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[Lore] The Void Cursed

~ Fiend ~

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So it’s not the prettiest or most concise thing ever, since this is the first time I’ve written down lore. To preface, this is what goes behind a character I made while on the event team. It was never really meant to be hidden, it just wasn’t written down because I was lazy, so.. here it is, I suppose, as per the hidden lore referendum. (On the last possible day, as if that makes my laziness better.)

As for my purpose with this or what it adds, it’s changed a lot since the original inspiration- diabetes. I figured if we had so much magic in the world, there should be magical diseases or defects, as well, and at the time it really fit the event line and the character. Now here we are, enjoy and be gentle. As I said, this is my first lore.

I’d also like this to be locked in the way some creature lore is, so people have to go through me if they want to play one. It’s meant to be rare, so there wouldn’t realistically be very many, and I definitely don’t want people running off deciding they’re a supermage with my lore because hurr durr magic.



People only speak of it in whispers, many wishing it untrue to the point of lying to themselves, and even others. For as long as man has had magic, he has wished that it did not corrupt the mind and body as it does. Sadly, this has never been the case. The void’s influence is known to wither muscle and eat at a user’s mind, taking the caster’s health in exchange for power.

If it eats at the body so, then what happens to a magess’s child should she conceive one? That, too, has long been a subject of contention. So many wish that it has no effect that they hold it to be truth. They cite people they may know, normal children born to mages, without any problems.

Even so, while it is quite possible to have such fortune, and far more common than any tragedies that can occur, in this world there are still void-kissed children born. To stew in energies of the void withers a full grown adult, after all. It’s hardly so kind to the unborn.


How It Works

No one’s really sure why these people are the way they are, especially since most people who even meet one cursed child will only meet that one. People have theorized that they have holes in their soul, making it unable to hold in mana. Perhaps it’s genetic, then? Some say they’re not connected to the void, and thus not part of the web of life, so it tries to kill them. Some have even said that they’re constructs of necromancers that have managed to wander away.

((At the end of the day, while I have my ideas about how it works, it’s been said time and time again that the lore for souls is intentionally vague, so that’s all this will ever have to be, as it’s “some indiscernible, incurable defect of the soul”.))


The Cursed

In simple terms, these are people who do not produce their own mana. Or.. life force. People can’t seem to figure out which it is. Either way, there is some energy they need, that they don’t naturally produce, and have to obtain from outside sources, i.e. other people.

The easiest way for them to do this, and the only reason any of them make it to an age where they can even speak, is that this disability comes with a second facet; a passive draining of mana from any person they touch. When they’re very young the mother holding them might not even notice given her pool of mana being larger, as a mage. As they reach childhood, though, it would be hard to hold one’s hand long enough to walk them through the park if they weren’t actively and properly trained to control it, the resources and information for which is severely lacking.

An older cursed would be much more aware of their mana pool. They can sort of feel it, the way some people just know how their blood sugar is doing given how they feel. It’s possible for them to feel and live relatively normally, if there are enough mages and people around to “feed” them.

When they’re low on mana, they’d be tired, fatigued, even slightly incoherent depending on the severity. They wouldn’t suffer any catastrophic physical breakdown, just a slow build of lethargy until they finally fall asleep and die.

The effects on mana donors are identical to casting fatigue. They would feel tired, worn out, like they’d just done a lot of magic. The less magically inclined would describe the feeling as ‘tiredness’.

They have a visible aura when they’re “overcharged”. For the most part it won’t show, but if people are supplying the cursed well enough that they have spare energy, they have to work to suppress this aura. It manifests as thin white wisps around them, seeming to bend to a contour of a person-shaped bubble around their skin. They are able, with very little effort or training, to move and shape this misty aura, as it’s just an extension of them.

Any learning of magic is, in theory, off the table. It’s stifling in most social aspects of life. It’s hardly something someone would want to have.


The Good

  • Both parents must be relatively skilled mages, and even then it’s not even common, so this curse is incredibly rare.

  • They have a passive mana draining effect. This is very weak, though it can be made stronger with practice and focus- the drawback being that this can also make them do it a bit faster by default, making it difficult to be near people without hurting them.

  • They are normal people, psychologically. Sure, having this can mess you up, but it doesn’t make you default to some crazy murder spree.

  • They have no upper limit to how much mana their body can hold. That said, the more they have, the faster they absorb it, and the more their body learns to expect for next time- so, like a medication, they can build a resistance if they try and use this too much.


The Bad

  • They do not produce their own mana.

  • For it to be viable in combat they’d need to be able to hug the person they were fighting.

  • They cannot “absorb” cast spells, only raw mana/life force from the source.

  • That said, they do absorb a small part of healing spells cast on them, making them marginally harder to heal, especially if you try to touch them.

  • Keeping their aura hidden requires active focus.

  • The mana they are able to move is just that, raw mana. It has no effect on the world, and can do little more than relieve mild casting fatigue if pushed into people.

  • Stopping themselves from draining mana requires active focus. If, for example, you fell asleep in bed with one that didn’t have some magical charm, you would die in your sleep.


The Ugly

  • Running out of mana completely means death. Running low means a host of symptoms ranging from fatigue to dizziness to soreness. (All the symptoms of an underactive thyroid or low blood sugar.)

  • There is no cure, no magic fix. They can be stabilized in a few ways but they will never not be what they were born as, and there will always be some small signs, they cannot be completely normal.

