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Clan of the Black Axe - Recruiting Thread

Decks of the Black Axe

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Marching in the crisp cold of the rising elevations, Gaius walks upon a large mesa structure with ever growing signs of a settlement, walls standing taller than the clouds. Upon stepping toe to toe with the fortified citadel, Gaius grasps the wall and sidesteps around the bastion in search for an entrance of some sort. With careful caressing of the stone masonry, Gaius slowly moves towards the gateway and steps back and reaches under his mail shirt and pulls out parchment and takes out a feather quill and some ink and begins writing...

- Kal'Domhain is quite the sight, a beautiful fortification and one my Sariants have come to respect. Perhaps an extended hand in an alliance would be most suitable? The stoic nature of your men is most favorable to us, one that many of my Sariants have realized and cherish in this day and age!

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Today I was recruited to the Black Axe by Bazian so thank you and good luck to the rest of the guild!

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Tha 'ead black smith resigned but is still in our clan. We be needin' someone ta take 'is place.

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An updated list of members:

Council Members

Kahn: Decks13

High Channcalor: TEEbrown

WarLord: Locke_Erasmus

High Priest: BenBestvater

Minister of the Interior: SwiftNSilent (Check for Activity)

Notable Positions

Brewmaster: u00893

Master Blacksmith: OPEN

Head Guard: mellowmatthew?

Groundskeeper: OPEN


Guard: Zezimus

Farmer: Nigthhealz

Undecided: Aloicius_Flynn

Undecided: biggs7

Undecided: smithy_boy

Undecided: Dantesol

Undecided: trotski24

Haven't heard from tha fallowin'



((If there's any changes to be made post it.))

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Marching in the crisp cold of the rising elevations, Gaius walks upon a large mesa structure with ever growing signs of a settlement, walls standing taller than the clouds. Upon stepping toe to toe with the fortified citadel, Gaius grasps the wall and sidesteps around the bastion in search for an entrance of some sort. With careful caressing of the stone masonry, Gaius slowly moves towards the gateway and steps back and reaches under his mail shirt and pulls out parchment and takes out a feather quill and some ink and begins writing...

- Kal'Domhain is quite the sight, a beautiful fortification and one my Sariants have come to respect. Perhaps an extended hand in an alliance would be most suitable? The stoic nature of your men is most favorable to us, one that many of my Sariants have realized and cherish in this day and age!

Thank ye lad fer your inspirational description of Kal'Domhain. We would love ta 'ave a meetin' between our two clans. Contact Decks our clan leader and he can set it up with ye.

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An updated list of members:

Council Members

Kahn: Decks13

High Channcalor: TEEbrown

WarLord: Locke_Erasmus

High Priest: BenBestvater

Minister of the Interior: SwiftNSilent (Check for Activity)

Notable Positions

Brewmaster: u00893

Master Blacksmith: OPEN

Head Guard: mellowmatthew?

Groundskeeper: OPEN


Guard: Zezimus

Farmer: Nigthhealz

Undecided: biggs7

Undecided: smithy_boy

Undecided: Dantesol

Undecided: trotski24

Haven't heard from tha fallowin'



((If there's any changes to be made post it.))

Perhaps the position of Warlord should be renamed Minister of Defense, to better match the other council positions. Warlord makes me sound like an Orc chief.

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When Decks comes back from 'is journey we'll all 'ave a meetin' about various things. Just write down anythin' ye want ta talk about fer then.

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((Decks has been gone for a week on a trip in rl. He just got back yesterday but he has to catch up with work))

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Character Name:Randolf

RL Age:13

General Area/Timezone:Eastern

Short Character Bio:When Randolf woke up for is first time when he was a baby he seen a bright light, it was freedom and strength then when Randolf grow up over they years he got stronger and hes bones got stealther, and then it happen's.

There's a big explosion in the town and everyone is shoutin and runnin in panic but Randolf's father said to him'Dont worry son, wel be okay'but they wernt, there were trapped like everybody else.

So as they panic in fear, the towns get crowded and huddled then the huts start to burn and the tents started to fall, then from the shadows a strange man with a pumkin on his head walks slowly towards Rendo and says'You are going to be one of kind'then my father stroke in the way and held his sword to his throat and said'leave me son alone you vermon'.

Some people get away and some people dont, it was a tragic day for everyone, we lost our homes, our family's even we lost our power to defend ourselfs because we were all scared and panicin that day on...

10 Years later I become a soldier in the land of Ageis just incase that happen's agian, followin my fathers steps and what he completed and succeeded.Iv been trainin day in and day out for the past and for the future, to kill the undead!

I never had a mon until I was 4 because she terribly died of hunger and back pains but I forgot that now and my life is constrated on the prize and the glory.So after I while I rented a home down whisperin isles and became a fisherman and retired being a soldier because I got old and couldnt take it anymore, so I sold fish when I caurght some but I always leave some for me.

Everyday I go on my balcony and think 'father were are you' but I know Il find him someday, he might even be a hero or a villian but I dont realy care about that because hes my fatehr and thats who he is, and then I thought, why dont I be a evil and steal people's valuables.

2 days later..

I was still thinkin about becomin a villian and i had my chioce decided, it was being a villain because i had more of a chance seeing my father just incase he is evil so i signed a contract sayin I will never break there rules and I will obey every order they give me.

And then there he is, my father was in charge of the undead and ruled all ageis so were parteners and we ruled the entire Kingdom with slaves, force, and courage but no one could ever stop us....

Or can they?

Position Desired:Guard

Why you would like to become a member of the Black Axe: To become better and much more strength

Any special skills you possess: Not of what im a ware of.

Screenshots or links to MC creations: 2011-08-22_175008_349576.jpg

PvP experience: Iv been in a few undead battles

Anything else we should know:I am level 28 in swordsmanship skill.

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OOC: CaliMkali- Now I've seen you around Kal'Urguan and am pretty sure your a dwarf. But the forum's name throws me off. Are you a dwarf or an elf?

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Am an dwarf but somethings changed me to an elf. I don't know if it was the update or what?

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