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Runesmithing is one of the most ancient forms of magic. Runes are one of the first forms of true alteration utilizing a legendary language of power that developed in the earliest years of Dwarven existence. The mages of Rivel tried furiously to recreate it, seeing its potential first hand when they tried to enter one of the locked halls of Urguan. They frustratingly failed to do so, trying to empower their enchantments with Thanhium. The mages failed to match the complexity and ability of the runes of Urguan however.




The Aengul that powers runesmithing is dead. He is trapped within his realm, barely able to maintain the simplest of tasks, those being dwindling commands he laid out almost two and a half millennia ago. He had been one of Iblees’ first victims, ambushed when expecting nothing but civil discourse. Perhaps he had stumbled too near to his secrets, his insidious plans for those of the mortal realm? Perhaps he was just a victim of circumstance? No witness was there to tell.


This Aengul led a quiet existence before the events leading up to his demise. He had occupied his time in his immortal life span to experiment and learn. He had proliferated many tricks in this time, mostly in the form of linguistics, viewing it as an endlessly evolving artform. Eventually he took to the task of producing his own language. By the end of this endeavour he had produced many writings and utterances, each with as much detail as possible. He had compiled entire paragraphs into single words, and described, in a single figure, phenomena that remained nameless in most languages.


Alas, his brilliance was another victim of his fate. During his assault he feared that if he was defeated his knowledge in the wrong hands could produce countless horrors. He took to his own mind and partitioned it between great barriers, denying its great wealth of knowledge. It made him fruitless game for his assailant and convinced them he was not worth the effort. The result of him being chased left him within a hairs length of death. His mind was shattered and failing from the rash action, and he was well aware that soon he would lose the ability to function consciously.


In his final moments, the Aengul looked out upon his vast wealth of knowledge, his creations, and his devices. He knew all his knowledge and all his observations would come to waste if he left himself in the state he was. He changed his form into something that could be described as the ‘’pen’’ for his writings, and cast his knowledge down to those he believed would be the real victims of the horrors he feared to come. This form would eventually be named the Heart.


How runesmithing came to the hands of the ancient Dwedmar is unknown, as the society of the Dwed had rejected the very idea of not holding mastery of the art within 300 years of its discovery, and the earliest runesmiths refused to pass on their knowledge of how they did come to wield their power. Looking for the real answers from those ancient days proved fruitless for many, even fifteen hundred years ago, and would be all but hopeless now


Creating a Rune - New Architecture




Creating a rune is by no means a simple process. The runesmith must go through an extensive process of preparation when producing runes, from marking of the entities they wish to effect, to the final implementation and activation of the rune. The finished rune commands the comatose Aengul’s divine touch to will the writings into being, using his eldritch language as a conduit for communication and instruction.




Multiple materials have been produced to assist in the creation of runes. One of the main tools used for the designation process is Thahnium Chalk, a direct mixture of Thahnic material and chalk. Thanhium Chalk is easy to transport and is relatively inexpensive as a marking agent.



A Runesmiths tools are the most important things that a Runesmith possesses as they act as a initialiser for the activation of runes or a disabling device. When a runesmith presses his hammer to a rune it begins a process of tethering, taking advantage of the runesmiths connection to the heart and tethering its energy through them to the rune.


This energy continues to stream, in the case of a heart rune or only sustains until the rune is self sustaining for a Thahnium rune. Its important to note that the runic tools migrate the process of channeling from the runesmith himself to the rune, in the case of heart runes.


The runic chisel on the other hand just de-activates the rune, dismantling the process and making the rune dormant until its next activation.


Runelord Pendants


Runelord pendants are the pendants of former runelords, forged from their experiences with incredibly advanced Ograhad runes and scripting that exceeds anything a modern day runesmith could create or even understand.


They work through a peculiar means of passively collecting kinesthetic experience obtained by the runelord in their particular area. Certain tasks have a feeling for becoming familiar and almost instinctive, reducing the chances for error in a runelord and some pendants have been noted to have even stranger effects.


The Amulet of Elements


The Amulet of Elements is one runelord pendant which has been noted in recent history after its discovery. Its imparted knowledge of elemental principles shows the experience and understanding of all the runesmiths knew before, creating the distinct illusion that one can indeed see the elements in a completely new light.


