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[Complete]Slave auction.


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To prevent any more random slave posts, I've converted this one into a general auction wherein anyone can sell/buy slaves.




Across the realm of Vailor, advertisements seem to appear evidently out of no where. During the nights of the following days, the goblin 'Kazil' pasted leaflets to posts, posters to walls, decorated sheep hide and acacia signs to homes, and even drew messages in the very sediment. The notorious Raguk 'Ud' brothers, and a human not worth mentioning had been slaving just beyond the city of Al-Wakrah, and had brought the spoils to market:




Wi hab been enznaga'in agen, agh hab buwt a tree 'uggah. Zhe kan du abuwt anytyng, kleenin', kookin', zhittah-zkrubbin' agh ebun' farmihn'. Kum tu dah Uzg wib a zum ub H'-Huhndrehd zhiniz agh zhe kan bi awll latz!"


Read the various notices.


((Nekkore. 500 minas. /msg Chef_wud, Masonf11 or FunnyMann_ for further details. Cheers. ))



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Alright, to prevent the influx of random, individual slave posts in this sub-forum, I've decided to make this one, my most recent, into an auction, where ANYONE SELLING SLAVES can post a reply to sell.


The original poster has been pasted over with another crude drawing of a dark elf slave. His locks of white were stained with grime and his face caked in a layer of soot.


"zNaGA fUr ZaYl. H'-HuHNdrEhd MiNaZ!" Read the message.


((Msg Chef_Wud. Price: 500 minas. ironmonger24))

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"h-hUhndreHd oAr lAtZ nUb gEd."



((500 minas or nothing. Also, I forgot to say that the first one was sold.))


((The trade has been doscontinued

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Yet another notice has been placed affront the Uzg, a poster large in size and slightly yellowed. Scrawled upon the sheet was blocky, white lettering with a charcoal scrawling of the slave in question beneath the advertisement. Beneath the picture was a slew of lettering in reddened ink, it read:




"Ug unce muur, zkahboiz. Wi hab znagaz!


Lat kan bui diz azh forh h'-huhndrehd minas."


((The slave, KittyKatGirl_Mc_ is going for 500 minas. /MSG chef_wud if you want to buy!))



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A scrumped up letter is posted on the wall at the cloud temple.


It reads:


Wod elv znaga forz zale. Wod elv malz, stwung.


((Price 200 minas! Limited edition wood elf!))


((Player logged off, void that^^))



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Trade Completed.

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