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The Knightly Chapter of Laria


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His Imperial Majesty’s Chivalric Knightly Chapter of the Village of Laria and the Duchy of Istria


The horn sounded a third time, and suddenly I knew I would live, and I was weeping for joy and all our levied brothers were half-crying and half-shouting in this godforsaken Seahelm and the earth was shuddering with the hooves of those Godlike men who were riding to the walls.


For the Larians, at last, had come.”

- Excerpt from a Heartlander levyman at the Sack of Seahelm, 1559




From the ashes of the Regiment of Laria rises the Chapter of Laria, first amongst many newly instated knightly sects charged with the protection of the Imperial State and His Imperial Majesty’s realm. Already renown from their past feats in decimating the Rurikid Uprising of 1558, the heavy cavalry of the chapter strike fear into the hearts of many, skilled in the arts of warfare and unbent in their loyalty to the Code of Chivalry and the Holy Orenian Empire.


Stationed within the quiet village of Laria, known only for its sweet wine and knightly recruiting grounds, they police and guard the southern frontier of the Crownlands, defending against the countless enemies of His Imperial Majesty and protecting the populace from monster and marauder alike. It is not an uncommon sight to see a man bearing his knightly standard and the arms of the Chapter of Laria trotting along the calm pastures of Istria, every stalwart and vigilant in their duty.




“He who fights by the sword, dies by the sword.”

- Ser Vitallius the Bastard to the late Ser Thire, 1563


Being a knightly chapter sworn under the banner of the Red Dragon, the fiercest and most gallant of the Chapter of Laria derives from their gentry ranks. Every Knight of the Chapter of Laria is doubly a Knight of the Order of the Red Dragon, henceforth a fully acknowledged Imperial Knight of the Imperial State. They are given the privilege to bear their own standards, steward and maintains their own fiefs, drill their own squire to serve under their banner, and completely enjoy the designated rights given to them by the Lex Aristocratia.


All Knights of the Chapter of Laria are expected to follow and uphold the ancient Code of Chivalry, passed from generation to generation through the years since the times of the Exalted Godfrey. They are to be virtuous and firm in their actions, faithful to God Above, and warden of the weak and infirm.




“A knight is truly a fearless man, and secure on every side, for his soul is protected by the armor of faith, just as his body is protected by the armor of steel. He is thus doubly-armed, and need fear neither the magick of demons nor the blades of men.”

- Prince Henry of Furnestock upon the nature of the Order of the Red Dragon, 1562




He who rules. The Captain has sole authority over the regiment, only exceeded by the Emperor’s word. This man holds mastery over the sword, the shield, and the horse, and is appointed by the Emperor and his Privy. The Captain is inducted via a mass and ceremony in which he is blessed, alongside his blade, by the Archbishop of Metz. He is adorned with the Cross of Saint Adrian, a medal forged from the blades of fallen Crownlander soldiers in the Avaric Landing.

1st Knight Captain of the Chapter of Laria: The 1st Baron of Castern, Ser Vitallius the Bastard of the House de Capua [1563-]




He who is delegated through. The Captain’s right hand man, the Lieutenant is charged with the distribution of order, informing and evaluating of promotions, distribution of material. He may only rule when the Grandmaster is not present or if the he has commanded to take control. The Lieutenant is also required to be a master of war, melee or otherwise. It is not unusual for the best fighter to take this position, and in some cases, his skill surpases all others within the Chapter.

1st Knight Lieutenant of the Chapter of Laria: His Imperial Highness, Prince Leopold Francis of Marna [1563-]





Knights of the Larian Chapter are men renown for their skill in equestary, fighting almost exclusively while on horseback. Having been taught as Squires how to properly ride in such a way to make a lance effective. Also being experienced in using their swords once a lance has broken on the enemies that they’ve charged into, not ceasing to fight until their enemy is done.




He who keeps stock of the Chapter’s armaments, provisions and general storage, holding a keen eye regarding any deposits or withdrawals. He strives to keep the men of the Chapter well supplied, yet neatly so, in that no man will have more than necessary towards their task. The quartermaster presides over distribution of gear and provisions, ensuring all resources of the chapter are conserved carefully.