This in reality is the sensation of understanding their environment instinctively while lacking any educated knowledge of it. The phenomena has resulted in many runesmiths correlating it with the flow of nature seen by druids when inside a faerie ring, the flow of nature much like how they see the ‘’flow of the elements.’’


OOC note: There is the high possibility that may more may be added through events.




To begin the creation of any runic construct, the Runesmith must first designate the area in use with Thanhium Chalk. The Runesmith would then need to mark out the entire area with the Thanhium Chalk, or run the risk of the rune not storing proper location information. To do so, the smith would circle, for example, a runic door as represented in the example below. Once he does so, the Runesmith begins to carve embedded runic script into Thanhium, in a circular shape around the construct. The Runesmith recites a prayer or chant in praise of Ogradhad and Yemekar before beginning, as ancient Dwarven tradition dictates.


Power Source


Runesmiths have two different power sources available to them when powering a rune. Each has its own benefits and costs, providing a clear distinction between the powers and capacities of runesmith in comparative scenarios.





The heart is a power source that references directly to the long comatose Aenguldaemon. The reference itself stands as a highly efficient way to power small scale runes. It is purely powered by divine channeling, though the efficiency that it uses the power that can vary depending on the other runes it is working with.


Due to the nature of the runic language, there are certain tasks to which it is poorly suited.. Attempting to create a fire emission rune with a heart power source would usually only result in a small spark of fire, akin to a match, before completely burning out the runic circuit. This would consume all the power and render the rune useless in a short period of time.


However, this does not mean that heart runes are weak. Runes that use the heart for a power sources ineffectively deal with short, high speed power draw, and are usually better at performing sustained effects, such as ‘’Fire Pull,’’ which will maintain a steady action of drawing fire towards it.




Thahnium runes take a different approach to powering runes. Once activated by a runesmith, the rune continues to draw power from the Thahnium that it is inscribed upon.


The Thahnium acts in its usual manner, drawing power from the heat in the air and converting it to fuel the rune. The amount of power the rune draws directly ties to the amount of thahnium used, and an increasing marginal return can be seen when using Thahnium as a power source. It takes, on average, a pound and a half of Thahnium to produce returns greater than a heart rune.


It is also worth noting that it is extremely hard to ‘’burn out’’ a thahnium rune and force it to cease functioning. Unfortunately, Thanhium runes bear some rather intense side effects.


While thahnium might sound ideal to draw power from, a lack of heat in the environment will often cause the formation of frost and ice. This makes thanhium runes unsuitable for use in small items and weapons, as the weight and temperature strain make it dangerous to the wielder.



Example: A Key and Lockable Door


--Stone Door = Matter(Stone) + Construct(Door) + Size(INT) + Function(Hinge Open/Close) or (Lift Up/Down) / (Pull Open/Close) + PowerSource(Thanic Based) Connector(s) (Stone Door Key)

--Stone Door Key = Matter(Iron) + Construct(Devise) + Size(INT) + Function(Penetrate) + PowerSource(Thanic Based) + Connected(Door)

--if(Stone Door + Interact(Stone Door Key) {





Matter - What material the Construct is composed of (ie, Stone)

Construct - What the Object in question is (ie, door)

Designation - The size of the object can be marked through Designation, or can be marked via blood.

Function - What the rune causes the Construct to do(ie, open, lift, etc.)

PowerSource - Where the rune draws its power from (ie, thanhium)




The area the rune effects is extremely important, and needs to be clearly designated.. Leaving it loosely defined will produce terrible results, as precious energy is wasted, the rune burns out, the rune affects the wrong objects, or the rune performs the wrong act. Two methods stand for proper designation, each with their own respective rune.



Area Marking


Area Marking is the process by which a Runesmith designates a rune’s active location. This is usually done with thanhium chalk. On rare occasions, a runesmith will opt to use the more difficult and tedious method of producing runic script powered by a heart.


A example of area marking would be for a door to be designated through all of its corners to be marked, as to define the proper shape of the structure.


Blood Marking


This is done through specifically marking a person through their blood. Simply speaking, a rune is carved with the blood of the person dabbed into its indent, and thus the rune will work for that person.



The Runes List!


