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[✓] The Effect of Funnelling Deity Powers


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-~-= The Effect of Funnelling Deity Powers =~-~-



“When Man succumbs to the sovereignty of Gods, they willingly subject themselves to the soul cumbering effects of deific influence; the mortal body wasn’t designed to weave the phenomenon renowned as ‘light’.”


The following is a liturgy bound by text, scribed by the infamous Gudour, the Drake self-proclaimed as the Herald of Man after the plight of Iblees versus House Horen; Gudour, Champion of the Sovereign of Mortality, who fended off the realms nether spawn. Betwixt the decrepit pages of a leather-bound book and scripted into the ancient tome would be a mixture of the eldritch tongue of Flexio and that of Man. Its spine cast iron to protect it against the annals of time, the book appears to have lasted many centuries without a scratch.

"For a great many millennia, descendants have known of the presence of Aengudaemons. And, for almost as long, they have worshipped and pledged themselves to these very Aenguls and Daemons, gaining magical abilities in return, so that they may further the cause of their chosen Deity (or, in some cases, the Deity that had chosen them). What they didn't take into consideration, however, is the very fact that funnelling the power of a Aengudaemon through a frail mortal vessel is bound to cause problems. Just as funnelling the power of the Void causes a weakness in Voidal Mages, so does funnelling the power of a Deity, though the results are often specific to how the power is funnelled and how often it is funnelled.


As a Voidal Mage taps into the unlimited potential of the Void, they are bound to suffer the side effects of harnessing this power. This is due to the Void being a foreign power, one which descendant bodies are not made to funnel. In this case, continued and frequent use of Voidal Magics causes physical degradation, often making master mages frail and thin. In a similar manner, harnessing and funnelling the power of an Aengudaemon causes a similar stress on the mortal coils of the descendants, as the mortal coil is not made to withstand such power. As stated before, the effects of this power vary greatly. It has been seen that Druids find themselves largely susceptible to madness due to the continuous harnessing of their Aspects' powers, whilst their bodies are left completely unchanged. Inversely, those utilising Tahariae's boons are mentally sound, though they are susceptible to incredible pains in limbs, muscles and organs if the boon is overused, courtesy of the power flowing through their body. Muun Priests grow blind upon excessive use of Moongazing, and Shamans put themselves at the mercy of spirits such as Ixli, Ikuras, or even spirits of mental instability if they are not cautious with their abilities or over-exhaust themselves.

Far more examples exist, but the nature of this phenomenon remains the same; practitioners of deific magics find themselves negatively affected in some way, be it mentally, physically, spiritually or more."


((This is an explanation of why deity magics have drawbacks, but this time making it so that all deity magics have their drawbacks explained in one go. Also, it helps us ensure magics are balanced, and may be used for future lores))



- Mephistophelian: Writing & Idea
- Tsuyose: Writing of Intro & Idea of it being Gudour's book

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Thought this was already accepted lore, heard it mentioned countless times before - oh well. Nice to see it finally being put into canon, kudos to you.

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How long does the pain remain and when would you consider the cleric to be overusing their power?

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Just now, Sigmarite said:

How long does the pain remain and when would you consider the cleric to be overusing their power?


This is outlined in the current cleric lore. The Lore I have written is basically a summary of what everyone has already accepted as fact, but a fact that isn't written down. The examples I gave are just that; examples of already accepted drawbacks due to deity magic. You will see that even the new Xan mage lore (and the upcoming Tah and Aeriel mage lores) abides to this lore I have written.

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Yes, love this!

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Paladin Dwarves nuff said

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