1st Quartermaster of the Chapter of Laria: N/A




He who commands. The Disciplinarian has proven valor and courage, as well as wit on the battlefield. To award such action, he has been granted the third-in-command of the Chapter and often is delegated to in battle to lead smaller groups of men, as well training them and dealing out punishments. The Disciplinarian will also reign over the regiment in the case that his two superiors fall in combat.

1st Disciplinarian of the Chapter of Laria: Ser Abram The Giantsbane of the House de Croix.



He who watches. The Censor is the pinnacle of chivalric values and virtues, charged with ensuring each knight of the chapter maintains their solemn vows and never to stray from the path of justice. When a knight does fall to debauchery and villainy, it is the Censor who reports such and ensures the individual is seen to swift capture.

1st Censor of the Chapter of Laria: N/A



He who fights. Those who make up the majority of the regiment, the Men-at-Arms is a vital piece of the Larian Chapter. If the upper command was the arm, the Men-at-Arms are the elbow. Without the Men-at-Arms, the Chapter would snap in two when in need of flexibility.



He who trains. The young cadre of noble scions and gentry sons, between the ages of eight and eighteen, who are assigned to train beneath a selected knight. From their knightly figure, they learn the arts of war and diplomacy, the skill of sword and pen, and the ways of chivalry and valour, they wear their superior’s knightly standard into battle, and follow the strict authority of both the cavalier and the entire Order of the Red Dragon.







The Duchy of Istria has long had a reputation of knightly retinues and chivalric virtues, derived from its previous rulers. Beginning at the time of Ser Titus de Sola, later becoming the first Duke of Istria respectively, and his band of cavaliers stationed in the ancient castle of Dour Watch, whom scored numerous victories in the bloody War of the Ducal Coalition and heavily supported the Johannian dynast John I Frederick to the Imperial Throne of Oren during the famous Horen Restoration, the Knights of Dour Watch became national legends upon the field and in court, feared amongst many and glorified by all. The Duchy of Istria became the bastion of knights and gentry during Duke Titus’ reign under the Ashford Dynasty and his short vassalage under Emperor John I the Relentless. With Duke Titus’ death to old age, however, the Duchy of Istria delved into numerous noble feuds and Imperial Diets, with the House de Sola vying for control over their former knightly vassals: the House of Falkenrath and the House of Roswell, whom later became Dukes of Istria by the Second Diet of Metz.

 And even despite bloody succession crisis with Duke Guile's unsuspected illness to gout and Duke Philip’s wretched murder at the hands of Ser Rendon Horen-Vimmark, coupled with the poor stewardship of the Istriot House of Roswell, both Duke Arthur and his firstborn Duke John, which led the Duchy of Istria into a militaristic and economic decline, the gentry culture of Istria survived and even thrived. Istriot values and knightly mannerisms became the example of the modern knights, taking new roles as bureaucrats and military commanders contrary to their knightly counterparts in the days of yore. Yet none of the Istriot Knights were unified, which kept Istria in its flea-ridden hole of rot and cultural decay.

 During the infamous Rurikid Uprising of 1558, the Emperor John II Sigismund levied heavily the lands of Istria in order to halt rebel lord Thomas the Rat’s advance, forming numerous regiments and infantry corps. Most famous of these, the highly trained Regiment of Laria, came from the small village of its namesake Laria, molded together by minor knights and aspiring men-at-arms, all whom famously charged upon the Quadinaros in the Battle of Dogger Bay and climbed the walls during the Sack of Seahelm. Even after the rebellion, the Regiment of Laria remained active, given charge to the bastard of the late Count of Capua, Ser Vitallius de Capua. Today, as the Regiment of Laria’s members gain more and more fame and glory upon the field of battle, its brothers continue to gain Imperial Knighthood and lands in the fertile Istria, replacing the defunct House of Roswell as the dominant power within the duchy. And with this rise of gentry, the Regiment of Laria soon became its own chivalric chapter, sworn to the Order of the Red Dragon and His Imperial Majesty.






Those who prove themselves in battle, in peace, and in other affairs are rewarded with medals and other sorts of award. Depending on their actions, a soldier may receive an accolade and a minas reward.