Elemental Dialect

The elemental dialect is a series of runes that seem to specifically relate to the creation and manipulation of physical matter. It stands as a basis for the creation of many runes as it usually acts as a principal reference for what they are inscribed upon. A runesmith will usually learn this language first, and its mastery alone can give the runesmith the capacity to perform great feats, if specialised into.


Matter: Stone

Matter: Mud

Matter: Dirt

Matter: Metal - Aurum, Ferrum - etc.

Matter: Crystal - Emerald, Carbarum, Redstone - etc.

Matter: Lava

Matter: Fire

Matter: Smoke

Matter: Steam

Matter: Lightning

Matter: Air (More like gas in general)

Matter: Water

Matter: Ice


Divine Dialect


The divine dialect ia a dialect formed to serve the purpose and image of the faith of the Dwedmar. Each rune seems to bear function representing the ‘’will’’ of a Dwarven Brathmordakin. The following statements made about dwarven creation and their gods are not correct, just explanations to why these runes display these characteristics.


Its history comes from the time where the first runelords provided these runes to both appease the dwarven church and provide a political move to further galvanise support for the art. These runes were selectively chosen for their display of properties that would show the will of Brathmordakin, and as time has passed the move was forgotten and the belief that they truly were representation of the Brathmordakin’s will has come to effect.


Each rune eventually saw more or less widespread use in dwarven society, as they were the few runes that Dwed saw themselves entitled to. Runes of Anbella could be seen frequently in businesses to ensure their employees did not steal or falter from their duties, and many others became employed in everyday life of the ancient Dwedmar.





Stone transmutation runes - Yemekar crafted the world of stone, and Anbella built upon it, producing nature to facilitate mortal life. This rune in its activation produces an unnatural glimmer. All that is physically contacted by this glimmer turns to stone very rapidly. Often, this results in a trail of dust being left, as air turns to stone when the rune is exposed to it.


This is often used in runic protection, mostly hammers and shields. The hammers are able to shatter things turned to stone by their impact, and the shields are able to neutralize materials propelled at it.


Yemekar = Replace Stone && Emit Aura(White)

Hammer = Matter(Iron) + Construct(Hammer) + Size(INT) + Function(Yemekar) + PowerSource(Heart) Connector(s);

if(Material + interact(Aura) {






  • The rune of Yemekar will transmute all matter to stone, even air. This usually means that stone dust collects anywhere in which they are active and thus they usually are stored in incredibly heavy stone sheaths to compensate for the rune potentially burning out from prolonged use.




Oathkeeping runes - Anabella is the patron of honesty and Oaths, among other things. Because of this, Dwarves believe she gifted them a way to bind all beings to their word, that they may always remain loyal, even when they cannot trust themselves


The active effect of the Anbella rune innately binds a person to their word, making it impossible to break the word of a stone forged contract, signed in blood. It acts as a guiding force, and people will, when holding it, find their actions steered by the contract of the rune.


Anbella = Absorb Script || Emit Aura

Pendant = Matter(Silver) + Construct(Pendant) + Size(INT) + Function(Anbella) + PowerSource(Heart) Connector(s) ();

if(Dwarf + interact(Pendant) {




  • The rune does not hold someone permanently, only as long as they themselves are willing to wear the rune and thus remain within range.
  • The person has to be willing to adhere to the contract of the rune when it is made, removing the chance of one being created for interrogation purposes.




Memory Runes - Ograhad is the patron of knowledge. Therefore, his runes are tied into memories, intelligence, teaching, and knowledge. This knowledge, being the gift of Ograhad, is shared via the passing down of memories. Traditionally done through teaching, this process is made easier and more accurate by runes.


The rune itself is a testament of the lack of knowledge of modern runesmiths. One could note that the rune of Ogradhad sits upon the Runelord pendants repeatedly, and it is deduced, through logic, that it may be the reason that one loses the skills gained from a Runelord Pendant when they remove it.


No dwarf since Baradin’s time has devised a way of producing a Runelord’s pendant, and those that look over a Runelord’s pendant would only be overwhelmed beyond comprehension with their complexity.


The active effect of a Ograhad rune passes a memory, chosen by the creator of the rune, from his mind to the mind of a runesmith who re-activates the rune.. While inactive, the rune holds the memory that was once inscribed by the original inscriber. This memory stays within the rune, as long as it remains dormant, and passes it to the runesmith who re-activates it.



