live in more temperate climates, but would most likely be forced to compete with larger creatures for space and resources.


Biological Adaptations


Seiges have developed a thick layer of fur and fat, as well as strong muscles to quickly cover ground and climb, a skill required in the mountains. They also have a tight pack connection and work together thus being highly coordinated in their attacks. The strongest Seiges in the pack grows in size, strength, and changes its facial appearance to become a Sinha , and exert total control over the Seiges pack.




Seiges are highly aggressive, and anyone trespassing on lands they have claimed will be met with opposition. They rarely back down from a fight, and often are sources of frustrations for young hunters in the mountains. Also, if a Sinha with both its fangs intact roars, Inlulkorit'als immediately respond to overwhelm a hunter.



  • Seiges Fang

  • Seiges Pelt

  • Seiges Bones

  • Seiges Claws






Snow Lion






As the alpha-male of the pack, the Sinha is twice as large as the average Seiges with a much more aggressive temperament. Its strong, muscled limbs allow it to run and leap at a startling speed, and its powerful roar can catch hunters unaware without adequate hearing protection.




By calling out to its pack, the Sinha  can summon Seiges’ to fight beside it in battle. Its deadly speed can bewilder the novice hunter, as they can perform a dive that can send them rolling into their foes and deal out massive damage. Sinha can break ice at their feet and hurl it at hunters or  break it into ice shrapnel that can send foes flying.




Sinha are incredibly aggressive creatures. They will ruthlessly attack hunters and prey, yet shy away from anything larger than themselves. Sinha also lead packs of Seiges. They maintain control of their followers by instilling a sense of fear into their subordinates, usually through a series of loud vocal calls and a show of strength. Interestingly enough, Sinha hunting tactics depend greatly on the mentality of the individual. Some Sinhas prefer to actively hunt their prey, only to then beat it to a pulp and gore it with their long fangs. Others will wait, either buried in the snow or high up on a cliff and attempt to ambush unwary food.


Habitat Range


Sinha live almost exclusively in the snow places of Athera. Their thick coat keeps them warm and serves as the perfect camouflage. It is rather unusual that a creature so well adapted to one environment can also adapt to a totally different environment altogether. Presumably Sinha could live in more temperate climates, but would most likely be forced to compete with larger creatures and other large creature. Though there is strange accounts of Sinha in the desert attempting to claim the area in the canyon, it is unknown how it got there or why.


Biological Adaptations


Sinha have some of the toughest fur of any known monster. It can keep most claws and fangs from even reaching the skin of the creature with its sheer density. It is a pearly white and serves as excellent arctic camouflage. The Sinha's best recognized feature is its fangs. These long canines are more a show of dominance than a practical tool. They can, obviously, inflict deep wounds on prey and help to pin them down while the Sinha rakes the carcass with its paws. They grow constantly and must be worn down on rock faces, monster bones, or even tough ice. If a Sinha fails to do this on a regular basis, the fangs may grow to a length where they begin to impede feeding. If this does occur, said Sinha may break its own fangs with its strong forearms.

Sinha are astoundingly strong creatures. They can easily toss large boulders or massive ice chunks with ease. This strength allows them to dig rapidly into deep arctic snow, which is an excellent position to ambush prey. A Sinha's strength helps them to hold prey while they make a killing blow. The massive monkeys are surprisingly fast and nimble, which enable them to run and leap great distances. This agility helps them to quickly scale or descend mountains with ease. They are aided in this by their large whiskers, which help to balance the creature as it moves about.

Some unusual Sinha grow larger cones on their heads and more vibrant colors, including a pinkish red face. These unusual Sinha use new techniques in usual Sinha attacks and appear to have a more far reaching freezing breath.



  • Sinha Pelt

  • Sinha Fang

  • Sinha Bones

  • Sinha Whiskers





Pink Apes





Fanged, Aterruce'tras with pink fur. Prefers to live in small groups as opposed to large packs, and particularly enjoys mushroom snacks. If stumbled upon, it will be hostile, so beware of areas like the swamp or jungle.




They resemble pink apes with a face of a hippopotamus, black underbellies and have a blonde patch of hair on top of their head.


Biological Adaptations


The Maimou's most notable adaptation for its life is its ability to produce strong farts. This is most likely due to a strong mutual relationship with anaerobic bacteria in its digestive system; the Maimou eats foods to sustain the bacteria; the bacteria break down the food Maimou’s eat to prevent poisoning or such and produces the gas to use in self-defense. The strongest Maimou’in the band also grows to become a Maimou; the Maimou directs the Maimous movements in battle. Their Farting may be a defense against creatures with a high sense of smell.




Maimou’ are rather social animals, they are also rather intelligent, as opposed to their appearance as dumb creatures. It is true that they have slow body movements; but they make up for this with strength. Towards humans they are aggressive, in fact, some requests to slay Maimou come on the stand that the Maimou’s soiled a young lady, but this may be due to a classic case of fear towards humans.


Habitat Range


As its description says, Maimou’s love areas with mushrooms;they most likely also prefer areas with high humidity.



