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[Magic][Tayl Patron] The Bastion of Grigario & The Arbiters


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I find the reserved, exclusionist nature being presented by some folk here rather offputting - taking claim in entirety to one concept and disallowing someone else to tinker with it creatively spoils the creative aspect of LoTC's lore system in the first place. If this magic was accepted, for example, and actually became a presence IRP much like how the Druids are now, what exactly would be the issue? What turf is being impeded upon? There likely lies very keen ideological values to both magics alongside very differing aesthetic values. I for one find the magic of the Fayen and it's dual incorporation of two different spectrums a very refreshing concept.


As for BNK, I have a question - this lore is giving vibes that it's essentially able to orchestrate demon-like creature creation from the use of Fayen magic and how it may change animals. Is this correct, given what your selected imagery portrays?

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Much of that is something to be discovered but yeah you caught me. If orchestrated Fay users can definitely use this magic for some evil shiz, even using their own persons. What remains unclear for me right now is if and when ET involvement is necessary. Likewise a crafty Arbiter might even lock up a fayless and feed off the pestilence they create for their magic. 


Fayless cannot be controlled but if you are clever and an experienced beast tamer you may be able to pull off unleashing something onto a town. Then again there is also the possibility to be completely on the other side and actually hunt down Fayless that encroach on domestic territory or even having Arbiters in total conflict or dealing with the actual process of keeping a fayless locked up.


It's likely that anything to do with Fayless attacking any major settlement will either be orchestrated with the ET or at the very least a creature application processed. The scale at which this takes place is directly affected by how this lore is received and developed in RP though so there are things that I can't really plan out yet but true to heart I am an ET and what I like most about this lore is it's ability to transition not only morally but from small scale RP to large scale events.



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- Added Fay Crystal


*crystal that spawns from Fay Tainted lands. Fay Taint is unique to this magic and spawns mainly from two sources. Fayless nests and Greater Fayless attacks. It starts off as a thin orange gloom but can gradually condense into crystal formations. Fay Crystals can throw other sentient life into a frenzy and in rare occurrences turn them into Fayless as well. (to create event opportunities)


- Clarified the emphasis on taming 


*The main use of the magic is to dominate beasts, the Fay's ability to empower also able to instill fear. Fear is not inherently a negative in nature as it helps set social structure. Fear is a byproduct of the Arbiters demonstrating their willpower over a beast but can also be used to scare beasts off. Taming is a process but an Arbiter can achieve great feats normal beastmasters couldn't ever hope to, even to the point where feral beasts could be dominated.



If you have other ideas regarding powers/spells for taming & empowerment let me know.


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Bravo, the aesthetic and feel of the art is quite unique and something I think would be enjoyable to interact with. The only thing I can think of to add would be emote examples to give people a more 'visceral/first hand' perspective on EXACTLY how it is the art plays out.

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If it is accepted that type of thing will be added to the guide. As for now it's more about getting the concepts down, getting a trial in-game and developing it some more hands on. Thanks for reminding me about detailing the acquisition of Fay from rot and decay. I will add that in now.

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I'm conflicted as well. I appreciate the effort put into writing this but I don't really like how you're trying to write into lore what effectively can be done in-game.


And it has been done in game. From the faith/religious angle of this post, it draws large parallels with aspectism. I'd rather not just have something so similar written into Canon all of a sudden via lore post, when many of us have been more organically trying to implement something very similar in-game through RP.


Like Callax said, the magic is quite similar to druidism, so if you must go through with this lore I'd say at least write in some connection with the Aspects and druidism (make it a splinter magic of druidism?) to make it not just a standalone diety who also happens to be able to control nature.

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Spoke with Leo a bit so thought I would post a reply for anyone else to read. 


Connecting it to aspects in OOC lore means that aspect lore suffers a revision which makes it harder to process in-game. There is an in-game faith that will in fact incorporate Grigario into that specific character's faith in aspectism and perhaps he will be able to convince others of this aspect as well. The lore is set to allow it to grow naturally in roleplay but until it does happen it isn't beneficial to tie it into the aspects directly.


A large part of this reasoning is because the morality of the magic is ambiguous and the moment you say in OOC that it is in fact an aspect, instead of a Patron of Tayl (so not an aspect at all), then you have to justify "Well why aren't they known" and the initial thought is that Grigario was tossed aside by the other aspects which isn't incredibly appealing. Instead of allowing the RP to decide what people will think they automatically will jump to the conclusion that Grigario is an evil entity rather than a neutral one. 


I do know that this shares similarities with Aspectism and I already have written up the character's unique take on it, having been separated from cultural redux but fundamentally it is working on a separate thing and could eventually be considered a different school of druidism, pending in-game growth, instead of a replacement for druidism as a whole. Work together ICly but keeping it seperate OOC to avoid clashing lore developments.


It's the fertilizer that all the pros use.

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Under review.

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This lore has been denied


Feel free to PM me for a full reasoning on why this decision was made.


Moved to denied lore.

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