  • The memory is lost/disappears from the inscriber when it is inscribed.

  • A memory can only be accessed by the runesmith who re-activates the ‘Dormant’ rune.


Ogradhad = Absorb Memory || Emit Memory


Pendant = Matter(Gold) + Construct(Pendant) + Size(INT) + Function(Ogradhad) + PowerSource(Thanic Based) Connector(s) (Runesmith);

if(Runesmith + interact(Pendant) {





Trap runes - Grimdugan is the patron of Thieves and Avarice. Those who follow him are usually those who pray to protect their wealth, and will protect it by any means necessary. This rune was offered to the clergy as a means to shield their possessions and mark those that would steal from the church.


The Runesmith references the area being protected onto the rune and then activates the rune. After any of the items that were being referenced are removed, a large tattoo is marked onto he who moved ity. This is reported as being incredibly painful . This tattoo can only be taken off by the runesmith whose tools created the rune by performing runic deactivation on it. It will also wear off within 1 out of character week.


Grimdugan = Save Location Data || Bind Text

CheckFor(Stored Location Data)

if(Stored =/= Save) {

Bind Text(Person)




  • Its important to say that this rune stands to mark those that would steal, but is not permanent. It gives enough time for the runesmiths to look for the thieves and hopefully would create a good amount of roleplay from it.




Greed Prevention - Armakak is the patron of merchants, tradesmen, and craftsmen. The rune of Armarak grants temporary relief to their Curse of Greed, as long as the bearer is in contact with the object upon which the rune is scribed.


It should be noted that this rune is not to be carried around, as it has a very strong effect on the user when they are exposed to it for a prolonged period of time. These effects include bleeding of the nose and hemorrhaging of the brain This can lead to the death of the user, in extreme cases, and begins 5-10 minutes after activation.


Additionally, this rune cannot be used against any other racial curses. Like many other holy runes, it produces peculiar mental effect, and this seems to only deal with cases where one's greed may overcome sound thought.



  • The rune is not a permanent alleviation to the dwarven curse.

  • Nose bleeding and brain hemorrhaging begin 5-10 minutes after activation.

  • Though not a con, it should be noted that people often don’t roleplay their curse of greed anyways.


Armakak = Alleviation of the Curse of Greed

Pendant = Matter(Gold) + Construct(Pendant) + Size(INT) + Function(Armakak) + PowerSource(Thanic Based) Connector(s) (Runesmith);

if(Dwarf + interact(Pendant) {






Anti-Magic - Dungrimm is the god of the Dead, guardian of souls, and protector of the Dwedmar. He is the one who brings the dead to Khaz’A’Dentrumm, and allows their souls to be auctioned.


The Dungrimm rune requires a brave warrior to sacrifice himself. The rune binds the soul of the sacrifice, using it as an implement of protection and enforcer of Dungrimm’s will. Due to the requirement of a soul, a rune of Dungrimm is a rare and precious possession.


The Dungrimm rune produces an anti-magical effect, similar to Fi’hiiran’tayna, through the bindind of the soul to a weapon. This soul is usually obtained via a Soulbound Golem Core. The more souls that are added to the weapon, the larger the power source, resulting in a more powerful weapon.




  • A PK is required.

  • It is by no means as expansive as anti-magic, you may bound it to a weapon or amulet.


Dungrimm = Bind Soul || Emit Aura(Anti Magic) && Burn Magic User

Sword = Matter(Iron) + Construct(Sword) + Size(INT) + Function(Dungrimm) + PowerSource(Heart) Connector(s) ();

if(Magic User + interact(Aura) {

Burn Magic User




Voice Enhancement - Belkaa is the patron of Love, Fertility, Dancing, Singing, and other social activities. In order to appease Belka, the ancient Runesmiths created this rune to amplify the user’s voice.

This rune grants its wielder an amplified voice. The rune is mainly used for public speeches and for issuing military commands.




The Khorvad rune is one shrouded in mystery, maybe to be discovered at a later time.


[We’ll do a individual writeup for this one some other time, not implimenting it now.]



Golematic Dialect


The Golematic runes integrate Golem cores as a means of moderating and micromanaging runes. This allows a Runesmith to make a structure that is reactive to its surroundings. It can sense a changing environment and adjust accordingly, greatly reducing the maintenance needed to sustain the structure, ensuring long-term survivability.