  • Maimou Pelt

  • Maimou Fangs

  • Maimou Claws

  • Maimou Bones





Jungle Outlaw





A large Fuer'yon sporting pink fur often spotted in the jungle and swamp zones. Fond of mushrooms, its diet affects its breath, which may be poisonous or flaming. One can predict these traits via the food in its local habitat.




It resembles a giant, tailed gorilla with pink fur, a hippo-like head, and long front claws. The spike on its head is actually hair that the Ektos has smoothed into shape to signify that they are the pack leader. Ektos are surprisingly intelligent beasts.




Ektos are for the most part very curious. They react well to the presence of herbivores, so long as they give a wide berth. The can quickly become aggressive to anything that disrupts feeding or startles the creature. Enraged Ektos are a sight to behold, bounding around swiping their long claws and farting wildly. The creature can remain very agitated for hours after a threat has passed, often stomping around its domain causing a general mess of things. The ape is also very curious, known to explore everything in its world. Often they can cause a lot of self injury doing their exploration, and frequently fail to learn from repetition. Izznargtalas are also very lazy creatures, spending a good deal of their time sleeping or grooming themselves.

Ektos are also extremely territorial. It is suggested that male Ektos, when reaching full maturity, become known as Izznargtalas and leave their current pack to form one of their own, or to fight with another pack's dominant male to become leader. Though strangely there is also reports of Ektos gathering in large numbers in the swamp, or teaming up with their green subspecies also in the swamps. They may be social on special occasions.

To make the combs on their head, Ektos will see the juices of plant in order to do so. These juices help their hair stand up and the comb shows their dominance. If they lose this comb, their troop will choose to leave that Ektos or not, it depends on how loyal the Inlultalahas’ is to that Ektos.


Biological Adaptations


A Ektos’ most noteworthy adaptation is its long sharp claws on its forearms. It can use these to catch fish, grasp fruit, or kill prey. The beast takes good care of its claws, walking on its knuckles with its claws curled back to prevent damage. Additionally, its tail has developed prehensile abilities and a pad on the tip much like the pads on its palms. This allows it to grip objects with ease, such as a mushroom or a bone. The creature has a near insatiable appetite, eating almost constantly. It will lumber back to its nest and take long naps after extensive feeding. The wide range of food combined with poor eating habits often leads to Ektos developing digestive problems. They often use this to their advantage. The beast's deep burps and belches are almost as earsplitting as the roars emitted by wyverns and the creature's horrible gas is often used as a defensive weapon, driving off would-be predators. Ektos have very tough stomachs, allowing them to consume even toxic mushrooms. Interestingly, many things found in their stomach is well preserved. The monkeys sometimes will consume large mushrooms to use whatever chemical is present to create pseudo-breath attacks. The effects are temporary, and the monkey will need to continue consuming mushrooms if it wishes to maintain the effect. Despite their size, Ektos are surprisingly fast, although their balance suffers greatly due to the creature's physique. The bloated monkey often uses it body weight as a weapon, attempting to crush or smash hunters with its stomach. Despite being so heavy, Ektos possess very strong muscles, easily able to topple trees and allowing the ape to leap great distances.

There is a rare occasion where a hunter fights an unusual Ektos with abnormally deadly, long reaching, and explosive gas and breath attacks. These individuals have been spotted eating unusual large pink mushrooms; some of the mushrooms larger than humans. They grow an unusual pink crest and dark pink tint, possibly a side effect from the unusual mushrooms.




In Athera, Ektos reside primarily in areas such as the jungle and swamps.



  • Ektos Pelt

  • Ektos Claw

  • Ektos Bones






Fighting Beast





Red- Phish'phindar




Blue-  Uuthli'phindar







The Phindar are large,Aterruce'tras with canine features that inhabit the desert. They are genetically dimorphic and can be found in one of two distinct forms. These forms are so different in fact that separate names were conceived to identify them. Phish'phindar is the red-furred monster, with a flatter, bulldog-like face and white-and-grey stripes. Uuthli'phindar is the blue monster, with a longer, wolf-like snout and navy blue-and-white stripes. Uuthli'phindar possesses the dominant gene, making it the more common of the two forms. Phish'phindar possesses the recessive gene, which causes it to look different and behave much more aggressively.


These monsters are physically very strong, capable of lifting and throwing their own body weight.


These monsters are most often seen alongside one another. The two of them are capable of attacking in unison to overwhelm prey and foes alike. Uuthli'phindar is known to be rather docile, avoiding conflict when possible. Phish'phindar is the opposite, highly aggressive and willing to engage foes. Because of this, they will exhibit different behaviours in battle. If its Phish'phindar partner is killed, Uuthli'phindar will flee the area and be unable to enter an enraged state. On the other hand, if Uuthli'phindar is killed, Phish'phindar will become constantly enraged and will remain to fight the attackers to the death.