Awarded to he has been proclaimed Grandmaster. It is attached to his person upon his blessing by the Archbishop of Metz and shall not leave his uniform until his death or removal from office.











For his service to humanity and the greater goals of its race, he who has excelled in combat or in other roles in an effort to human dominance. This man has shown valorous combat when facing heathenry or gentiles.










The Crownland’s defense goes beyond the hills and rivers of its borders. The Forester’s Signet is awarded to a man who has proven himself in foreign lands or in combat amongst foreign geography. They’ve exemplified that the soldiers excel in all battlefields, not only their native hills.













The Gilded Gauntlet is awarded to those who have proven most valorous, most loyal, most skilled in the field of battle. Against all odds, they’ve persevered against an enemy and found victory as well as glory. He who bears a Gilded Gauntlet is a legendary warrior, having proven their greatness to the rest of the Empire and the brigade.












In the case of injury or falling in combat, if a soldier should continue on fighting despite grievous wound and complete his task to an even greater ability than expected and to a degree that directly affects the flow of combat, he shall be awarded the Eagle of Courage. If a soldier falls valiantly in duel or combat against the foes of Man, he shall be awarded this medal during funeral.












(OOC) Information:



MC Name:

Do you use TS3 (Y/N):


Chosen (RP) Information:



Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N):


Weapon of Sufficient Ability:

Do you possess a steed (Y/N):

((Credits to Heff, Publius and Yoppl for writing!))

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(OOC) Information:


Skype: You have it.

MC Name: hotboss_monk

Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Yes


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: Godfrey de Aquila

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): Man

Age: 23

Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Lance and sword.

Do you possess a steed (Y/N): YES

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7 minutes ago, hotboss said:

(OOC) Information:


Skype: You have it.

MC Name: hotboss_monk

Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Yes


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: Godfrey de Aquila

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): Man

Age: 23

Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Lance and sword.

Do you possess a steed (Y/N): YES

Accepted. Report to Laria to be given a uniform and room.

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(OOC) Information:


Skype: You have it.

MC Name: MrJoshy

Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Y


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: Thomas Williams

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): Man

Age: 25

Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Extended great sword and war axe.

Do you possess a steed (Y/N): Nay.

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(OOC) Information:


Skype: You have it

MC Name: PhoenixDHS

Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Y


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: Ryan Clamont

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): M

Age: 20

Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Axe and Sword

Do you possess a steed (Y/N): Y

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35 minutes ago, PhoenixDHS said:

(OOC) Information:


Skype: You have it

MC Name: PhoenixDHS

Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Y


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: Ryan Clamont

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): M

Age: 20

Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Axe and Sword

Do you possess a steed (Y/N): Y


47 minutes ago, MrJoshy said:

(OOC) Information:


Skype: You have it.

MC Name: MrJoshy

Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Y


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: Thomas Williams

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): Man

Age: 25

Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Extended great sword and war axe.

Do you possess a steed (Y/N): Nay.

Accepted. Report to Laria to be given a uniform and room.

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"What makes a militant chapter, a knightly chapter?" inquires Toren, the Bull Druid.

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(OOC) Information:


Skype: hunter.hunter882


Do you use TS3 (Y/N):Y


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: William de Aqulia

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): M


Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Warhammer

Do you possess a steed (Y/N):Y


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8 hours ago, LCOMSTOCK4 said:




(OOC) Information:


Skype: hunter.hunter882


Do you use TS3 (Y/N):Y


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: William de Aqulia

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): M


Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Warhammer

Do you possess a steed (Y/N):Y



Accepted. Report to Laria to be given a uniform and room.

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(OOC) Information:


Skype: Tylerah4297

MC Name: WarsongFarseer

Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Y ofc


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: Seamus Geminine

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): M

Age: 12

Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Sword?

Do you possess a steed (Y/N): N

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Just now, Areon said:

(OOC) Information:


Skype: Tylerah4297

MC Name: WarsongFarseer

Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Y ofc


Chosen (RP) Information:


Name: Seamus Geminine

Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): M

Age: 12

Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Sword?

Do you possess a steed (Y/N): N

Come to Laria to be given a uniform, young Seamus.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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