The runes are mostly seen in the great feats of architecture that the Ancient Dwedmar were so well known for. The structures are maintained through eternity by the Golematic runes crafted to protect them.


A good example would be with a forge, using a fire draw rune at the top of it to concentrate the heat produced and ensuring a hotter and more efficient forge. However, if the forge was to find itself becoming too hot or if the thahnium runes are about to do a freeze out the Golem core could through its observation elect to temporarily disable the rune.


Golem = Check Light Admission || Store Light Admission || Compare Light Admission || Set Required Light Admission

Forge   = Matter(Iron) + Construct(Forge) + Size(INT) + Function() + PowerSource(Thanhium) Connector(s) (Draw Rune(Fire), Golem Core);


Golem(Check for( Light Admission if(Stored Light Admission  > Required Admission) {

Deactivate(Draw Rune(Fire)



Golem(Check for( Light Admission if(Stored Light Admission  > Required Admission) {

Activate(Draw Rune(Fire)



Golematic runes work by allowing the golem to activate and de-activate runs. When the Golematic rune is created, the golem core gains control of all the runes referenced by the area marking, and may act akin to a runesmith by turning them on and off.



  • The Golem can only micro-manage runes that it was clearly designated to upon the activation of the Golematic rune.

  • The Golematic runes can only affect the runes of the runesmith who made the Golematic rune.

  • Due to the strenuous amounts of energy required from such a task it is all but impossible to perform this on a mobile golem by modern runesmithing.


Generic Construct List


Construct: Door

Construct: Anchor

Construct: Furnace

Construct: Anvil

Construct: Wall

Construct: Roof, Ceiling, Floor

Construct: Archway

Construct: Bridge

Construct: Gate

Construct: Tool- (Pickaxe, Lumber axe, Hoe, Shovel)

Construct: Weapon- (Sword, Axe, Warhammer, Lance, Bow)

Construct: Key

Construct: Lock

Construct: Armor

Construct: Hall, Tunnel

Construct: Stair

Construct: Rune

Construct: Pillar, Support, Column

Construct: Table

Construct: Chair

Construct: Altar, Shrine



Generic Function List


Function: (Hinge Open/Close)

Function: (Pull Open/Close)

Function: (Lift Up/Down)

Function: (Penetrate/Withdraw)

Function: (Absorb/Emit)

Function: (Separate/Bind)

Function: (Expand/Shrink)

Function: (Push/Pull)

Function: (Create/Destroy)

Function: (Adhere to script)

Function: (Turn Left/Turn Right)

Function: (Reinforce/Weaken)

Function: (Replace)




Supreme Chief Editor, Protector of Earth and all her Colonies, supreme master of the universe and the Last Prince of Malinor:

The Spartan super soldier, AGiantPie117


Writers of Runesmithing lore:






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An OOC Note



Its good to remember that Runesmith had for the longest time been a dwarven magic that was underplayed, and disappeared during Athera for circumstances I would rather not delve into. So this magic stands as a (hopefully final) codification for the thing that had existed in so much limbo for such a long time. 


When creating this write up I had to take into heavy consideration that the nature of runesmithing is very much similar to Alteration, and indeed the arts can and will overlap on many areas as they both seek to achieve similar things in completely different ways.


I would go to also say that I with the follow writers spent significant time making it unique, different from other magics with very different considerations to take in its working. Runesmithing is fundamentally based on the powersource you wish to use, and from there on in you can see it vary so that it no longer bears similarity with other magics. 


I also needed to nerf it a lot. Its last iteration allowed for realm creation and nuclear equivalent explosives.


Likewise, I also had to ensure that it held one OOC objective to close regard, that it actually fitted to dwarven history. I couldn't have it make some sweeping revelations to our history that changed its very core, I couldn't actually allow the runesmiths to discover what was the source of their power. Ultimately, ICly, they will most likely declare it a language of change given by the creator himself for balance and stewardship and all sorts of silly things, but as we know this far from the truth.


So with this, we see a new generation and a new page, and hopefully with Vailor's promise to fix the lore that was failed before we can see a turn around for the better.





Is this OP?

I tried my very hardest to make it not OP, frankly. I had to nerf it, as I said before in the OOC note from its last iteration that allowed for the creation of concussion grenades.