  • A female cursed cannot have children, their passive drain would kill the fetus. Male cursed can still father children, though it would be difficult. (Keep it classy, but know your character. Can they stay focused and not kill their partner?)

  • Successfully connecting to the void results in instant death as all their mana is sucked out. It is impossible for an cursed to even begin to learn how to connect to the void.


Interaction with magics

They cannot, under any circumstances, self-teach magic. Ever.

Learning void magics is incredibly risky and involved. They would need a teacher to guide them through it, as well as a steady source of mana to practice with. It is possible for them to grasp magic, but even then they’d only be able to cast when they had excess mana on hand, and casting too much would kill them, rather than, like a normal mage, just needing some bread and a nap.

So, while it’s possible, the odds of a cursed person having such flagrant disregard for their own mortality is a bit slimmer than in the average population, and they can and will die trying.

Deity magics are where it gets interesting. They can be attuned to the various deities and become druids, clerics, Ascended, shades, etc. I don’t think I’ll be able to write up a full list, so here’s a rundown of generally how it works and I can touch it up if roleplay leads down that path, because for the most part it doesn’t change. Once connected to a deity, their normal channels for taking in energy instead leak out the deity’s magic. They could still drain mana if they really tried, but most would have no need for this.


Druidism - (Admittedly the one I put the most thought into, as Pebble ended up on this path.)

Attuned to the Aspects, the cursed becomes a channel of energy not inward, but outward. Where their focus was once stopping themselves from taking in energy, now they have to stop themselves from leaking it out. Without focus, plants will grow over the druid rather enthusiastically to drink from their aura, animals will all but attack them in an effort to express affection, and they will slowly, passively heal and greenify the area around them.

Their ‘leak’ of natural energy is mostly harmless unless they fall asleep outside, so they’re best to learn some communion or control immediately after attunement to help them escape the plants that will be growing over them nigh-constantly. While they can learn all the druidism skills, their control over the energy they channel will never be as good as a normal druid. To use the old system as an example (knowing I do not condone tiers) if they were tier five in power, they would only be tier three in control at a maximum. Sure they can harness more energy than most, but their ability to direct it will just never be as strong as someone with a normal soul, and there’s always that risk when you have no choice but to blindly throw magical energy at something and hope it sticks.

Their wispy aura, now a constant as they’re charged with natural energy, turns green, as well.


Clerical - If you read the above, it’s not hard to guess. They become a passive healing stick, and depending on their breed of healing get a gold or a silver aura. They heal anything they touch, but would burn unholy things slightly without effort. To use an analogy I’ll use again, if you fell asleep next to a clerical cursed, you might wake up healed if you went to sleep with a gashed arm as they passively channel energy.

Shade - I'll figure it out if it ever matters, talk to some shades or w/e.

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Sketchy. I'm really torn on whether to +1 or -1

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Sketchy. I'm really torn on whether to +1 or -1


How so? If it needs tweaking I'm happy to, but I'll need more than "sketchy".

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I'm just, a tad confused. This seems like it has no real purpose, outside of making a character with it, and even then, why? What does it add to RP? What's the poitn? The mana draining thing is just...strange. I also don't think the interactions you have with separate magic adhere to the lore associated with each. I'd have to ask moot, but the shade one seems off.

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I'm just, a tad confused. This seems like it has no real purpose, outside of making a character with it, and even then, why? What does it add to RP? What's the poitn? The mana draining thing is just...strange. I also don't think the interactions you have with separate magic adhere to the lore associated with each. I'd have to ask moot, but the shade one seems off.


Well from my experience it creates a lot of interesting RP, from being the shame of the family to attempts at research. It's like playing minecraft with a thirst mod, something that's constantly a bother so you'll pretty much have to do something about it.

I might be totally wrong about shade lore and I concede that. The druids were fine with it and the clerics was just a passing thought as to what might happen if the two connected, all open for correction.

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Well from my experience it creates a lot of interesting RP, from being the shame of the family to attempts at research. It's like playing minecraft with a thirst mod, something that's constantly a bother so you'll pretty much have to do something about it.

I might be totally wrong about shade lore and I concede that. The druids were fine with it and the clerics was just a passing thought as to what might happen if the two connected, all open for correction.


From your experience?

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I approve, we're already talking about it, so yeh... +1



From your experience?


This is hidden lore from what I've read which means it's already been done.

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Just going to shoot out and ask, what if they join the monks. 



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From your experience?


What Jaden said.


Just going to shoot out and ask, what if they join the monks. 





Passive healing I suppose.



Though I talked to Kalamoot and things might change.

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I really like this.


But I have a really good question.


What about the Ironguts? A clan a hundred generations thick into being a pew pew pew.

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I really like this.


But I have a really good question.


What about the Ironguts? A clan a hundred generations thick into being a pew pew pew.


There are still no dwarven women......

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I am iffy on this. It seems like something that people will have just to be able to walk up to people an go 'Oh your mana is decreasing now because I have trained since birth to drain mana'.


Edit: I'd also like to note that shades corrupt and use aura, not mana. Aura is like the smoke if mana is the fire.

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I am iffy on this. It seems like something that people will have just to be able to walk up to people an go 'Oh your mana is decreasing now because I have trained since birth to drain mana'.


Edit: I'd also like to note that shades corrupt and use aura, not mana. Aura is like the smoke if mana is the fire.


Kinda why I'd want to screen people who did it.

Also, they have to touch, so it'd be a bit more obvious.



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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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