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The Chantry Of Tahariae


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The Chantry of Tahariae




“Reverent in prayer, Uncompromising in virtue.”

“You come seeking healing or guidance: I oblige both”

“Dark forces are at work here; they will find no respite.”






“To serve as vanguard against the malevolent, protect the innocent from that which would bring harm upon His creations, and guide those who seek penance for their ignorance.”

- Archon, Rosencrantz Revandir: Circa, 1490




Also Known as: Clericism, & Aengulism


The original form of the Creatorist ideology, the Aengulic faith is based around the worship of the Creator and a reverence for his divine creations the Aenguls and Daemons. However, unlike most other faiths, there is no central church and nor is there a singular sect. Rather, those who follow this belief form into many cults particularly acting as avatars of their chosen Aengul’s will in service to their patron ideology.



Clerical Ranks


The eldest in practice and of the greatest veterancy in the teachings of War-Clericism, they serve as the leader of the Chantry.



Those of the Chantry who have been blessed with the divine rite of ‘War-Clericism’, they are the chosen of the Cathars who were deemed most loyal and practiced to the cause.



Members of the Chantry who studied the ways pacifist ways of Tahariae’s teachings taking upon themselves the knowledge of medicine and healing.


Classification of Roles


A ‘Beast Master’ for the malevolent, they are the keepers and capturers of various wretched horrors to be used in the practice of Adherents.



Known as members of the Chantry who do not utilize, or are educated in, the graces of Tahariae. These persons often serve as typical soldiers or laborers.

However, the title is used universally for all members.




Blade of Light & Shadow

As they hoist the blade it shall morph to show it’s true form to serve the light with engravings of things of god such as a sunrise over a field of wild animals. As the cleric lifts the blade it takes a silver shade and small golden flames lapse down the course of it.The flames do not harm a mortal but to an evil being they catch like wild fire eating at the beings very corruption that holds it together. If the blade is struck into corrupted earth then the fire will spread along the surface of the earth burning the corruption that plagues it. When placed down the flames subside and the appearance changes unless a necromancer picks it up.

The sword seems to be made of two metals divided down the length of the blade. One side depicting Angels and one depicting Demons. The sides seem to be made of silver and black steel respectively. If a neutral party picks up the blade it does not change but instead acts as a regular sword. If the blade is left sticking in the ground then it will depict the battle between light and darkness around it with to one side taking on the force of light and the nature in the area growing rapidly and wisps of golden flames dance along the surface biting at any evil being entering. On the other side there is heavily corrupted land with a dark purple aura lapsing over it and biting up at any holy or plain mortal that walks on it.


That which fears the Chantry

Those who are of the malevolent nature must take heed, for the Chantry does not tolerate consorting with corruption, nor nursing it to abuse its might. All that is evil shall be cleansed in the name of the Patron’s ideals, purity.

Hark, fiends of darkness for we hunt thee:




Cultists of Iblees [undead]



Dread Knights


Poltergeists, ghosts, and apparitions



Liaison, Oscar

Archon, Rosencrantz Revandir

Cathar, Arden Costello

Adherent, Liam McLeod

Adherent, Guildenstern Revandir

Adherent, Eadgar Elendil

Adherent, Haleth of Morvin

Adherent, Theodoric Hamlen

Edited by Rosencrantz Revandir
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Daniel smiles faintly as he observes the camp from his perch among the heavy mountain snowfall. Nodding his head and wrapping his cloak round him for further warmth he can only be happy for once that the clerics return to their old ways. No prestigious and elgant homes of riches and silver. Just a simple camp on the roadside, something that all folks could go to for teachings or help.


"Perhaps the blade is finally in the right hands.. Perhaps I owe them more support then I am currently giving." Turning his head to the furry brown beast sleeping passively on his shoulder he gives it a small scratch behind the ear before standing with a tired groan as his legs began to unlock. "What do you say, Fredreich? Shall Tahariae give them a new blessing?"

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A lone paladin wanders the outskirts of the camp-site of the Chantry of Tahariae. He saunters through the freshly blanked snow. His vicinity illuminated by a faint golden haze. Frequently he averts his gaze onto the camp of merry-men; laughing and shouting beside their bonfire only to give a solemn nod of his head. His sister order was finally in the hands of truly dedicated agents of Tahariae.


"The rehabilitation of Purity and Justice are finally underway. Finally they may reunite with their golden clad brothers of Guardianship and Order." he muses to himself with a weary grin. Continuing on with his strolling.

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Selian dips his head in a nod, a faint smile coming to his face "Hopefully something worth calling brethren, unlike those others that my teacher told me not to mix into" he sighs turning away, the old orders robes fluttering as he does. Fond memories of Therins teachings come to mind.

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Mithras claps slowly, "Finally, real clerics." 

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Arden nods in approval, tacitly making salt as he watches the adherents make their connections to Tahariae.

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