As far as hand weapons go there is nothing that compares to a evocationist in the production of elements, its not the runes niche. The runes themselves are meant to be efficient at different tasks. 


The heart rune stands as the primary rune for man portable conventional items, especially weapons. It burns out on tasks too intense, and while someone may be crazy (and stupid) enough to make a thahnium powered weapon making it draw too much energy will just see it freeze up and consume your hand.


And that leads to the second point, runes are either on or off, there is not ''activation when drawn'' so stuff like lightening swords can't be done.


Is this MC enchanting?

No this is a completely separate locked magic that is currently only held by some dwarves.


Dungrimm runes

So people might ask about the anti-magic effect of Dungrimm runes, and its strange and quirky nature. 


Generally speaking for the entire time I did the writeup I tried my hardest to stay away from the topic of souls and the dead. The last writeup seemed to be filled with the use of stuff that the Lore team didn't like about souls so I all but ditched the concept.

But I needed Dungrimm runes to show the religious significance that he did have. I went to talk to moot a few days before final posting and he proposed (diety) anti-magic as a good idea for it. I asked him if he was really sure it was a good idea to use -that-?

He said it was the only thing that showed a precedent of being a anathema to both holy and dark magics, and as such it just became natural to use it.

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I have a few questions concerning my clan's own runesmithing types that I'll discuss with you in-game or over PMs, but I have one question for this area.


How powerful are runes, in general? Would they be considered 'OP' and kept at an absolute minimum? Or will they be balanced?



Edit: Forgot to give the +1


Would very much like to see runesmithing.

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I have a few questions concerning my clan's own runesmithing types that I'll discuss with you in-game or over PMs, but I have one question for this area.


How powerful are runes, in general? Would they be considered 'OP' and kept at an absolute minimum? Or will they be balanced?


Balance was one of the big things I addressed as I made this, the plan is to make them very balanced. A heart rune, one which may be used in general carrying purposes is specifically designed to only give a certain amount of power that can be considered weaker at tasks such as the evocation of elements. You won't be seeing any fireswords. 

As for fleshsmithing, I can't help you. I got a very strongly worded message from Darkjames saying he doesn't want me near the Doomforged. Additionally there is now a functionally identical magic to flesh smithing within Blood magic, and since it performs many of the same tasks I just can't go near that territory. 

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Of course, I'll get a hold of darkjames when I can to figure that out. Anyways, thanks.

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Looks sharp, I don't think people understand how much crafting rp runesmithing and golemancy brings. +1

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Brilliant Dwarf Lore from Dwarf Lore Master Lima. 


Other than the Doomforge, Oathcast, and Hogarth, are you planning, if accepted, to choose a person from a certain race who is interested in Runesmithing to help spread it, or just keep it secluded to Dwarf master race, and even further, to just certain clans like the Doomforges, Oathcast, and possibly Irongut if Hogarth decides to teach?

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Brilliant Dwarf Lore from Dwarf Lore Master Lima. 


Ask yourself, is that a thing to decide in RP or OOC?

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Ask yourself, is that a thing to decide in RP or OOC?


It can be both honestly. I understand you guys do know it in RP and stuff, but you can easily do a trial with someone trusted outside of the Dwarven race to see how other people may perform it and show off to others instead of keeping it secluded. 

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+1 Love how this has turned out! This will add a lot of RP to the clergy and our teaching as well as boost Dwarven RP and add more events!

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Very well written, and this would bring so much good RP. A big +1 from me.

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This magic will provide many more opportunities within RP, allowing a greater field.

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Decide who learns it based on RP. Everyone isn't entitled just because they exist on the server, they need legitimate RP reasoning to be taught including being considered by a teacher.

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Decide who learns it based on RP. Everyone isn't entitled just because they exist on the server, they need legitimate RP reasoning to be taught including being considered by a teacher.


True. I ended up changing my mind after relaxing a bit. Wasn't in my right mind after coming off of a 9 hour shift and baking in the sun like a potato.

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Decide who learns it based on RP. Everyone isn't entitled just because they exist on the server, they need legitimate RP reasoning to be taught including being considered by a teacher.

That's the most rational thing I've ever heard about runesmithing other than "I don't Rp with you ever and I'm a troll but you need to teach me runesmithing because I said so"

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      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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