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[Warclaim] Get Off My Island! (Part Two)


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If there is a Nexus plot there I have the right to go there and claim that plot, Thats what I did. the Nexus plot is a 8 person plot which means I have at least 8 active people, no? Or how is it that I keep this plot? hmm? If it was soo great for a nation they should no have put a nexus plot on it.


((You missed one thing


Nobody decided "lets put a plot there" sans the GMs.


You're at the end of your rope))

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            [i'll do one last post then I'd request for a lock to be put on this thread. Let me sum this up for all, and give a detailed explanation. Mogrocka had his reasons to remove thess. You guys are a faction of aliens that do not pay tribute, let me emphasize on what that means to Orcs. To be on Orcish lands is to follow our laws, to pay tribute to us, and to over all be honorable. You don't associate with us whatsoever, nor do you pay a hefty tribute, nor do you seem honorable. Your build is mighty, and in some cases threatening to Orcs. A giant city is erecting right beside a nation, and all we can do is look at a growing force which could be a possible threat. Being us, we're going to attack and extinguish the threat.

            I've got to admit, I do like my items, but I do not go crazy on them and PvP everyone I see. I RP quite much, I PvP on the odd times. Most of us enjoy PvP as well, we enjoy being rich on pixels, yes. But we have RP reasoning, most of us also RP a lot. What ticks us off is that you're never around, you're not paying us. We could take this plot and give it to an active playerbase. And a fact is, us being us, we're going to warclaim it again and again until this pending threat in-game is extinguished in our Orcish eyes. So please, sit back and try to enjoy, conflict is part of this server and it's only making it less fun depriving us of our conflict/villainy RP.] 



EDIT: Lock to be put on threat whilst verdict is in the works.

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((I'm a bit... Conflicted, so you guys are basically WC'ing with the intention of just getting stuff from Thess's chests? I mean.. Since you all are apparently making such a big deal and actually /scoping/ the chests before hand, that kinda seems like you're pixel hungry over anything, though I must agree, the land is right next to the Uruks.. And before you guys squeal like pigs that I'm not a part of this conflict, I actually have a residence there..))

((We want the land because the orcs are on a warpath. The island is not our only target. This has been decided through RP and with no pixel motivation. Our RP revolves around conflicts such as these, keep in mind that orcs are told their entire lives that might makes right which means that if we can take it, we deserve it. ))

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Alright after long conversation with the Rex oocly I have come to the choice of accepting Conquest.



[Can we have a GM please in here? Thank you for your decision, Baden.]

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