Biological Adaptations

Another biological adaptation is it's sheer strength that it uses to overwhelm unsuspecting attackers (though other Phindar are needed for such a task). Other adaptations are it's highly aggressive (yet sane enough) nature and it's extreme coordination which most monster pairs lack in.The hair on a Phindar's body picks up large amounts of electrical currents and is able to produce a large amount of electricity. A Phindar’s genes play apart in their charging ability. The charges on Uuthli'phindar  and Phish'phindar are both different from each other and barely has any strength. But by working together the charge is dramatically stronger and they are able to produce their infamous magnetic attacks. To support them while they're doing these attacks, their tail helps them keep balance along with their heart. The jaws of the Phindars are able to crush the hard shell of prey.


  • Phindar Pelt

  • Phindar Fang

  • Phindar Claws

  • Phindar Fur

  • Phindar Bones





Hello fellow peoples and hunters of LOTC, yes I am aware these creatures are from something else just edited. But hey there’s many things in lore or such that are on the server from different places, so why not give it a shot.


Anyway to give a short idea for these creatures and maybe questions.

Are the creatures playable ?

Yes and no…  


I’d think it would be better if an ET actor would play the creatures, because there will not be a skin for the monsters. I find that rather hard to make and for others to make, with such limits. If the creatures are accepted I would like them to be built and copy and pasted to the areas with signs to connect whom to play them.


No, as players aside from ET members.


Whats the point of them being in Athera?


Well, unseen creatures in the world can be fun, either for hunting or researching. There are people the love the thrill of the hunt and things to kill for fun or as trophies.


How will the creatures be represented?


As I said before, they will be built with mc blocks. I do not see the point of using mc skin and players to do it.


Are they rideable ?


Eh.. I'm on the fence about that.. It's very possible if given the chance you can, but you would be hurt or killed. Since they are hostile and will not like that.


Can they be capture and trained?


Well.. IF there was a percentage chance of capturing, give it a shot I guess. It would be your choice to do what you want with the creatures but remember they are very heavy, so it would be best to have a few orcs to help you take it.


Tameable.? That is another tricky idea.. Due to them being very hostile and predators it is very unlikely to tame them as pets or friends. Leading to my Druids out there


Well these creature would be in the animal category so Druids would be able to talk to them, on the other had since they are hostile and want to eat,kill and fight with you. Druids would have a hard time calming the creatures if lucky they'd calm them


What do you get from killing the creatures?


Well the reward from actually hunting and staying alive from the hunt you would be rewarded with such loot. If hunters brought a skinning knife or a sword to skin the creatures for their pelt,hide and what not. Others would take the bones or teeth from them using for weapons or trophies. If hungry heck, use the meat as a meal for yourself and your fellow hunters.


Why are they so over powered ? Why can't I fight them one on one?!


These creatures and a lot tougher and stronger than even an Orc. Their skin and bodies are a lot thicker and resistant to just a flesh wound. It would take at least a good 5-8 man with armor and Mages to attack one head on. If you was to fight one head on there is a 100% you would not make it for more than an hour, you would be a toy for the creatures.


Do they have any weaknesses? How is the best way to take them down?


Well, I don't want to ruin the fun or spoil the ways to proper hunt the creatures. As hunters you must look around the surrounding you and the creatures would be around and let that speak more for you. I really don't want to tell the weakness because that would break the point of the RP fighting it and players should be surprised on these encounters.

Anyway all ideas and suggestions are looked at and taken. :) Just given this a try. So please keep it clean.

Edited by Zer0
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I haven't read the lore yet but could this not have been put all into one thread? Just saying

I was going to as a big thread but from a LM and other feed back. I'd get TLDR. And how would I know if ALL of them got accepted. So I split them up into categories :/  

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Oh. Fair enough

Hope you enjoy the read :) If you have any thoughts that can be added and changed I'm all ears :) I do like your feedback on most threads.

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Phew, just got done reading them. My biggest complaint is that the names are less than RP friendly. When you just throw large, complicated names that didn't stem from RP it makes it hard to follow and instead of the name helping the people RPing with the animal they would have to instead go look it up for themselves.

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Those Inlultalahas fuckers better stay outta my swamp....

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Phew, just got done reading them. My biggest complaint is that the names are less than RP friendly. When you just throw large, complicated names that didn't stem from RP it makes it hard to follow and instead of the name helping the people RPing with the animal they would have to instead go look it up for themselves.

When accepted I will shorten them up and or maybe when I'm not tired XD. 

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you should just do a mega post, instead of the 4 seprate ones
other than that these are great +0.999999999999999999999

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you should just do a mega post, instead of the 4 seprate ones

other than that these are great +0.999999999999999999999


I was going to as a big thread but from a LM and other feed back. I'd get TLDR. And how would I know if ALL of them got accepted. So I split them up into categories :/  

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Wow, this is pretty neat. I mean, its a little strange... but still this is pretty good. Good work mate!



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As you can tell the names have been change to be more Roleplaying Friendly :) Please enjoy the read and give feed back please. -Zer0

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I'm sorry to say that this lore has been denied.


The reasons have been told to the lore maker, but if more questions exist, please contact me about it.

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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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